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Where the Old tesament Came from!!! And the true Story of how we where created!!!

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posted on May, 26 2012 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

Actually Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God...see videos for all the proof you'll need

Correction. Destroyed by Enki. Videos will not convince me at all when I have read of what scientists found there....melted rock, and rocks burned black on the top side only. The twin cities were destroyed by the same weapons that created the Sahara Desert, and destroyed ancient Sumer. The World's fist Nuclear War.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

Incorrect....Noah's ark has been FOUND


Some of the Sherpas have admitted to packing petrified wood up there for money. 3 guesses at who is paying, JesuitGarlic.
There was a Flood, and there was a vehicle, not made of wood, and no animals were on board, but their DNA was.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

When you learn that the "ET" ANNUNAKI can be summoned up at will by occultist performed the ritual called the Babalon Working (look into this performed by such people as Aliester Crowley and Jack Parson's from the secret society the Ordo Templi Orientis) and that 'ETs' run off scared when performing abductions on people when people call out the name of Jesus....When you know this it is the biggest laugh when anyone claims me came from ETs, the phenomenon is ID (inter-dimensional) 'beings'

A lot you know about the Babylon Working, you don't even know how to spell "Babylon." Read it again. Find out just what the working was designed to do, because right now, from what you said, you have no idea whatsoever. How about doing some real research before posting blindly? You simply show the extent of your knowledge by doing this, you know.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

Here, let me help you, before you post some religious person's take on it.

Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials

Letter received April 16, 1954 by Meade Layne from Gerald Light:

The first group was the EBON-2 Race, or Tall Grays, the second group was the Pleiadians. The first group offered technology, which was happily accepted, the second group offered to help Humankind to raise it's Spirituality, in exchange for ditching all WMD. Guess which deal Eisenhower chose?

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

When you learn that the "ET" ANNUNAKI can be summoned up at will by occultist performed the ritual called the Babalon Working (look into this performed by such people as Aliester Crowley and Jack Parson's from the secret society the Ordo Templi Orientis) and that 'ETs' run off scared when performing abductions on people when people call out the name of Jesus....When you know this it is the biggest laugh when anyone claims me came from ETs, the phenomenon is ID (inter-dimensional) 'beings'

A lot you know about the Babylon Working, you don't even know how to spell "Babylon." Read it again. Find out just what the working was designed to do, because right now, from what you said, you have no idea whatsoever. How about doing some real research before posting blindly? You simply show the extent of your knowledge by doing this, you know.

Google search the term, either is acceptable....I am perfectly correct. I read about this ritual in the book by Nicholas Redfern called, 'Final Events: and the secret government group on demonic UFOs and the afterlife' which traced the roots of the modern UFO/ET phenomenon. You should read it, it is a very good book. The book is only about $10 from amazon and can be downloaded to view electronically. The particular reference to the ritual is found in chapter 3.

What it was designed to produce and things that it actually produced are two different things

The whole book is an massive exposure of the delusion of 'ETs', that is just one example of many cited. The book goes through a multi-decade long CIA investigation into ETs and the information they came up with
edit on 26-5-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by autowrench

you should watch the videos or read the articles on Sodom and Gomorrah. It analyses all the sulfur balls found all over the place which is what 'brimstone' is, molten sulfur. Seeing that these sulfur balls literally found everywhere all over the city are like 98% pure sulfur which is never found in nature in that kind of form then it shows that the event was supernatural intervention. Unless the Enki scenario includes sending 'brimstone' from the sky then I don't buy it but rather favor where science is leading me and that is the accuracy of the Biblical account.
edit on 26-5-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

Here, let me help you, before you post some religious person's take on it.

Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials

Letter received April 16, 1954 by Meade Layne from Gerald Light:

The first group was the EBON-2 Race, or Tall Grays, the second group was the Pleiadians. The first group offered technology, which was happily accepted, the second group offered to help Humankind to raise it's Spirituality, in exchange for ditching all WMD. Guess which deal Eisenhower chose?

Yep that looks like the story....I think I viewed it from a different site though but not worry.

Here, let me help you, before you post some religious person's take on it.

Too Late! Already posted my own perspective on it HAHA

From my perspective the 'ETs' set it up perfectly knowing the routine would only led the men to choose one direction. The whole thing just seemed to be a big ruse to establish credibility of 'ET' civilizations being real and to establish greater links between them and governments.

edit on 26-5-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

Nicholas Redfern is like a lot of others. He was not present at the Working, he did not ever work at JPL, and he was not part of Montauk. I got what I know of it from people who know people who were there. The Babylon Working was designed to bring forth the Mother Goddess.

