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Fibonacci Numbers, Phi, and the Venus/Earth Relation

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posted on May, 27 2012 @ 01:43 AM
I haven't finished reading this thread but just want to ask... Why would someone repeatedly referring to the dangers of throwing around propaganda post a two hour long video meant to answer something much more specific then listening to callers talk about what they describe as a bogus paranormal vision. (somewhere on page 6... too busy rolling my eyes to quote or be more specific than that)

It started with music so I clicked way into the so called interview and just happened to land on something debunking ET claims.

Does it really take a genius to figure out there is something very peculiar about that?

My suggestion is cut to the part that is supposed to be relevant to the topic at hand if you want people to take the time to go through all that... and not appear in danger of throwing around propaganda as you are claiming the OP is doing. It's *just* a little common sense.


back to the OP... about the composition of planets and the core and crust of Venus. Venus is thought to be very similar to Earth in composition as I'm sure you know, while Mercury much closer to the sun has a much larger core and is mostly metal. I just found an article and didn't really study it or anything... I was just looking for something specific about silicon. This article claims that research should be done to see if there is a lot of silicon in the outer core. The reason I searched for this was because silica which is of course our crust for the most part and is a large percentage of the overall composition of earth... is made from oxidized silicon. partnered with what this article says, it makes me wonder if silicon rises to the outer crust and cools and oxidizes and actually makes the crust grow over time. This would explain why mercury has a thin crust and large core and I think Venus may be somewhere in the middle as it does have some potential for oxygen but it does not remain in the atmosphere because of runaway greenhouse effect and the hydrogen is lost out of the upper atmosphere.

The oxygen bonds to surface materials.

this article mention silicon in the outer core.

So, I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. mercury's tiny crust may be due to silicon not yet oxydizing and crystallizing as it doesn't really have oxygenating potential... whereas Venus (I think) is in the process of oxygenating it's crust to build a thicker crust over time and who knows... perhaps one day Venus will not be covered with such a treacherous surface, but a more oxidized, crystallized and cooled silica crust more like Earth's. A cooled silica crust would absorb water. Of course this may never ever happen as Venus has no geo-dynamo or moon so it has a hard time throwing off heat because it does not spin fast enough... and who knows what may happen... as there are always variables added to the design.

I just thought it was very interesting because the planets go through processes... and although they do not all go through the same things, some of the processes are similar.
Also, I'm going to have to read more but silicon is a metalloid... it isn't magnetic but can be when mixed with other metals. If silicon is, indeed, typically an element of the outer crust in earth like planets... then when it is somewhat prevalent in the outer crust prior to oxidization such as my theory... then perhaps those mixed outer elements which ARE magnetic and closer to the surface (because it has not become crystallized, thicker and more full of oxygen) making it's crust have more magnetic properties than a planet like Earth (when I say magnetic, I do not mean as though it has a strong magnetosphere but a superficial magnetism as opposed to being diamagnetic and generating it's own) and there is some magnetic quality that is attracted to the orbit of Earth since it is to close to us... and it is playing on that somehow. I wonder if Venus changes our magnetosphere even slightly during close proximity. There are videos that show the weak magnetosphere of Venus is mostly atmospheric and not coming from within it (lacks the quality of a geo-dynamo)... but it IS moving somewhat, and has a weak superficial magnetosphere. Some say they think the core might be solid, but I think there is no way the entire core could be solid. I think it is VERY liquid and it's crust thinner and probably denser than ours, having not yet crystallized the silicon.

This is another reason I think magnetism and gravity might be pulling the crust in an opposing direction of what should normally happen despite a possibly once 'normally rotating" core.

also, I wonder if mixed metals carried up into the outer core with silicon during it's cooling and tumultuous period (apparently earth had a very volcanic period)... is why we have patches (maybe in some cases) of certain metals in the crust. Aluminum is very common for ex.... and is also very light. It seems like this would be known but I am not finding a direct answer to that question, but it seems to make sense as this might be why metals are so prevalent deep within mountains. More of the crust has been up heaved. this might explain why some metals are found mixed in the crust in streaks, patches and layers.
edit on 27-5-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 02:18 AM
I also know that one video mentioned kicked pendulums and was looking at videos. This is more entertaining than anything but it's interesting as it goes back to the same design... and I thought it was cool because designs have been mentioned... and then variables to that design, but also the persistence of designs.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

You cut into the middle of the interview and then jumped to some weird conclusion? haha.

