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There Are LOADS Of Jobs Out There, But NONE Of Them Pay Living Wages!

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posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by PrimePorkchop

wrong. there is no such goddamn thing as right or wrong! when are you going to figure that out?

They pay living wages...they DO NOT pay wages that mean you can do what you want when you want it. People have become too entitled to thinking they're supposed to have a fancy car, iPhone 4S, xbox, ps3, new iMac, etc.

what good is an imac when i destory your universe? you pathetic human

If your skills do not allow you a job that pays to meet your wants, then you should stick to your needs. Stop feeling entitled, trophy generation, in the real world you have to earn what you keep.

then develop some new skills!. what are you? a moron? evolution didn't end with you growing thumbs!
edit on 20/5/12 by mzungu because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by LifeIsPeculiar

No guy they exist. Ive seen one for myself fully functioning that puts out more electricity than it needs energy to move, although be it small it proved the concept could work on a bigger scale. I didnt fully understand how it worked but the guy who built it was big on Tesla and does this kind of thing for a living.

And every once in awhile in different science based forums a new invention will pop up and its proven to work, but im not going to argue the facts with you.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by intrepid

I think in the short run, in the US anyway it actually costs them more, because the temp agency takes a cut of about 50%. Yes, 50%. Wifey worked at one of those places.

They only save money if they decide to get rid of you and not pay the unemployment.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by StratosFear
reply to post by LifeIsPeculiar

No guy they exist. Ive seen one for myself fully functioning that puts out more electricity than it needs energy to move, although be it small it proved the concept could work on a bigger scale. I didnt fully understand how it worked but the guy who built it was big on Tesla and does this kind of thing for a living.

you put out more energy than you need to move..... where the f**k are you putting it?

And every once in awhile in different science based forums a new invention will pop up and its proven to work, but im not going to argue the facts with you.

what the hell is your definition of science?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by v1rtu0s0

Originally posted by Monkeygod333
I hate it when people do this. This is now the THIRD jobs thread!

Why couldnt you just post your views on that thread?

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

You mean second thread?

In any case lots of people make threads to counter other threads. It's nothing new.
so thats two of ya that still dont get it.
what ever, its my day off. like 7 in a row.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:13 PM
This seems like a good idea to mention the T&C:

Can we chill it some people?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:14 PM
I give yo good wage JO. Why you not take offer. It puts food on the table, What more could you ask for, JO. I tell ya what JO. You can work all the overtime you want. Is it ok now JO. Tell me what is wrong JO. You a good JO, i help you out , aye JO.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by cloaked4u

Lol @ 50 cents an this the inimum wage in the states?

They're spot on, I earn slightly (but not much) more than minimum wage, I don't feel the need to look flash, in designer clothing, fancy phones and cars, I try to live within my means and I live comfortably...sure, it's tought at times, but I get by much easier than some people I know, the people I know who don't work live a harder life, they struggle on trying to choose an easy life and be lazy they make other sacrifices far beyond those that I make and actually make their lives harder. I know of no job in this country that legally pays wages that are lower than benefits like jobseekers allowance, I think people on jobseekers get about 70 or 80 pounds a week, if someone works minimum wage, full time...or even part time - they can earn more, in fact the last time I checked (many years ago) anyone who was offered a job over 16 hours a week was obligated to take the job or their benefits were cut -0 simply because 16 hours work at the national minimum wage equated to more than a weeks benefits..

It's theft...plain and simple...JO, if you can earn 1 cent more an hour working than do you sponging from the system then you should do it...people think they're entitled to so much these days.

I work full time, I love my job, I also attend college which comes in at an added expense to me, but in the long term I'll benefit, it's not all about the here and now it's about security in the future, and also about pride - nobody keeps me, I pay my own way and work hard for it, JO - I don't have or want an expensive phone, or fancy clothes, I don't want to live the lifestyle of a minro celebrity, I want to get by comfortably and have a reasonably good life in the very least, and I'm happy...if people are happy scraping by on welfare then fair play - just remember there are millions of people who don't like their jobs, and they continue to work in these jobs and contribute to a society where people think they deserve more.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by mzungu

I am unsure what planet you are living on, but, Life for some people is a daily struggle for survival.
I feel you lack basic compassion and the ability to place yourself in another persons shoes to see what it is like for them, the basic requirements for "Emotional Intellect", are lacking in your post.