Jack Parsons, in 1946, conducted a Sexual Magick experiment that has been hailed by some as the Magical Experiment of the Century. This activity was done in conjunction with two magicians who were part of the Wilson Clan: Marjorie Cameron and L. Ron Hubbard. The experiment was called the Babylon Working and was designed to invoke the Mother Goddess in her crowning glory. This working had not one thing to do with the Annunaki. I have done a considerable amount of research into Jack Parsons since the Montauk Project story broke. Parsons was dedicated to the Mother Goddess, and was quite determined to bring back the Balance that Christianity so destroyed with their all male cult of three Gods who are one. Parsons was a co-founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and his innovations in rocketry made our space program a reality. He died officially on June 17, 1952 as the result of a chemical explosion in his laboratory. Marjorie Cameron has said that the operation changed Jack and Ron Hubbard forever. They were never quite the same.

The Babylon Working

According to occult lore, the Portal was further enlarged by a Jet Propulsion Laboratory founder and rocket fuel scientist named Jack Parsons, and Scientology and Dianetics founder L. Ron Hubbard in 1946, facilitating - so it is said - a monumental paradigm shift in human consciousness. This Magickal working was called the Babylon Working, and like the Amalantrah Working on which its ritual was patterned, it was based on ceremonial sex magick.

Together they "endeavoured to ... incarnate a physical aspect of Babylon, the Scarlet Woman of the Book of Revelations (17:3-6). They believed that Babylon was the herald of the new Age of Horus, and that Revelations was the understandably negative interpretation by those of the dying Age of Osiris."

Jack Parsons and a rocket

The gist of it was that Parsons desired to take the spirit of Babylon, the "Whore of Babylon," and invest it in a human being. The idea was to create a child in the spiritual world, and then call down the spiritual baby and direct it into a human womb. When born, this child would incarnate the forces of Babylon, which they considered to be a good thing. (Although Crowley had previously written the somewhat hilarious book Moonchild - concerning a similar experiment - he wrote in a letter: "Apparently Parsons and Hubbard or somebody is producing a moonchild. I get fairly frantic when I contemplate the idiocy of these louts.")

In any event, the rites were duly performed as written from January 4th to 15th of that year. It is not known if a spiritual child was enwombed from them. What is known is that the Magickal Portal first created by Crowley, and which originally let Lam into the earth-world, was reestablished with considerable intensity by Parsons and Hubbard. From the diaries of the participants, it is also clear that they were not as adept as Crowley in the closings of portals. What they seemed to have accomplished was the drastic enlargement and ripping of an existing Magickal Portal and the subsequent non-closure of it. Perhaps the rip they created was not possible to close. In any event, the modern UFO era began exactly a year and a half later on June 24th, 1947, with Kenneth Arnold's sighting over the Cascade Mountains in Washington State.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by autowrench

Good background commentary there autowrench, a star for you.

Yeah I didn't realize what they were trying to invoke was the 'mother goddess' or its relation to the 'whore of babylon/woman in scarlet'.

I have to disagree with you somewhat on this comment though:

This working had not one thing to do with the Annunaki.

Concerning 'The Amalantrah Working', which the Babalon/Babylon Working is patterned after:

This entity either called itself "Lam," or was named "Lam" by Crowley. Either way, he considered it to be of interdimensional origin, which was the term then for extraterrestrial.

If there is one thing an Adventist gets accused of, is being obsessed with the prophetic books of Revelation and Daniel. You may recall this previous post of mine:

I have shown you through historical events fulfilled prophecy and scriptural description in the Bible that directly points out the Roman Catholic Church as the beast power that it is from Satan and that God rejects it, He calls it the 'mother of Harlots', an abomination to Him, a whore/prostitute.

As you can see I was referring to this 'whore of Babylon'/''harlot' as the R.C.C. In the book of Revelation a woman represent a church. I will refer you onto this video by Adventist on such a topic

Description: Is an expose of Revelation 17 which describes a woman controlling a coalition of powers. The woman has the attributes of the mystery religion of Babylon, and entices the world to follow her precepts. A thorough exegesis is presented comparing the general views on this chapter with the realities of our present day.

You can not invoke the 'whore of babylon' as a single 'being' is the Vatican powers! Of course we find out though that 'Lam' is an inter-dimensional being - Surprise surprise - those fallen angels of Luci sure have an imagination with the strange get ups they masquerade around in, whats the deal with the egg.

