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Anderson Cooper Owns Christian Nutcase

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posted on May, 29 2012 @ 11:16 PM
Because the interviewee is a dim-wit, and fails to offer serious, hardcore philosophical justification for her bigotry, this alone doesn't satisfy the criteria for 'poor journalism,' rather, it only demonstrates that she is dumb and embarrassed herself.

Second, because it wasn't difficult for Cooper to serve the woman her own ass, this too alone doesn't satisfy the criteria for poor journalism.

Third, although the dumb-woman is not the Pastor that preached this drivel, she obviously (and probably enthusiastically) volunteered for this opportunity to explain her Church's view on the issue - and this too doesn't satisfy the criteria for poor journalism. With this in mind, it is a safe bet that the Pastor himself would have resorted to similar nonsense to justify his hateful sermon. If anyone actually thinks about the issue of the moral permissibility of homosexuality (not to be confused with their 'feelings' about homosexuality, as with their 'feelings' about raspberry ice-cream), especially within the context of its ambiguity within religious traditions, they would undoubtedly offer better arguments than that which these yahoos can dish.

Poor journalism? Not really; though for me, it was more entertaining than educational.
edit on 29-5-2012 by kissy princess because: You know, I actually used a comma when a dash was more appropriate.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Snausage
how can people with these kinds of "opinions" live freely in a world like this and not get flak from everyone around them?

I used to talk to a lot of people over the phone every day. I would wonder how they held a job. Some were business owners. They were angry and daft, but carried on like they were important. Some wanted me to admit that I loved The Lord so they'd feel more comfortable talking to me

The general consensus in our call center was that noreasterners were the hardest to get along with. We actually took a poll
I found southerners to be more dishonest, slow, and hateful. I'm sure it was because of our location, Oklahoma that the noreasterners won. There are people here who are loud and proud to be ignorant.
edit on 30-5-2012 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 11:49 PM
Wow... I wanted to write out some meaningful sentence or two... but after watching her speak... It feels like I'm staring into an abyss... I'm so dumbfounded. People should be tested for intelligence yes... especially for breeding purposes.

How the hell can you interpret what that P.O.S. said... he didn't beat around the bush... he didn't hint at it... He said as plainly as you would say... fire is hot or water is wet.

just wow

I guess I managed to write that sentence after all.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by MeesterB
reply to post by RealSpoke

If you made a statement and I heard it, would you consider it fair for me to go on and try to explain what you meant? More so, would you like to be held accountable for my explanation of your statement?

Did you miss what was actually happening here? This was not a person that heard some guy say something. She is a member of his flock who both AGREES and SUPPORTS what he said.

If she agrees and supports what he said without understanding what he said or being able to pass it on then she is not only ignorant but also dishonest.
Why are you defending that, exactly?

There is risk that I can misrepresent what you said or falsely presume your reasoning. Especially if I'm as ignorant as this woman.

Which is why pastors should be careful when they spew crap to people that worship them.

Seems like poor journalism because he should've gone to the pastor for the pastor's explanation of the pastor's sermon. Not some yokel in the pew.

Do you know why he interviewed this woman instead of the pastor?

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 12:16 AM
To allign yourself and fully subscribe to ANY religion/prepackaged belief system or school of thought is by extension already ignorance of the highest order but there are those who take ignorance to a whole new level undreamt of by even the most ignorant brain dead follower.

I pray for people like this because...........what else CAN you do?
You can't exactly BEAT the ignorance out of them.
I suppose you could put them behind an electric fence and let them kill themselves off as they curse the
demons in the fence who wield the power of electricity. But then, we would be no better than they.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by MeesterB
Seems like poor journalism to me. This woman is obviously incapable of arguing the pastor's position, so why not go to the pastor himself? He would probably have the best chance of defending his statement. However, it does make the pastor seem ignorant by proxy, so maybe that's what anderson cooper was aiming for. Distasteful.

I'm a Christian from the deep south, and I'm far from neanderthal. In fact, ignorant people are going to be ignorant, regardless of religion. So, that was a cheap shot, mr.

