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Why Cops Fear-WARNING-As disturbing as Kelly Thomas video X 10

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posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by MikeNice81
reply to post by Chai_An

I think most people would agree if there's a bad apple amongst the group the honorable thing to do is weed them out. Cops are failing to do that which is the reason why "good" cops often get killed on the job and not the rotten ones. At what point will cops stop acting like the three monkeys (don't hear, see, or speak) against a fellow officer even if they're a menace?

Most cops that die in the line of duty actually die in car wrecks. The ones killed by a use of force are usually killed by people with a history of mental illness or a felon either committing a crime or attempting to flee after a crime. Unfortunately, it happens to good and bad about evenly. You never know which type will get the call.

In the last fifteen years the state of North Carolina has revoked the police powers of at least two departments and stripped the majority of their officers of their commission. They have unseated Sheriffs that were caught selling drugs or facilitating corruption. They have fired numerous State Troopers for corruption and violence. They have also investigated hundreds of use of force cases. They do a thorough job and weed out those that they can.

Many departments have gotten the message and stepped up their own disciplinary actions. The "Blue Wall" is much like Omerta in the fact that it is a crumbling institution. It hasn't disappeared, but it is nothing like it used to be. It still holds large sway in places like Chicago, NYC, and LA mainly because of the unions. Why it still exists in smaller departments is a thread unto it self.

We all die, and if you live by the sword you die by the sword. It is the same as a sky diver whos shute fails to open! No one forced any officer to put his life on the line! It does not justify the actions we see on this film etc...

Thank you to all who sacrifice, we will try our best to hold law to the standard that you swore to. That should be how we honor our heroes not by the things we see here.
edit on 15-5-2012 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by orbitbaby

The cops have been militarized, and that is why it is a growing problem. But this is not new, there have always been bad cops. I will not call them for nothing. I do not trust them. If a Native woman goes outside of the rez and she walks anywhere, she is at high risk to get picked up and raped by a cop and that is a fact.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by digital01anarchy

Snuff films are made all of time, and the popular ones are of native women being raped. There are some racist cops in Rapid City who got into trouble of making films of themselves raping a woman on the hood of their cars. This it not something you will see on CNN. They are doing this and passing these videos to their fellow officers and friends. They get girls as young as 15. I hope to God something is done to these people. I have a friend who lives there and has to walk home at night. She's packing, so if they pull her over and try to rape her, she will shoot them before they can.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by Donkey_Dean

I was addressing the fact that the person made it seem like good cops were being targeted for being cops. Honestly, cops are usually targeted by people either trying to commit a crime or fleeing after the fact. The ones that go out hunting for cops usually have a history of mental illness or a long history of violent crime.

Nobody forces anyone to take any job in America. However, this "live by the sword" comment is a gross exaggeration at best. As I stated earlier, 1.4% of police interactions involve the threat or use of force. About 80% of the time it is a push or a grab. Even then more than 60% of the people admit that they provoked the use of force. The vast majority of cops go to work every night praying, "I hope I don't have to fight anyone tonight." We don't want to fight or mace anyone. Most officers want to be the guy that arrests the crack head dad before he sells his daughter to get a fix. Most of us want to be the one that prevents the drunk driver from killing your family.

ATS will never believe that though. I don't know why I keep wasting my breath trying to get the point out there.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:54 AM

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by orbitbaby
reply to post by sickofitall2012

These people weren't looking for trouble. They hadn't done anything wrong.
The cops, on the other hand, are betraying everything they stand for.

So what's your advice? We should all just take it? Stick our heads in the
sand and pretend it isn't happening? Just walk on by?
edit on 14-5-2012 by orbitbaby because: (no reason given)

Don't have to do anything wrong. They just spot someone they can overpower and abuse and bam, you can't do anything. I was pulled over one night in California on my way back from a church function for women at 10 pm on a sunday night. It was dark. I got pulled over and was told my tail light was out. The officer's friend showed up and they proceeded to mess with me for an hour. I had all of my ID and insurance but they still made me get out of my car and into the back of their car and searched it and dumped out all of my purse contents on the hood of my car. They made me sit in the back of a police car while the other officer stood and leered at me through the window and they talked and laughed. I didn't know what they were going to do to me. finally, after sitting there for NO reason, they let me go and told me I better watch myself.