If you want to ride the beast along with the woman then it is best just to become a Catholic

I guess Luci can't help but reward the perversion of strange sexual rituals without sending one of his merry men to make an appearance and bring some smiles.

Gees, how did you leave the OTO still thinking that the Christian God didn't exist. All Crowley and Parson's seemed to be going was trying to figure out some way to combat Him for Luci. If He didn't exist then it is a mighty waste of time huh!
edit on 27-5-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

Yeah the verdict is still out in my mind what exactly the phrase ' so in the days of Noah' means....

Enochwasright has this theory about us being in the 6th "day" since Adam it goes like this:
2000 years from Adam to Abraham
2000 years from Abraham to Jesus
2000 years from Jesus to today

So he thinks the seventh day is probably right around the corner and if Barnabas is right then we very well could be.It's hard to really know. If EwR timeline is correct then that would put creation around 12-14k years ago if each day too God 1k years.

Which brings us to Gobekli Tepe, the Temple of the Serpent.Gobekli Tepe
So what's your take on Gobekli Tepe?

How does Walter Veith figure the galaxies into creation? I haven't seen any videos with him explaining that.

I hold the view of a 6 literal day creation and the earth is only as old as Adam basically, so for me it is more like 6-7k years old. I have not heard of Gobeklie Tepe before but I would not subscribe to the extended time period of age they are giving it.

Yes I think EwR is onto something with this timeline (as it is Biblical)...I try not make too much of an issue out of guessing times, but keep it more on event based. The last time prophecy we are given is the fall of 1844 which is when Jesus entered from the Holy place to the Holiest of Holies in the heavenly sanctuary to begin mediation between Him and the Father in want is known as the investigative judgement to determine from the life records of everyone who has ever been in existence, who will be written into the book of life. This time prophecy relates to the 2300 days (years) of Daniel 8:14. The topic of the investigative judgement is another unique bits of theology from Adventists but it can be completely backed up by scripture. If you ever want to read about it just google search the terms 'the great controversy online' then read chapter 22 'What is the sanctuary?', chapter 23 'In the holiest of holies', and chapter 28 'Facing life's record'. I have heard that the SDAs over in America have printed up like 300 million copies of the book 'The Great Controversy' to hand out to everyone when Satan does his counterfeit second coming and for the proceeding tribulation period.

What I am seeing with the lengths they have gone to in this designed financial crisis, the recent laws being passed in America giving the US President basically dictatorial power, what is being said in the New Age channeled messages, and some convergence of strange prophecies concerning the popes, the messiah predicted by Jewish mystique (read, false christ), and some very rare events concerning alignments of star systems, all this a more suggest to me that now is as good a time as Luci is ever going to have to pull of the Grand deception and God is allowing to draw things to an end. An interesting question though is, did God tell Satan how much time he was going to get and was that information used to give to those various South American and Native American civilizations from 'spirits' in the construction of their calendars all set to expire soon. Another thing is someone by the name of Ernie Knoll how seems to be receiving visions/dreams just in the past couple of years in the same manner as Ellen White some 150 years ago. This guy is form the SDA church and from my reading of all his dreams they seems to check out with the bible and White's visions as well. The dreams give very important messages for our current time and a few of them spell out quiet clearly that everything is right upon us basically in this immediate period ahead.

In my reading of the Bible and White's writings I hold the view that the earth and moon, and its sun were created at a separate later time to the rest of the cosmos as we know it. When we talk about the creation of the earth I would not know where to draw the line, whether that means all our solar system or the Milky Way galaxy as well. The questions is not of great importance to me though. It just gives me the perspective that before man was created that God had created other worlds harboring intelligent life too, it is just that these other worlds are unfallen and they would not want to come anywhere near us at this stage so as to not contaminate themselves with sin too. The saga of the story of sin is playing out on this world alone and it is our privilege to gain the opportunity to receive eternal life, to become like the angels and make our home with God in the heavenly city which will come down here after the 1000 years to rest on the renewed Earth. Despite what challenges we have in being exposed to this environment, in some ways it is very cool seeing that the opportunity out of all God's creation is ours alone to take.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by autowrench

There was a Flood, and there was a vehicle, not made of wood, and no animals were on board, but their DNA was.

I haven't had a chance to have a good look at you Noah's Ark links yet but I have to say the story of Gilgamesh seems to grow more and more ridiculous the more I hear about it.

