+20 more
posted on May, 29 2012 @ 02:36 PM
Hi everyone.
I felt I should share this with you, though I haven't yet decided how much I place upon it in terms of what it portends to predict, and the manner in
which the timing of the prediction came about.
About nine years ago, I had a dream, which at the time seemed highly significant, and felt as though it was 'spiritual' - in the sense that a
seemingly powerful, wise and pure spirit-being was talking to me as I experienced the dream. In itself, the dream was more like a vision than a dream
- I was stood still throughout, seeing imagery and the figure of the wise one I spoke with as they appeared in front of me. I believe that the
spirit-being was an angel, or some other heavenly power.
Basically, in the dream, I was told that I would never finish reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy (by JRR Tolkien), of which a box-set of the three
books had been given me as a present only a few weeks prior to the dream. I was told that before I finished reading the third installment, 'The
Return of The King', that the world around me would have entered into the beginning of a time of darkness - indeed, I was told that it would be the
beginning of the prophesied 'End-Times' so feared and hoped against by the majority of us.
So ominous was the dream, nine years ago, that I actually decided that I would not attempt to read the books, and so they have remained in boxes, or
on shelves, in my various residences since that time back in 2003/4.
I had completely forgotten about the dream, and had recently cleared out some boxes of stuff from the garage - including the trilogy box-set. Having
placed them on a new bookshelf in our dining room, I determined I would read them soon-ish, as it seemed a waste to have left them unread for so long.
In fact, I read a different trilogy first - the 'Cosmic Trilogy' by CS Lewis. A great read if you have the time and inclination. I moved onto the
first book of the LOTR this previous weekend, on Saturday 26th May, as i figured it would be a way to pass the time as I took the kids to be with
their Great-Grandma down in the Midlands, here in (beautifully sunny and warm) England.
I had actually finished the first book (The Fellowship of The Ring) by the next day, so absorbed in it did I become. It was only then that I
remembered the dream of nine years ago, and the memory came suddenly, 'from nowhere' so to speak. By my pace of reading, combined with my normal
day-to-day activities and responsibilities, I estimate that I will have finished the last book by this weekend.
Now what to make of it all? I personally believe there's a two-fold message concerning the state of the Earth.
I will be watching current events very carefully over the next few days. It could be that some conflict somewhere will ignite the blue touch-paper of
global war.
I believe that in the midst of, and following this 'third world war', a literal New World Order would arise, but I believe it runs deeper than a
simple grab for power by the so-called 'Elite'. My personal beliefs are spiritual in nature, though I love science and enjoy keeping abreast of new
scientific developments. I believe that any 'Dark NWO' would derive its philosophy and methodology from a dark spiritual power, the Old Enemy,
referenced in scripture as Satan. This draws me to my second point:
The parallel between such an arising of a New World Order here on Earth, and the plot of the LOTR trilogy, is essentially staggering, and blatantly
obvious. In the LOTR, Sauron, Lord of Mordor, plots to overthrow all the free races on Middle Earth, to bring about the fall of society, enabling him
to then control the entire population in fear and misery, in servitude to him. He uses other, smaller peoples and powers to set up the 'game', to
arrange the chess board in his favour, and prepares to strike at a timely juncture and in a manner that he hopes will ensure his victory.
The biblical tale of the end-times is such that Satan will spend aeons deceiving the earth and its rulers, in order to mount a crusade to destroy the
earth and claim rule over what is left of it, no more hiding in the shadows or behind the whitewashed appearance of various political powers. He will
come out of the shadow realms to demand worship/allegiance, and will torture/ kill all those who stand opposed to him and his schemes.
I believe the LOTR trilogy was utilised by an angel/ heavenly power as a metaphorical tool to instruct me regarding the time and manner of the
'beginning of the end-times'. You of course may choose to believe me, or may choose to deride me, or may choose to ignore the whole thing. I
personally am convinced that the chess board is arrayed in the manner destined, and that the Old Enemy of our souls is about to launch his final
campaign against the earth and its peoples. Over the next few days I will be watching the TV, internet, skies and peoples around the world - to try
to discern 'the signs of the times', as we were instructed to, so long ago. There may be no major incident so obvious as to arouse our suspicions
immediately - think of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, leading ultimately to World War 1. We must discern and test our theories and the
happenings that inspire them according to the light of wisdom.
The Queen's Diamond Jubilee is this weekend - a time when the British nations will be attending street parties and open-air fun days. Could it be
that the rumoured Illuminati 'final card', the fake alien invasion, is scheduled to take place when many will see and fear it? I have had other
dreams that seem to suggest that we will suddenly be faced with the rapid descent of spaceships that had been masquerading as stars in the sky.
Another interesting side-note is that the film 'Iron Sky' was released here, last week, in the UK - for one day only in cinemas (23/5/2012). Such
an action, of one-day release, makes ZERO commercial sense.
Are 'they' thus using the film to play out that black magic ritual of showing their intentions to the public-at-large before carrying them out? The
film-makers are highly annoyed with the distributor (apparently). Did the distributors fall foul of a word come down from on-high? We cannot say for
sure, but a one-day release is simply ridiculous if the distributor wanted to make any money at all. What could their reasoning be? It baffles.....
Unless there is a hidden hand at work.
Disclaimer: Who knows? Maybe or maybe not. I claim no specific ability of foretelling; I simply had an intense and memorable dream, and am sharing
it - and my relevant recent experience - for you to digest according to your pre-conditioned beliefs. I don't expect to sway anyone to believe in
'the prophetic'.
Unless something 'big' happens in the next few days.