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Fundamentalist Christianity: a mind control CULT?

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posted on May, 25 2012 @ 12:47 AM
interesting how some want you to believe that it is them who are meant to be saved, but it is them who want others to war with Israel by going around trying to pick fights. the people who are in that land who do not want war are innocent of those things, but some groups want very much to have all Jews centered in that location... and they want to start a fight with other countries who are going to turn around and retaliate.

the people who try to get everyone pissed of at Israel probably do not even live there.
they just try to represent all Jewish people who live in that area... which could be called palestine or anything else, it doesn't matter.

Read about the 25 prophets of Islam and understand that every one of them is an important biblical figure with Jesus being the last messenger of God right before Muhammad. Now i don't agree with everything i read about Islam Or Christianity for that matter ( I think bowing to mecca is idolatry, which they despise... but it is believed to be built by ABRAHAM and so it is revered)... but my point is that they worship the same one true God.... even if people do not realize this.

If they can gather a lot of people in Jerusalem... and in places like mecca... and start a huge war.... that knocks out a lot of faithful people at once... for the elite synagogue of Satan.

why would a leader representing a people of a certain faith who claims to be OF that faith be targeting countries and spreading lies that would only get the people hurt?

HE WOULDN'T.... unless his agenda is an ulterior one.

Palestinians and people of israel could live together in peace if these people would stop trying to start fights among them... speaking loudly of crusade type ideals, meant to upset those who don't see the connection.

there is nothing to fight about.
they worship the same god... it's just that politics has separated them into warring groups who have lost their connection with each other because of the lies they have been told.
edit on 25-5-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by autowrench

The majestic plural (pluralis maiestatis/majestatis in Latin, literally, "the plural of majesty," maiestatis being in the genitive case), is the use of a plural pronoun to refer to a single person holding a high office, such as a monarch, bishop, or pope. It is also called the royal pronoun, the royal "we" or the Victorian "we". The more general word for the use of we to refer to oneself is nosism, from the Latin nos.[1] It is most commonly used to denote the excellence, power, and dignity of the person that speaks or writes.

He could also be talking with Jesus.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by protocolsoflove

I am set then.

reply to post by W3RLIED2

Didn't he tell his Disciples to drink the wine for it his blood? The guy's blood is wine...

reply to post by protocolsoflove

He doesn't really live in a cave, it's more of a grotto.

reply to post by Wonders

Freemasonry also says to be moderate and never given in to excessive, vicious, or licentious behaviors.

As for your link, that is their interpretation, parts of it I do agree with, but then parts of it I don't agree with.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by network dude
This is one of those TABOO subjects that most folks don't ask about. But anyone who has had a family member convert to Born again fundamentalism has possibly seen these changes in their loved one. After seeing two close family members go this route, it was scary to see the change. They immediately changed their stance on many subjects. People who claim to be Christians, spit fire and damnation at anyone who doesn't fit into the tiny, tiny little box of agreement. It's the most un-Christian thing I have ever seen.
It seemed after they stopped attending regular services, they started to become normal again. This is a very dangerous secret society as they take away the personalities of your family and friends and replace it with robots who try to beat you with the Jesus stick.
I consider myself to be a Christian and have no hatred towards these people,but I am sad at the years I missed while casually avoiding these members of the family.

Anyone can consider themselves a Christian. I notice amongst ATS members that opposition to Christianity seems more prevalent than the Masonic cult, the symbol you bear on your avatar, a Masonic compass on a mask. From that it wouldn't be so impossible for me to consider that you may be a Freemason in Christian clothes, so to speak. How can you casually avoid "these people" if you have no hatred towards them, can you honestly say that you want them to have eternal life when you casually avoid them? There is no segregation in heaven. Robots...can I ask, why did you choose that Masonic compass Mask as your avatar? Does it help you to express your personality?
edit on 10/01/11 by Wonders because: To add.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by protocolsoflove

Originally posted by NotAnAspie
yes, this particular group of Christians (among other groups) are brainwashing people and they learned how to do it from Israeli Zionists.

seriously, the two are tight-nit.

i was reading about how the temple mount movement... that is an organization hell bent... actually had a spell of making themselves seem a little more moderate despite being banned from doing certain things in Jerusalem and during this seemingly moderate spell they warmed up to the christian fundamentalists even more... and so even more the CF are pulling even more for the Zionists even though it is contrary to the words and prophecies of their own faith.


