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Possible Communist One World Government ??

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posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 01:39 PM
Communism is not possible in realife but would it work in a one world government? Communism means all the people have equal rights and everybody contributes to everyone else. If one world communist government would exist, the poor areas of the world would be helped alot and the rich countries would stop wasting money on weapons and actually help out in the worlds. Share your ideas people!!

[edit on 2-10-2004 by COWlan]

[edit on 2-10-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by COWlan
Communism is not possible in realife but would it work in a one world government?

sounds kinda contradictory to me.

im a big opponent to comunism. it wont work on a national level, and it definitely wont work on an international level. people inherently care about themselves, and to force them to ignore the good of ones self completely is absurdity.

i forget who said it, but someone said that it wasnt communism that was so hard, it was getting to it that was impossible. to get to communism, you need an all powerful govt to put things in place. of course, once you have an all powerful govt, you aint gettin a communist society.

the people would reject it. the poor would suck the rich dry. wars would break out all over, chaos wud generally reign supreme. unless, of course, there was an all powerful, military dictatorship. then we really dont have communism, or even equality.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by COWlan
Communism is not possible in realife but would it work in a one world government?

that doesnt make sense to me

If it cant work as a national government, then how can it work as a international government?

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by COWlan
Communism means all the people have equal rights and everybody contributes to everyone else.

Communism has never sounded bad on paper, in fact, it sounds very good (Equal rights and equal contribution). However, it will never work because of a thing called "duality". It's inherant in human nature to oppose other viewpoints (just look at this forum), and Communism strives torward a sort of Utopian State. In order for Communism to work everyone has to agree with each other and have a social understanding of each others situations. Then the rich and powerful overt the system so that they are the only one's that can gain from it; thereby enslaving the Proletariat working class.

Communism fails as soon as it is established. Maybe what would be better is a Capitalistic society that realizes the the most basic ideological structures of Communism and Socialism, and tries to incorporate the two? Who knows...

I doubt Communism will ever control the world, as there are too many people that believe in the power of "self".

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 02:47 PM
"Communism" is a word with many associations and an inglorious past. Any future that mankind shall have must be rooted in the priciples of co-operation and collective responsibilty. Call that whatever you like, the labels are not the goods! How? Well, if a journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step, then let us be brave and take that step.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 02:56 PM
Communism has never been tried, what has been passed of as communism has been nothing more than totalitarian dictatorship. In fact, that's not far removed from our own "democratic" government. We get a choice of 2 main parties, financed by big business and corporate lobbyists and made up of businessmen and lawyers. Underlying that is a layer of the "establishment", senior civil servants, the old boy network who weild a lot of power and influence (without us voting them into any position of authority).
The idea that we vote for those that will serve the country best is a myth as, once elected, they will all run pretty much the same course and there's nothing that we the people can do about it.

Socialism is perhaps a more acceptable term than communism but requires the people, as well as the leaders, to have a social conscience, to help one another and to work together for the good of all. Unfortunately, competition is the way of things these days and is actively encouraged.
I don't have a problem with someone working hard and benefitting as a result but not on the backs of others less fortunate, which seems to be the way of the world today. It's human nature to want more than your neighbour (or so I am always told, although this doesn't seem particularly important to me) so perhaps wishing for a socially aware and responsible form of government is just asking too much

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 03:02 PM
Good analysis Britguy!

I agree that I have never seen TRUE Communism that holds up to the test of the ideologies it presents. Afterall, Communism is related to Democracy...a far cry from Democracy, but an extreme version of it nonetheless. We live under the myth that government wants to help us when in fact, even in the US, they only want to help themselves. So, I have often wondered just how far we are away from a "Totalitarian-esque (for lack of better words)" government in reality?

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 03:13 PM
it would be a good type of government (if you could get it to work). There will always b many people that dotn give a # about anyone else, and only wanna work for themsleves.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 03:16 PM
Plus look at whats happened to other communist countries(USSR). Yeah they were great. Right? Right?

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 03:18 PM
Forget my first post it contridicts what i believe. I think you shouldn't have to work for everyone else(If you do want to, donate your money to charity they'll help the masses).

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 03:57 PM
Communism would only work, when there is equanimity and no need for material resources for sustenance. Only then, can we actually take the first step to communism. However, without a positive shift in the collective consciousness, even with equality and independence, the drive towards power and ego, will not be far removed. We will find other qualities to obsess over: intellectual properties, aesthetic beauty, fame, technology, and again segregate society into a hierarchal social structure and thus creating inequality. Except this time, power will not be in the hands of the rich, but the hands of the intelligent, famous and beautiful.

True cultural evolution works with the synergy of techology, freedom and spirituality. If there are mismatches, it leads to instability E.g. Too much freedom without spirituality. Too much technology without freedom. Too much technology without spirituality.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Jazzerman
Communism has never sounded bad on paper, in fact, it

most things sound good in theory.....

remember the old saying about Communism...