So if no animals were on the unseaworthy top heavy cube 'ship' but just DNA then the questions have to be asked about these 'gods' described as acting like 'whipped dogs' when the water came down:
- how did they go about retrieving this DNA from all the animals (both male and female)?
- did they have electricity and freezers on this cube ship in order to preserve the DNA from destruction?
- Seeing that all the animals died in the universal flood so no wombs of females animals could be used to produce the new lot of animals from combining the DNA into an implantable zygote, what kind of fancy science lab did they bring with them using techniques that are not even possible to us now?

Please explain?????

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

Forgive for he does not know what he does. When I want to come on here and read a scitzos post Your the first person I check for new posts. 4-6 thousand years. Ha. Like watching a comedy on the t.v.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by ringlejames

When you study erosion rates, fossil formations, rates of stalactite growth, rapidness of ice layer formations (that the ice core layers aren't yearly representations of time but merely representing snow fall events), population doubling rates, geological features created in a short space of time from catastrophic events (see Mt St. Helens and volcanic eruptions) and the absurd dating they give for the formations created in these events when it was known it was created over only hours or days.....then you start to realize that the Bible is spot on. One universal flood and the whole dating system of millions of years becomes thousands of years...

To each his own...I am not the one with trust issues in the WORD so I guess I should be happy I am a crazy drunk SCITZO despite the fact that my views are based in science and more encompassing science that you use and I have never had a drink of grog in my life.

edit on 28-5-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

I look at soil deposits. 200 years is 4 inches of soil, things have been found MAN MADE as deep 9 foot which goes down 5500 years give or take a few. But there have been things found neanderthal made and other races of " intelligent man down all the way to 27 feet. Which is well well beyond 4-6k years.

I dont get my theorys from the bible and then say stuff that fits, leaving all other information that may lead to your "opinion" down a false trail, such as Homo neanderthalensis, DIED OUT 24K YEARS AGO, , Homo floresiensis LIVED BEFORE NEADERTAHALS BUT LIVED LONGER AND DIED OUT 12K YEARS AGO. Not to mention about a dozen of other HOMO ERECTIOUS alive thousands of years before your 4-6k year age you give the universe.

And if you say one more thing that goes against your christian religion I am going to call your church and get you kicked out for haratic views.

If your going to say your christian you cant have any views contrary to Christianity. Unless you want to start your own religion. And if you did your religion would have more holes in it than Christianity always does.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

I have heard that the SDAs over in America have printed up like 300 million copies of the book 'The Great Controversy' to hand out to everyone when Satan does his counterfeit second coming and for the proceeding tribulation period

I've read parts of the Great Controversy and other bits of doctrine and it seems kosher to me. As for them distributing 300 million copies of "the Great Controversy" this would require them to miss the harpazo (rapture) event and be left behind, which God willing i hope i will not be here the face the hell that is coming.

What I am seeing with the lengths they have gone to in this designed financial crisis, the recent laws being passed in America giving the US President basically dictatorial power, what is being said in the New Age channeled messages, and some convergence of strange prophecies concerning the popes, the messiah predicted by Jewish mystique (read, false christ), and some very rare events concerning alignments of star systems, all this a more suggest to me that now is as good a time as Luci is ever going to have to pull of the Grand deception and God is allowing to draw things to an end.

This biggest problem we seem to be having is exactly what you're describing. Obama is in the process of killing our second amendment (right to bear ams) ad the first amendment (right to free speech) will be right on the heels of the right to bear arms getting nicked. Obama is going to bypass congress and the normal legislative process, i'll copy and paste that and U2U it to you. We are also getting New Age rammed down our throats but the biggest problem is Islam and Sharia Law is trying to take over and you probably know as well as i do Obama is a muslim (the child of a muslim will be born muslim and the only way out of Islam is death and he quotes from the quran way too much to be an apostate, apostates converting to christianity already know that books is lies).

Also, those huge FEMA camps look like Aushwitz on steroids and the Department of Homeland Security recently placed an order for 450 million rounds of dum dums (bullets outlawed in the Geneva Convention) and the FEMA coffins capable of holding 1000 cremated bodies and the huge mobile coroner trucks that can store 30 corpses. My sister told me a few days ago that the U.S. fed government is refurbishing and reinforcing old school buses and turning them into ambulances that can hold 10 people.

I figure TSHTF in 6 months, probably just before the 12-21-12 event.

