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Fury as school girls forced by teachers to lift up their tops to prove they aren’t hiding mobile p

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posted on May, 28 2012 @ 10:30 PM

Schoolgirls were ordered to lift up their tops by teachers to prove they were not carrying mobile phones in their bras.
The school insisted they were merely trying to enforce their no phones rule after a scanner revealed someone was carrying one.
But parents of pupils at Tomlinscote School, Frimley, Surrey, have reacted with fury.

One father said his daughter felt 'embarrassed and violated' by the ordeal, the Sunday Express reported.
To enforce the no-phones rule teachers have been using a ‘wand’ metal detector to scan their students.
However, it is thought that the wires in one of the girls' bras had set it off.

A group of six Year 8 students set off the alarm and was taken to a PE changing room where they were forced to lift their tops in front of two female staff.

[url=]Source[/ur l]

Seems to me that is an extreme violation of these girls.. they are in grade 8! I understand the want for no phones in school, but how far do you go to make sure about it? surely this is too much?

the flip side is, what is the solution? I have heard that some schools had thought about installing cell phone signal blockers...

edit on 5/28/2012 by Nspekta because: Forgot source!

edit on 5/28/2012 by Nspekta because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 10:33 PM
My kids dont have Cell Phones and they probably never will.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Nspekta

We live in a zero tolerance society

School is more about conformity than education.

Do you have a link to the story?
edit on 28-5-2012 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Nspekta

What is the source?

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Petriclivicus

Sorry! Done that a couple times today already!

Here ya go, and also added to the header, thx!

[url=]Source[/ur l]
edit on 5/28/2012 by Nspekta because: ugh

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by Nspekta

Schoolgirls were ordered to lift up their tops by teachers to prove they were not carrying mobile phones in their bras.
The school insisted they were merely trying to enforce their no phones rule after a scanner revealed someone was carrying one.
But parents of pupils at Tomlinscote School, Frimley, Surrey, have reacted with fury.

One father said his daughter felt 'embarrassed and violated' by the ordeal, the Sunday Express reported.
To enforce the no-phones rule teachers have been using a ‘wand’ metal detector to scan their students.
However, it is thought that the wires in one of the girls' bras had set it off.

A group of six Year 8 students set off the alarm and was taken to a PE changing room where they were forced to lift their tops in front of two female staff.

Seems to me that is an extreme violation of these girls.. they are in grade 8! I understand the want for no phones in school, but how far do you go to make sure about it? surely this is too much?

the flip side is, what is the solution? I have heard that some schools had thought about installing cell phone signal blockers...


wtf... If I was a parent, I would be irate! I'm not, and I'm even a little upset by this.

A scanner? wt... what kind of scanner is this? Call me ignorant, but are there seriously scanners that are used for specifically the detection of cell phones?

To have teachers do this is wrong on all sorts of levels, considering the position that they are in and the relationship between them and the student. This sort of behavior goes directly against the paradigm that we should have established, as to the order of operations and such.

Is there no on location police officer?

I suggest signal blocking the entire building lol. That should do it... although, in case of emergencies this doesn't appear to be the smartest of moves.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by hoochymama

Cell phones are almost obsolete so that's good.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Nspekta

Dude, you've created 42 new threads in the last few weeks.
31 of them just in the last week!

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 10:53 PM
... so this school can afford metal detectors but no one ever thought of a jammer ????

Schools are government institutions, they are allowed to get them. If my daughter was in that school, I assure you that some people would be unemployed very soon!

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by Nspekta

What is the solution?

Parents get together, take the school to court and force them to cough up a hefty fine for perpetrating such an outlandish act. That should make them think twice before trying anything like that again.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by Nspekta

Did they find the phone?
Carry on.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 11:34 PM

United Kingdom: illegal to use, but legal to own. Installation in jails has been proposed[

Looks like UK they are illegal, but for how long?

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Invariance
... so this school can afford metal detectors but no one ever thought of a jammer ????