I was very afraid because women get dragged off all of the time and raped by police.

My husband was furious and tried to talk to the police at the station after that but they don't care. They just do not care.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

The truth is, it is not ALL cops.... but perhaps you missed this line at the end of my post?

however I think it is smart for people to assume like it is. It is just safer that way and you never know when one of them may just snap from having a bad day.

So as I said, it is not ALL police officers, but a smart person when dealing with Police would assume it is. It is safer that way.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by Thunder heart woman

That's very disturbing and sad, and I'm sorry that you and all the other women from these reservations have to be fearful of police raping you... Its a sad thing when I totally believe the story you're telling... Its a sad state when a person tells a story of police dragging away women and abusing/raping them and its 100% believable... Arent we suppose to be able to trust these officers? Arent they suppose to serve and protect us? It seems like they missed the message...
edit on 15-5-2012 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by orbitbaby

It's time for the People to do ...

Do what George W. Bush did, take these fat pigs names, and put them on a deck of cards. Put their pictures on, along with a picture of their families. YES, their families. And then sell these pictures all over the world, so that evey man in the world can Identify these pigs, and their families when they go on a holiday.

These people are there to serve ... they are there to serve the public. But instead of being of servicing attitude, these men are violent criminals, who see themselves as Gods and their victims as trash.

This service is not an honor, nor is it a privelege ... it's a duty. It's even a greater duty, than a soldiers duty ... and when a soldier turns tail, he is shot.

These men, are soldiers who are fighting FOR the public. They are soldiers who have turned against their own people ... they deserve the same treatment as any soldier who commits such a crime ... it is the biggest crime imaginable. It's a bigger crime than mass murder ... it's not a crime against humanity, but a crime against civilization.

But what is interresting to see, is this is the heart of America ... these are the soldiers, and the people that go fight abroad ... these are the men in Abu Grahib.

It's time for another world war ... it's over due.

edit on 15/5/2012 by bjarneorn because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:21 AM
God did say, "The good become evil, and the evil become good".

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by MrWendal
reply to post by detachedindividual

The truth is, it is not ALL cops.... but perhaps you missed this line at the end of my post?

however I think it is smart for people to assume like it is. It is just safer that way and you never know when one of them may just snap from having a bad day.

So as I said, it is not ALL police officers, but a smart person when dealing with Police would assume it is. It is safer that way.
Now you see, I'm not falling for this line "it's not all cops" As that's not entirely true. The code of silence runs through the force. Like in the video, where you have 4 off duty SCUMMERS beating some people in a bar, police get called to the fight, see that outside the bar these off duty scum are cops, and 7 cars just roll on past without stopping to answer the call. Which one of these 7 cop cars had a good cop in? That's 7 random cop cars, answering a call, upon arrival, see that it is the filth doing the beating, and just go. There are no good cops. They are all scum, every single one of them. Surplus human waste, that is all they are and that is all any of them will ever be. A good cop is like the lock ness monster. Nothing more than a myth.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:27 AM
about 10 years ago our town changed from a town I could be proud of and felt safe in, to a town I now fear and don't trust. The crime has increased at least 5 folds in the last 8 years, and no one seems to know why.

I know the answer but few will listen.

10 years ago while I was away at college, the town voted a police officer in as mayor of this town.

Since then I have heard multiple story's of police abusing their power.

My own cousin who has a graduates degree and is a business loan officer for a local bank recently was jumped by a group of police officers and threatened with death. His crime: Going out for a drink with a co-worker after work with a lady who just happened to be the ex girlfriend of another police officer.

The good news is, the officer probably bit off more than he can chew on this one, as he is part of a very large and respected family in this town (but as of yet, the officer has gotten away with it).

most Police are brainwashed end of story.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:28 AM
I have been tracking incidents like this for some time. Here are some of my "favorites:"

Tyisha Miller, murdered by the police:

The Donald Scott, murdered by the police:
Note here that the government paid out $5 million in taxpayers money after murdering her husband
and leaving her destitute. Contrast that with Rodney King who got $3.8 million for a beating he survived.

