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Are Baby Boomers The Dumbest Generation?

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posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:39 PM
I don't think baby boomers are the dumbest generation. I do think that them calling Gen Y spoiled and lazy, though, is extremely ironic and hilarious. They grew up in the most prosperous time in American history and could make a decent living without even having to have a high school diploma, they will get their full social security benefits and can have them in their early to mid 60s. Given this, I don't think that calling the later generations spoiled is exactly reasonable.

I have a big t.v. with tons of channels and computers; most of them came from stable homes with 2 parents. I don't have that hard of chores; they could actually wander around more than their backyard as a kid. I had all kind of toys while they had very little; most of them actually had a decent amount of nature to play in, whereas I had concrete. I have a lot of technology and modern conveniences; they didn't have to worry about drugs, gangs, and psychotic administrators who charge 6 year olds with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Jools

LOL Jools....I don't know what "punch card" in computer logo means
Seriously, you aren't old by a long shot, so I should have heard of that....what is it?

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:51 PM
Well, I am a Gen X baby and I can look back at the baby boomers and forward to the Gen Y people.......

two things I can say with fair confidence.......

1. Your a Gen Y baby

2. The gen Y people are technologically smarter but a large percentage of them lack basic common sense, the
will to work hard to get ahead in life and have the largest entitlement attitude of any generation.
As far as less racist? Most all the hate crime you see daily in the papers are gen Y people.

3. Most baby boomers were willing to work hard doing 2-3 jobs if it took that to get ahead and expected no hand-outs. They grew up with common sense and a better work ethic. Sure they were more racist as a whole because they were born into a world when things were different and it takes time to change.

4. Gen X kids are somewhere are between. We are tech savvy, less racist, possess common sense and are
generally just better looking than the other 2 generations. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

I think we all start out idealistic in our youth, and as we age, we begin to realize something....

THINGS and SITUATIONS change, but human nature remains the therefore, the real changes we hoped for don't materialize, and we become discouraged with age. The same thing will happen with this generation, and as THEY age, they will become sedentary, while their kids start to stage protests and "fight the system", thinking THEY have the answers.....but alas, the system is run by humans....and as I said...human nature doesn't change.

Pessimistic? Maybe....but it's the sad reality. So it isn't that we are dumber or smarter. Each generation just finds different ways of expressing their stupidity or intelligence.
edit on 5/21/2012 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/21/2012 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:15 PM
Bottom line....we should all respect the generation before us, since if not for them....we would not EXIST. Every generation screws up and makes advances as well. It's called evolving. This generation's kids and grandkids will be saying the SAME things about them, as is being said of the BB's now. They will laugh and talk about how their parent's generation screwed things up for them, and laugh about the fact that they thought they were so cool.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by Germanicus

When we are gone and you all have to pay for everything we provided to you, we expect your apology hand written on paper and signed if you know how; Not on the computers, pads, cell phones or any other device we developed for you, that you won't be able to buy after we are gone.

What are you going to do to thank us for easy lavish lifestyle you enjoy from the fruit of our labor? Dump us into Nursing Homes and forget us?

Good luck keeping the infrastructure intact when you refuse to get your fingernails dirty or take the jobs that build and keep it running.

You have that right. To the guy who said that all we know about computers is how to turn one on - I have fogotten more than he knows - I have been in computers since I was 30 years old. The Apple ll did not have upper and lower case. In the 90s and 00s I traveled around the world establishing networks - I wonder if he could troubleshoot MSMAil running over a Novel network to Windows 3 clients with a token ring network. The new guys can't troubleshoot for squat, they don't seem to go back to the fundementals.

Networks were't always around so before that I patented a device to remove cataracts with high pressure water. Before that I was a general contractor building houses. Before that designing power and free overhead materials handling systems. There was building and racing b and c sports racers in the 70s, and the trip circumnavigating the US in a C150. 20 years living on and skippering a 25 ton boat. I ride a Harley and on non rainy days I drive a little race car to work. My degree is a psych major with a soc minor. I went to a high school, Westside in omaha. Field trips included safaris in Africa, wreck diving in Yucatan and the Bahamas. We had a great autoshop too.

The primary goal of getting through westside high school was teaching kids to learn, because every

In my circle of friends I am the slacker.

So when you say my generation is dumb I take exception! I wish Zero Population growth had taken hold it was a lot easier to get things done when there were only 150 million peeps.

So far I have met a few youngins that I have respect for but I have worked with some who were really sharp in spite of their educations.

Sorry about the typos I am typing this on one of them new fangled gen something touch pad dohickies.

Repin the old fahrts NOW GET OFF MY LAWN

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:50 PM
Baby boomers are not the dumbest generation...but their grandkids are.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 06:01 PM
Interesting post,

I am from generation Y, and i think you are right to some extent but i think there is something inherently wrong with my generation and that is compassion. Whenever i talk to a friend or stranger of my generation they readily dismiss any problems or woes that another tells, and also i can add that i think my generation are the most greediest; countless times have i witnessed others taking and not giving. I'm trying here not to fuel the fire here, but i believe that Gen x have decimated this planet, and is snow balling us all into servitude. It is only gen Y that can reignite the future, and the time is certainly now.
edit on 21-5-2012 by Subentity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Nite_wing

Yea well they learned from the best.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Brandon88
reply to post by Nite_wing

Yea well they learned from the best.

Maybe the second time around they should actually listen to what's said to them?

