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What are your favorite 9/11 debunking tactics?

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posted on May, 22 2012 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
reply to post by maxella1

There were 4 passports recovered in total. Two at the 93 site, one in baggage that never made it and the other in NYC. What made the passport unique is it was blocks away.

Really? That’s what made it unique? Nothing else made it unique ?

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by maxella1

Originally posted by Fluffaluffagous

Originally posted by 4hero

Deny bullshi**ers more like! You're full of it fluffy, either that or you're very gullible! Which one is it?

I'm full of knowledge and wisdom and self awareness and life experience..

And that tells me that 9/11 was not an inside job.

lol, just by that statement you confirm what 4hero said fluffy.


It tells most people that truthers have none of those qualities too.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by maxella1

So you do you find odd about the passport?

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
reply to post by maxella1

So you do you find odd about the passport?

That it was the only one that survived both attacks in NYC. And that it belonged to one of the hijackers out of all the other people who could have had passports on them. The fact that it was blocks away is not even on my list of oddities of “the adventures of the passport”.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Varemia

Originally posted by scully222
Read the whole post again slowly. The point I was making (and you obviously missed) was that without the baggage of the Official Story most people would agree these buildings were brought down with explosives. I am talking about the 3 collapses themselves, no other "facts" involved. Any person watching these collapses on video would assume explosives. Tell these same people that admitting explosives were in these buildings would implicate their government in a horrible crime and suddenly the explosives become "impossible". People just refuse to even consider the fact that their government could do such a thing. They will believe any story to make it not true. My whole point concerns perception. Someones perception of the exact same event can vary so drastically based on preconceived notions and beliefs. It really amazes me that people can lose the use of their critical thinking skills so easily. Anyway, your post is way off base and a little offensive. Try to tone it down with the name calling and start with presenting some of these facts you claim to possess. How's that sound?

I think you might be wrong there. The events were fairly straightforward to every person that day.

Plane+Tower = Fire+Damage, Fire+Damage = Collapse.

In other words, most people think that the planes brought down the towers. If you bring up WTC 7, sometimes people get confused for a while, because conspiracy folk never tell the whole story. I fell for the "must be a controlled demolition" for almost a whole week. Then, I did more research on it and learned I was wrong. The penthouse collapse, the pictures of damage and fire I've seen, and the testimony of firefighters who were there. It all adds up to the conclusion that explosives were not necessary.

Plus, the lack of sound that these explosives made tips me off to there not being any. Every single demolition video has explosions just before the collapse. 9/11 had dozens of cameras pointed at every building before they collapsed. No explosive sounds occurred before they collapsed. None. No one ever explains this to me. The answer might as well be "government magic."

One thing I am seeing rampant in this thread is a bunch of bickering about trivialities, eyewitness testimony, and small details that really do not effect the whole in any way. This will get us nowhere and has a tendency to get us looking at the ground instead of at the exploding buildings. One thing that always amazed me about the OS was the governments ability to turn this into some sort of a mystical event. Somehow 9/11 was such a special and unique event that NONE of the normal rules apply. Buildings turning to dust and collapsing when 90% of said buildings are INTACT(without explosives of course). Impossible phone calls being placed. Impossible passports that survive massive fireballs. Disappearing black boxes. 2 planes that crash with virtually NO DEBRIS. Fires that burn for months at 1000's of degrees at the bases of 2 collapsed buildings. The largest national defense network in the history of the world rendered useless. There are literally dozens of examples of events this day that were unique in history. For the life of me I just can't understand how ANYONE can look at all these events and accept the explanation we were given. It requires such an incredible leap of faith it is just astonishing. I don't think it has anything to do with intelligence at all, and I see a lot of people on this thread spending all their time calling people ignorant. There are only two trains of thought on this issue. 1. You feel there is a possibility that our government could do this to Americans. Once you accept this the OS completely falls apart. You begin to realize what was done to us and why. 2. You simply refuse to think the government is capable of such an atrocity and you believe and will defend to the death every explanation you are given for that day. There is absolutely no middle ground, and on this issue there really can't be. The second the doubt about your government creeps in, the OS makes zero sense. My question is WHY? Our rogue government does not care about one single average person in this country, no matter what they tell you. We are not important in the least. America is and always has been about the average Joe and Jane. The Middle Class. The District of Columbia is NOT AMERICA. WE ARE!! We need to stop wasting our time defending them. This is THE critical event of the last 100 years. When will we demand the REAL STORY? Every person in this country is either a 1 or a 2. There is no other option. Be honest and ask yourself. Which one are you?