Schools are government institutions, they are allowed to get them. If my daughter was in that school, I assure you that some people would be unemployed very soon!

I don't feel that a technology for jamming a cell phone signal would be a goof idea, only because if a student or staff needed to call 911 or emergency services then they could not.

I also do not think that banning cell phones is not the answer, they need to teach the kids that there is an appropriate time to use cell phones, and that time is not durrign class. For the students that insist on using their cellphones during class impose harsh punishments, such as detention, trash pick up school grounds,etc...

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 11:59 PM
Being friends with a number of teachers who work within Secondary schools across South East London and Kent, I can understand the issue with mobile phones. The distraction that they can cause in school, as well as the more serious side of thefts and assaults. However, I think to this is a step too far.

If the children are found to be having mobile phones in school at any point during the school day then they should have them confiscated and/or contact their parents with regards to a warning.

I do feel sorry for school teachers in this country and can understand why there is now a shortage. They are truly up against it. They have little power and unlike years ago, little support from parents who think that their little darling son/daughter would never do anything wrong. There is an increase in assaults on teachers at the hands of parents across the London area and still nothing seems to be done, the schools are bascially left to deal with issues themselves. Many schools now have security guards on site to assist, truly a sorry site! So with little support to do their job and with the government trying to take them to the cleaners as the rest of us, part of me can understand how extreme meassures in tackling issues in school can come about.

I do think that this is a step too far, but I certainly can understand how it has come about.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 12:01 AM
This is just absurd and delusional.

When I was at school we were allowed to have phones in our possession.

We just weren't allowed to have them on in class.

If we got caught playing with our phone in class it would be taken from us.

It need not be any more complex and moronic than that.


edit on 29-5-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by davidmann
reply to post by Nspekta

Did they find the phone?
Carry on.

No, it turns out that the ringer was just a pair of knockers.

Boom Boom!

But seriously, I'd visit the school if it were my daughter and enforce my Zero Tolerance policy of no one touching or forcing my daughter to be searched without MY presence or consent.

And believe me, my policy trumps any policy either they or any government would dare tell me about.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by FidelityMusic
The next step, cans and a string.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 02:33 AM
This is a good solution.

Originally posted by hoochymama
My kids dont have Cell Phones and they probably never will.

I work with children...
and we also don't allow phones. If children bring phones with them to my service, they're confiscated, put in my office, and handed to parents when they arrive to collect their kids.

My kids (I have 2 girls) don't have cellphones at this point, though they're both quite young.
If and when they do... they'll be on limited plans, and encouraged not to be dependent on them, especially where friendships or relationships are concerned.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 07:02 AM
Who really cares if the girls were a little embarrassed? There is a zero tolerance. It should be enforced.
Its not like they were made3 to do it in the hallway in front of men. or made to strip.
I'm sure they were all wearing bras so no more flesh was exposed then if they were wearing their swinsuits.

Imo this is just really being blown out of proportion because someone plans to sue.

Get over yourselves kids!

PS: I have a fifteen year old girl and I have confiscated her cell phone because she was caught using it class (she was texting).
Maybe the parents have some responsibility to ensure the kids are complying with the regulations.
I also think that cell phone should be banned from schools altogether. Not just during classes.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 07:12 AM
This is just another story that makes me embarrassed to be an educator. The policy in my school is that you can have them on your person, but the first time you're caught using it, it goes into a locked drawer in the teacher's desk and not returned until a parent picks it up. The kids know the rules and the parents support the rules. At the first school I worked for, my drawer turned into a "June drawer" (can't get your stuff back till the last day of school in June) because the parents told their kids that they shouldn't have been using them in school (unless it was an emergency) in the first place. I had many parents tell me to keep the phones, game boys, iPods, etc. until the end of the year. I had the school purchase me a small safe to keep everything in, as the old fashioned lock drawers are easy to break into. I had quite the haul at the end of the year.

Making young girls lift their shirts to prove that they didn't have cellphones on their person? Ludicrous. Someone should be fired over this.


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