So true. Many occult puppet masters are zionists (or british israelism). 9/11 was a zionist attack. WW1...WW2...zionist wars. They are the KABALLISTS (hear that G for Gnostics?) who are also immensely bigoted and racist. Just look at the poor palestinians. They also implanted their agenda into the catholic church long ago. They forced the holiday of christmas which is a day of sun worship. They made the sabbath SUN day instead of jesus' saturday (although i'm sure those who worship saturn were glad to get their day back). So now today when we say masonry is sun worship they can point fingers at christianity too. Bible says Jesus was born in the spring...why do people choose to believe the hoax that dec. 25 is his birthday?

... and by use of things like reverse psychology, they put a spin on the whole thing by claiming themselves to be Jews and echoing the rights and voices of the people... when the people could have just been left alone and a lot of these things could have been avoided. Funny how even though many of these who started this are British, one of the first terrorist attacks EVER was in Palestine ON British diplomats. They knew exactly where they were, they knew exactly how to drive the message home to other influential Brits and Europeans that these people would NOT stop. they fueled Jewish resentment and racism and employed them into terrorism just as they fuel Arab resentment and employ them into terrorism... like chess pieces.

they care nothing about anyone's actual faith, they just want to exhaust the people of the region by turning them against one another... to plunder what is left after they destroy it... and the more Jews they can send BACK to the region (like Hagees dirty mob money of 8.5million for returning Jews to Israel) is just to help cover the tracks so no one remembers because if they don't know he history or read the books, they will be none the wiser and those who do will be dead.

I look forward to watching this.
edit on 25-5-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 01:17 AM
I was raised in a "Christian home", my whole family is religious, except for me. Plus I was raised around PLENTY of Christians. And I can tell you from 27 years of experience with Christian people, that most of them have no clue about what the Bible actually says; a lot of them rely on what the preacher has to say about the Bible, instead of reading it for themselves. And usually even the ones who do read it miss key points, due to the fact that they already assume they know what the Bible is all about, so a lot of them do not read it carefully. But I have read the entire book, very carefully, and I know for a fact that the mainstream views and beliefs of Christians comes from tons of misinterpreted scripture. It's the blind leading the blind. As for "new Christians", yes, they say they are on a spiritual high... But ask yourself if it's truly genuine? Maybe, maybe not. The thing about faith is that it can be very strong when it is truly genuine, regardless if it is faith in Jesus or faith in a rocking chair. That is the motive behind any cult or cult-like organization, to get you to believe in whatever they say with all your heart while brainwashing the # out of you.
Most Christian people do not not like me, because I like to test their knowledge of the Bible, which in return tests their faith, and they hate it when you do that. But I don't do that to all Christians because some of them truly do become better people by becoming Christian, for example, say someone was a crackhead, but then he or she put their faith in Christianity and it changed them for the better. Then I will tell them that they are doing good and to keep it up. Some people are better off not knowing the truth of certain matters. Those are the ones you have to let ramble on & on about Jesus & the Bible, even though they are terribly mislead. Everyone has different methods for searching out truth, maybe it's because everyone has a different truth. As for me personally, I believe in a higher power, but that's where my faith starts and ends at. I don't need the Bible to believe in a higher power. Ask Christians if they would still believe in God if they had never seen or heard of the Bible before. A lot of them will say it would be impossible to believe in God without ever knowing about the Bible. That just goes to show you that many of them worship the book, & not the God. That's just another example of Christians breaking their own rules, they are committing idolatry by worshiping the book and not the God, of course they will deny it, they will say something like, "but the book is the word of God."< Another mislead mainstream Christian belief that confirms idolatry, relating an item to a God. Every Religion has it's flaws, but I think Christians are by far the worst when it comes to breaking their own rules. Not all of them, just most of them. However, for the record, I respect everyone's beliefs. As I said earlier, if it makes you a better person then go for it.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by WhoKnows100

I have stated I don't know if the group has a name, but what I refer to is someone who is born again. Once into this process, a drastic change happens in that person behavior and attitude. If you don't get what I am saying, I am afraid I don't know any other way to describe it. I am a follower of Jesus Christ myself, but the Radical Christian sect is what I am trying to discuss.