And thank you for being civil in your response

edit on 22-5-2012 by scully222 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by scully222

Almost all of your points are either huge exaggerations or completely false. It's really hard to argue with 9/11 conspiracy theorists when they can't even get their facts straight. I mean, it's so bad that I don't even want to waste the energy in going through every single one. An entire thread could be spent bickering on each point and it would get everyone nowhere.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by scully222

I agree with every single word in your post !

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by Varemia
reply to post by scully222

Almost all of your points are either huge exaggerations or completely false. It's really hard to argue with 9/11 conspiracy theorists when they can't even get their facts straight. I mean, it's so bad that I don't even want to waste the energy in going through every single one. An entire thread could be spent bickering on each point and it would get everyone nowhere.

Why don't you cut this sh** out! Who makes you come to the 9/11 conspiracy forum? What is your purpose here? People with self respect are unable to believe the nonsense we were told. Stop trying to prove the impossible.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by maxella1
Why don't you cut this sh** out! Who makes you come to the 9/11 conspiracy forum? What is your purpose here? People with self respect are unable to believe the nonsense we were told. Stop trying to prove the impossible.

It's a decent way to spend my free time over the summer, ok? It makes me feel good to come on here and try to make sense of things, but sometimes it just gets retarded. I try and try to come to a common ground, but the evidence I find directly contradicts the bullcrap you and your friends are spewing!

Stop being such a drama queen!

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Varemia

Originally posted by maxella1
Why don't you cut this sh** out! Who makes you come to the 9/11 conspiracy forum? What is your purpose here? People with self respect are unable to believe the nonsense we were told. Stop trying to prove the impossible.

It's a decent way to spend my free time over the summer, ok? It makes me feel good to come on here and try to make sense of things, but sometimes it just gets retarded. I try and try to come to a common ground, but the evidence I find directly contradicts the bullcrap you and your friends are spewing!

Stop being such a drama queen!

Evidence. lol

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by maxella1
Evidence. lol

Yeah, the photos, the videos, the testimony, and the physics all completely contradict everything you say. You seem to think you know everything, and you think you know what's impossible and possible, yet you can't cite a single example where a plane hit a skyscraper at high speed and the fire was uncontrolled. Buildings have burned, yes. Buildings have been hit by planes (albeit at lower speeds), yes. But never has a building been hit and burned. I can't really think of an instance where a building got hit by a collapsing building and burned uncontrolled for 7 hours either.

Your "impossible" factors are unprovable. I wish you'd provide evidence for those.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by Varemia

I wish you'd provide evidence for those.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by Varemia
reply to post by scully222

Almost all of your points are either huge exaggerations or completely false. It's really hard to argue with 9/11 conspiracy theorists when they can't even get their facts straight. I mean, it's so bad that I don't even want to waste the energy in going through every single one. An entire thread could be spent bickering on each point and it would get everyone nowhere.

“Both towers had 110 stories, were about 1,350 feet high, and were square; each wall measured 208 feet in length.” – The 9/11 Commission Report. If The South Tower is 1,350 feet high and collapsed in ten seconds, as specified above, and all is equivalent, this means 135 feet (45 yards) of building would have to go away per second. The speed for this to occur would be roughly 92 mph.

Do you dispute any of the above statement?

What you are really saying is (and all who dispute any questioning of the event or holding the powerful accountable for their actions): 9/11 = GWOT. And you find this completely acceptable. Iraq War. The War in Afghanistan. Libya. Pakistan. Oman. Yemen. UAE. Iran, too. TSA. Groping (molestation) of innocent citizens (children, the elderly). Militarization of police. Torture. Drones. Secret prisons. Concentration camps. Presidential assassination. Goodbye, Constitution. Goodbye, Old Republic. World War III. Why not? Hell, even the American People too. Our evil will take over everything. You will not stand up for what is right. Hell, you'll go right along with it because it really won't affect you now will it? You might join in on the fun. Torture & molestation: what a wonderful national pastime in the Land of The Free & Home of The Brave. It really won't affect you now will it? Oh, yes it will. It really doesn't matter if you question 9/11. What matters is what will you tell The Living God when he asks you about what you did in a time of darkness.

I can prove the government story wrong is one simple phrase: the collapse, destruction, storm & inferno of the towers violates The Law of Conservation of Energy.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 06:36 AM
Hello everyone.

Great post, OP.