Homeless & mentally ill woman , murdered by the LA Police:
Let's see:
Got mentally ill old woman who is out of shape and probably could not fight her way out of a paper bag.
Got two young in shape (presumably) cops, *Check
Got kevlar vests, truncheon, mace, martial arts training? *Check.
Use any of the above? *Nah
Shoot her dead? *Check. Much easier than using any of the above. For the safety of the officers you know.
Why? Because presumably she "attacked" them with a screw driver. *Maybe, if they can be believed.
Any of the officers prosecuted for anything? *Nah, too much trouble apparently.

A plethora of police "activity" is documented here:
The most interesting case on that site is the Samoan Wedding that cops raided. You will have to search
for it as it is down a ways. After 10 years in the courts (so much for a speedy trial), the Sanoan's were
awarded $15.9 million taxpayers dollars and no officer was charged with anything because on not
admitting to wrong doing, which was probably a plea deal.

What to do:
As previously said, get a camera of some sort and keep it with you.
Make sure you attend town council meetings
Get to know your reps. Visit them. Find out what they are doing
Try to get civilian police review boards installed
Get laws enacted that limit police powers.
Get a law passed that will not allow a payout of taxpayers money without admitting wrong doing, thus
exposing the officers to law suits
Get to know the laws of your state. Some states do not require one to show ID unless there is cause
which the officer has to state and if he doesn't you have to ask.

You might also like to view the videos here: 0.9046.

If you have trouble using the above link, just search for "how to deal with the police" on You Tube.

It's passed midnight and I am running out of ideas, so here is my last thought:

What are the police afraid of? They are afraid of you. They are afraid that with the proliferation of recording equipment you, the average person, will find out what they are really like and that they might have to pay after all these years of abuse. Just IMHO. At least I am allowed that, for now.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:31 AM
Fact is, this can't be beat with the press and what not.

The only way this will be beat is by fighting back in a coordinated effort. Not a few punks that wish to try and start a riot or what not, that will only make it worse.

I mean fighting back by exposing the corruption. Stop being scared and start blowing those whistles.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by tw0330
Fact is, this can't be beat with the press and what not.

The only way this will be beat is by fighting back in a coordinated effort. Not a few punks that wish to try and start a riot or what not, that will only make it worse.

I mean fighting back by exposing the corruption. Stop being scared and start blowing those whistles.
How can you blow the whistle, when the system is geared up to protect these animals? The entire criminal "justice" system is 100% corrupted. They refuse to see evidence when the pig scum are caught doing wrong, other pigs will lie for their buddies, and the courts won't do anything unless they actually have to (a case which has gotten mass media attention for eg) And you pretty much have to be beaten to death, for that media attention to happen.

They protect each other, from the top to the bottom. And who are you going to run to, the police? Do me a favour

This will continue until nazi filth like these scum, start getting their heads blown off. And I hope that starts soon. As none of these scum deserve the life they've been given.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by Acidtastic

Originally posted by MrWendal
reply to post by detachedindividual

The truth is, it is not ALL cops.... but perhaps you missed this line at the end of my post?

however I think it is smart for people to assume like it is. It is just safer that way and you never know when one of them may just snap from having a bad day.

So as I said, it is not ALL police officers, but a smart person when dealing with Police would assume it is. It is safer that way.
Now you see, I'm not falling for this line "it's not all cops" As that's not entirely true. The code of silence runs through the force. Like in the video, where you have 4 off duty SCUMMERS beating some people in a bar, police get called to the fight, see that outside the bar these off duty scum are cops, and 7 cars just roll on past without stopping to answer the call. Which one of these 7 cop cars had a good cop in? That's 7 random cop cars, answering a call, upon arrival, see that it is the filth doing the beating, and just go. There are no good cops. They are all scum, every single one of them. Surplus human waste, that is all they are and that is all any of them will ever be. A good cop is like the lock ness monster. Nothing more than a myth.

Let me explain something to you.....