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by starwarsisreal
reply to post by intrepid

As a Generation Z I believe that your generation is better. I mean Look at my generation we've become complacent and that we are experiencing the coming Economic Collapse. I wonder what is the babyboomer's advice when thed economic food riots came.

me the baby boomers advice is this, learn your state learn your safe spots, learn to garden and hunt, learn to find water and live off the land, it is what many of us baby boomers know. you think me/we cant take care of ourselves?. We the boomers arent so older we cant handle the situation at hand, remember the boomer age is just starting, it will only grow for the next 16 years, all the while the younger boomers will and do know how to survive, when i was young everything wasnt available at my disposale or desire, we had to earn it grow it or make it. it wasnt until i was around 11 i ever saw a grocery store and at that time there was no grocery cart we carried the items in our hands and arms and took that to which we was able to carry. our choices were far less, i grew up knowing how to make bread from scratch, can you? i can make a genuine homemade meal grom the garden to the meat from hunting and the water from the lake can you? so when the food riots occur me the boomer realizing how bad it will get for thought in advance the situation bought a 2 acre parcel in the middle of a desert with a underground artesian well, have you forthought anything? intersting right

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by Subentity
Interesting post,

I am from generation Y, and i think you are right to some extent but i think there is something inherently wrong with my generation and that is compassion. Whenever i talk to a friend or stranger of my generation they readily dismiss any problems or woes that another tells, and also i can add that i think my generation are the most greediest; countless times have i witnessed others taking and not giving. I'm trying here not to fuel the fire here, but i believe that Gen x have decimated this planet, and is snow balling us all into servitude. It is only gen Y that can reignite the future, and the time is certainly now.
edit on 21-5-2012 by Subentity because: (no reason given)

you i give
, at least your honest. you were brought up by parents who barely or never disaplinned you? if yes, that is why your generation has no compassion/empathy. parents stop disapplining their children, my nephew wow was he ever bad. he never was spanked and to this day he is spoiled as all #z. hes 25, arogant and heartless, i honestly have no respect for him.

it isnt any one generations fault, it is the out of control governments fault for sticking their laws into family life, our money, most of our delimas, but we as the people can change it by voting the change across the board, make a statement they will listen.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by spyder550

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by Germanicus

When we are gone and you all have to pay for everything we provided to you, we expect your apology hand written on paper and signed if you know how; Not on the computers, pads, cell phones or any other device we developed for you, that you won't be able to buy after we are gone.

What are you going to do to thank us for easy lavish lifestyle you enjoy from the fruit of our labor? Dump us into Nursing Homes and forget us?

Good luck keeping the infrastructure intact when you refuse to get your fingernails dirty or take the jobs that build and keep it running.

You have that right. To the guy who said that all we know about computers is how to turn one on - I have fogotten more than he knows - I have been in computers since I was 30 years old. The Apple ll did not have upper and lower case. In the 90s and 00s I traveled around the world establishing networks - I wonder if he could troubleshoot MSMAil running over a Novel network to Windows 3 clients with a token ring network. The new guys can't troubleshoot for squat, they don't seem to go back to the fundementals.

Networks were't always around so before that I patented a device to remove cataracts with high pressure water. Before that I was a general contractor building houses. Before that designing power and free overhead materials handling systems. There was building and racing b and c sports racers in the 70s, and the trip circumnavigating the US in a C150. 20 years living on and skippering a 25 ton boat. I ride a Harley and on non rainy days I drive a little race car to work. My degree is a psych major with a soc minor. I went to a high school, Westside in omaha. Field trips included safaris in Africa, wreck diving in Yucatan and the Bahamas. We had a great autoshop too.

The primary goal of getting through westside high school was teaching kids to learn, because every

In my circle of friends I am the slacker.

So when you say my generation is dumb I take exception! I wish Zero Population growth had taken hold it was a lot easier to get things done when there were only 150 million peeps.

So far I have met a few youngins that I have respect for but I have worked with some who were really sharp in spite of their educations.

Sorry about the typos I am typing this on one of them new fangled gen something touch pad dohickies.

Repin the old fahrts NOW GET OFF MY LAWN

great reply
I could not had said it better kudos to you.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Brandon88
reply to post by Nite_wing

Yea well they learned from the best.

Nah, they didn't learn anything at all. They just think they did.

edit on 21-5-2012 by Nite_wing because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 06:58 PM
Well isn't this just peachy!...More lines of division to get in the way of humans of all generations who otherwise could pull together and sort this mess out. So gen Y is out on the blame game eh? Where does it stop!

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by lbndhr

parents who barely or never disaplinned

It's "disciplined"....not disaplinned

Edited because I didn't want to sound rude.
edit on 5/21/2012 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by Nite_wing

Like I said before if you guys are as smart as you say you are then our country wouldn't be in the position it is now. Can't bend facts my friend.
edit on 21-5-2012 by Brandon88 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by lbndhr

Yeah sorry i do not blame your generation as a whole, but i have met many close minded people ( i think thats just environmental factors) and to boot Gen x's rule in government is purely tyrannical. Oh and i have been disciplined, i don't think that's the issue, i think it's the system that we've been brought up in.

edit on 21-5-2012 by Subentity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Brandon88
reply to post by Nite_wing

Like I said before if you guys are as smart as you say you are then our country wouldn't be in the position it is now. Can't bend facts my friend.
edit on 21-5-2012 by Brandon88 because: (no reason given)

Let's look at it logically. Most of the baby boomers were born between 1942 and 1950 (1945 to round it off.) With a natural progression of having their first child around 25 years old, that would place the next generation about 1970. Kids are marrying younger so the average of their first child would be about when they were 20-21 which would make them born around 1992. Those offspring would be about 20-21 today. So yup, I was right. It's their grandkids that are stupid. Where do you fit in?

edit on 21-5-2012 by Nite_wing because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Nite_wing

I'm on the year spliting Generation Y and Generation Z, so you can refer to me as either or both. I'm assuming your a baby boomer correct?

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