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There Are LOADS Of Jobs Out There, But People Don't Want To Work!

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posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by mysterioustranger

Who are you replying to?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Such care, concern and compassion for your fellow man that you have displayed here in your own thread is truly a wonder to behold. I applaude and congratulate you on having the job that provides you with the income and overstated self importance that has placed you upon your pedestal to play judge and jury to people who are already down and tred upon, handing down to them your judgement of contempt and scorn.

Shame on you, ModernAcademia.. shame. One day perhaps you may find yourself in the same situation and looking for a kind word of encouragement, you will most likely find none. Should you ever find yourself in this position, remember your own attitude towards others who are currently doing everything possible to find gainful employement and apply it to yourself. Should someone treat you as you are now treating others please do not come here looking for solace, I am sure you have wounded enough people with your careless words that kindness is not likely to be applied to you.

Remember one thing... pride goeth before the fall. While I would not wish ill will towards anyone, including you, just remember that what you give to the world has a way of finding its way back to you.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Erectus
I was a small business owner through most of my 20's. I struggled in poverty atleast half that time. Oh, I was grossing 35k a year, but after all the overhead, plus the extra taxes I ended up making a dismal income. But, I stuck with it, knowing that eventually it should pay off. Despite my financial hardship I invested money into my company and trade.
One day I looked around and realized that I was doing pretty good. I had broken out of the poor and working class and was now middle class, if only barely.
Then the Fall of 2008 rolled around and building stopped. From October until Christmas I had managed to make less than $2000 (subtract overhead from that and it becomes mere hundreds). My employees got the axe pretty quick. Yet, I still couldn't even make ends meet. By the Spring I was ruined.
I decided to go to college and get away from the small business construction line of work. It is fraught with hardship. I know a small handfull who made it through unscathed, either by going into debt or letting go of so much of what they had worked for. Those people are now staying busy again and doing almost as good as they had before. If I would have stuck with it I'd likely be in the same boat.
I can promise you that if there were enough plumbers to show up at your door the same day you call (every time) then there are too many plumbers in the area to stay busy and they'll starve each other. Small business ownership in construction means that if you cannot earn $300 to $500 a day then you cannot even live a modest life. Fuel alone can consume $100 a week easily, uncharged consumables $100 a week easily, contractor insurance $100 a month, one employee $400 a week, extra taxes 8% of net earnings, depreciation of investments in vehicles and tools, a new set of tires every year, the list goes on and on and on. You'll gross $60k a year and be left with $30k. But 30k is ok isn't it? Sure it is for a 9 to 5 job. But where is my insurance (I had insurance on my family....$1600 a month)? And when my day is over I get to swing by a potential job or two and politic with people and measure the job. Then I go home and figure bids, then I do my paper work for the day, maybe make a phone call or 3. Finally, by 7 or 8pm the day is over. 7am, at it again. And all for an income that is only marginally better than the asst. manager at McDonalds. Then after all that you get a punch to the nose when there is no work to be had for a couple of weeks. So next month is catch up month.
edit on 20-5-2012 by Erectus because: spelling correction

You make some very good points. Licensing, certification, insurance, overhead, taxes, maintenance, tools, etc... all these things are extremely costly. At least you can write some of this stuff off, but it is my opinion that our Government is making it harder and harder to run one's own business. The regulations, quarterly taxation and everything they require of each business is sometimes completely insane. It makes you wonder whether it's even worth running one's own business these days. It wasn't like that decades ago, but it is like that now. We need to get out and vote, complain, change these rules, whatever it takes to make running a business -worth it- again.

Let's keep in mind though that when you do run your own business, you're more in control of your future than you would be if you were working for someone else. If you run your business properly and if you have a good head on your shoulder, you're giving yourself more job security no matter what the economic situation.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by MyMindIsMyOwn
One day perhaps you may find yourself in the same situation and looking for a kind word of encouragement, you will most likely find none. Should you ever find yourself in this position, remember your own attitude towards others who are currently doing everything possible to find gainful employement and apply it to yourself.