I couldn't agree more! Christian and Southern myself, and can state that most such as ourselves are nothing like this woman. Seems clear to me she was chosen, instead of the pastor, because they knew she couldn't answer a question properly. They probably talked to several people in order to locate the most uneducated church member. That way they don't get the story from the person that made the comments (which would have been real journalism), and they get to mock people from a certain region. Typical of his program, from what I have seen. Far from what I would call news.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

So what you and others are suggesting is that had the pastor been there himself, he good make a great case for sending gay people to concentration camps?

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Oh, can you do me a quick favor. Pretend she is Muslim.
Now read the headline "Anderson Cooper owns Muslim nutcase."
Now imagine other Muslims come into the thread and say things like
'Hey, I am Muslim and I am nothing like that woman nor are most Muslims.'

Now before I go ahead and whip out the vast number of examples of times this excuse just does not work for Muslims on ATS, how about you all just take an honest introspective moment.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by Screwed
To allign yourself and fully subscribe to ANY religion/prepackaged belief system or school of thought is by extension already ignorance of the highest order...

I pray for people like this because...........what else CAN you do?

Maybe you could cancel your subscription and work on education? Well, yea, we probably can't educate her.

Yea, I think CNN wanted to pick a fool so the audience would feel smart and keep watching so CNN can bring in that advertising dollar. However, I'm pretty sure the preacher would respond the same way.

Really, religion is schizophrenia. It's also organized and perpetuated by unscrupulous leaders. I think we should put the religious and their leaders in a fenced in area and let them die out. People aren't born religious.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

Wow, so this is what our troops die for ...? So she can breath the free air of the USA. WOW!

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by HangTheTraitors
Christians in the Deep South are the closest thing to Neanderthals that you will ever see.


edit on 28-5-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

Christian: Check

Living in the South: Check (Charleston, the Holy City)

Neanderthal: Not last time I checked, although they did have larger brains than us, and my IQ is genius level, so I suppose we can consider it a compliment.

Liberals from the north who call others close minded are the most close minded people I have ever met. And I've lived in both places.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by Screwed
To allign yourself and fully subscribe to ANY religion/prepackaged belief system or school of thought is by extension already ignorance of the highest order but there are those who take ignorance to a whole new level undreamt of by even the most ignorant brain dead follower.

I pray for people like this because...........what else CAN you do?
You can't exactly BEAT the ignorance out of them.
I suppose you could put them behind an electric fence and let them kill themselves off as they curse the
demons in the fence who wield the power of electricity. But then, we would be no better than they.

Anderson Cooper is intelligent, quick minded, homosexual and has HIS PULPIT in YOUR living room every night. His audience is thousands of times bigger than this pastors.

North Carolina had just passed their Constitutional amendment defining marriage between a man and a woman, despite a massive campaign to seek voters who would oppose it. They lost.

People keep writing that he "owned her", yet, if a heterosexual reporter had interviewed a homosexual with the same complete lack of debate skills, then he would be seen as a BULLY. Bullies always pick on someone who is weaker than themselves. Always. Therefore, Anderson cooper is a public bully, yet people lap it up instead of concluding that it was an unfair interview. She was incapable of expressing herself.

Propaganda uses bullying - propaganda always presents the desired behaviour as RIGHT and the undesirable behaviour as WRONG. He is a hypocrite - the homosexual agenda calls for anti-bullying to be in law to prevent anyone from even mentioning that homosexual lifestyles are morally wrong, yet he uses bullying to drive home his agenda. Anderson Cooper has a nation wide PULPIT into your home each night, where he is allowed to indoctrinate you into HIS BELIEFS. And the fact that he resorts to picking on Christian pastors in the deep South to further his communist agenda is absolutely working on a Godless generation:

1963 US Congressional Record
45 Communist Goals

Goal 21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures
Goal 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
Goal 27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."
Goal 41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

In this thread alone, people have expressed these goals as their beliefs already. The PROPAGANDA WORKED.

