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9-year-old prophetic dream, referring to 'beginning of end-times'

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posted on May, 29 2012 @ 10:18 PM
Why all the requests to stop reading?
Get to reading that last book so we can get this damn thing started/over with already!

edit on 29-5-2012 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment the dream, I was told that I would never finish reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy (by JRR Tolkien), of which a box-set of the three books had been given me as a present only a few weeks prior to the dream. I was told that before I finished reading the third installment, 'The Return of The King', that the world around me would have entered into the beginning of a time of darkness - indeed, I was told that it would be the beginning of the prophesied 'End-Times...

Is it possible that you were subconsciously daunted by the size of the books? As we know, many dreams are symbolic reinterpretations of events and thoughts that have occurred in the days preceding them. Could it be that your subconscious dream-mind conjured up the scenario as a symbolic reflection that you felt you would never be able to finish these books?

From a psycho-analytical perspective, your subsequent deferment of reading the book may have become a self-fulfilling affirmation of sub-conscious discomfort. Here we are 9 years later and the subconscious is once more squirming in its seat!

Your post makes several references to seminal 'end times' scenarios and sources - these are conceptually, viscerally disturbing to the minds of anyone who considers them as plausible possibilities. Endless torture and subjugation by evil forces, whilst a few others are tucked up in Paradise, puts quite a hook into the human mind; it's served well since at least the birth of Abrahamic belief-systems. Could it be that your mind has a foundation in these more negative concepts of Christian beliefs and has accessorised itself with matching trinkets and sub-themes like NWO and the notoriously slippery concept of 'Elite?'

On any given day, somebody somewhere, sometime has held the belief that the world was coming to an end. They've referenced cultural, religious and social signifiers as evidence that their subconscious wasn't in error and that they had actually received a message from the forces of Good.

In the 3000 years or so that anyone's been keeping score on the prophecy versus reality game, prophecy has yet to score. Its complained to the referee and appealed to the crowds but remains goal-free.

If nothing happens in the next few days or weeks, perhaps you can put it down to a trollish sub-conscious? It might also be an idea to stop feeding it with 'confirmations' by easing up on the websites and books that present life as an extravagant opera between sneaky forces of Good and Evil.

Your OP was intelligently written and considered hence the reply-in-kind.

All the best.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by defcon5

Pretty much everything has been fulfilled according to Historicism, and Revelation encompasses the entirety of the “Age of the Church”

One major prophesy has not been fulfilled from the bible, the destruction of Damascus...

Damn where was Damascus the capital of again?

Isaiah 17

The burden against Damascus. “Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, And it will be a ruinous heap.

edit on 29-5-2012 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 01:03 AM
I dreamed of 911, 6 months before it happened in great detail. Haven't had any dreams regarding the near future and end times though. The OP was a very good read, whether it be manifest or whether it be a warning or moral to the dreamer. It could even be an allegory of the OP's personal life, reflected through world conflict. Hard to say unless the the OP is familiar with the differences between said dreams. They take on quite a different feel and you really do need to have at least one other future dream that comes to pass in order to compare it.

I once dreamt of a future around 2074-2084 in which India invaded America in a sneak attack using a genetically created clone army of half pig / half man beasts / warriors (they were paratroopers). Have dreamed of a few totally insignificant futures in my own life, and before I ever knew the name Albert Pike, I met his blue luminous spirit in a dream where he told me who he was and a strange cryptic message I still haven't figured out.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by benrl

There is also another prophecy I'd like to mention. The day of Jezreel prophesies in Hosea. After working through them I figured out the following.

1. The Jews and Israelites were going to trigger a long term Leviticus 26 curse.

2. They were going to be scattered to the world for a long time.

3. Eventually they were going to be restored to their nation. And that nation was to experience the Day of Jezreel.

4. Then in Chap 6 verse 2 I figured out the time frame of the curse and the day of Jezreel. 3000 years. 2000 years of curse followed by a thousand year "day of Jezreel".

It's not quite over yet. Best guess it ends in the mid 2020s. So all things considered I would say the apocalypse would have to end before the "day of Jezreel starts.

Any time now.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 01:27 AM
So what happens to the whole wide world depends on wether you read a set of books or not? That makes you kind of special huh? I guess all the people suffering from hunger, disease and war will just have to hang on a little longer until you stop procrastinating and read the damn books (tapping foot). Then we can find out what happens. Longer you wait the more explaining you will have to do in the end.