‘…you may never again look at any New Age movement based upon “divine” or “extraterrestrial” revelations in quite the same way.’ Fortean Times

The above podcast interview is with the authors of this book the Stargate Conspiracy

A 2nd podcast interview about the Stargate Conspiracy book.

Here's a good overview of the book

edit on 27-5-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by PurpleChiten

So that's how you deal with an issue -- ignore it and say "move along"? That's called censorship and being a thug.

This is a forum for discussion. If people are in denial that's not my problem. As advertising has shown it takes five exposures to information for people to even consciously acknowledge it.

At first I asked if the OP was Richard Merrick because the OP just reiterates Richard Merrick's viewpoint.

So then the OP has said that Richard Merrick was not even the "original" author for Music of the Spheres.

So clearly this is not a side issue. My point is more radical than that. The "Music of the Spheres" is based on Platonic mathematics that already assume the irrational logarithmic errors -- not real nonwestern Pythagorean philosophy.

So you have degrees in math and physics, etc. Great! I'm talking about nonwestern harmonics.

You're saying that the ratios can just be inverted for the planetary orbits -- end of story.

My point is that ratio inversion when applied to geometry introduces the issue of commutative or non-commutative geometry.

You say you know what I'm talking about. But Western science assumes commutative geometry.

Non-commutative only applies to the quantum infinite potential and to nonwestern music.

I'm saying that the orbits of the planets are not limited to Western science.

O.K. the OP focuses on the Fibonacci Series and the Golden Ratio -- those are Western math concepts assuming a geometric series that "contains" or "encloses" infinity in a materialistic framework.

If something is "spiritual" as resonance -- astrology, etc. -- then it should not be limited by the material realm.

This problem goes back to 10,000 BCE starting with the "symbolic revolution" as Dr. Jacques Cauvin calls it.

O.K. the Bushmen humans are 90% of human history from 100,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE. They are the original humans and their culture is focused on spiritual paranormal healing through trance music using the Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth music intervals.

No one there has any Western degrees -- not in the traditional Bushmen culture. So this isn't about throwing around titles. haha. It isn't about "appealing to authority" and saying move along -- ignore the issue.

O.K. so there is an ecological crisis on Earth while science has everyone obsessing about colonizing outerspace and how extraterrestrials will save us and how we can mine the planets for minerals and how there's organic molecules in outerspace, and how we should militarize outerspace with weapons.

So the ecological crisis on Earth is being ignored and everyone is saying - ah science is great and science will save us and science is based on the Freemasonic Golden Ratio.

Humans have only existed for 2 minutes of life on Earth if Earth has existed for 24 hours -- putting the 3 billion years plus of life on Earth into perspective.

So ecology will never be modelled by any mathematics. That was my point in the Margaret Wertheim hyperbolic geometry video about ecology -- Euclidian mathematics is very limited and it took women doing crochets to model geometry used in relativity spacetime.

So you're saying the Perfect Fifth claim for the Venus Earth orbit is just a "side issue" and so should be ignored? But I've pointed out that this Venus-Earth pentagram orbit is the focus of Richard Merrick's new book which is completely based on the Perfect Fifth pentagram supposedly creating a gap with the Golden Ratio.

From this ATS thread on the Devil's Chord

So basically there is a deeper mind control dynamic going on with this claim about the Venus-Earth harmonic resonance -- it's actually a cover-up for apocalyptic technology destroying life on Earth

A statement of Plato seems to show, that in his day the Egyptian Osiris was regarded as identical to Tammuz; and Tammuz is well known to have been the same as Adonis, the famous Huntsman, for whose death Venus is fabled to have made such bitter lamentations. As the women of Egypt wept for Osiris, as the Phenician and Assyrian women wept for Tammuz, so in Greece and Rome the women wept for Bacchus, whose name, as we have seen, means 'The bewailed,' or 'Lamented one.'" (p. 56) Watching closely the developments in Egypt are many modern worshippers of Osiris, such as the Skull & Bones initiates of the George Bush family. George Bush, Jr., the Governor of Texas, coincidentally announced his candidacy for President the same day as the TV-staged discovery of the tomb of Osiris, while George Bush Sr. plans to be at the Egyptian pyramids on New Year's Eve 1999.