You wrote above "To allign yourself and fully subscribe to ANY religion/prepackaged belief system or school of thought is by extension already ignorance of the highest order but there are those who take ignorance to a whole new level undreamt of by even the most ignorant brain dead follower." I doubt that you can see that you ALREADY SUBSCRIBE TO A RELIGION/PREPACKAGED BELIEF SYSTEM AND SCHOOL OF THOUGHT -AND IT WAS GIVEN TO YOU BY THE PULPITS OF THOSE WHO ARE TAKING DOWN THE DESCENDANTS OF CHRISTIANS. "Satan" has his job to do, and he does it by controlling the beliefs of the mind and heart. It will be packaged in tolerance, love, and false light, but because you already subscribe to his indoctrination, you cannot see that it is all false. Why does God tell us that nearly all of Israel will succumb to the beast? They perish due to lack of knowledge and lack of love for His Truth.


posted on May, 30 2012 @ 03:50 AM
Sad. Very, very sad. The Church of Christ is truly lost when you have Pastors talking about putting ANYTHING behind an electric fence until it dies off, and people so blindly following ignorance. It really makes me sad.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by blueorder

Originally posted by Amadeo
How very disingenuous of you. The acts of having sex and marrying your wife are done out of choice but that's not what's being discussed here as well you know. Your sexual attraction to females isn't a choice, and neither is a homosexual's attraction to other men. But you knew that, didn't you?

It is most certainly being discussed isn't it- don't be so prissy.

People talk a lot of nonsense as if human beings are wandering around doing things that they have no control over- I am making the point that, ultimately it is all a choice *unless forced*- that is not me passing judgment, I don't care if two men wish to have sex, still nothing less than a choice though

I would take this even further to the metaphysical conclusion....that we choose our life circumstances, our parents, our opportunities and challenges for soul growth, before we embody. Our lives are a culmination of all the decisions and choices we have made in this and all previous embodiments. I know that is a rather avante garde way of thinking, and non-religious/spiritual people will just say it's not scientific, which is the way they would view all religious/metaphysical ideas. A true Christian precept is that God gave us all free will. Sometimes it feels like we could not have chosen our life's path, but were it any other way, life would simply be a crazy, haphazard mish mash of chaos.
Mathematics tells us the Universe is ordered.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

I don't recall Cooper indoctrinating anyone by means of this interview - asking very simple questions that the useful idiots of the 'moral right' can't seem to answer with consistency hardly seems like indoctrination of viewers, or bullying of the interviewee. If she was incapable of expressing herself, then the question remains as to why she would consign herself to such an interview in the first place. (???) If such folks actually do believe what is written in Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Romans, then, on pain of inconsistency, they must concede that the 'abominations' of which they constantly bitch about ALSO include, things like shaving one's face, having a tattoo, acting effeminate, eating pork, etc. Because Cooper lightly touched on this subject of consistency and the dumb-woman couldn't back it up, you are actually going to wave your finger and call it an unfair game? Because Cooper pointed out that the proposition of putting an entire demographic into a concentration-camp is analogous to what the Nazi's did, you will actually wave your finger and call it an unfair game? Get real, dude.

So what if N.C. passed legislation that legally defines Marriage between a man and a woman; if the voters two years from now voted again on redefining marriage to include homosexual couples, would it actually make any difference with regard to how the myriad of religious sects in N.C. preached about homosexuality in general? No, it wouldn't, as the legal issue has nothing to do with what certain religious sects believe, and is not aimed toward having their practice or beliefs altered in any way. Yet, the issue you seem to be taking is with the fact that such a question is actually on the burner (and God forbid that the legislation is passed that might hurt the feelings of some religious people). Get over it - Church and State should be separate, especially given the kind of crap these people believe.

Lastly, this has nothing to do with Communism and it is laughable that you are actually invoking McCarthy-Era red-scare propaganda to justify your position, as most of the techniques employed by the U.S. government were adopted from the Germans, and were aimed to scare people into conformity, so that they would be easier to control in uncertain times between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. In fact, homosexuality has been traditionally frowned upon in so called, "communist" countries - of course, this is completely antithetical to Marx's idea of a free, liberated, and actualized human-being, but you have obviously studied the intricacies of Marxist thought so you know this. You must also be aware that the reason Marx looked down on religiosity was due to the fact that the dark-ages and Inquisition had occurred - the responsible parties being . . . dumb religious extremists!

