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First Wave of Anti-NATO Protests Hit Chicago..Chicagoans Push Back!!

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posted on May, 18 2012 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by TorqueyThePig

Is it? Police, who have authority and power in this country...either routinely break the law or say nothing when their fellow officers break the law. Civilians suffer self-inflicted diminished authority to protect themselves against corrupt LEOs and a corrupt justice system, I have no issue what so ever with people taking their power back.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by Kali74

It is because you are making a blanket statement about all Police. If I made a blanket statement about OWS you would be quick to "correct" me.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by TorqueyThePig

I'm guessing you have no idea the grand scale of corruption in PD's across the country, it's really some digging. Sure there's nice cops who don't do bad things but how many nice cops do you suppose there are that are clueless to the corruption and therefore undeserving of anger? How many nice cops do you suppose say nothing when they see a fellow officer breaking the law...a lot. Which by the way makes them complicit and guilty of a crime as well.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Kali74

That's funny I am a cop and I have never done anything corrupt or violated anybodies constitutional rights in any way. Nor have I ever had to turn in another cop for doing something illegal. Trust me I am fully aware of what is going on in today's society and am not ignorant to the terrible things that SOME Police offers have done.

That being said it is not all Police that are guilty of such things. Yet some people continue to paint all Police as the problem. People like that are just as guilty at creating the US vs THEM mentality as the corrupt power hungry Police Officer.

Protesters surely have committed unprovoked acts of violence and vandalism (including OWS) yet I don't view all protesters as criminals.

So yes I think it is hypocritical to say F the Police and view all as the problem, yet correct someone who says all OWS protesters are a problem. I think it should be F the corrupt Police Officers.

I guess you could look at Corrupt Police Officers as the Black Bloc of the force. If you can distinguish Black Bloc from OWS, surely you could distinguish corrupt abusive Police Officers from the oath keeping Peace Officer. From reading your comments you surely seem intelligent enough to be able to do that.

I have completely gone off topic I apologize.

edit on 18-5-2012 by TorqueyThePig because: changed text

edit on 18-5-2012 by TorqueyThePig because: grammar

edit on 18-5-2012 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 10:45 AM
I have eyes on the street in Lincoln Park, right now, telling me there is NOTHING going on. Three blocks from Halsted and Fullerton. There is no action, folks. If there is, it's minimal. Nothing going on there...

Business as usual. No looting, murdering, sirens, screaming or police brutality. At least not that my source is seeing or hearing.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by TorqueyThePig

You're right actually and I apologize for giving in there, the system that allows and encourages such is the real problem here. Still, I would bet money that you are in a very small minority. I, believe it or not, have an enormous amount of respect for the concept of a police officer but am extremely angry at the sheer level of corruption.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Why do people even bother to protest this stuff? It's not like anyone really cares. Theyre probably just troublemakers looking to stir the pot.

I feel the same way. Many opportunists in the crowd thats for sure. But then again, with the number of unemployeds, it is easy to gather them around for a lost cause. I have no issues with a peaceful protest. However many protestors consists of thugs and looters offending the common man and small businesses which kills the purpose. Violent protestors should be punished openly in the public. Peaceful protestors should be allowed to march or raise their concerns. Unfortunately corruption in general and especially Chicago is so bad, that the average middle class tax paying citizen can't do much even if some of these protests might be organized by political parties (local/internationally funded).

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by TorqueyThePig

Someone give this person applause points!

You make excellent points, and that's exactly the kind of spirit we need to end this charade of BS power-struggles and inter-class warfare. We need to eradicate the corrupt police AND protesters, and band together against our common enemy. We will ONLY accomplish this if we can find allies with each other in either camp. This is the first step----thanks for posting without obvious anger or resentment. We need more calm heads like yours.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by boot2theface
Whoa! Those guys are Anarchists...? Oh God, and they're Communists?!?!??!!!?!? They must be bad because that's what the media says right?

Can you imagine that?! Communists in America, the country of freedom ... with the "freedom of speech" amended in the bill of rights? With "freedom of thought"?

And into this country, people like Muslims, Communisms, anarchists ... dare to enter?

These communists pigs, should be taken out and shot like dogs ... they're not only communists, but they're ILLEGAL TOO ... they are COMMUNISTS, and they are voicing their OBJECTIONS ... and they are HIDING THEIR FACES ... LIKE MUSLIMS! IT*S ILLEGAL ... and it's happening in the US of A!!!!

Where are the fat pigs with pepper sprays? where are the fat pigs, that sodomized the iraqis? Get them over here fast, they need to kill some more kids, where is Powell from Mai Lai ... these guys are probably CHINESE,too, where is Pinkerton, where is Powell ... he needs to add to his baby trophies from Mai Lai. bang bang, boom boom ... call superman ... nuke'em!

