posted on May, 22 2012 @ 09:33 PM
Vey strange actions indeed.
I really have no idea where to start searching for conclusive evidence that would cover all aspects of the of these descriptions.
I do find it quite incredible, the behaviour many animals are exhibiting recently. I had never noticed anything out of the ordinary, until ... today
My mom called early this morning, asking me if I had an extra key for my dad's truck, which he locked himself out of, causing him to be late.
Anyway, I throw some clothes on and sit in the living room, looking out the front door, waiting to see her pull up. After 10-15mins, she arrived in
front of my house, and, since she was in a big hurry, I opened the door to run the key to her.
I had taken no more than 2 jogging steps off the front porch when I was buzzed by a bird. Not sure the exact type of bird, but it had grey wings with
white underbellied and either blue or red chests (sorry for confusion)
I didn't think much of it, since I was jogging. I assumed maybe I ran into a path it was already headed and it came so close as it was correcting
it's course.
I gave her the key, said, 'Bye', and headed back up the sidewalk.
I noticed the bird sitting on the ledge of my roof, as if it were staring at me, watching my moves to see if I am a possible threat.That's the
impression I got from it.
Since it was an off day for me, I kicked back and watched a bit of TV and screwed around on the net. Before I knew it, the time had reached 12.00p.
I headed back out to see if the mail'person' had delivered anything for me. Once again the same bird, or bird species, swooped down on me at a steep
angle - literally missing my forehead by inches. I could hear the wind on it's wings.
Spooked me a bit... I could easily over power the bird, but they scare me with those stealth bombing tactics. I could just imagine the bird lodging a
talon into an eye socket.
To top it off... this evening there was a line of intense lightning storms pushing into the area and I had left my windows down. You guessed it, the
same bird deployed yet another stealthy dive bomb at me. This time it had finely honed it's skill enough that it is was capable of hitting my left
shoulder with, what I assume was it's wing.
I have lived here for 14 years and have never ever ever had anything remotely similar happen, unless you count 'Carpenter' bees dive bombing me.
I have also found a very peculiar activity from wasps. Now these guys show no fear at all when attacking. They come from out of nowhere and fly full
speed into your body, usually straight into my forehead or the general head area - though I have had them deliver their payload by assualting other
parts of my body.
Super wierd in my experience, but it could be something they have always done and I am just now noticing it. I have never heard of this activity
before, so maybe if it does happen, it's rare?
Maybe some people are right and Mother Earth has had enough of our destructive, pollution producing habits. Maybe she has ordered 'hits' on us, as a
way to kill us off, preserving what environmental integrity remains.
If it doesn't work, maybe she will go to more drastic measures! I hope not...
Anyway, aside from my trip into fantasy land above, I have no idea what the motivation for such confrontations could be.