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by PurpleChiten

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by PurpleChiten

The pastor and the woman in the video are not Christian, so "Christian basher" doesn't apply

Then why are you filling this entire thread with hateful Christian bashing? Do you imagine yourself better than them? Or wait, you say you are a Southern Christian, so I guess you only hate the Christians who have other opinions than you. But, wait, they are not Christians because they believe they are adhering to the Bible...

edit on 29-5-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-5-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

And here is an example of why there are bigoted stereotypes of Christians as a whole. The loud, the quarrelsome, the contentious. This is why people form the bigoted opinions of Christians as a whole. Thirdeye does not speak for all Christians, nor does he speak for even a general group of them. He throws his own opinion around and touts that he is Christian, giving all of them a bad name instead of specifying that it's his own opinon and views.
Thank you for giving an example of what I was explaining and showing everyone that blanket statements about any group (Christians, southerners, inner city populations, blacks, whites, etc) are bigoted and prejudice as displayed by your actions.

And thank you for showing everyone here what a tolerant, good, righteous, Southern Christian you are by judging me and many others as you have. You know absolutely nothing of me or my path. I was just observing your self-righteous judgement, and in doing so I became your target. I never even said I agreed with the woman, but I did say that I did NOT agree with the pastor.
I think you are blinded by your own hatred. I take in truth from many of the world's religions, and as such have allowed myself to be more open-minded.

But I will tell you something, I think you could benefit greatly by studying the Chinese Goddess Kwan Yin, Bodhisattva of compassion and mercy.
What I will tell you is from personal experience, that we have to have things happen to us till we finally learn the lesson of having compassion for every person. That being said, I wish you well and freedom from your hate.

As a final statement to you, I may be quarrelsome, but it is only in the mode of Kali, the "destroyer of evil". You must study Hindu philosophy to understand that statement. Good luck.

edit on 30-5-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-5-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:53 AM
Most people who use the self appointed title of christian aren`t christ like in any way.They hide behind the title of christian to give their hate mongering and ignorance some type of legitimacy.

as ghandi said: I like your christ but i do not like your christians, your christians are so unlike your christ.
edit on 30-5-2012 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-5-2012 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by Tardacus
Most people who use the self appointed title of christian aren`t christ like in any way.They hide behind the title of christian to give their hate mongering and ignorance some type of legitimacy.

as ghandi said: I like your christ but i do not like your christians, your christians are so unlike your christ.
edit on 30-5-2012 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-5-2012 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

A lot of people here have generalized just the way you did. I have also generalized about some things. We may observe a pattern in people we have encountered, but the reality is that every single person on this planet is an individual with his own set of experiences, influences, desires, and past embodiments.

You have made an important point though, and that is that being a true Christian is to Imitate Christ. I recommend the book, "The Imitation of Christ" by Thomas A Kempis.

The ideal of the imitation of Christ has been an important element of Christian theology, ethics and spirituality.[7][8] References to this concept and its practice are found in the earliest Christian documents, e.g. the Pauline Epistles.[8]

Saint Augustine viewed the imitation of Christ as the fundamental purpose of Christian life, and as a remedy for the imitation of the sins of Adam.[9][10] Saint Francis of Assisi believed in the physical as well as the spiritual imitation of Christ, and advocated a path of poverty and preaching like Jesus who was poor at birth in the manger and died naked on the cross.[11][12] The theme of imitation of Christ existed in all phases of Byzantine theology, and in the 14th century book Life in Christ Nicholas Cabasilas viewed "living one's own personal life" in Christ as the fundamental Christian virtue.[13][14]

Kempis writes that when a man humbles himself, "God protects and defends him...God favors the humble man..and after he has been brought low raises him up to glory."(Chap.2)[37] Kempis stress the importance of a good conscience—"The man whose conscience is pure easily finds peace and contentment...Men only see your face, but it is God who sees your heart. Men judge according to external deeds, but only God can weigh the motives behind them."(Chap. 6)[38][39]

A good day to you.
edit on 30-5-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by kissy princess

Lastly, this has nothing to do with Communism and it is laughable that you are actually invoking McCarthy-Era red-scare propaganda to justify your position

