posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:51 AM
Allright, not used to this posting stuff, im a proud lurker.
But here goes.
One of the best things i know in life is fleamarkets, i love old stuff and on a fleamarket there is mostly old stuff.
Last friday i was at one and found lots of goodies to bring home with me, this head was one of them.
the owner of the fleamarket said that he had bought a hole house from an old dead couples relatives.
The whole house was filled with old stuff from all over the world, it was things like an actual building stone from the pyramids (not a whole stone
obiously) ranging to old things from sweden where i live.
Many of the things where marked with afganistan, but most of the stuff was unmarked.
well this is all the info i have, i know it aint much to go on, and i have lived on the internet trying to find out where this head comes from since i
got home with it, but with no luck.
so i figured il throw it up here, i know there is a lot of knowlege here on ats, so if u cant figure it out im throwing it in the garbage can so i can
let go of the obsession to find out what it is.
im at work now but il try and check this post now and again during the day.
thanks in advance / jimmy