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So you have all heard, watch the animals...

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+1 more 
posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:37 AM
if you want to know when something big is about to happen.

I always thought that it was an old wise tale until the past 4 weeks. In the past four weeks I saw my first chipmonk, then, I caught a bird, which has never happened my whole life just caught a bird out of a flock off the ground. All of them let me get closer than a FLOCK has ever let me get. Like I said, EPIC FAILURE until then. Then less than a week later I catch another in another flock, then another in another. The squirrels neve let me get within ten feet of them. I have caught one of them, and the others let me get within about a foot close to 2. But wont let me get that close with my hand. And the dogs barking have increased so much. Waking me up when they never used to, mine to go with it. One of my pits just throws a tire THAT I RANDOMLY THREW BACK THERE AFTER TAKING IT OFF MY TRUCK, anyways she just throws it up in the air and barks barks barks, never been a stupid dog like that in 5 years.

So what do yall think... Something big going down, are you guys experiencing the same things.

+7 more 
posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:41 AM
Yup, you'v gone mad.

Welcome to the gang

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by ringlejames

dude, dogs have been barking like MAD lately around my area.

i have been noticing that birds wait for cars to almost totally ****ing run them over until flying away.

something weird is going on.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by ringlejames

Well Jethro, granny would be proud. Do you think you might be able to get some possums for lunch?

But seriously, I think you're right. Something is affecting them, kinda making them lazy or sick whatever causes them to just sit there. I have noticed that too, and killed a few by them just sitting there when I'm driving towards them. And the dogs are acting funny too, howling for no "apparent" reason, and birds chirping all night long etc.

edit on 21-5-2012 by joe7pack because: effect,affect,potato,potatoe, eh it's all greek to me....and a certain Quail.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:47 AM
I really do believe that animals are one of our natural warning systems, A good idea would give your general location?

And i guess lets wait and see...

In the 2004 Tsunami is was well documented that animals acted different before the big quake,

It also reports that very few animals died in that event,
See the vids lower down the page,

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by joe7pack
reply to post by ringlejames

Well Jethro, granny would be proud. Do you think you might be able to get some possums for lunch?

But seriously, I think you're right. Something is effecting them, kinda making them lazy or sick whatever causes them to just sit there. I have noticed that too, and killed a few by them just sitting there when I'm driving towards them. And the dogs are acting funny too, howling for no "apparent" reason, and birds chirping all night long etc.

whoa you too?

ill be sitting in the car, approaching the birds, 3 feet, 2 feet, NOTHING, 1 foot bird: caw?

1 centimeter bird: oops better fly away

edit on 21-5-2012 by SoymilkAlaska because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by ringlejames

Check out my thread here.

Recently, I walked right up to a pair of geese with young ones in the park that usually are very skittish. Normally, I wouldn't think much of it, but with the other oddities I've seen and heard about lately, I'm definitely curious.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:55 AM
The animals like
squirrels, chipmunks, Canadian Geese...

have probably been Fed by Humans...
therefore have no real fear to run away .

Animals are looking for a Hand out

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 10:11 AM
i noticed that there are lots of birds chirping at 3 am in Boston.
Possibly due to new borns in spring? Cant really say for sure if i heard them that early before. but 3 am is very early

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by SoymilkAlaska

Just last week I actually hit a bird that was in the middle of the road. It was a robin. I didn't slow down, figured it would fly away. It took off to late and when I got home, my husband had to pull it out of the car's grill. Never had that happen before.

Also, a couple of weeks ago an owl divebombed my car windshield at 3:00 in the AFTERNOON. Just driving down the road and suddenly WHAM. Hit with enough force to star the windshield.

Wierdness indeed.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 10:16 AM
Night owl here and I have noticed birds chirping really early. Sometimes when there isn't going to be even a shred of light for hours. I'm not talking about nocturnal birds either. I know what those sound like in my area, I've grown up around here.
It's not just animals either. Everything is blooming early too. Not saying I think it's all proof of 'something big', but I guess I wouldn't be surprised if something goes down either.

Have to add I agree with Spoonbender in regards to the OP. I haven't noticed anything different with dogs barking either. I imagine there may be a new dog in your neighborhood. Or a raccoon/possum/feral cat raiding trash and getting them started. If a neighbor has an older dog it might be loosing it's hearing. They bark more when that happens.
edit on 21-5-2012 by PutAQuarterIn because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 10:28 AM
I have smaller dogs and it is normal for them to bark at anything that moves, However as of late they have been barking at nothing, no cars no people no other dogs rabbits cats blah blah.