"In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." John 3:3

It is the power that comes upon a person to change themselves, the power to kill off the old self. That old self is of the world - the prior sinful behaviours, attitudes, thinking, anger, lusts, hatred etc. Family members usually despise this when it happens because it's not the "faith" that they were taught. Jesus said that He came to cause divisions within families, that our brothers and sisters in Christ were our families, not necessarily our physical families, that our neighbour is the one who stops to help and take care of that victim, not the one who walks by ignoring a person in distress. Non-Christians LIKE these "social Christians" because they feel no conviction in their spirit when around them. Yet, clearly the Holy Spirit not only convicts the individual Christian into changing their own behaviour, but it does an even more important role in non-believers - it convicts them by holding up a mirror to their own behaviours. What's the secular saying? Evil loves company. And the opposite of that, evil despises goodness. Social Christians do not stand out, they look like everyone else in the world, and this is why they are tolerated. I note that you do not call them a "cult", yet you appear to label anyone who makes YOU uncomfortable with their changed behaviour as a derogatory "fundamentalist".

Your family member stopped drinking alcohol, yet was it the Holy Spirit that pointed out a potential problem in their lives, or was it the particular church's doctrine that told them not to drink? This is why I was asking you to define "fundamental" Christianity, because you gave examples that could be from either source. One from man-made doctrine and one from the Holy Spirit. But because you will not define "fundamental Christianity", I'm left to conclude that you refer to all those who refute and refuse the "social version" of Christianity which preaches a false gospel message. If one is not changed after being born again, the evidence is that it is false.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Jehovah Witnesses aren’t so tough. Grandma used to convert about two a year; she would let them in every time they knocked on the door

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

He also ate and drank with sinners. I think it's in Luke. I won't bother posting a link, because I'm sure all these folks knew that.

I'm sure they all also knew that fermented drinks were safer in days when water purification wasnt quite perfected, so Jesus probably drank wine quite a bit in his day, and probably some mead. Oh and the Egyptians were expert beer crafters so he may have enjoyed that too, again, safer than drinking the water back then.

Temperance is always the key when enjoying a big boy beverage. Some men's fortitude is slightly stronger than others and I would have to give the son of God due credit in that arena. Prudence dwells with wisdom, and it would be unwise to assume to know exactly what Jesus did during his life even if you are a super Christian. Jesus also taught to deal justice with love and forgive sin.

He also said something about casting stones, but we've all heard that one before.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

"He also ate and drank with sinners. I think it's in Luke. I won't bother posting a link, because I'm sure all these folks knew that. "

That's because Jesus did not judge his brothers and sisters nor did he wish to separate himself from any souls out of hubris like some people do....

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by protocolsoflove

It must be a sin to laugh so hard at another human being.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by W3RLIED2
reply to post by protocolsoflove

It must be a sin to laugh so hard at another human being.

If you're doing it it probably is a sin.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by protocolsoflove

Oh dude I am sinning so HARD right now.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

Well now we're LOLing together, Nice to finally have a shared experience with you

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by network dude

Originally posted by protocolsoflove
So when a born again christian is mind controlled, is it the church clergy who have been responsible for programming? Also, are there triggers and handlers and code books for this mind control program?"

I am glad you asked. I could start to claim I know all about how this happens, and find some flashy you tube videos to "support" my argument, but I think I will just be honest and say I don't know. I only know when my family members became "born again", they were intolerant when they weren't before, they were argumentative of any view other than theirs, when they weren't before. They acted as if they were completely different people. Others in this very thread have experienced the same thing. Perhaps someone on the inside could shed some light on this.

Protocols, what makes you to intolerant?

You say that you are a Christian, yet completely deny that a change is SUPPOSED to happen once you are "born again". WHY? Did a change not happen to you? It must not have and therefore one of two things has happened; 1) you resisted the urgings of the Holy Spirit to correct your previous behaviour, or you never were born again. so instead of contemplating the ramifications of Jesus statement that one MUST be born again, you instead start a thread calling those who most likely have been born again, a "cult". Your fruit therefore is rotten. The fact is, you not only deny the power of the Holy Spirit to MAKE THOSES CHANGES but deny that IT'S SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. The very same false teaching that has resulted in Christian churches filled with goats and tares - people calling themselves Christian who look no different than the non-Christians around them. Following in this train of thought, you therefore must believe that Jesus didn't come to SEPARATE OUT His flock from the world of darkness into the Light of the Kingdom of God.

