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Where the Old tesament Came from!!! And the true Story of how we where created!!!

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posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
Oh, forget it.

This is a fools den to fall into.
edit on 5/15/2012 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

If you believe the newer version, then it is your right to your opinion and if you find peace in it, all the better... it is probably where you should be at this time in your life. Don't read these type threads if it is going to upset you like that.
But you must know that ....If it wasn't for those with the curiosity to question, then we still would believe the earth is flat and moon is made of green cheese.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Renegade2283

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
reply to post by autowrench

I never said that, if you read my posts.

Of course others did, but as I have already said, he was the most visible face on the matter, and used pushing it as truth for gaining money.

Don't you ever read anything?

edit on 5/15/2012 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

That is true. Stitchin probably was just in it for monetary gain. However, I dont think that should demean the possibility of Ancient Alien intervention because one crack pot sensationalized the whole thing to make a buck.

I think that is what Autowrench was trying to say.

Heck that could be the whole plan. Have some crackpot like Stitchin sensationalize the whole theory to demean the plausibility of it and to keep people like us on ATS bickering about it when we should just be moving on to solving the mystery. The fight should be out there not amongst ourselves. We have a big enough battle to fight.

i couldn't agree seems like the more religious a person is..the more narrow minded they become.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Renegade2283

In short you believe in Christianity's version of things over the Sumerians and Egyptians who were in existence closer to the point of "creation"? Doesn't seem any more plausible then Stitchin's account. The bible's track record is to blame for that

edit on 15-5-2012 by Renegade2283 because: added quotes to state my uncertainty.

Yes, I believe the Bible, even though it was written later. When you factor in the heptadic coding in the Biblical text, the case is clinched. The Bible came from an inspiring, authoritative Source, the older texts did not. You might want to throw some sand under your "'s track record..." comment if you want some traction with it.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by ellieN

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
Oh, forget it.

This is a fools den to fall into.
edit on 5/15/2012 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

If you believe the newer version, then it is your right to your opinion and if you find peace in it, all the better... it is probably where you should be at this time in your life. Don't read these type threads if it is going to upset you like that.
But you must know that ....If it wasn't for those with the curiosity to question, then we still would believe the earth is flat and moon is made of green cheese.


Newer version of what exactly?

Where am I upset?

I am curious and question constantly--as a skeptic that is my nature.

I don't just fall for the "truth" du jour just because it isn't "mainstream" and what all the other "kids" are doing.

At this point in my life (middle age) I am searching as I always have been for something that deserves unquestioning "devotion", as many AA believers and Annunaki enthusiasts do.
edit on 5/15/2012 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Lazarus Short

Originally posted by Renegade2283

In short you believe in Christianity's version of things over the Sumerians and Egyptians who were in existence closer to the point of "creation"? Doesn't seem any more plausible then Stitchin's account. The bible's track record is to blame for that

edit on 15-5-2012 by Renegade2283 because: added quotes to state my uncertainty.

Yes, I believe the Bible, even though it was written later. When you factor in the heptadic coding in the Biblical text, the case is clinched. The Bible came from an inspiring, authoritative Source, the older texts did not. You might want to throw some sand under your "'s track record..." comment if you want some traction with it.

I have one thing to say about all of that. The bible speaks about the creation of earth. However, the Sumerian accounts speak of the creation of the universe. There is strike one. Also, inspiring and authoritative are opinionated statements so they hold no water.

As far as the hepatic structure, Im sure that there could be an equally impressive structure to be found in the Sumerian tale. However, with much of that missing or gone, partially due to the waves of historical destruction that occurred in the name of the bible. Not just Sumerian tablets either, but Babylonian , Egyptian, and anything else considered "Pagan". Thats what really seems to scare the Catholics is "pagan worship". Well I ask this, If it was just made up, then why did the Catholics fear it so much. Its a horrible feeling to see an Egyptian hieroglyph scratched out and a cross placed over it.

Egyptian mythology has shown even more impressive feats of structure and sequencing. A good example would be the Eye of Horus fractions. Not to mention the amazing things found in the dimensions of the Pyramids.