As stated I have already been int that position
But rather than sit down, collect free checks that I didn't deserve I started my own money making initiatives.
Providing services for households

Originally posted by MyMindIsMyOwn
Remember one thing... pride goeth before the fall. While I would not wish ill will towards anyone, including you, just remember that what you give to the world has a way of finding its way back to you.

So you are saying if someone takes my advice and does what I did and am suggesting karma will come around back to me and in some way praise me?

Can't wait!

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by SmArTbEaTz
So I guess since you learned it that way everyone can right? If that was the case everyone would get the same scores on tests and exams... I can read every damn book on a subject but it doesn't mean I will understand it as much as someone else.

If you don't understand it then keep reading/studying
There's something called the Law of Progression

Originally posted by SmArTbEaTz
People want to be happy with what they do for a living. If not we are just slaves to the system. I say find something you are interested in and make the most of it. As long as I can feed my family, government assisted or not, and I am happy... that's what really matters.

What a disgusting statement
You don't want to work in an environment where you are unhappy but you are fine with collecting checks that you don't deserve THAT ALSO COMES FROM THE POCKETS OF POOR PEOPLE WHO ARE FORCED TO CONTRIBUTE.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Jersey Devil
How many of you remember your grandparents if they have passed. They lived through basically a depression. Women worked in steel plants as husbands were either at war or worked 2-3 jobs themselves. They worked till they retired. Some meaningless jobs but they NEVER complained about the pennies they got paid and NOTHING was beneath them. Now things changed in the US. Either people have to adapt and do the same as our families did before us or imigration will continue and those from other more poverish countries will gladly take on all the mundane meaningless jobs and there will be none left. Ever see the Oprah episode? Single woman w 3 kids refused govt assistance and walked everyday collecting cans and going to auto repair shops asking for scrap metal. Today she owns the largest (or one of) scrap recycling businesses in the US. Nothing was beneath her.

Great point thank you

People have become such worms I cannot believe to read some posts
The things that people are saying is so lazy and despicable

They refuse to do hard labor or change careers that isn't working because it will require long-term effort and a change in lifestyle but they are okay with collecting money that they don't deserve.

Your post was so on point you hit the nail in the coffin!!!!

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
How easy is it to get a plumber to your house same day and sometimes same week?
How often does a plumber call you back even?
And how much does it cost?

This market is thirsty for more plumbers
More plumbers is more competition which will be better prices for you as well

What about an electrician?
Are they easy to get at your home same day?

And even more importantly landscapers
You call a landscaper sure they may come same day, but when will they start the project?
Sometimes months or weeks ahead
Sometimes they give you a quote and never call you back
Sometimes they come to do an estimation and they never send you the quote unless they do it onsite

Many of these guys are either irresponsible or they have so many contracts to work on that they don't care
And that's from the horse's mouth

There are plenty of jobs out there
But when people think of jobs they only think about the help wanted ads or
They never think of starting their own business and THAT is the problem

They wait for a job to come to them instead of them themselves going towards a new business initiative

Come on people!

I realize that this is not universal truth, some areas in ghettos have very little buyers for landscaping and also may live in appartments where the landloard takes care of it.

But in the city and suburbs there's loads of jobs
And if you live in a ghetto maybe you can drive outside of town for such a job and then move out

However let's not say there's no jobs out there
That's just not true

I'm not saying it's easy out there, but you don't jump to "There's No Jobs!!!"

Where do you live . because there are no jobs where am at.(manchester uk) only jobs that eat away at your soul. yeah sure i can get a job at my supermarket. who wants to work for the man. (love the way you end your post with....I'm not saying it's easy out there.... I bet you have a lovely job

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:06 AM
Wow, the OP has an axe to grind...
I know licensed plumbers who work their tails off and still go hungry at times. The market for work ebbs and flows. It is never stable for any self-employed person.

You assume people have the health to go out and be fighters/aggressive go-getters. You assume people have some money for gas and a working vehicle. You assume people have the know-how to "work" an interview in their favor, and lie on the pre-interview tests that run 75-150 questions. I have personally seen these on-line tests and they ask in as many ways as possible, in every shady way "are you honest 100% of the time and will you take a day off if you are not sick".

