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Are Baby Boomers The Dumbest Generation?

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posted on May, 21 2012 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by MrJohnSmith
reply to post by lbndhr

Seems sound enough to me, I hope it all works out for you both. By the way, what is a " 401k " ? Excuse me, I,m British !!!

401k is outside social security savings, it is recieved through your work, they take out a specific % of your weekly check, sometimes it is matched by up to 50% depending on your job level, meaning a match is usually offered in management. regardless if you start putting into a 401k when your young by the time your my age if the gov dont get all your money or the stock market dont crash you can be a extremely rich retiree. 401k is money put into various stocks through a stock brokerage firm. Your company you work for picks the firm we invest they move our money around, its the markets. and many many many seniours did invest in the 401k, like us, and many many many are turning or have turned retirement age and cashing out, the worse is yet to come, but again the younger generation need to realize most the stock market that isnt owned by the eleits is owned by dominately the seniour community with upcomming youth beggining to merge into it. in the next up to 5 years I haev a feeling the market will crash more then once from seniours reaching out and getting their earned dues.

adding 401k plans emerged about 20 ish years ago back when the gov realized the social security funds were not going to make it thourgh the seniour retirement boomers era, my era
edit on 21-5-2012 by lbndhr because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-5-2012 by lbndhr because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by ShadowAngel85
I wouldn't say they are dumber but they are less educated or wrongly educated and that goes for all previous generations because they learned what was back then thought to be the truth. We constantly discover new things, we constantly learn more about the world we live in and we constantly change history books, biology and everything else. It's the same as people in the dark ages and beyond believing the earth was flat, then it was discovered it wasn't, then humans learned more about the planet.

And of course older generations just stop learning at some point, thinking, what they learned so far is enough and they usually can't get a grasp on new technology, new ways of thinking. I mean how many 50-60 year old people are out there who know more about computers than who to put it on, maybe go online (and i guess how to download porn
) while today even 12 year old kids know how to assemble a computer and can even program.

Sad thing is though that the older generations usually also think they are the best. "When we grew up everything was a paradise, everything was great, everything was awesome, you kids of today live in a #hole, you have nothing, you suck" or seeing as more tough (the old "when i was your age i walked 90 miles to school every days, without shoes in 30 feet high snow") and the constant mention of 'growing up in the 50's and 60' was awesome' because they really do believe that back then things like violence, murder and rape weren't existant. You can constantly see this here on ATS when those old people brag about them growing up and how awesome it is.

As Facebook and other things are mentioned: It's also normal. Previous generation think everything new that becomes popular is crap. I bet those baby boomers heard the same from their parents when they went like stupid Lemmings after Elvis Presley because the media hyped him as the big ultimate superstar (despite having even less talent than Lady Gaga
) and the hype for fads like Hula Hoop or Skateboards that became big at that time.

Uhum, I am 51 been on computers sense 1995, had a few computue technology adn repairs courses, and feel i am well versed in the world of computers, I then gave my mother a computer in 2000 she is in her 70`s and is as well knoweldged to the computer as any youngin,

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Jools
Er you missed a Generation out...Gen X'rs came after the baby boomers and are very hardworking, dedicated and committed. They also aren't homophobic, racist etc...

You need to do your research properly...I'm not going to comment on Gen Y as you are all too young and think you know it all which is what you've shown in your post!

Reasearch? Reading? History? -- Thats a lot to ask from geny

Silly topic about who is smarter - paticularly when you are using my internet --- NOW GET OFF MY LAWN !!!
edit on 21-5-2012 by spyder550 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by ShadowAngel85
I wouldn't say they are dumber but they are less educated or wrongly educated and that goes for all previous generations because they learned what was back then thought to be the truth. We constantly discover new things, we constantly learn more about the world we live in and we constantly change history books, biology and everything else. It's the same as people in the dark ages and beyond believing the earth was flat, then it was discovered it wasn't, then humans learned more about the planet.

And of course older generations just stop learning at some point, thinking, what they learned so far is enough and they usually can't get a grasp on new technology, new ways of thinking. I mean how many 50-60 year old people are out there who know more about computers than who to put it on, maybe go online (and i guess how to download porn
) while today even 12 year old kids know how to assemble a computer and can even program.