The bible is a drastically edited book that was originally a library of books that has been whittled down to the gems as several different sects of Christianity fought over control of it. It was edited by men, in an attempt to control people. However, the original Sumerian tablets that are relied on for translation weren't open to as much manipulation. An argument with some Christianity inclined people is often like talking to a stone wall ive noticed. You know there is a difference between fortitude and stubbornness.
edit on 15-5-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-5-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-5-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

Good for you....
So many are searching, but as a very young species in the Universe, we are going to make a lot of mistakes. Sadly..way too many already.
I read where there are over 30,000 different belief systems structured on the Bible. That is a lot of ..I don't believe your interpretation or this is what God really meant.
People pick a denomination that suits their beliefs best and some grow up with just one and for these, it is the right one. I sure don't know which one is right!
Whether the Old Testament is true or not...the Bible as a whole has made a huge impact on humanity. .I do believe that without the Bible we would be a much more barbaric society than we already are now..

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by NewerBeing

could you elaborate on melanin and dark matter

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 03:09 PM
I think they are all the same story or history repeating itself over and over...

Each of us are different and the only thing we can say that is certain is ......change. Change is the only thing that is constant...other than that we dont know jack about jack!

We can study "facts" and become an expert on the "facts" in hopes the facts dont change. Thats laughable too!

When studying we can form an opinion......but thats all it is.

Its fun to discuss opinions imo but it goes south when opinions become attachments that are held onto as a belief.

A belief does not have to be religious..... A belief in anything sets a stage for fear whereas out of fear the said belief is now in jeopardy of being wrong.

So I say journey through life and just take in information, learn all you can but at the end of the road there is no certainty other than change.

The bible has a lot of cool stuff in it as other books. The bible is the word of god...... Maybe its supposed to mean the word is god.

Maybe when Edgar Cayce (devout Baptist/hypnotist/medium) said spirits hovered over the earth to inhabit it ...maybe....he was right. Genesis account says WE.. "We" does not have to be "we" as in the trinity it may mean we as in we were with God when he created us in the physical form to inhabit Earth.

When Jesus said before Abraham, I was. Maybe that meant he incarnated as Abraham and then Jesus thereafter.

I could go on and on with examples from the bible and other texts but I think its understandable to connect dots where we are unsure. We are only certain of what we perceive as truth. When we pass on from this world we will have some answers but unfortunately we do not have the answers.... Just opinions.
edit on 15-5-2012 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by ellieN
reply to post by Chamberf=6

Good for you....
So many are searching, but as a very young species in the Universe, we are going to make a lot of mistakes. Sadly..way too many already.
I read where there are over 30,000 different belief systems structured on the Bible. That is a lot of ..I don't believe your interpretation or this is what God really meant.
People pick a denomination that suits their beliefs best and some grow up with just one and for these, it is the right one. I sure don't know which one is right!
Whether the Old Testament is true or not...the Bible as a whole has made a huge impact on humanity. .I do believe that without the Bible we would be a much more barbaric society than we already are now..

I wouldnt say we would be more barbaric at all. Yes the bible gave people hope and allowed them to get passed the fear of death so they could get on with their lives. And it also provided a basic code of moral correctness that was somewhat accurate.

However, if the bible never came to be, then a different religion would have taken its place. Some could say that this religion could have actually been less barbaric if you think about how much suffering the bible has caused. Probably more than any single book in history. So they were barbaric, they just used religion to make it look good. Seems to be kinda the whole point lol.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ
I think they are all the same story or history repeating itself over and over...

Each of us are different and the only thing we can say that is certain is ......change. Change is the only thing that is constant...other than that we dont know jack about jack!

We can study "facts" and become an expert on the "facts" in hopes the facts dont change. Thats laughable too!

When studying we can form an opinion......but thats all it is.

Its fun to discuss opinions imo but it goes south when opinions become attachments that are held onto as a belief.

A belief does not have to be religious..... A belief in anything sets a stage for fear whereas out of fear the said belief is now in jeopardy of being wrong.

So I say journey through life and just take in information, learn all you can but at the end of the road there is no certainty other than change.

The bible has a lot of cool stuff in it as other books. The bible is the word of god...... Maybe its supposed to mean the word is god.

Maybe when Edgar Cayce (devout Baptist/hypnotist/medium) said spirits hovered over the earth to inhabit it ...maybe....he was right. Genesis account says WE.. "We" does not have to be "we" as in the trinity it may mean we as in we were with God when he created us in the physical form to inhabit Earth.

When Jesus said before Abraham, I was. Maybe that meant he incarnated as Abraham and then Jesus thereafter.