It is so very unfortunate that current levels of poverty are being exacerbated by a lack of empathy from others who can only find disparaging "Put Downs".
If just one person is having to cope with a situation where they are working a full week and do not have enough to meet the bills after making the effort in a minimum wage job, your post is both meaningless and nasty.

Unfortunately, First impressions last, and, this is how i will remember you, Meaningless and Nasty.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:16 PM

so thats two of ya that still dont get it.
what ever, its my day off. like 7 in a row.


me too, i'm taking a day off.. it's sunday in my universe anyway.

"right, i'm off. i've got a universe to master" -bernard black
edit on 20/5/12 by mzungu because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by PrimePorkchop

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
It used to be that you were able to work a nice 40 hr/week job and have time for yourself and raising a good family, but now you have to work 2 - 3 jobs while no time for family and it all disintegrates; It is all part of the plan.

And back in the day, people didn't blow their money on gadgets, gizmos, and do-hickeys. Today, thats what people do. They blow $15,000 a year on Chinese made crap, then complain like children that they can't afford their own house.

It's pathetic.

Okay, It is pathetic. But WHY are we buying cheap crap? Because our jobs have been exported to third
world countries for the cheap labor so that the top one percent can buy another island.

Case in point:

When I was growing up we had a set of nail clippers in our house. They were good quality
American made. They lasted and worked for my entire childhood. My dad bought them ONCE and
took care of them.

Now when I go to buy nail clippers for my family, they are cheap crap. I can't even find quality
merchandise like this. So I buy them once, they break, I buy them again...etc.

I have a small room air-conditioner that cost 100 bucks at Wal-Mart. In five years I have replaced it
TWICE. But when jobs were domestic and we had quality made goods I could have spent
150 bucks and had a piece of merchandise that would last me for many years, maybe forever.

Point is...the finger of blame should NOT be pointed at lazy people. There will always be lazy
people, people who work the social services system for a fee lunch.

But the ultimate blame is the over-arching greed of those who already have plenty but still
want even more. The corporate heads who sacrifice quality over quantity by exporting jobs
and hiring thru temps agencies to avoid paying benefits to workers.

I know I was there, I spent eight years working at GM, three different plants in three different states.
And each time I moved was because the plant was shuttered and the jobs moved overseas or
into Mexico....and each time the quality suffered.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by The X
reply to post by mzungu

I am unsure what planet you are living on, but, Life for some people is a daily struggle for survival.
I feel you lack basic compassion and the ability to place yourself in another persons shoes to see what it is like for them, the basic requirements for "Emotional Intellect", are lacking in your post.

right back at you beautiful human!

It is so very unfortunate that current levels of poverty are being exacerbated by a lack of empathy from others who can only find disparaging "Put Downs".
If just one person is having to cope with a situation where they are working a full week and do not have enough to meet the bills after making the effort in a minimum wage job, your post is both meaningless and nasty.

yeah? wtf are you going to do about it? beat me up? if you don't like the state of the world, do something about it. don't just sit there with your finger up your arse wondering where all the time went.

Unfortunately, First impressions last, and, this is how i will remember you, Meaningless and Nasty.

last impressions first mate, check my history.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

I agree with this completely. I attempted to start my own business selling tabletop nuclear fusion devices for medical isotope production, and ended up putting more money into it than I got out. I graduated from college with a psychology major, math minor and computer science minor.

I have been looking for work for a long time, and the only jobs I have been able to find so far were a door-to-door sales job that paid $10 per person that accepted the sale, but only lasted two hours a day (averaging $20 a day), a job repairing computers at banks, which paid $40 per visit, but only happened once every two months, and a freelance writing job that paid about $80 a week but laid me off after a month.

I am going to go looking for work again next week, but the reality of the matter is, I am going to end up poor. It has nothing to do with how much time you spend looking for work, your college education or anything like that.

The reality is, in the past few years, the economic situation has decayed to a dangerous level - destroying the middle class, making it harder to find a job one can live on, and making it harder to find a job in general.

I don't think anyone could look me in the eyes and say that the economy is in better shape than it was before 2008. The fact is, the blame does *not* lie on the individual, but on those in power who completely screwed up and didn't give a # about the people they were supposed to be protecting.