Astrology is the ancient tool of the Solar ritual priests using mass ritual sacrifice of life on Earth -- astrology is the great distraction and excuse

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
reply to post by PurpleChiten

So that's how you deal with an issue -- ignore it and say "move along"? That's called censorship and being a thug.

Nope, that's just how I deal with
1. Trolls
2. Idiots
3. people too stupid to comprehend
4. Hijackers of threads
5. People who are stoned or drunk
Take your pick, no difference to me

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by ErroneousDylan

Might I add; the geometry of the 10 vile vortices around the world. There is a physical arrangement of elementary particles related to this which I describe on my youtube channel "mikefromspace".

The vortice, such as the devil's triangle , is a point where orbiting magnetic resonance of earth will attempt to spiral inward, moreso during greater times of gravitational stress to or from other heavenly bodies (ion charge based), so while earth's minimum format(matrix of bosons) is 3, this inducts using the geometry of 5 around 1 . It is this difference which gives the planet spin, a faster core rotation (right now it's slow, about 3/4 a second faster than earth in just 24 hours but will speed up again very soon based on a 12,900 year cycle).

Lines of actual north and magnetic north when exactly the same passing over any one of these vile vortices allows ships and aircraft (anything not grounded) to disappear into high density space being a positive ion which shrinks the atom physically as the USS Elderidge did in the Philadelphia Experiment just after casting lines off the pier, enveloping in a green sphere as even Einstein watched, making him realize something very critical about particle physics in his dying last words "Everything is relative."; just as we see the geometry of our earth has relatives in space.
edit on 27-5-2012 by mikefromspace because: forgot to add image

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by mikefromspace

Are you talking about some sort of physical shift that allows vessels to travel through "hyper space"? Minimizing the atomic mass so as to allow faster than light traveling speeds?

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by PurpleChiten

I think you left out 500 years of genocide against nonwestern cultures. haha.

This dude is the troll-idiot. haha.

So Venus goes against the Sun once every 112 years and then we get to participate with the energy of Venus.

Gee -- a lot of conjunctions to take into account here.

The pentagram (pentacle or pentalpha) is considered by some western occultists to trace its esoteric significance to an astronomical observance of the pattern of Venus' conjunctions with the Sun. This is not possible.

This means that the pentagram figure is slowly revolving within an oval in a clockwise direction, alternating either one or two points ascendant roughly every 160 years. There is no observation point on Earth that would present a regular pentagram. Moving further north elongates the figure while on the equator the figure is an irregular pentagon.

Note that Venus is not travelling in a straight line from point to point. The lines are a construct determined by the observer. Any running set of observation times other than those tied to the synodic period of Venus would create a recursive pattern such as that shown below.

I can see why the Freemasons would want to shake off the Venus Pentagram Satanic association but how about the Golden Ratio association?

Google Freemasons golden ratio and the first six hits are affirmative and the seventh hit is my own debunking of the Golden Ratio -- again by revealing non-commutative quantum physics as the foundation of science, not logarithmic commutative ratios.

PPT] The Golden Ratio – a Masonic Number File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - Quick View The Divine Proportion – a Masonic Number. “Geometry has two great treasures…one is the theorem of Pythagoras; the other, the division of a line into extreme ...

So if the ratio of the planets are inverted they're still commutative and logarithmic-based measurements. It's not real harmony here.

The real astrology of Venus is based on using it to predict weather patterns for farming.

The Maya incorporated the Venus cycle as one of the principle cycles of their calendar. They had an intense interest in Venus. During the course of their civilization, Venus was the harbinger of the annual rains and the marker for the planting of the maize crop. But, the cycle was slipping slowly out of alignment by almost two days over an eight-year period. Gradually, the marker no longer coincided with the advent of the rains. The priest-astronmers of the various temple complexes were aware of this and compensated for it, following by direct observation. They certainly had the temple complexes lined up to the sky that was a great help.

So this summer we get the kicked pendulum effect

The orbits of Venus and Earth behave like kicked pendulums upon each other as determined by the science of chaos. This occurs when Venus cuts between the Earth and the sun, just before that moment where the very first helical rising of the morning star occurs. The three bodies interact gravitationally, with the Earth and Venus interacting on each other in a manner ascribed to kicked pendulums. The Maya are noted for having a dread fear of this particular event.