I have spoken to many, many "hiring managers" who:
1. already have someone for the job but must see 6 people to make it "fair".
2. won't hire (even though they have a "hiring" sign out) because there is only so many hours and they want the overtime themselves.
3. want unpaid "interns" to work the job for 3 months before they are considered for hiring.
4. need a big pool of applicants on file because their corporate office expects it. Even though they have a "hiring" sign out, they have no plans to hire.
5. need to see 6 black men, 6 white men, 6 white women, 6 minority women before they hire their grandson.

Yes, people have said this to my face once I approached them honestly and made a plea to understand why someone did not get a job.

I help people go out and look for work/jobs/legal ways to make money. I mean, I literally drive them, talk to them, encourage them. It's volunteer, I don't make a dime. It ain't easy to find legal work these days, even for men of color. Even for young white men. Even for women.

Oh, yes, there are (wink wink) jobs.

In order for this country to survive, we need a paradigm change that does NOT include government intervention.
I know more than a few small businesses who would hire. I would open a pet shop next month and hire, hire, hire, train, train, train, work work, work. I have no problem with work and helping others get/keep employment. But government regs keep me and many people from starting businesses.

This country needs more small businesses, small farms. We need more commercial (meaning FDA) approved kitchens in churches and town halls where people can cook and can goods to sell at farmer markets.

-people can cook meals to deliver to offices and people who want homemade food.
-people can can/freeze meals to sell
-people can make pastries for bake sales and events
-people can be paid to process bounty from private gardens

See? There are so many ways for one commercial kitchen in a church/town hall to help people make money. And in most cases the govt won't allow it.

So I continue to drive people from interview to interview to the library to use their computers. How do these people make money? They do medical testing. Human guinea pigs.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Kryties
Plumbers, electricians, landscapers....pretty much all trades require years of training and apprenticeship on ridiculously low wages before one is fully licensed where I come from.

As I have stated a hundred times here on ATS, I went to the local college for two years, thanks to the federal government and honest tax paying citizens such as yourself. I studied in welding technologies and made pretty good grades( almost straight A's). I am pretty good at it and I can weld almost anything.

My time was almost up in the schooling and we had a local union representative from a slightly different trade than what I was studying fo, come and talk to the instructor and us students. I paid my $20 testing fee and drove 70 miles to take the test, an all day test at that. I got a phone call in under three weeks.

So now LJ01 is a sheetmetal worker. Next month I will have one year in and three more to go to be journeyman. I am currently working for a mechanical contractor and we do hvac installations and remodels. It is a pretty big operation my boss runs and he is doing very well financially.

I currently am driving 85 miles to a jobsite doing a building for a big college. After child support and travel expenses just to make it to the jobsite every day, I am currently bringing home squat per week. Sometimes it has me questioning if it is worth it because i went to college to do something I enjoy. I can honestly say that I do not enjoy driving one and a half hours to work and back for next to nothing bring home. I keep telling myself it will pay off in the end.

The whole point of me replying to your post is because it hits right at home with my situation. I decided to make a difference in my families lives. It sucks but in the end I could possibly be making enough money to start my own business.

I am doing what it takes. I feel like I am sacrificing alot of family time and sanity to try to accomplish something, but if the sheetmetal thing falls way off for an extended period, I will not hesitate to look for other avenues of income.

Anyways I am tired of rambling on just because someone makes a thread thinking their sh%t don't stink.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:12 AM
The concept of this thread is sad.

Yes, in the modern kingdom there is opportunity for one to make a family name, with a trade, fit for a serf, serving the King (Elite), the noble men (global leaders) and their lifestyle (capitalism).

Why won't anyone jump at the chance to play medieval land slave for their time on Earth?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
So you are saying if someone takes my advice and does what I did and am suggesting karma will come around back to me and in some way praise me?

Can't wait!

Nope, I'm saying that the condescening tone and puffed up self importance in which you so shamelessly display your 'helpful advice' may one day come back around to possibly bite you square on your backside. Glad you think you are providing such good advice, and in a way you are.. but your tone is hardly that of someone who has a modicum of humility about them.

