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Mass Layoffs Are Looming at HP: More Bad News For Obama

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posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:39 AM
HP is laying off people.

The Bob Beckel spin: They just retiring!

Yeah, right Bob.
- CNBC - HP Laying Off Workers

Gee, i wonder what the next Job Growth Report will look like?

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:43 AM
So why is it on Obama that greedy corporations will take away a person's job to make an extra dime on the next financial statement.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by roadgravel
So why is it on Obama that greedy corporations will take away a person's job to make an extra dime on the next financial statement.

The answer to your question is one word.

- s t a g n a t i o n -

Fortune 500 corporations are downsizing in order to ride out the current economic

malaise created by Obamas economic policies.

General Mills is laying off 850 people. Question: Where's the growth?

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:04 PM
That graph that came out a couple of days ago showing how all unemployment caused by OBAMA has basically been levelled out by jobs created, that graph has nearly killed me twice, when im eating and i think about it, i nearly choke to death laughing.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:08 PM
HP tends to focus on the consumer PC market for their meat/potatoes.
Since the tablets have come out, they have lost revenue (people opting for a ipad over a PC) they are dealing with issues that come about when your tech isn't updated..competition...its a bitch.

The article doesn't say where the jobs will be lost though (HP is international). What is more concerning is demand isn't down, just shifting to apple products.
and apple crap (such as the ipad) are created in, this is just another showing of our jobs endlessly exporting over to china (assuming HP isn't fully using china for their development..if they are, then much of this 10% cut effects them more than us anyhow).

This will happen under any presidents watch (been happening for a couple decades now, and is becoming the norm) until someone decides to change the trade laws and trades only with countries that have employee standards (minimum wage and the like) and tax any imports so incredibly that its simply not worth sending manufacturing to 3rd world slave nations like china.

Both sides are equally damned for being corporate owned stooges here...there is not a single candidate that wants to alter the trade we do...because corporate money ensures the system remains this way.

More bad news for the western world in general, and will remain this way until we get the corporatists out of power...which won't be happening anytime soon.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:10 PM
Probably doesn't help they dumped a bunch of money into their TouchPad- then just dropped support for it when it didn't do iPad numbers.

Perhaps they just need a new CEO with some decent vision...

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by The X
That graph that came out a couple of days ago showing how all unemployment caused by OBAMA has basically been levelled out by jobs created, that graph has nearly killed me twice, when im eating and i think about it, i nearly choke to death laughing.

Your not very good at reading graphs.
There is a -lot- more red than black...combine all of the black together and you might get about halfway through the red. Long way to go still.

What your seeing is obama stopped the progressive loss of jobs, but it took many months to go from losing jobs monthly to finally starting to gain some.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by The X
That graph that came out a couple of days ago showing how all unemployment caused by OBAMA has basically been levelled out by jobs created, that graph has nearly killed me twice, when im eating and i think about it, i nearly choke to death laughing.

According to government statistics, if the same number of people were seeking work

today as in 2007, the unemployment rate would be 11%.

The current equation used by the Dept. of Labor works only in times of

growth or recession.

In times of stagnation that chart is not valid. The true unemployment number is 11%.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Dero
Probably doesn't help they dumped a bunch of money into their TouchPad- then just dropped support for it when it didn't do iPad numbers.

Perhaps they just need a new CEO with some decent vision...

Agreed. Frankly, they cannot compete with the ipad market..
They are, according to the article, funneling their money into research/dev. This is a good thing in the long haul..they want to be the ones that comes up with the new sweet gadget. Fighting the monster that is the ipad is a losing game for is riding a unstoppable train, time to build something that either makes the pads redundant, or a completely different area (I want holographic displays to come out already that and take my money already!)

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
HP tends to focus on the consumer PC market for their meat/potatoes.
Since the tablets have come out, they have lost revenue (people opting for a ipad over a PC) they are dealing with issues that come about when your tech isn't updated..competition...its a bitch.

The article doesn't say where the jobs will be lost though (HP is international). What is more concerning is demand isn't down, just shifting to apple products.
and apple crap (such as the ipad) are created in, this is just another showing of our jobs endlessly exporting over to china (assuming HP isn't fully using china for their development..if they are, then much of this 10% cut effects them more than us anyhow).

This will happen under any presidents watch (been happening for a couple decades now, and is becoming the norm) until someone decides to change the trade laws and trades only with countries that have employee standards (minimum wage and the like) and tax any imports so incredibly that its simply not worth sending manufacturing to 3rd world slave nations like china.

Both sides are equally damned for being corporate owned stooges here...there is not a single candidate that wants to alter the trade we do...because corporate money ensures the system remains this way.

More bad news for the western world in general, and will remain this way until we get the corporatists out of power...which won't be happening anytime soon.

The CEO of Cisco let the truth slip out a few weeks ago.