I could go on and on with examples from the bible and other texts but I think its understandable to connect dots where we are unsure. We are only certain of what we perceive as truth. When we pass on from this world we will have some answers but unfortunately we do not have the answers.... Just opinions.
edit on 15-5-2012 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

I completely agree. None of my beliefs are set in stone and I understand that they must be open to change.

As Stephen Colbert put it when talking about George Bush: "He believes the same thing Wednesday as he did on Monday, regardless what happened Tuesday". I try to stay away from this binding form of backwards thinking.

You are quite right that history repeats itself. I think that's why a lot of people got a problem with Christianity and Catholicism. They have seen the horrible things that have occurred in the name of these beliefs and they want to fight to ensure that it doesnt happen again.
edit on 15-5-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Renegade2283

Ha if the Bible never came into existence I couldnt have learned all that I have learned from the inconsistencies nor could I have given by Bible teacher such a hard time while in a Christian School.

The Bible is a tool for man to show us how to live on Earth in harmony with one another. There is more light than darkness in the Bible. Where there is good... There is bad. Have to have the yin withnthe yang. Cold ... Hot. This is the book of Life. It is the best seller.

Its good for humanity to do good for their self, their community, and their congregation. All of the other stuff in between has no matter unless you bring it to life. Each time I read it as a book from start to finish I get a sensation. Meaning.... Each time there is a revelation within my spirit that tells me there is a God. Are there more? Possibly....but supposedly there is one and mathematically can only be one creator. Are their some spirits evolved to the point like Jesus where less advanced spirits call them a god? Sure. No doubt the possibilities are endless.

Believing every single word to a point of THIS IS THE ONLY WAY is where it or any belief, religious or not... Saddens me.
edit on 15-5-2012 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ
reply to post by Renegade2283

It is the best seller.

edit on 15-5-2012 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

Thats all I needed to hear. Key word "seller". Didnt know god needed money

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Renegade2283

Hahaha... I didnt either. How did you come to that conclusion.....does God buy books?

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 03:41 PM
If there is a singularity or there is boom.... Life is. Period. Life transforms. We as humans hold on to beliefs..... Once we let them go we are free from the chains of said belief.

A belief can be no God.... A belief can be in a car, a friend, anything. Holding on to anything creates a bounding of sorts. Some NEED it while others do not. I for one do not NEED a belief. I work better with them all.

The best seller reference was about humans buying one book over many years and it is still the best seller... Meaning its a book that is had by more humans than any other book.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Renegade2283

Interesting!! I never thought of there ever being another religion if the Bible never existed.

I am not a Christian...and probably truthfully haven't been since I was 12 years old when I started finding things in the Bible ....that to me just did not seem God like. It didn't stop me from studying the Bible and researching the history and politics of those times. Much of what I have learned has been very discouraging.
Maybe I am just wishfully hoping that maybe without the Bible we would be a much more aggressive species than we already are. SIGH!

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by ringlejames

S&F. Good thread.

I don't see it as an "either - or" concerning the bible and the Sumerian Tablets. Of course, we are all connected and all of our DIFFERENT religious texts are going to echo God's influence. So, it would rather be expected to see that belief and mores and society evolved from older texts, and thus a pattern and interconnectedness will occur. It should be seen, not as a contest - but a validation. I think people look at things backward. These are things that help to validate ideas of respecting culture and religion. It helps us remember our ancestry - and confirms that we've continued. Perhaps God never, truly abandons it's creation. Sometimes, all it takes is a good cleansing, eh?

You know, when the works of the bible were devised - what ancient scrolls and tablets and information did they have? Lost to us today. Perhaps, in uncovering the Sumerian tablets and seeing the shocking similarities between the two indicates that the biblical authors had a pipeline to knowledge coming from some where. (My guess would be the Library of Alexander - but it might have been Divine influence.)

Stitchen's work was very creative, and from what I gather, his life's work. He spent enormous amounts of time and energy in his research. He was fortunate, and his theories are not without merit I think. Even the bible says that they come from the heavens - the stars.

As to the heptadic codes theorized by Missler and Panin - they are very creative also. Numerology actually has it's beginnings with the Hebrew people. They assigned numbers to their alphabet and entire texts would be written to satisfy certain mathematical equations that connect to vibrations. In any case, it's an interesting phenomenon - but that shouldn't detract from the Sumerian tablets, I would think.