It's OK to be proud of pulling yourself up by the bootstraps, dusting yourself off and moving on in a positive direction with your life, I have done so myself many times. What I, and I dare say others take issue with, in reading the responses here, is the way in which you present yourself which to me is careless and unfeeling to the plight of many people currently looking for employment.

I currently know someone who has, since he lost his job in Feb., made his job search his full time job from morning until late afternoon he is making applications to jobs, sending out resumes and pounding the pavement not just during the week but this includes weekends as well. Judging from your attitude you would assume him to be lazy and nothing could be further from the truth. You make sweeping generalizations on the unemployed that simply put, in the end, make you look hearless and cruel which is I'm sure not your intent.

Congratulations on your success. Just remember, everyone's life has a different path from your own and I would ask that you take that into consideration and perhaps soften your approach. Your attempt to show us that it can be done has unfortunately been over-shadowed by your words that seem to be used more as a club over the head than a proper teaching tool.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:15 AM
You are so naive, OP. You make it look like as if everyone has this opportunity and all they have to do is snap with fingers. Also extreme ambition about career and careerism partially what make the people today so bad. Maybe you need to be less materialistic. Make a family at 50 years then, just cause of WORK lol. No one says 'don't work' but don't go crazy about it. Judging by how you post, you are exactly that kind that needs to not be liked.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:17 AM
Good Thread with lots of insight. Questions from another perspective though. What if you have a job, but aren't happy with do you move on? It is a tough job market. I must have put in over 100 serious applications/resumes in the last year and only got one job offer (which I took). Same job, different location, more opportunity to move up or laterally though. So it seemed like a good move.

I'd like to get into Tech and have a little bit of that in my background. The problem is twofold's a big field...where are the jobs and what degree/certificate is the best to go for? Second part is that a lot of those jobs will be entry level with a pretty good pay cut.

I'm thinking that if I focus on helpdesk/tech support and plan on working a part time job, say as a pizza delivery man. That sucks though as at this stage in my life, I enjoy going to the gym in the evenings and doing family things.

Other option is something outside like park ranger or Archaeologist but those both seem like bad options. I'm looking into them though.

Oh well.

Cheers and good luck to all those without the jobs. I will say that networking...LinkdIn and Facebook with old collegues got me my current job. I did a lot of Resume work as well and that did get me some interviews. so that's my advice. Get on LinkedIn and starte networking with ALL of your past collegues and ask if there are any job openings and two get an updated Resume 3 of course is be ready to relocate. Just my experience.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:18 AM

But rather than sit down, collect free checks that I didn't deserve I started my own money making initiatives.
Providing services for households

You like many, are living in some sort of delusional fantasy-land. You really think that my state can use 13% more plumbers, electricians, etc.?

Free checks? I paid over 160k in taxes just in my last job. America is DEAD LAST in long term unemployment. Don't deserve? You are delusional, and self-righteous to boot.

Obviously you think anyone out of work deserves NO HELP whatsoever. Sink or swim. You are brimming with compassion, aren't you. But you are deluded.. truly you are. You have no pulse on the unemployment situation, nor the base understanding of why it's good for professionals with 10.. 15 or 20 years experience to STAY in their professions, whatever they may be.

I will (eventually) collect unemployment, and will do so without an ounce of remorse or guilt, until I am gainfully employed doing what I do best. Suggesting I take up an entirely new trade at this point in my life is ridiculous in the extreme. Again, your ideas are fantasy. You are not living in reality.. which is a common issue on these boards.
edit on 20-5-2012 by fleabit because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:19 AM
What is work?

I've been thinking about that a lot lately. It might mean different things to different people.
To some people, it means being productive - making things of value or being of service to others.
For some people, it might mean doing these things for someone else, for pay.

There's other kinds of work too. Some people might have the 'acquiring resources' part down. Maybe they need to work on something else then - like being a compassionate person, helping others, being a better parent, being understanding, patience.

Yes, there is a lot of work to be done.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by zroth

Yes, in the modern kingdom there is opportunity for one to make a family name, with a trade, fit for a serf, serving the King (Elite), the noble men (global leaders) and their lifestyle (capitalism).