- Europe is slowing down. -

American corporations will be taking their foot off of the accelerator to ride out

the current Obama economic malaise.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
The CEO of Cisco let the truth slip out a few weeks ago.

- Europe is slowing down. -

American corporations will be taking their foot off of the accelerator to ride out

the current Obama economic malaise.

Corporations consider a first term president of no consequence. a worldwide corporation is not making decisions based on any one nations president. If you think that, you never worked in a corporation. They look at a trend globally and adjust based on forecasts. I would venture to say what is going on in europe, across many nations, is reason for corporate interests to consolidate.
But, they brought this on themselves in no small part. They pressure every nation to have relaxed trade laws so they can build in slavery and sell in luxury..this drains money on both parts and eventually causes instability.

I have worked for many a years in corporate. There is no concern about any politics outside of how a politician will play ball for corporate interests in their land...thats great esoteric desires, its down to maximum proft yield.
and no president, be it the hardest right or left, will effect the current trade practices going on. The only thing that may make a corporation shift outside of that is being paid off either insane amounts of money to temporarily do something, or a promise of pillage should a political party get in power..which again is cold calculations over any sort of value.

Should it be proven that corporations are slowing down due to Obama being in office alone, then it is time to fear heavily him losing the election, because that means the trade laws will be altered under the new guy, to make things much, much worse for the nation (such as removal of quality control, port tax, or incentives for outsourcing).

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

It's actually the small businesses that have been hit hard during the last 3 years.

That's exactly where the growth will come from under a capitalist administration.

Romney will remove the wet blanket that Obama wrapped around Free market

Capitalism in the form of - u n e n d i n g - regulations.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:46 PM
I wouldnt worry about this news, after all those shovel ready jobs should be due soon. There will be lots of jobs for these people. Just have a little faith and HOPE in obama.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:47 PM
Hp has been producing garbage for years, they are not a victim of anyone's economic policy. They are victims of their own lack of vision and terrible designs. Not to mention they are also dealing with the problems they inherited when they bought a failing Compaq. The President has nothing to do with any of these things, the failure of HP to evolve into tablets has. Failure to keep up with consumers ever evolving tastes is corporate cancer.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by illuminnaughty
I wouldnt worry about this news, after all those shovel ready jobs should be due soon. There will be lots of jobs for these people. Just have a little faith and HOPE in obama.

Have you seen the recent Euro exchange rate? 1.25 and going down

Europe has about 48 hours until the big flush begins.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by KeliOnyx
Hp has been producing garbage for years, they are not a victim of anyone's economic policy. They are victims of their own lack of vision and terrible designs. Not to mention they are also dealing with the problems they inherited when they bought a failing Compaq. The President has nothing to do with any of these things, the failure of HP to evolve into tablets has. Failure to keep up with consumers ever evolving tastes is corporate cancer.

HP provided all of the servers for Apples - Maiden,NC iCloud Server Farm.

It's clear Europe won't be buying any more HP servers for awhile.

Turmoil is imminent.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

I currently work for Hewlett Packard at one of their larger campuses in the US. I will clarify that I do not speak for the company in any sort of official capacity, and anything that I state on here is information that can be publicly obtained. I'm not spilling beans with any of this.

The profit downturn in Europe hurts many businesses, and hurts many parts of HP's business. Couple that with the soft market for consumer PCs (not offset by the stronger market for corporate PCs), the desire to funnel more into research and development, and the re-combining of the PC and Printer divisions, you get into a situation where you need to eliminate redundancies. It just makes business sense.

What many outside of the corporate world dont realize is that when a huge company is said to lay off approximately 10% of its workers, not all of those people are going away from the company. You have some that will take early retirement, and still more that will simply be shifted into other positions within the company. In some cases you may actually see a pile of workers continue to do the same job, but under the direction of a contractor rather than working directly for the company. When it comes down to it, the actual number of people stepping into the unemployment line ends up being quite a bit less than those numbers. And this is not speaking for HP specifically, but for massive companies in general. It does not happen like this all the time, but a lot more often than most think.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by flyswatter

It's not just HP.

General Mills is laying off.

It doesn't take an MBA from Harvard to guess what the next Job Growth Report

will look like.

The Cisco CEO already put the word out. - S L O W D O W N -

His stock dropped the day he said it.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 01:12 PM
I remember seeing an article last year, about the HP acquisition of Software / Solutions company Autonomy, where it mentioned the strategy was aiming for more software based business rather than hardware. So, I wonder if a lot of those layoffs are trending towards the hardware side?
I hope they do not impact the support side of the business as my company already outsources all project and frontline support to them... and they suck... big time!

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 01:15 PM
You know why HP is slowly going under? Because their products suck. They're just not good enough to compete in the PC world. How do I know? Because every HP product I've owned has given me nothing but headaches. Don't even get me started on their customer "support". I've made a conscious effort to avoid their products over the past two years and have gone through a lot of negative reviews of their products. Sometimes a company just can't make the cut. It has two choices; restructure or die.

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