So I ask, since you deny these fundamentals of Christ, just WHO has taught you your version? Since I see the bantering of Freemasonry going on, so perhaps you are one (?), is that sect's views influencing your life with Christ? All the works in the world won't save you, only obedience to God's commands and the faith of Jesus will per Revelation 14 and the entire body of scripture from beginning to end. Gods commands "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery", do you really understand what scripture is saying here? Adulterating.... mixing... "What hath lightness to do with darkness?" What were we guilty of throughout scripture? Committing spiritual fornication and adultery with other gods, with the world beast and their doctrines - being UNFAITHFUL to God Almighty. This post is unfaithfulness to Him - for you DENY that change is SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. I have asked for your definition of fundamentalism because I was asking for truth, but it didn't come. If this post was regarding the many churches teaching a false gospel, or false fundamentals, then I would agree that they function as a "religion" but not as a cult. However, you are denying the very PROOF of the presence of the Holy Spirit - CHANGE to produce good fruit. What if your relative was in turn saved from a drunk driving accident that would have happened if they had not been convicted to give up drinking? But instead, their transformation made YOU uncomfortable. As people's hearts wax worse and worse with wickedness, they start to seethe against this feeling of conviction, and as we witness multiple times a day on this board alone, times are very pressing with people publically calling for the eradication of these "evil fundamental Christians" and the posts allowed to remain on ATS to read and absorb into their consciousness. Why? Because many REFUSE to love the world and participate in its behaviours. Yet, your version of Christianity somehow does?

I'm thankful to God that He called me into knowledge of His Presence, and I try to eat and breathe His words through scripture and prayer. If you would like to label this as a "cult" - then so be it - I'm in the cult of My Father and darn thankful and blessed for it.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 03:49 AM
Anyone who's religious is deluded point blank period. It's all a mind control cult and it sucks that you guys are so far into your delusion that there's no coming back.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by PurpleChiten

Originally posted by Lionhearte
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

Christians don't go door to door. Jehovah's Witnesses do.

Jehovah Witnesses are as much Christian as you are, if not more so

Uh, no they are not. They believe the Messiah is Michael not Jesus. Not to mention they removed several entire chapters concerning Christ's return in the flesh for the millenial reign and his physical resurrection. Mormons are not either, they believe Jesus came from outter space.

JW's believe Jesus was the Messiah, they are Christians...they just also believe that Jesus may go by the name Michael in heaven.
edit on 25-5-2012 by The_Phantom because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 04:04 AM

Originally posted by The_Phantom

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by PurpleChiten

Originally posted by Lionhearte
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

Christians don't go door to door. Jehovah's Witnesses do.

Jehovah Witnesses are as much Christian as you are, if not more so

Uh, no they are not. They believe the Messiah is Michael not Jesus. Not to mention they removed several entire chapters concerning Christ's return in the flesh for the millenial reign and his physical resurrection. Mormons are not either, they believe Jesus came from outter space.

JW's believe Jesus was the Messiah, they are Christians...they just also believe that Jesus may go by the name Michael in heaven.
edit on 25-5-2012 by The_Phantom because: (no reason given)

Jesus Christ was a single entity but his soul has gone by many names. His spirit lives in each and every one of us for Jesus IS us.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by protocolsoflove

Originally posted by The_Phantom

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by PurpleChiten

Originally posted by Lionhearte
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

Christians don't go door to door. Jehovah's Witnesses do.

Jehovah Witnesses are as much Christian as you are, if not more so

Uh, no they are not. They believe the Messiah is Michael not Jesus. Not to mention they removed several entire chapters concerning Christ's return in the flesh for the millenial reign and his physical resurrection. Mormons are not either, they believe Jesus came from outter space.

JW's believe Jesus was the Messiah, they are Christians...they just also believe that Jesus may go by the name Michael in heaven.
edit on 25-5-2012 by The_Phantom because: (no reason given)

Jesus Christ was a single entity but his soul has gone by many names. His spirit lives in each and every one of us for Jesus IS us.

Everybody has different opinions on matters of religion and faith, if that is yours I won't challenge it. I was simply correcting lonewolf who stated that JW's do not believe Jesus was the Messiah...they do believe that.
edit on 25-5-2012 by The_Phantom because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by protocolsoflove

Jesus is for Christians though. I refer to the inner living God as The First Source and Center. Does that make me wrong? Does that mean I am going to hell for the Long Journey?

What about Muslims, eastern religions, pagans, shamans, and the rest? Are their personal faiths wrong and only Christianity right?

These are sincere questions and not intended to mock Christians.

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