Call the fat donut pigs ...

edit on 18/5/2012 by bjarneorn because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by jibeho

Man, i sure wish i could be there!! being stuck in Alaska sucks :/

Ive been trying to warn people of my community but all i get is being called crazy, stupid and all this stuff, even my family doesn't belive me!! I hate how Alaska is hardly getting effected, because i really want to protest and experience these phoenomenal events! but despite that, i will stand on the street with signs warning of different events different days, being the crazy guy haha. Just wanna say, god bless you "Occupy" folks, Chicago citizens KEEP FIGHTING!! And if its not too late then, i plan on going down to the states next summer and paricipate in these protest's/riots (because thats what they are now)

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:37 PM
from what i've seen so far out of these protesters is that they are the low lifes of our country, that don't want to work for anything and just want to float thru life on tax payer dollers. i understand freedom of speech and right to protest but there is no reason for shouting obscenities walking thru neighborhoods with children running around. in this particular incident i would give cops free range for brutality. How bout you bums occupy a desk or a cash register, or any other sort of job. Yes the economy took a dump and jobs are scarce but there are still some out there. With these fools running around i guess TPTB will win because i wouldn't tolerate it in my neck of the woods.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by TorqueyThePig
I guess you could look at Corrupt Police Officers as the Black Bloc of the force. If you can distinguish Black Bloc from OWS, surely you could distinguish corrupt abusive Police Officers from the oath keeping Peace Officer.

Well said. It's clear that there's idiots on both sides, the problem is that the media and agenda driven people, even when told about this, will just carry on trying to create the divide even more. Then you have a group that just go along with it without even researching.

(not meaning Kali with any of that by the way, not sure if you've both got your wires crossed, will go back and read.)

Thanks for posting!

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by robhines

Nah, he was right...I was in a mood and argumentative.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 04:34 PM
Near West Side here -

Erg. I feel a bit ill. I hope they're not spraying us with something to keep people calm.

Note to TPTB - Hipsters and Mexicans over here by Berwyn ain't doin nothin. No sprayee, pleez! Gracias.

Just gave me an idea - they should've turned this thing into a big out door festival - and could've raked in the money!

Mexicans be out there selling burritos out of fish tanks. Tellin ya. Dudes with coolers of beer selling them for $3 a pop too. They're at Jazz fest and everywhere else - parking lot over here by 26th st. They're out there.

Think about it though - all jokes aside - if they had set it up like a Fest, gave the protestors space and speaking areas, - this could have worked as political gain to acknowledge the protestors - gov and biz types could've come and spoke and debated too - this would have been seen as a gesture that protestors are taken seriously - and - it would have boosted the image of Chi - and - as an 'event' - people could've made $ off it.

Instead of being some 'scary mob action' - they could've easily turned it into another Lollapalooza.

Is it too late?

Who's got an empty fishtank?

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Zinky

I wish I could be there with ya, stay safe.
Got veggie burrito's?

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Zinky

Hi, Im a Near West Sider as well

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:53 PM
No doubt the protesters are being obnoxious but that is how they get publicity for their message. If I lived nearby I would be marching right with the FTP crew. All authority should always be questioned and always be checked, or you will become ruled by it. This goes for the police, politicians, even your boss at work. If there is no pressure to oppose the ruling forces, they will expand their power until a revolution becomes all but impossible and that is what they are trying to do now. The government needs to fear its people, not the other way around like it is in the US today.

I personally have several acquaintances who are LEO's at the city, county, and state level. I really have to bite my tongue when they are all together for a drink and they get all giggly talking about their exploits ranging from just messing with people's heads at a traffic stop to unnecessary excessive force and even some stories of sexual favors. My friends all view their job as 'population control' and the citizens are their playground. I have heard all of them say they "can't believe they get paid to do this job." These guys used to be good honest guys and good LEO's but I think the power they have has corrupted their morals. I believe most LEO's are trying to do good but NOBODY is perfect, therefore they slip into bad cop mode from time to time if just to kill boredom.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by jibeho

I called it as it is. I knew that Chicago residents would lash out at protesters if they stepped on toes there. I said it several times. It amazes me that these clowns think they can pull this crap in Chi-Town and not get there back ends handed to them. Chicagoans do not take crap from anyone.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by bjarneorn

This post had better be sarcasm because it disgusts me to think that moderators would let this crap slip by.

This place just becomes a bigger joke every day.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by juniorchubbs

Judging by the posts by some on here, they don't want unity.

They want the division bad enough that they'll use as a source to further their false "anarcho-communistic" accusations against OWS.

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