posted on May, 25 2012 @ 08:30 PM
I am 29 years old. Up until fairly recently I used to believe in the existence of Ghosts. This post is not to debate the existence of ghosts, but
rather to question the methods that ghost hunters use. I used to believe I grew up in a haunted house. Now that I think back on things I believe it
was more likely a result of an over active imagination. I would also like to say that I am in no way trying to discredit anyone else's claims of
paranormal experiences. The path that I have followed in my life has led me to a point where logically, with the current evidence available, I cannot
believe in the existence of ghosts. I used to read anything I could find on spirits. I still possess countless books on hauntings and the
paranormal. I watched every unsolved mysteries, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, Ghost anything. Like I said my switch in belief happened fairly
recently. What I'm trying to get at is that I feel of all the supposed "ghost knowledge" that exists I feel as though I am pretty informed. One
thing always bothered me though. I know that if I was in the business of proving the existence of something the best way for me to do so would be to
take the most scientific and controlled route as possible. To me it seems only logical that an extremely "haunted" if not the most "haunted"
place in the world should be chosen. Why stop with just one, lets do the top three haunted places just to mix it up. Next these places should be
cleaned, sealed, and sound proofed in order to eliminate any potential outside interference. That way dust, insects, car lights, exterior sounds,
anything that could be confused for paranormal in certain circumstances should be eliminated. The place should then be wired for audio recording, and
every spectrum of camera they can possible get. They should monitor everything: temperature, pressure, EMF, radioactivity, light levels, everything.
They should have all of the power come from an external source to make sure an accurate base reading of all these conditions could be measured. Then
they should do this for months or years even, depending on the level of dedication brought to the project. It just seems to me that the current
method of proving the existence of ghosts is ridiculous at best. I know not everyone trying to do this has the funds or time to set up that level of
investigation, but even if they didn't take all those steps, wouldn't it be fair to say that even the televised paranormal groups could benefit by
having more control over their investigations? Going to a spooky, unfamiliar place in the middle of the night to prove something you can't
physically see 99% of the time seems foolish to me. Why not investigate during the day? Why not set up cameras in a location for a week instead of 4
hours? The key to verification is the ability to repeatedly receive the same results without doubt. I also realize that the television shows are for
entertainment purposes and most likely their "evidence" would always be looked upon as skeptical anyways. I also do not think they totally
represent people who are serious about finding evidence of spirits, but from what I can tell their methods are not far from actuality. Also for
anyone that has had a compelling paranormal experience and would like to share below is welcome to. I am just curious about the opinion of anyone
else who may read this regarding my ideas toward proper verification.