The stories are separate in many ways from each other. I think they are both important, but I can't see how the older supersedes the movements of today. NOW. The ancient Sumerians are past, were gone, forgotten and buried for a long time. While the information they had in those tablets is beyond astounding - it still confirms and validates current day monotheistic religions. The parallels show us that the Bible is valid in regards to antiquity and past knowledge. Something or someone was pipe-lining info to the Apostles, and the Sumerian tablets prove it.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by ringlejames

Now i am realy puzzled...your quote

"The sumerian tablets say enki created man by infusing the previous "homo sapiens"

with their Annunaki dna"

Did they realy know of dna? I was under the impression that dna was first discovered

in 1869!

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 06:09 PM
The only thing that guarantees, if true, is that the bible is made up from earlier stories.
Kinda like the same #e different day thing, only holier.

I liked Sitchins work. I read Genesis Revisited and The Lost Book Of Enki.
We'll have to wait and see if the Anunaki will return with popcorn.
I doubt it.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by NewerBeing

I seriously doubt that and too be honest,the opposite is said to be true.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 06:24 PM
Renegade2283 sez:
The bible speaks about the creation of earth. However, the Sumerian accounts speak of the creation of the universe. There is strike one.

Laz replies:
Strike one? Pardon me, but this is a homerun: In the beginning [time], God created the heavens [space] and the earth [matter]...and God said Let there be light [energy]. Here's the foundation for our modern understanding of the world and the universe, and it's all in Genesis 1:1-2. Your clay tablets are crude on more than one level.

Renegade2283 sez:
Also, inspiring and authoritative are opinionated statements so they hold no water.

Laz replies:
When I say "inspiring," I am referring to the doctrine which states that the Bible is inspired (or dictated if you prefer) word-for-word and letter-for-letter. In view of the heptadic coding, nothing else makes sense. It is not an opinion, it is a mathematical certainty. The same goes for "authoritative," but then most folks don't want to accept that because they do not want to answer to a God who has authority and power.

Renegade2283 sez:
As far as the hepatic structure, Im sure that there could be an equally impressive structure to be found in the Sumerian tale. However, with much of that missing or gone, partially due to the waves of historical destruction that occurred in the name of the bible.

Laz replies:
I doubt that you'd find such an "equally impressive structure" in the Sumerian tales, and the burden of proof is on you, so don't turn the tablets quite yet. Further, I ask you what "waves of historical destruction" occurred to the Sumerian records due to anything having to do with the Bible? Those clay tables were buried centuries before the world ever heard of a Christian. Red herring? I think so.

Renegade2283 sez:
Thats what really seems to scare the Catholics is "pagan worship". Well I ask this, If it was just made up, then why did the Catholics fear it so much. Its a horrible feeling to see an Egyptian hieroglyph scratched out and a cross placed over it.

Laz replies:
Not being Catholic, I really can't answer for the fear of all things Pagan, but perhaps it is because so much of Catholicism is also made up? Just a guess. As far as the hieroglyphs, the Egyptians did a lot of scratching on their own, and when Egypt became (at least nominally) Christian, some habits carried over...

Renegade2283 sez:
Egyptian mythology has shown even more impressive feats of structure and sequencing. A good example would be the Eye of Horus fractions. Not to mention the amazing things found in the dimensions of the Pyramids.

Laz replies:
I'm a student of Egyptian mathematics and pyramidology, so I'm well aware of that. I've even read the Egyptian Book of the Dead - superstitious drivel for the most part. However, if you go back far enough in Egyptian religious history, you come up against a single deity who made people on a potter's wheel, much as the Bible depicts God making people. The true account was not so corrupted that far back.

Renegade2283 sez:
The bible is a drastically edited book that was originally a library of books that has been whittled down to the gems as several different sects of Christianity fought over control of it. It was edited by men, in an attempt to control people.

Laz replies:
That old chestnut again - can you substantiate that? Even if it is true, a proposition I do not accept, it is still the most accurately preserved document which has come down to us from antiquity. If what you say is true, the heptadic codes would not work, but they do.

Renegade2283 sez:
It [the Bible] was edited by men, in an attempt to control people.

Laz replies:
Yes, most of the modern versions do that, and the perps will reap a terrible reward for it. Other forces try to keep God's Word intact. Corrupted documents, Biblical or otherwise will not help you, but until God opens your eyes, there you are...with corrupted documents.

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