Right so Venus is a key factor in the cycle of the Ice Ages and it causes asteroids to hit Earth....due to the harmonic resonance.

Interestingly enough, the Maya warriors would plan war as Venus approach superior conjunction. But the Maya are not alone in their dread of Venus. According to Velikovsky, Venus caused great dread in the past, but likely not in the way he suggested. It is interesting that one of the Milanokovich cycles matches one of the great Venus cycles and the fact that planets can act like kicked pendulums with one another. The key is resonance. None of the planetary orbits are in exact discreet orbital resonance with one another, which is good for orbital stability.

Am I staying on topic enough?

Venus and Earth have several near misses until, at 3.352891 billion years, the two planets collide in an epic explosion that would destroy both worlds.

Well thanks to chaos math we can predict the future of Earth and Venus in their secret love harmonic resonance

But then as the article states -- nope because due to chaos and the "kicked pendulum" effect any small resonance will amplify nonlinearly so that it's inherently unpredictable. So even though the ratios are simple the results are unknown.

So that's really how love is isn't it? haha. The only way chaos science can work is by the iterations of a computer doing the recursive math.
edit on 27-5-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 11:42 AM
Funny how people are incapable of reading something and not letting their personal opinions or beliefs cloud it to the point that they have to go off on tangents concerning their personal opinions or beliefs.
I don't have to agree with everything the OP posted to discuss what the OP posted on the terms of the OP. Apparently, you aren't capable of that.
Oh well.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 12:55 PM
nice post op. very good theory indeed! ive been interested in sacred geometry for a few years or so now. i recommend everyone reads 'the ancient secrets of the flower of life' by drunvalo melchizedek. it talks about alot of things mentioned in this thread. great read indeed! star & flag op.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 02:28 PM
I personally believe numbers and geometry to be the closest to Source's language we will ever come as Homo Sapiens.

Nearly all of the languages of the world require interpretation, every word has multiple meanings and every sentence has a tone. But there is one that doesn't: numbers. The language of numbers. Math doesn't lie.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by ErroneousDylan

While the number sequence was known to mathematicians much earlier than his existence, he was the one who made it famous to the Western world through his book the Liber Abaci (Book of Calculations).

Starting with "0, 1", the sequence is created by the next number equaling the sum of the previous two numbers. The sequence is as followed: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, etc.

Some of you may also be familiar with the Fibonacci Spiral:

Photo origination.

Many people believe that this Fibonacci sequence is the fundamental core for nature and its creations. There is much evidence of this available. The anatomic structure of humans follows the ratio of these numbers, from the body as a whole, to the details of the face, even our DNA shows Fibonacci number relations! The shell of the iconic Nautilus sea creature follows these numbers (Fibonacci Spiral). Many flowers and plants. Some musical instruments follow this as well (while they are man-made, it is interesting to note that implementing the Fibonacci sequence into the design of a musical instrument gives it the best and most "natural" tone.

I'm curious. Is the following your blog article? With the exception of [...] that I've noted within the quote, it matches the above exactly, dated one day after your OP. From ThOuHeEd SpAcE!!!!! by Syed Thouheed Ahmed(de Pride's)....
here goes the updated!!
ThiS BloG conTaiN AlL NeW AnD AmaZinG UpdAteS FrOm ThE FieLd Of EnGinEeRinG AnD TechNoLogY??? AnD aLsO MeDicaL !!!!!! .....
------>ThOuhEeD.... :

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Fibonacci

Named after Leonardo Pisano Bigollo

While the number sequence was known [...] to mathematicians much earlier than his existence, he was the one who made it famous to the Western world through his book the Liber Abaci (Book of Calculations)

Starting with " 0, 1", the sequence is created by the next number equaling the sum of the previous two numbers. The sequence is as followed: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, etc. Some of you may also be familiar with the Fibonacci Spiral.

Many people believe that this Fibonacci sequence is the fundamental core for nature and its creations. There is much evidence of this available. The anatomic structure of humans follows the ratio of these numbers, from the body as a whole, to the details of the face, even our DNA shows Fibonacci number relations! The shell of the iconic Nautilus sea creature follows these numbers (Fibonacci Spiral). Many flowers and plants. Some musical instruments follow this as well (while they are man-made, it is interesting to note that implementing the Fibonacci sequence into the design of a musical instrument gives it the best and most "natural" tone.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

Hmm.. no actually that is not my blog. I don't have a blog. But that is eerily close to my post... A day after my post you say, too? I wonder if they grabbed that from my post.