Sad thing is though that the older generations usually also think they are the best. "When we grew up everything was a paradise, everything was great, everything was awesome, you kids of today live in a #hole, you have nothing, you suck" or seeing as more tough (the old "when i was your age i walked 90 miles to school every days, without shoes in 30 feet high snow") and the constant mention of 'growing up in the 50's and 60' was awesome' because they really do believe that back then things like violence, murder and rape weren't existant. You can constantly see this here on ATS when those old people brag about them growing up and how awesome it is.

As Facebook and other things are mentioned: It's also normal. Previous generation think everything new that becomes popular is crap. I bet those baby boomers heard the same from their parents when they went like stupid Lemmings after Elvis Presley because the media hyped him as the big ultimate superstar (despite having even less talent than Lady Gaga
) and the hype for fads like Hula Hoop or Skateboards that became big at that time.

elvis and me just never clicked us boomers listened to reo, kansas, alice cooper, the beggining of rock and roll is what we listened to. but my pre baby boomer mother loved laughing so hard, you youngins really have no clue

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Germanicus

When we are gone and you all have to pay for everything we provided to you, we expect your apology hand written on paper and signed if you know how; Not on the computers, pads, cell phones or any other device we developed for you, that you won't be able to buy after we are gone.

What are you going to do to thank us for easy lavish lifestyle you enjoy from the fruit of our labor? Dump us into Nursing Homes and forget us?

Good luck keeping the infrastructure intact when you refuse to get your fingernails dirty or take the jobs that build and keep it running.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 03:31 PM
The baby boomers destroyed this country bottom line, they're the reason America is a falling standard. And the ones that are smart enough admit it, my generation has alot of things we need to fix because of their mistakes. And my generation are going to be the ones that suffer for the baby boomers selfishness.
edit on 21-5-2012 by Brandon88 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by Brandon88

Really? Let's set back 60 years. That was the time the minorities had no rights. Women had to shut up and take what their spouses had to say. When children had to listen to their parents even if they were wrong. Those of a different sexual orientation? Don't even go there. many were killed and it didn't matter. WE FIXED THAT. Now when you get off your collective asses and actually do something about the economy, wasteful wars(like we did with Nam) talk to me about something because right now all I see is whining by some in this newer generation. If you don't know how, ask your parents and grandparents how to do it.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Fixed it? You all were the cause of it and the ones that killed them, it took the younger ones to spin you all off that course. As for doing something about it that's why I'm pursuing a career in Gov't and Economics, and I did ask my GP's they admitted it was their generations fault. And every generation after them sees's that, if you all did a great job America wouldn't be in the position it's in today. As for whining I grew up with a single mother and 4 brothers and sisters, I've worked for EVERYTHING I have in my life since I was 10 years old. Your generation has a bad case of self entitlement, and for what destroying OUR country. Sorry, but I'll see to it that everybody in that generation works to the end and never gets to retire in order to fix the problems they caused.

And the last time I checked all those things you supposedly fixed are still problems today, (Racism, Gender Discrimanation, Gay Rights) still have not been decided. And as for War we have troops in over 150 countries there is only around 186 in the world seems pretty agressive to me, WASTEFULL money while our country is falling apart back at home.
edit on 21-5-2012 by Brandon88 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by Germanicus

Hmmm what is the reaction when the Baby Boomers experienced the economic collapse of America ?

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Brandon88
Sorry, but I'll see to it that everybody in that generation works to the end and never gets to retire in order to fix the problems they caused.

All you have to do is look at a Walmart greeter. Probably in their 70's. Congrats. You've achieved what no other generation has. The lack of the ability to retire even though they've paid their way for over 40 years. We're selfish? Look in the mirror Gen Y. Btw, you're welcome for us holding your hands and wiping the snot from your noses all these years.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by intrepid

And the last time I checked all those things you supposedly fixed are still problems today, (Racism, Gender Discrimanation, Gay Rights) still have not been decided. And as for War we have troops in over 150 countries there is only around 186 in the world seems pretty aggressive to me, WASTEFULL money while our country is falling apart back at home.