By the way, best set of books I ever read. Including The Hobbit, did you read that first? That is the beginning and the whole reason the rest were written. So first read that and then the others. Movies just don't do them justice.

Another good read is the Lensman Series, Dune, and don't forget anything by Doc Savage.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by benrl
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Yeah, I can’t see anything happening there in the next few weeks – years.

Syrian diplomats around the world expelled
France says Syria air strikes a possibility

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

edit on 5/30/2012 by defcon5 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

It's an interesting thought, but I'm an avid reader and have almost finished all three books within the space of five days... I'd never have had a problem reading them, but it was a genuine fear of 'the End' that prevented me for many years. Also, the pic you included is the exact same set that I possess..

On a side note, every ending is a new beginning! I believe that at the End, the powers of this world will be exposed for what they are, and all men will have freedom to choose what to follow, with no veil of deception left lingering.

That end will herald a new beginning, imho. A world as it should have been - the hand behind all great wars of men revealed and removed for good.

ETA - I would love it if this was all a matter of my 'trollish subconscious'...! However, seeing the chess pieces being moved into place, makes me seriously wonder whether there isn't more to it..

edit on 30-5-2012 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by intrptr

Please don't presume to think I believe any of this depends on me. The timing with which I picked up the books was 'random', and I had forgotten about the dream until I ended the first book, over the weekend just gone.

If the message meant anything, it is that this week (within which I could finish the trilogy should I choose to - or not) will hold the herald of something that will effect a big change on the global stage.

It matters little whether I finish the books or not - it is simply the timing in which I chose to read that may be heeded if we deem a message is in fact there to be interpreted. Nothing of the fate of the world hangs on my shoulders, or on the shoulders of any one man. I'm not special, I don't hold 'The Ring', and I don't anticipate any significant role in anything of import in the future. By relaying the dream and the recent unfolding of events that led me to start reading the LOTR, I was simply being faithful to relay the message as it appeared to have been revealed to me.

PS - world hunger could have been eliminated by now, if the Elite had so desired.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by benrl

This is a key point - it is said that the ruling Elite are in some instances seeking to fulfil Biblical prophecy by their own hands; whether this alters the fact of culpability on the part of Syria, who knows?

If Damascus falls, we can all start to worry.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

Anyone who has ever been in the "cockoo's nest" knows there are thousand of clinically insane people making predictions. I myself have made some, so please don't think I'm criticizing you. (I've been in a manic state once in my life, and fully hallucinated twice as well.) I made very intense end-times predictions and was hyper religious in that manic state. I thought there would soon be rivers of blood (or that there already were, I can't remember). I was wrong. (Or maybe my timing was off? Yikes.)

Point is...people get this way. It happens. If you're "neurotypical," then I can't explain your dream.

You had plenty of time to read the books in those 9 years. That indicates the dream was wrong. If it wasn't, then why didn't it predict you wouldn't read them? I don't know. I just don't believe any individual's "predictions" ...including my own anymore. I can better rely on facts and logic to make predictions. More reliable.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by daynight42

You're missing the point of what many refer to as 'synchronicity'. The dream wasn't wrong, because until the other day I hadn't even started reading. The dream stated that I would not finish reading before some major event changed the face of the global status quo. In that I am still reading, the dream will not be proven wrong unless I finish the trilogy, and nothing of import has taken place.

Surely by using logic you can see that what I write here is true? It has not been proven wrong yet, though I concede that in a short time it may.

Or it might be proven true. In which case we'd all better head for the hills.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 06:11 AM
Found this on the Breaking News forum - seems that the plans are in place, and they've forewarned us of the next move.

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announces that US military is ready to strike Iran

See the post from Shadow Herder halfway down the first page, which makes some staggeringly obvious points, such points as our Western minds have long been propaganda-dimmed towards.

The sickening game is afoot.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 07:24 AM
Dreams are the realm of the sub-conscious. It is no wonder you had dreams related to materials you have read;recent or distant in the past. Television has been full of end times propagandist programs for many years. Is it a stretch to think your mind is making those connections to other apocalyptic material?

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by fredgbear

You've misread the OP - I hadn't read the books when the dream occurred. And I had not remembered the dream when I began reading them.

Anyone who thinks I'm a 'doom-lover', I'm not. I hope to be proven wrong. Who knows what the future holds? No man alone, and yet we're all headed there. It's wisdom to keep an open mind as to the way in which our minds, or the minds of those with our interests at heart, choose to relay messages regarding futures possible or fixed.