I think Reveltaion 6:14 Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place

Is going to be when the solar system conjunctions with the center of the galaxy, if you look at the center of the galaxy from the pacific northwest desert or somewhere there is no ambient light pollution you can see it and it looks just like 2 halves of a rolled up scroll:

Top down view of the Milky Way spiral galaxy:

Even Daniel studied the stars and it's a good bet he could see the center of the galaxy as well.

Get this when the solar system lines up with the center of the galaxy it will be a big solar eclipse and if my guess is right...a blood moon.

Around 9-21-14 to 9-21-15 there will be a tetrad (4 blood moons in the span of a year) fall on the jewish fall feasts within that year, falling on Yom Kippur/Rosh Hoshana and Sukkot. Everytime that happens something big happened to the remaining Israelites, and the last time this happened the 6 Day War took place.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

You can not invoke the 'whore of babylon' as a single 'being' is the Vatican powers! Of course we find out though that 'Lam' is an inter-dimensional being - Surprise surprise - those fallen angels of Luci sure have an imagination with the strange get ups they masquerade around in, whats the deal with the egg.

If you want to ride the beast along with the woman then it is best just to become a Catholic

I guess Luci can't help but reward the perversion of strange sexual rituals without sending one of his merry men to make an appearance and bring some smiles.

Gees, how did you leave the OTO still thinking that the Christian God didn't exist. All Crowley and Parson's seemed to be going was trying to figure out some way to combat Him for Luci. If He didn't exist then it is a mighty waste of time huh!

First of all it is not nice to insult Mother Nature. And secondly, Law was an alien, not a Demon, those do not exist, we have been over this before. Lam was Crowley's alien, never heard of anyone else meeting Law, seeing Lam. And I was never in the OTO, where did you get that idea? Oh, when I said I studied the Golden Dawn, you think I joined the Order? You can read and understand that wish you read, right? I also studied and read the Bible, but didn't join the cult of Jesus. I read the Koran, but never joined that cult either. I am a researcher, not a joiner. You, fried, are not a researcher, you are a joiner.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

Actually Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God...see videos for all the proof you'll need

Correction. Destroyed by Enki. Videos will not convince me at all when I have read of what scientists found there....melted rock, and rocks burned black on the top side only. The twin cities were destroyed by the same weapons that created the Sahara Desert, and destroyed ancient Sumer. The World's fist Nuclear War.

What scientists? Where is Sodom and Gomorrah? I'm sure we can go there with Geiger counters and verify this hypothesis...

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by autowrench

So this Law/Lam could only been seen by Crowley but it was an alien/extra terrestrial. It sounds awfully like the 'elohim' of Samuel's fake impersonating fallen angel summoned up from the pit that could only be seen up the Witch of Endor even though Saul was seated right next to her.

So how exactly did this 'alien' get here. I take it what anyone can perform these sexual rituals to summon up their own 'alien' then, so there must be hundreds of millions of extra-terrestrial aircraft floating around our skies from other planets just waiting to drop off the 'aliens' for all those performing the perverse sexual ritual right? Where are they all, are they watching and waiting with binoculars?
edit on 2-6-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by autowrench

I reviewed all the articles you posted on Noah's Ark is clearly apparent you never even watched the 37 minute video I posted of Ron Wyatt discovery that was extremely thoroughly analyzed in the mid 1980's and the evidence was so convincing and overwhelming the Turkish authorities conducted their own investigations which culminated in them turning the Ron Wyatt site into a National Park and tourist destination named after the Ark in June 21 1987.

Next time if you are going to post some information about Noah's Ark it is best to learn which site the discovery was actually made at, you are using some expedition example from 2008ish on the actual Mt Ararat proper. This is neither the time when the ark discovery was made (more like 30 years earlier by Ron Wyatt) or the location of it.

I suggest you review the video I posted and comment on that rather than instantly think it must be false because it would disprove your entire belief system and thus only perform a simple google search with words like 'Noah ark discovery fake' to try prove your position.

I suggest you watch the Sodom and Gomorrah videos I posted as well where you can actually see the clear evidence of pure molten sulfur balls....the plain evidence is right there! Your stance that the stories in the bible such as these that I am talking about are nothing but myth is absolutely ridiculous
edit on 2-6-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

As for them distributing 300 million copies of "the Great Controversy" this would require them to miss the harpazo (rapture) event and be left behind, which God willing i hope i will not be here the face the hell that is coming.

They will do this when the false Christ will still be a few years of the tribulation period after this initial deception event before the 'rapture' takes place, they won't be missing out on anything....we do have to go through the tribulation period!


Yes I have heard about this blood moons as well and do anticipate that some significant events will be associated with it too

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