It is all about making the man rich. Unfrotunately we live in a time where the only other option is a trash digging dumster diving beach bum, even then you are not free because you could possibly be breaking a law.

All land is owned by someone or government and you have to pay someone for something all of the time. Think you own your home. Don't pay your taxes for a few years and see where that gets you.

Here is my thread that I made explaining how I feel after a long week of labor for the man.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by katfish

I do agree that liberals are making it more difficult to find and keep work

But if anyone works hard and studies they wouldn't be voting for that way of life either

Also way too may in this thread are giving knee-jerk replies
Like "What you think I can just wake up have the money to buy a vehicle, tools and a new training?"

See people want an immediate response with immediate and easy results

No, it will take time and saving up, but you have to start sometime
And when I say that again they reply with a statement replying to me as if I had a solution that would give them a check next week.

How do you even have an intelligent debate with someone like that?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:24 AM
People don't want to work' my A$S - my country gives no chance to young people who for economy reasons get released as being newer employees due to financial problems of a company. In a few months the same - a company can't hold it, others don't like your lack of years of experience (general work experience not talking about job requirements) and they do not pick you. Gets months to get RIGHT job - because we aren't talking about just any job. Please... the world isn't as pink as you think.

Computer science and all related /programing and such/ is a prosperous business, doesn't mean anyone can get. For me networks and such are an alternative and I cannot be compared to those who are already with computer science degrees - and you're talking about just getting a book and there you are - well truth is you are NOWHERE, it's nothing like having a MAJOR in that area - it requires it, it's not just take the book.

OP, lots of people's points are correct, they are not 'worms' you sound naive and living in a fairy world because you haven't experienced the bad picture of life and now it's like you rub your 'good' fortune at everyone. In other words, cool story 'brah', no one cares about your 'insight'
edit on 20-5-2012 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Imtor
OP, lots of people's points are correct, they are not 'worms' you sound naive and living in a fairy world because you haven't experienced the bad picture of life and now it's like you rub your 'good' fortune at everyone.

If you read my replies yes I did have it hard
I just didn't sit down and wait for something to come to me
I went out and went towards it and if "it" didn't exist I created "it"

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by NorEaster

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by Kryties
Plumbers, electricians, landscapers....pretty much all trades require years of training and apprenticeship on ridiculously low wages before one is fully licensed where I come from.

What's a licensed landscaper?

Plumber or electrician sure
But work your way through it, think long term not just how will you eat today, that's irresponsible and forcing the state to cut for your slack

And as far as low wages again you are doing the same mistake I spoke about
You are waiting for a job rather than going towards it

When did I say work for a landscaping company?
Create YOUR OWN!

80% of small businesses failed within 6 months during the 1990s; the best period in recent history for having a real shot at small business survival. That % is well over 90% now, since the game board got tilted in the nationals' favor. Hell, even the landscaping companies are franchises now.

You kids that are all jacked up on Ann Ryand and cartoon characters on Fox Business News need to get out of your marketing cubicles and take a walk down a real street someday. These kinds of threads make you really look like you're not even trying to bullsh*t us anymore.
edit on 5/20/2012 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

I hate Ayn Rand. Her books are utter #. Fox is a joke along with everything else on the boob tube. I've never worked in a cubicle unless I was installing electrical in it. I've spend my entire adult life on real street breathing asbestos, digging ditches 12 hours a day and baking in some of the most hellacious industrial setting you could imagine.

You are the one bullsh*tting yourself. You can put unlimited effort into creating excuses for why you can't succeed. The man is keeping me down, the deck is stacked, life isn't fair.
That is just nature. Where did you get it in your head that the dream would be served up to you on a silver platter? Have you never read of the generations that bled, struggled and died for the most basic of means. You have clean drinking water, you have a dry place to sleep. Hell you have the #ing internet and a computer to bitch from.
Man up. You don't have it that bad. Just because you might not get that new auto, a 3000 sq foot house, or you might have to turn the Air Conditioner off a few hours a day, this does not make you a victim you pretentious fool.

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