Also, for all those who think that we just have the power to "do something" about it, that power requires money that many of us do not have. In other words, the power to "do anything" about our lives is being taken from us, and that is why we are bringing this up in the first place.
edit on 20-5-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by PrimePorkchop

Hmmm, but folks did buy doohickeys and such. They purchaced homes, cars, and other new things such as refrigerators, tvs, and radios. They bought products for their homes and daily lives just as they do today. Much of our manufaturing economy provided those doohickies. What is the difference? In the last forty years or so, our expenses have risen, and our wages have not. Our currency is worth far less today than it was then. To give an example, prior to 1913, our treasury issued money that was backed by gold, and not based on dept. A $20 gold piece was worth $20 in its weight in gold. The devalueation process began slowly. By the time my mother and father go married in 1960, they could take a $20 federal reserve note, which was fractionaly backed by gold, and buy a months worth of food, a new dress for my mother, and a nice dinner for two. Fast forward to today. That $20 gold piece is now worth thousands. $20 will buy you a days worth of meals for a familly of four, or four value meals at burger king. Wages have not kept up with the increase in the cost of living since the 1970's ( coincidently during the same time frame when we went off the gold standard, and nixon helped for HMO's). Perhaps we are basing our current idea of living on what our grandparents and parents were able to acheive. Unfortunately, everything they worked for has been handed to other nations, and to the multinational cooperations and banks. If we were to go back to the gold standard, the $1 bill in your wallet would suddenly have more purchasing power. If we withdrew from the world trade organization, It has been estimated that millions of domestic jobs would have to be created to offset it. Imagine our country returning to having twenty plus percent of its workforce back into manufacturing. All of this was to illustrate to you that doohickies are what dirves production. Bring back production and a sound currency, bring back small government, less buisness regulations and taxes, and reinstate the regulations once in place on our financial institutions to prevent yet another multi trillion dollar bubble from forming, and perhaps we can get this nation back to work, and back to being able to afford our doohickies.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by mzungu

so thats two of ya that still dont get it.
what ever, its my day off. like 7 in a row.


me too, i'm taking a day off.. it's sunday in my universe anyway.

"right, i'm off. i've got a universe to master" -bernard black
edit on 20/5/12 by mzungu because: (no reason given)

sorry I am not following you, take care with you rage though!!

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:24 PM

edit on 20-5-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by dreamseeker

People obsess about this because they worry too much about what their friends, families and neighbors will think if they are not working.

It is nothing more than perceived societal pressure to conform (in this case, WORK!).

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by Submarines

You LIKE working 5 jobs?

Not everyone is like you though!

Nice way of subverting the word filter just so you can call us all "lazy asses".

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Sinny
reply to post by Thunder heart woman

Now... Let's hunt down the bankers and MPs and take this world back!

You make perfect sense! But, I like the above statement ;-) The OPERATIVE word being HUNT! I am really good at that, four years in Africa with the military, nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more... I keep telling people that there is a solution to every problem, it just requires motivation and throwing enough money at it so that the gains outweigh the risks LOL.

I was hoping to see hunting licenses for bankers and politicians this year, with a limit of at least two but it hasn't happened yet. For bear or deer, yeah, it's productive, you can provide meat for your family. But for politicians and bankers, you could actually save the world!

Oh well, its not legal so far, maybe next year. We can always hope ;-)

Cheers - Dave

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by samerulesapply

Yeah, i'm sure people would be better off living in a home insulated by cardboard under the bridge. That way they can save all kinds of money. Hell, within 50 years I can retire to my luxury home in a trailer park. I never thought of it that way, I think i will move to that comfortable home insulated by cardboard under the bridge now. HEY, do you think the law will allow me to do so. I could save so much money. Really, all i have to do is tough it out a bit. Hope i stay healthy. You gave me insight to a world of know. I feel much better knowing that there are caring people like yourself out there and know so much about life. Do you think i should cut out a window in this box and make the window like a t.v. That way i will always have live t.v shows to watch. I told my neighbor about this and he suggested that i get two dixie cups and some thread and we could have a chat line. What do yo think? I can save hundreds. Oh, the nieghbor on the chat line gave me news on what time to go to mcdonalds. The buffet is open past midnight in the back. I was instructed to rip open the platic containers to get to the buffet. WOW, i can save so much money. GREAT.

edit on 20-5-2012 by cloaked4u because: (no reason given)

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