If they paid for their ways we wouldn't be in this position period. The only streak I see is a long string of failures without changing the approach at all. And don't worry when you all start wearing diapers and rely on us to change you, maybe we'll let you sit for a while to teach you all a lesson while we're off busy fixing your problems.
edit on 21-5-2012 by Brandon88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-5-2012 by Brandon88 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Brandon88

Right. Not our generation, yours. Do something about it other than whining. I don't see it happening though. This generation is much more comfortable bitching on Twitter or FaceBook rather that actually doing something. Doing something actually takes a bit of effort. I think that past generations saw us as lazy. I KNOW this generation is lazy. DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN POST ON AN INTERNET BOARD. I did my time. And get dissed for it? I could encapsulate(big word, need time to Google) that all in 2 words but they would be against the T&C.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by intrepid

As a Generation Z I believe that your generation is better. I mean Look at my generation we've become complacent and that we are experiencing the coming Economic Collapse. I wonder what is the babyboomer's advice when thed economic food riots came.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by intrepid

It's hard to get in office and change things when your generation turned Gov't into a career and not a service. You all look like your ready to die in your seat, while it's impossible to get into a position to make any real change. You've defiled this countrys ways and glory and turned us into scraps and a pale image of what we used to be. You've destroyed the constitution and our rights in the process. It's disgracefull and embarrassing. And when you all go we'll be left with nothing, thanks for looking out for nobody but yourselves.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by MrJohnSmith
reply to post by SaturnFX

I can,t understand how America can afford it,s vast military. Surely the money would be better spent on social care, and healthcare ?

That is the argument going on over here
33% agree 100% with what you said
33% disagree 100%
33% are currently unaware that the world exists outside of american idol.

so, we make all our rulings off the remaining 1% whom is basically waiting for one side or the other to bribe them before voting.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:19 PM
I sit right on the border of Gen-X and Gen-Y so I think I've got a reasonably unique viewpoint about the whole battle of the generations..

Gen-X grew up blaming the baby boomers on all the worlds problems. We were going to fix things, do it right. Rebuild and bring on world peace in ways the previous generation were unable to. We were going to take over the world. Compared to baby-boomers, we were free-spirited, more harmonious and brighter with better ideas what with our baggy jeans, skateboards, alternative rock/punk scene and demmands to free Tibet. But then reality hit. We all got jobs, suddenly there were mortgages to pay, children to raise and wives to appease.

I'm seeing the exact same pattern emmerging from Gen-Y. They're in the "we know better than you" phase..a few of you are starting to develop your own mind and break the mass brainwashing that's occured to your entire generation (look at how many of you base your lives about what is "cool" as defined by hollywood or mass media) but as a generation you're not quite there in terms of maturity. You need a few more years to develop 'real-world' experiences. Many of you haven't known personal struggle (How am I going to pay rent this month? I won't eat today because I'm broke so I'll wait till tomorrow to make sure I can give my gf a good dinner etc.. this is stuff alot of Gen-X people have been through, as have the generations before them).

The big difference I see between Gen-X and Gen-Y is greatly increased "media brainwashing", and how Gen-Y have "skipped" a generation and are blaming baby boomers instead of Gen-X. Selfishness & consumerism most definately exists in all generations but I'm also seeing a massive increase in Gen-Yers, again I put that down to media brainwashing (buy! buy buy! new apple! new ipod! all the cool people wear this hat! my friends list is bigger than your friends list! etc). I also haven't seen as many protests for equality, fair rights, charity movements etc from Gen-Y 'kids' as compared to Gen-X.

It will be another 5-6years imo until we start seeing the true worth of Gen-Y as they start getting into the starting-a-family phase of their lives. Until then, the rest of us are just gonna have to put up with hearing the young 'uns talking about how they're going to take over the world and fix all the mistakes of the past, just like the generations before us had to

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Brandon88

Still whining? We didn't, we did something about inequality no matter what it was. Spare me your empty words until you back them up with action and commitment.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by LordGoofus

Well the ones that will suffer the most is my generation, Z because it is we that will experience the New Depression after we graduate and plus our education has fallen and I wonder what's in store for the new generation

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Alright when you see me on the telly, while your siting on the couch spooning prune juice in your mouth I'll make sure to name drop just so you know I'm talking to you.

I'll star you just for the attempt at trying to come up with a defense. I'm not trying to be offensive either I'm just stating the facts how I see them.
edit on 21-5-2012 by Brandon88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-5-2012 by Brandon88 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Brandon88
Alright when you see me on the telly, while your siting on the couch spooning prune juice in your mouth I'll make sure to name drop just so you know I'm talking to you.

And then I might support you for actually doing something except bitching about how bad you've got it.
I have the T-shirt. Getting a little ratty now though.

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