Any cop that does not do his duty when he is witness to a crime because one of the participants of the crime is also a Police Officer, is no better than the criminals they arrest and is in fact himself, a criminal.

The situation you describe, still does not describe ALL cops. It describes Officers in that area, from that Department. It does not describe Officer Joe in some small town like Udall Kansas with a population of 500 people. So yes, it is unfair to say ALL cops.

What you are saying in your post, I have heard before. It was said about me when I was a child. To hear other people judge me back then, I should be some career criminal who is currently doing multiple life sentences for my crimes. Let us look at this sentence from your post...

They are all scum, every single one of them. Surplus human waste, that is all they are and that is all any of them will ever be. A good cop is like the lock ness monster. Nothing more than a myth.

Now let's replace the word "cop" with "Jew" or "Blacks" or "Gays" or any other group you wish to replace it with. Do you see the problem with that statement now?

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by tw0330
Fact is, this can't be beat with the press and what not.

The only way this will be beat is by fighting back in a coordinated effort. Not a few punks that wish to try and start a riot or what not, that will only make it worse.

I mean fighting back by exposing the corruption. Stop being scared and start blowing those whistles.

People have been exposing the corruption for a long time... the real problem is that Police get the chance to Police themselves.

If you really want to change the behavior of Police, you have to have a completely separate outside entity that has no interest in the day to day operations and politics of Law Enforcement review these cases. You can not allow Police to review their own cases. That is the same as being a teacher, and having your students grade their own test. Of course they will pass themselves when they grade their own papers.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by MrWendal

Now let's replace the word "cop" with "Jew" or "Blacks" or "Gays" or any other group you wish to replace it with. Do you see the problem with that statement now?
No, I don't see a problem with it. Black people, or Jewish people, or white people ect, are not in a position of power. (well, obviously some are, but on the whole) They are not protected by a code of silence. They don't get to batter people to death with impunity, protected by the system they work for. Why don't you get ambulance drivers doing this? Why don't you get fire fighters doing this? Why don't you get mail men doing this? I'll tell you why, it's because they're not scum. They're not trained to be scum, they're not trained to think of the population as lesser human beings who deserve no rights. They're not protecting a goverment system hell bent on total domination. Cops are. They're not given jobs based on their lack of inteligence. Cops are. They wouldn't follow any order given to them, no matter how wrong that order is. Cops would and they do it with glee. They don't go around acting as tax collectors for a select few private companies (fines = taxes for the investors in the police force LTD company which = policeing for profit which is basically a few business men taxing the population) But cops see no problem in this, because they've been told it's just fine and ddandy this way. Because they are trained to follow orders. Just like the nazis were. And I fully 100% believe that if these filthy pigs were given the same orders as the nazis, that they'd be only too happy to carry out those acts aswell. As the police hold the population in such a low reguard, that they think they're better than us.

I will never have a cop as a friend, as I'd never be able to trust him or her. I know a couple of cops, and none of them are likable people. I could never trust any of them. And that's a shame, as they're supposed to be trust worthy, they're supposed to be held accountable for their actions.

I have plenty of friends of all different nationalities and beliefs, as people of different nationalities and beliefs are cool as chips. As they've not been corrupted by the power they've been given.
edit on 15/5/2012 by Acidtastic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by MrWendal

I thought of that too. But unless we fight collectively and as a strong united group, we will only seek to destroy ourselves.

Before we go all out fighting, we need to do more to make people aware of what is going on. Even if it's going door to door giving out literature. Without the unity of the people on this one, it is not to win, as the media will make it look as bad as possible.

EXAMPLE: OWS, as they really didn't even fight and everyone looks down on them.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 03:12 AM
and let me add to my post above....

I know we need a police force, there are bad people out there who want to do bad things, and they need to be dealt with by the law. But that isn't what police do. Yeah sure, I guess some do, but on the whole, they go around hassling every day folk. Using anti terrorism laws against normal people, collecting taxes from people in the form of fines for the most retarded of "laws" that they're told to enforce. If we had a police force in this world, who were willing to uphold their oath to protect people, and not hassle them, who were honerable people who liked the people they supposedly protect, then the world would be a better place. But we have these animals in place instead.

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