I know a lot of people here like to invoke McCarthy as a point of ridicule regarding communism, but it is in fact the truth that communism uses many guises and subterfuges.
Ex KGB have told us about the ways the Soviets have deliberately tried to undermine western civilization. It would be wise to study these things.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by kissy princess
reply to post by WhoKnows100

Because Cooper lightly touched on this subject of consistency and the dumb-woman couldn't back it up, you are actually going to wave your finger and call it an unfair game? Because Cooper pointed out that the proposition of putting an entire demographic into a concentration-camp is analogous to what the Nazi's did, you will actually wave your finger and call it an unfair game? Get real, dude.

Dudette, actually. Of course it's unfair journalism when you allow a person that is incapable of putting one sentence together to be the 'spokesperson' for the opposing viewpoint. It's sheer bullying, whereby the one bullied cannot even defend themselves let alone a viewpoint. I don't care if that viewpoint is the one at hand, he and his producers chose a weakling who only made their side shine like "good guys". THAT is a technique of propaganda. It is the same thing as herding people into changing their beliefs by calling them a bigot, dumb or an imbecile. Those tactics work only on those who have no higher moral truth.

Yet, the issue you seem to be taking is with the fact that such a question is actually on the burner (and God forbid that the legislation is passed that might hurt the feelings of some religious people). Get over it - Church and State should be separate, especially given the kind of crap these people believe.

Any legislation that is passed will not 'hurt the feelings' of religious people", for it is just another test for us to remain faithful and we will carry on teaching our children that God is sovereign in our lives, not the laws of the land that are being passed for the Godless last generation.

Lastly, this has nothing to do with Communism and it is laughable that you are actually invoking McCarthy-Era red-scare propaganda to justify your position, as most of the techniques employed by the U.S. government were adopted from the Germans, and were aimed to scare people into conformity...

It has everything to do with proving that Godless ideals have already been given to our youth, yet they have no idea that it's been done to them. Every single one of those goals has been accomplished in a mere FIFTY YEARS. How? The new form of Hitler's Ministry of Propaganda & Indoctrination. Radio, films, posters and controlled newspapers changed the ideology of youth to believe AS HE DID. The fact, you can't see that another Hitler is fast preparing yet another generation of youth to support his new 'third reich' is because you are blind to it in your Godless beliefs.. You are absolutely right, however, that communism did not support homosexuality once it came into power. History repeats itself, as Jesus says, there is nothing new under the sun - what was, will be again. The homosexuality issue, along with other issues, is being used to make a Godless generation so that it is REBELLIOUS. So, we'll have our revolution and then the crackdown, then all of those homosexuals that were used in the agenda to create a youth devoid of morals, will be turned upon - just as WAS DONE IN ALL COUNTRIES THAT TURNED TO COMMUNISM... That is the agenda, and that is what's happening. God states that His people perish because they learned to love lies instead of truth.

"Lenin had said: “The best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals.” His word being law in Communist organizations, all members work secretly to make young people of both sexes anti-social and immoral. Children up to teen-age are taught to rebel against the discipline of the home. Parents are represented to their children as old-fashioned. Parental authority is scoffed at. The subverters argue that parents have lied to their children since they were old enough to listen, regarding Santa Claus and where babies come from. The subversives claims parents are the victims of reactionary teachings and capitalistic exploitation. The child is encouraged to educate the parents in regard to modern and progressive ideas. They are warned that, for their own good, they must refuse to be dominated or disciplined by their parents. The purpose of this subversive campaign is to destroy the sanctity, and unity, of the home which is the foundation upon which our civilization is founded.
SOURCE: PAWNS IN THE GAME, page 126, by William Guy Carr, 1958

So, yes, whilst you prefer to think that this moral liberty in our western nations is probably some kind of "enlightenment" against these "dumb people", you truly cannot see the outcome - tradegy for every single group being used today to get us to the revolutionary state. Just as we decry this pastor's speech about locking up homosexuals, you cannot SEE WHAT IT TRULY MEANS just as YOU CANNOT SEE WHAT THE AGENDA IS BEHIND THIS PROPAGANDIST INTERVIEW

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