ETA: In fact, that is exactly my post =/ Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
edit on 27-5-2012 by ErroneousDylan because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
reply to post by NotAnAspie

You cut into the middle of the interview and then jumped to some weird conclusion? haha.

‘…you may never again look at any New Age movement based upon “divine” or “extraterrestrial” revelations in quite the same way.’ Fortean Times

The above podcast interview is with the authors of this book the Stargate Conspiracy

A 2nd podcast interview about the Stargate Conspiracy book.

Here's a good overview of the book

edit on 27-5-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

Again, it's really *just* a little common sense you know.
Allow me to explain. I did not jump to a conclusion about the entire content but rather YOUR motivaton for posting it because you could have cut to the chase without wasting two full hours of everyone's time... and what I DID hear was irrelevant to what you are saying, completely off base and it's pretty obvious it's completely unnecessary to the point you are trying to make.

My advice AGAIN is to record the part that you think is important to this and post THAT if you want people to listen.

You see, I'm not just going to do what you say and listen to the full interview by your psychological bullying because that is so obviously exactly what you WANT me to do. I'm just trying to help you understand that your method here is not likely to work when you have posted something that is going to prove a complete waste of many people's time if they choose to embark on this. What i did just goes to show that you can just pick a random spot in this video and it probably isn't going to be about the subject at all. Your motivation is making you fail to see that your actual method is pointless and I find it very discouraging that you cannot see that you are a detriment to your own argument. You must be trying to achieve something completely opposite to your spoken goal or you haven't thought this out very thoroughly.

From here on out, your posts will be ignored as "GEARED" and a reverse attempt to make people think that propaganda is all around them and is likely hiding things about these issues. It's going to fail to be as inspiring in the reverse as I think you are hoping. In fact, it is more likely a turn off for some to the entire subject because it is pointless filler and time is valuable. I take it you are not understanding this because you have plenty to waste.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 09:18 PM
You know, I DID just try to give that video a chance. I figured, well maybe i will listen to just one or two videos this guy is posting if they are not too long and see if I can at least gauge where he is coming from.

So I listened to the guy talking about the Venus transit... ok, great- he feels it's a blessing, good for him but why in the world did you post this since these things have already been mentioned again and again and you are not liking what they are saying? You are promoting content you don't agree with, then you go on the talk about how none of this can be calculated scientifically because of variation including the kicked pendulum effect... yet this has been established in this thread numerous times already. I have to say, honestly... you seem frightened, but hesitant to admit it... as if you are wanting to just tear up everything that was ever learned about Venus and say "LOOK, NONE OF THIS IS DEFINITE, JUST DON'T LISTEN TO ANYTHING ABOUT THIS"... that's really all I can gather from your posts.

But then I gave it another chance and listened to the next video... what a WASTE of MORE of my time.

For anyone who didn't listen to it, it is basically three people talking about the Egyptian and ET and divine knowledge connection and they are saying "oh, deary... we smell a rat" and "clearly there is a dark agenda here" and "well, we can't say exactly who is behind it but it seems to be geared for a mass following" and more of "Oh, I agree... definitely a rat"... and "well, this is why we felt it so important to write this book"...hint hint, nudge, nudge.

How many minutes of everyone's time must be wasted to say one great big pile of nothing? hmmmm?

I fully expect a "well, the next segment goes further into the details"... well WHY didn't you post THAT INSTEAD?"


And now that I'm done with my venting of how my time is being wasted again and again, I will say this about the kicked pendulum effect... and I admit it is going to sound a little like fear mongering but it never hurts to be safe... and UNLIKE SOME, I am just going to spit it right out!

I mentioned that I think that the composition of Venus may be very attracted to Earth's gravity due to my opinion that it's crust my be in a stage where it is full of unoxidized silicon mixed with other metals. Earth goes into retrograde with mercury and supposedly this effects us according to astrologers, yet Venus is much closer and it isn't so much of a retrograde because Venus is going in the opposite direction. It is rolling past like two gears when it is close to the earth. I thought this was interesting since Venus is barely moving as it is and is apparently slowing down even more and it's surface does weird things like the OP has posted about it facing us a certain way. well, this got me think that maybe the magnetosphere of the earth could slightly be effected by a close passing of Venus especially if Venus is attracted to earth in some way.