Being american, but NOT north-american, it´s so clear that it was an inside job that it hurts....

And that´s my favourite "debunker" statement.... the "patriotic" thing.

"How can OUR government know anything about it? There were AMERICANS dying here!" blah blah blah...

As if your government were "american" at all...

Please, watch again "Wag the dog"... and then take your flag and think if "Silverstein" (and his assurance policy) loves it the same as you, or the people who REALLY dies in that self made tragedy.


posted on May, 23 2012 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by PragmaticBeliever

Jeah wag the dog was a comedy but a pretty good example of how disinfo works.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by maxella1

These 4 pictures are evidence, huh?

1. The Opps you guys set this bomb off early. Let me explain. The inside of the building is falling into itself. as it does this, the intense pressure caused blows out the lower level windows. There are numerous videos that show this. Watch a CD. THe explosion happned BEFORE it collapses, not during.

2. Your second picture actually shows how it is tilting and not falling into it's own 'footprint; nor symmetrically.

3. WTC pic - Again, it shows the collapse and nothing else.

4. Bush knew.... Clinton knew...the CIA...the FBI...THE PDB did convey this in the months leading up to 9/11 but I suggest you read the 9/11 commission report. If you do not you can not possibly be prepared to discuss 9/11.As i have, someone who does not believe the OS should study the other side. Know who you consider your advisory and

5. It was collapsing. It was reported that day as a building that may collapse. Those new reports are out there also but no one ever posts them because it does not fit your theory..I iwll admit this one seems the strangest but explosives did not bring down WTC7. If so, where is the physical evidence?

There were also supposedly missiles shot from the Woolworth building and an attack outside a federal building. Lots of 'things' were said that day but it does not make it automatically true.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by secgovwiki

I can prove the government story wrong is one simple phrase: the collapse, destruction, storm & inferno of the towers violates The Law of Conservation of Energy. How does that statement resolve 9/11? If it violated a Law of physics, it would have acted in a manner that did not match those laws. It did not. This is simple physics and not complicated.

Gravity won on 9/11. Plain and simple.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
reply to post by maxella1

These 4 pictures are evidence, huh?

Those 4 pics are better than anything you have ever brought to the table!

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
reply to post by secgovwiki

I can prove the government story wrong is one simple phrase: the collapse, destruction, storm & inferno of the towers violates The Law of Conservation of Energy. How does that statement resolve 9/11? If it violated a Law of physics, it would have acted in a manner that did not match those laws. It did not. This is simple physics and not complicated.

Gravity won on 9/11. Plain and simple.

You obviously have very limited physics knowledge to make such a statement!

Please do provide you precise physics equations on how gravity brought down these 3 buildings with zero resistance!

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by 4hero
Where did I mention 'miracle' technology? You are fantasising as normal Dave! You make stuff up as you go along, and imagine that people say stuff, when they clearly don't. As you can see, my original comment is in this reply, where is the claim of miracle technology? That came from you, and you only.

Of course they would be using the latest tech, as most military operations do.

Do you actually read your posts before you make them? You really don't understand how absurd it is to claim "we didn't use miracle technology" and then in the very next sentence claim "we used the latest secret military technology noone has ever seen before". You're not claiming the towers were blown up by unmanned predator drones or spy satellites, guy. You're claiming the towers were blown up by secret explosives the gov;t secretly invented that exploded silently AND left no traces of sabotage AND could melt steel AND which hasn't been seen anywhere else in the universe, all of which is a violation of the laws of physics. You really are unable to see the difference? I mean, really?

I said it before and I'll say it again- if the conspiracy theorists ever held their own claims up the the same level of critical analysis that they do the 9/11 commission report, they wouldn't be conspiracy theorists for very long.

When I say they broke guidlines they did not adhere to the correct procedure during the clean up, I am assuming there is a big hole in your own 9/11 research. Just because it was a unique event to some degree, it doesn't mean they are permitted to break the specified recovery & clean up guidelines. I think you need to go off and do a wee bit more research on what happened afterwards, all the people involved in the clean up, the many different occurances. That's your homework for today, then when you have a bit more knowledge, we can discuss this further....

Ah yes, the "self declared expert on everything" ploy again. People copping a high and mighty and in-the-know attitude like this amuses me because it only sets themselves up for a big pie in the face. Time to put up or shut up, guy- what are the "established procedures" for dealing with a gigantic skyscraper collapsing and taking out several city bocks, and to what extent exactly were they "broken"? Can you list sources that have nothing to do with Alex Jones?

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