Everyone is equal... but some are more equal than others

[edit on 2-10-2004 by UK Wizard]

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 05:38 PM

what has been passed of as communism has been nothing more than totalitarian dictatorship.

thas what i said. you some being to make it happen, and that being goes against it happening.

capitalism works. you start off working only for the individual, then it slowly gets to the point where its better for your person to create a state. so you and a bunch of others do. then you notice some other states, and you decide to consolidate your power, and form a nation, because its better for everyone again. eventually, when we reach the point where we are able, it becomes beneficial for everyone to be 'equal' or at least equal enough. a heirerarchy will still exist, but everyone will have the basic, in alienable rights.

its hard though, to do. and its very important to be very individualistic and national about it because it eventually leads to an ability to launch something on a global scale. and, think what you may of it, but the war on terror is necessary. maybe not now, but eventually, if we are to achieve a global union and harmony, it needs to be done. it wudve bin nice to have seen it done later, but that is beside the point.

my favorite quote on communism is:
Everyone is equal. Equally poor.

[edit on 10/2/2004 by Amorymeltzer]

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 07:22 PM
Have any of you people watched Star Trek? Cuz I was quite addicted on the thing for like 2 years. They had no more need for basic resources, everybody was equal, all the things you have are basically replicated, and they united not only a planet but countless planets under one government. Do you think the federation in StarTrek is somewhat like communism? Could that possibly be achieved in some unlikely event?

oh yeah and P.S Captain Picard rocks the boots off all the other captains

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 07:36 PM
cant say i watched much, at all. scooby doo was more important. but they had a heirarchical system, there was ranking, orders given. not a purely communist society. also, communism can work in small, sheltered areas, like oh say a space ship in the middle of deep space. especially since it often helps best for survival. but once you put it on a more macroscopic scale, it falls aparts real quick.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by COWlan
They had no more need for basic resources, everybody was equaloh yeah

On Star Trek, if everyone is equal, then why is everyone taking orders from the Captain and the XO. Plus when the Enterprise happens to get a visitor from the Federation, it's always an Admiral, and everone is on their toes.

Getting away from Sci-Fi, Communism is not the way of Capitalism. There is no creativity in a communist society. Any idea that a communist society has gained, has been stollen from a free society.

Look at the former Soviet Union. No originality. China. No originality. Look at Cuba for crying out loud. Everyones equal, but stuck in the 50's and 60's.

Even China is 20-25 years behind us technologically. Communism will flourish only when all the people who believe in freedom and willing to die for freedom, has been killed off.

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by infinite

that doesnt make sense to me

If it cant work as a national government, then how can it work as a international government?

This was the source of the schism in early 20th century Marxism-Leninism. Trotsky claimed that communism would fail if contained to a national level, and would only work if it was international. Stalin claimed that communism could function nationally....and spent quite a few years rounding up and executing the Trotskyists because they disagreed with him.

It appears that Trotsky was absolutely correct in that communism was doomed if confined to nation-states, but whether or not international communism would have faired any better is now only hypothetical. Nevertheless, Trotsky's prophecies of how and why the USSR would fall (many written as early as 1928) were very accurate, which lends at least some credence to his calculations.
Most of Trotsky's writings can be read here for those interested:

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 02:14 PM
Communism works only in communities with very few people. Once you have to allocate lot's of ressources, you are getting into problems. In Capitalistic Countries the market is very flexible. It basically regulates the distribution of goods all by itself. Communism lacks an economic system that works without plans. Plans do not work but result in: Too many boots and not enough food or vice versa.
On a global scale, communism would not face the same problems that it would in a national scale. You would not have to buy foreign money etc but still it would be doomed because of the people.

Look at the former Soviet Union. No originality. China. No originality. Look at Cuba for crying out loud. Everyones equal, but stuck in the 50's and 60's.

Soviet Union since Stalin = Dictatorship
PR China= Dictatorship
Cuba = Dictatorship
No Communism here. Sorry to dissapoint you.

Communist societies would have a different kind of innovation but not less.
Also Communism would give you much more freedom than you have today. There would be noone who is more free than you only because he has more money and therefore more possibilities.

If you look at Free Software, you can see a form of communism that works pretty well.

[edit on 3/10/04 by tsuribito]

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 02:28 PM
It is true that Communism works in small communities, one system like communism but not with that name is used in some villages in the North of Portugal for some centuries and it works.
In those villages, the cattle, the lands, the wells, etc., are property of the community and all people work for the community.

In communism the poor do not suck the rich dry, but the rich may loose some of his riches for all the community, but he would not be poorer than the others.

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 02:59 PM

I love your sig.

'Freedom is the distance between the church and state.'

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