Then I got to thinking about recent explosions on Venus in it's atmosphere that are caused by the solar storm cycle occurring. then I got to thinking more about this kicked pendulum effect. Then I got to thinking about warnings of possible system failures that have even been mentioned by those we look to for answers.

I know the OP wants to keep this in a positive light and in no way am I saying that i think something terrible is going to happen but the dread HAS been mentioned.

All I'm saying is that I won't be outside trying to observe any of this, but will be remaining inside in case there just happens to be a flare, then explosions on Venus as it is passing the sun. I also will not be hanging out beside a lot of things generating EMF because i do believe i have already been rendered sensitive to EMF. I guess it would all depend on exactly what kind of wave it was to know how long it would take to reach us, but I'm just saying you know... You NEVER know. I'm not saying global catastrophe but they HAVE been putting supposedly deflective things into our atmosphere and we HAVE been warned of brief telecommunication problems.

Just saying.

Now, i don't want to sound like a fear mongerer so I'm going to go read about some other issues unless someone wants to come in here and CUT TO THE CHASE about this alleged age long ET conspiracy. We all know the conspiracy is actually just about money and power and that Hollywood and disinformation rather portrays aliens as evil so really... who has been trying to shove ET doctrine down my throat? CLEARLY it is the OPPOSITE of that agenda. I can't believe they mentioned applewhite. CLEARLY there is more to that story than ET brainwashing or they wouldn't have made it so obvious if they had that kind of power. It had to be on a collective scale to get the publicity they NEEDED for that little piece of disinfo.

edit on 27-5-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 11:08 PM
O.K. so I made the bold move of googling

bad astronomy 13:8 venus.

Referring to BAUT - Phil Plait's infamous astronomer's forum debunking pseudoscience. I think my own work has been debunked on the BAUT forum in passing back in the day -- so I'm not just some BAUT-aligned debunker.

Should note here that Venus and Earth are not in a resonance, but rather their orbital periods are simply near ratios of 13:8. A resonance involves much more dynamic interactions between bodies, it's a lot more than just an orbital period ratio.

This is what I was wondering about -- Here's their latest Venus pentagram thread

So then there's this comment:

The 8:13 ratio is only approximate. It would have to be exact over the long run for there to be a physical resonance due to gravitational interactions resulting from the celestial mechanics. There are a few true resonances in the solar system, e.g. Mercury’s axial rotation or the three inner Galilean satellites. But most are only approximations, e.g. Jupiter/Saturn 2:5 orbital periods. Approximate “resonances” with ratios involving relatively small integers can be devised for almost any comparisons of orbital periods. They are generally not the consequences of orbital mechanics, but of ordinary mathematical manipulations.

O.K. I had known about the Jupiter/Saturn orbital period resonance which, using chaos science again, is known to cause asteroids and comets to hit Earth -- about every time there have been mass extinctions in the past -- every couple hundred million years or so...

O.K. so how does that apply to the Venus/Earth case? We get this clarification:

But the masses of Earth and Venus are so small and their spatial separations are so large that an exact resonance has not been able to develop during more than four billion years. Perturbations from other bodies such as Jupiter upset the process. Numerical integrations going forward a few million years show no further tendency toward an exact ratio in this case. Generally, true resonances involve ratios comparing integers no greater than 3.

Right so Saturn/Jupiter -- much bigger masses, closer together and the resonance is a smaller number 2:5.

So now we can see that this is truly significant compared to the Venus/Earth 13:8.

So that debunks the kicked pendulum claim for Venus/Earth (which does apply to Saturn/Jupiter though).

O.K. so what are left with:

The 13:8 is the consequence of chaos logarithmic math.

The resonance does not affect Earth in terms of gravity. Maybe through occult astrological means that are unknown -- some electromagnetic plasma or something.

I realize the Perfect Fifth discussion has been declared officially taboo -- or a side issue that is no longer supposed to be mentioned.

So consider it mentioned only in the sense of affirming it's official non-existence. haha.