Consciousness itself is a vast and barely dredged mystery; dreams have, throughout history, often been regarded as a possible source of intelligence/ insight from a realm higher than our own. In scripture, it is said that God can give dreams foretelling the future, or offering insight as to which of many paths we might choose should the choice fall before us.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 08:00 AM
Thankyou for sharing this. I too have been having many vivid dreams, which, are far too difficult to explain, that have given me similar conclusions. Not exactly the same though, as i believe spirituality and dream translation are completely unique to the person who is experiencing them, however, they too have lead to me to believe 'something' is coming, what that is, i don't know. But it has created a burning desire within me to be prepared, mentally, if nothing else.

The things i have experienced in the past year and a half have been life changing, from predicting the future in my dreams, to learning of peoples pain through my dreams, as well as bizarre coincidences and synchronizations, i feel i would be foolish to ignore it all, but foolish to believe it all, so i can only keep my mind open. I think there are many feeling, what i would describe as unusual forms of potential information.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by BeforeTheHangmansNoose
i feel i would be foolish to ignore it all, but foolish to believe it all

Ain't that the truth!

I feel exactly the same when trying to analyse my own experiences. Every know again, I get this feeling that sometimes there is a greater statistical chance of it all being relevant, than just passing it off as coincidence.
After a while, I tend to settle back on the 'middle ground' to await the next step.

I enjoyed your post BFTHN. It is always refreshing to know that somewhere out there, someone is also wrestling with these similar mental preparations (I like the way you phrased it)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

"I have had other dreams that seem to suggest that we will suddenly be faced with the rapid descent of spaceships that had been masquerading as stars in the sky. "

A while back i was having alot of these dreams. Being in the city and looking up to see strange UFO's everywhere, majority of the time the where destroying buildings and what not. I could not brush this off as random thought patterns myself....

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by hoonsince89

Nice to know it's not just me! In fact, when I had the dream I refer to (saucers coming down from former manifestation as stars in the night sky), it was the same one wherein I later found myself as a part of a band of survivors after the infrastructure of British society collapsed. In the 'roving band of survivors' section of the dream, people were sharing news from different quarters of the affected regions of civilisation, and rumours were all they had. It seemed that these saucers had appeared all over the globe.

There was no formal statement from TPTB, as they had retreated into shelter/ set up militarised control zones and roaming patrols. Some of the rumours had the 'aliens' as enemy; some of them had these mysterious (and as yet mysteriously purposed) visitors as a friend of the people. The 'alien ships' did not attack - they just came down, and sat silently all over the land, around two hundred feet above the ground, as though waiting for something.

The very act of their coming down was enough to send society into a collapse... Food for thought - who would consider normal life a possibility when massive alien craft had descended in such a manner?

If the dream had been merely inspired by watching films like Independence Day, I would expect to have seen some sort of violence from the spacecraft, or to have seen an assault, ordered by our leaders - as it was, these things sat hovering silently above, and the powers of Earth's people sat silently below

Perhaps the pilots of the ships knew that their mere arrival had achieved the aim they initially sought. Maybe our leaders had been bought and paid for by the visitors many moons before they arrived. This dream was in mind when I wrote the OP and referenced the new film, Iron Sky. In the film (a black comedy), nazis who had escaped to the lunar surface after WW2 decide to come back and invade Earth - first having trained up the politicians to be their puppet rulers...

edit on 30-5-2012 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by dyllels

Originally posted by BeforeTheHangmansNoose
i feel i would be foolish to ignore it all, but foolish to believe it all

Ain't that the truth!

I feel exactly the same when trying to analyse my own experiences. Every know again, I get this feeling that sometimes there is a greater statistical chance of it all being relevant, than just passing it off as coincidence.
After a while, I tend to settle back on the 'middle ground' to await the next step.

I enjoyed your post BFTHN. It is always refreshing to know that somewhere out there, someone is also wrestling with these similar mental preparations (I like the way you phrased it)

It's people like you guys that keep me going. I know there are others thinking similar things, it's what keeps me sane. I constantly question myself, but i am constantly reassured by other coincidences and such that something might be possible. I feel the need to mention a theory to you, it has many names, but i know it as 'the sourcefield'. It's a theory pushed a guy named david wilcock, you've probably heard his name somewhere, but regardless of what your opinion may be on him, he is quite logical. Anyway the theory behind the sourcefield adds great strength to what you may be experiencing and feeling. I advise looking into it briefly.

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