Just random barking and howling. They sometimes act startled run to the glass door look out and start barking and howling. then stop and walk away. I live in the country not the city so its not city noise.

My dog (mine that I have raised and trained not the wife's) sticks close always and goes with me when I go out and about has seemed to be uncomfortable cant just lay in one spot constantly moving around changing places pacing ect. all started with in the last 2 weeks.

Ive noticed the bird in the middle of the road thing to! Weird I say weird.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 10:44 AM
My husband and I have noticed birds chirping at weird hours, and we have commented on it a few times. It will be 12, 1, 2, 3 am and birds are out. I am also well aware of night bird sounds in our area, and these are morning chirps.

As far as our dogs, I'm not so sure. We have an 8y/o dog, and a 2 y/o dog that rarely bark at anything when they are inside. But we also have an 8 month old puppy that randomly wakes up in the middle of the night, runs to the window, and barks his head off. Honestly, I see nothing really weird in this. I think he is just a new dog hearing new, interesting sounds.

We've noticed we are totally overrun with squirrels this year but they don't seem to be acting any different than other years.

I'll also say up until last year I had heard owls but never seen one in person. I even grew up in the country. Within the last year I have seen countless owls, even hanging out in town. Don't know if this is unusual or not.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by spoonbender

OMG! They're liberals!

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by spoonbender
Canadian Geese...

Are you talking about Canada geese or geese with Canadian citizenship?

At any rate, although I immerse myself in nature almost every day, and am a keen observer of wildlife, I've noticed nothing significantly unusual about the animal behavior in Canada. There was a Snow Goose hanging out in my area about three weeks later than expected last week but that's just unusual, not "OMG" unusual.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:34 AM
Talk about synchronicity. Thought about this just this morning and here is the

This morning I was wakened by all the birds in our area.... it was surreal. I could make out at least 7 different bird song going on at once and really close to the house and all at the same time. Kinda freaked me out.

Along these lines, we have a resident Mocking bird that won't shut up. The wife and I joke about it cause my cat and the bird are both screaming for no real reason we can see. It is squawking away non-stop all day and night above our house on our chimney which echo's into our house.

Saw a bunny rabbit in our back yard this weekend too. first time for that. Seems all the animal are acting stranger than normal come to think about it.

Yea, it is weird alright. Had thought that maybe they are trying to tell us something is about to happen...

Too add I'm located in the Southeast of the US

edit on 21/5/12 by sirric because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:36 AM
Talk about synchronicity!
As I am sitting in my kitchen , reading this thread, a hummingbird flew into my house through my open door, buzzed around, landed on my kitchen counter. It sat there and looked at me 4 feet away for about 10 seconds, then flew back out the door! That has NEVER happened before!

Just thought I'd share...

ETA: hahaha I just went to check my feeders...they're empty! Smart little hummer was just letting me know!

edit on 21-5-2012 by Elostone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Elostone

Only one strange incident here. Was out back having a smoke break, a hummingbird came flying around the house toward the feeder. I guess it noticed us there, it turned back around and was checking us out. Just buzzing in front of our faces for a few minutes, it was pretty funny.

Other than that, no strangeness from critters in my neck of the woods that I have noticed.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:59 AM
I find this interesting. I too have experienced strange calmness lately in wild animals, and so has my friend.

The first incident, and probably the most wild, was on a road trip to Illinois two years ago. We were in the middle of the wilds and my friend went walking down the road for a smoke break at about 2:00 AM and he was gone for awhile so I took a walk to find him. As I approach down the road, he was standing about 2 feet away from a deer in the middle of the road, the two just staring at each other. The animal stood there for a good while as he got a little closer until finally it ran away. Being a hunter my entire life - that was the first time I've ever seen anything like that.

Since then, back home in PA, the animals have indeed been noticeably like mentioned in this topic. The birds do not move for cars. I have gotten to the point where I do slow down now because I have almost hit them on a number of occasions.

Squirrels and chipmunks in my area will come around and eat right next to us. We've never fed them or anything, they are wild and we are in the woods. Same with birds. We have a feeder outside the door and they used to fly whenever we stepped outside, but not they just sit there whenever we exit. I can get within 4 feet of them.

Two days ago there was a toad sitting on my porch. Instead of hopping away like most toads, he just say there. I reached down and touched his head and he didn't give a damn in the world. I shrugged and though nothing of it and let him get back to eating bugs.

Yesterday, a chipmunk was eating outside on the desk. Had to go outside about three feet away from him for something, he just kept eating and stuff his face. I looked over at him and he just stared back, not a care in the world, and stayed there until I went inside.

They are acting almost like the governments of the world - they just don't care anymore.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:59 AM


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