Then there's the Pentagram itself - its position is only based on the person's position of measurement on Earth -- not on the planet as a whole. This was pointed out by the Freemason's disowning this Venus Pentagram association...but here it is again in this other BAUT thread

Next conjunction I plan to move from my previous position to a location about 100 feet higher, thereby shifting the Earth's center of gravity and ruining the "perfect" pentagram as well as the "exact" alignment. Actually I won't have to do that, since the Earth's center of gravity is constantly shifting all the time. Same deal re the geometric center.

O.K. so is there a gravity resonance between Venus and Earth?

Whenever Venus and Earth arrive at the closest point in their orbits, Venus always presents the same face to us. This could mean that Earth's gravity is tugging subtly on Venus, affecting its rotation rate. That idea, raised decades ago, was disregarded when it turned out that Venus is spinning too fast to be in such a gravitational "resonance". But Earth could still be pulling on Venus by controlling its core, according to calculations by Gérard Caudal of the University of Versailles-Saint Quentin (Journal of Geophysical Research, in press). Caudal made large assumptions about Venus's interior, which we know little about.

That's New Scientist 2010 -- so if there is one it's Earth affecting Venus not Venus affecting Earth
edit on 27-5-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-5-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 01:07 AM
I find it very hard to see how the rotation of Venus could ever be considered "fast" It is moving so slow that it's orbit is faster... which points to the idea that on the surface, it's really not rotating at all... but that it's orbit, partnered with external gravitational influence is causing it to change it's rotational proximity.

take for example the scrambler machine at fairs. The 3 cars on each arm do not spin, but once the center begins turning, the gravity makes the cars slightly rotate and a slightly shifting pattern is produced for each car.

I'll repeat what i have stated before. venus has NO INTERNAL DYNAMO. It does not rotate on it's own, it just changes rotational proximity in a very odd pattern that is apparently considered relative to Earth somehow because if it DID rotate ON IT'S OWN... It would have a least some kind of diamagnetism.... and thus a magnetosphere.

It has NONE of these.

the core however is more of a mystery. I believe it could be moving but is too fluid to create convection. It could be all so intensely hot that there is simply no differential inside of it to cause significant polarity. It's magnetosphere is superficial and does not exist within the core. heat effects magnetic field. If the entire core is highly fluid, then there is little chance it can maintain a field, whereas when it becomes partially solid as it cools, it will create it's own diamagnatism. people who say the core is solid are not thinking. People who say the core is magnetic have forgotten there is simply no geodynamo within the core. this is why i believe it's magnetism is closer to the surface where it is still hot, but not as hot as you know the core must be with it's runaway greenhouse effect. that's just common sense. It's crust is being pulled at and it changes proximity, but you can hardly call that rotation... much less FAST rotation.... I'm very surprised that people in the scientific community come up with such notions when it is well known it has no internal magnetosphere... but then again, some people believe this thing could have a solid core.... which is completely ridiculous.
edit on 28-5-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 01:22 AM
I just searched for videos of the scrambler to make sure that I was correct in thinking the cars themselves do not turn via motor, but that they are on pivots that turn by gravity producing certain patterns... and it's true I believe from what I can see. Of course the thing is so small that the pattern is really fast but check this little boy out.

He has apparently figured out this pattern and is using this opportunity to make his feelings known.

this is so funny.

edit on 28-5-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by ErroneousDylan
reply to post by Mary Rose

Hmm.. no actually that is not my blog. I don't have a blog. But that is eerily close to my post... A day after my post you say, too? I wonder if they grabbed that from my post.

ETA: In fact, that is exactly my post =/ Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
edit on 27-5-2012 by ErroneousDylan because: (no reason given)

Wow, I just checked that blog and every single post on there is plagarized from somewhere else. Do they have Terms of Service for that site?

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by PurpleChiten

Originally posted by ErroneousDylan
reply to post by Mary Rose

Hmm.. no actually that is not my blog. I don't have a blog. But that is eerily close to my post... A day after my post you say, too? I wonder if they grabbed that from my post.

ETA: In fact, that is exactly my post =/ Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
edit on 27-5-2012 by ErroneousDylan because: (no reason given)

Wow, I just checked that blog and every single post on there is plagarized from somewhere else. Do they have Terms of Service for that site?

I too checked. It's a spam site trying to quickly generate revenue through ads. At least, that's how it comes off. I reported them to BlogSpot. I don't mind people taking what I write but credit would be nice hehe. Either way, it should be reported as its also taking from people's private websites.

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