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Why Cops Fear-WARNING-As disturbing as Kelly Thomas video X 10

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posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:18 AM
The THING that really bugs me is everyone standing there shouting doing nothing! Imagine if 20 people swarmed the five pigs and just restrained them and pulled them off!

Look at the guy in the church, hear that old bag sayin 'just let the police handle it!' Handle what?? Punching a 60 year old man in the face?? I would LOVE to swing a baseball bat round that idiot pigs face, and believe me if it was my dad (who would be able to smoke that fat pig over anyway) i would be in.

WE have the numbers people! They need to be held accountable for their actions.

There needs to be a INDEPENDANT police complaints authority like in my country (NZ) You cant fight the pigs but you can at least try setup an agency for the people who will SLAM cops, for they are supposed to be upholders and they CANNOT take liberties off of the people. All it needs is a decent case where a citizen defends themselves succesfully from unlawful arrest. Maybe resulting in the death or serious injury of the cop. If he got off it could set precendent and allow a decent path to be paved...

What i hate about these videos is the finality, they say this person was charged etc, but what about the appeals? Getting retrailed etc etc judged BY YOUR PEERS not by the ones who need to protect themselves!

Im sure America doesn't have a shortage of huge shaved mentally challenged apes, so why do the pigs so adamently protect themselves, it doesn't make any sense??
edit on 15-5-2012 by Skinon because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-5-2012 by Skinon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by orbitbaby

Thanks for posting this, it's f*cked to watch but we need to know our enemy. What a bunch of f*cking fascist nazi swine, I don't know what punishment fits these type of criminals but some form of retribution must be had. Usually I'm all about peace, turn the other cheek etc. but how the hell do you do that to sick brutes like these?

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:52 AM

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:52 AM
What a shocking, shocking video! I'm speechless...

My partner and I had an experience where our rights were violated. We had police forcing their way into our home for the crime of giving birth! Giving birth!!!!

We tried to make a complaint (i'm in the uk) and we were met with the WALL. They lied to us and tried to hide evidence from us! They told me that I could not write a statement on my partners behave! They wouldn't hear our complaint. They asked to speak to my partner alone (she is not as confident as I am), when they had her alone they tried to persuade her not to make a complaint! They even made out to her she was just emotional because she was a woman! I demanded to be let into the room and they would not open the door! My children were getting scared and wanted their mum! They still would not open the door!

They are bully pigs and I feel so angry and helpless! What the hell can you do?

I tried to get us some help from advocacy groups and civil rights groups but there was no help to be found anywhere! Instead WE were investigated by the social services! Only yesterday did I get a letter from them stating that the case has been dropped! Oh thank you so much! We didn't do anything wrong in the first god damn place!

It's so frustrating! There is NO help. You're on your own...

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:55 AM
I urge anybody who hasn't visited to go check it out.
One of the best anti-police websites on the internet by far.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by Lichter daraus

I quote:
"You can yell and scream at a rock, but its still going to be a rock" - Me, just then.

There is a contempt for police officers here, too, but it is usually held by bogans (our rednecks), or naive youth who got a defect notice on their car or a speeding ticket.

I pray to GOD (or equivialent) that civil war against Law Representatives never happens anywhere. The reason the prostpect of it happening in the US concerns me is because it really WILL be so freaking bad.

A nation of self-righteous nationalists standing up for their rights, against the collective of equally-righteous Law Enforcers - "A rock and a hard place, with the Second Ammendment".

What would I do? I live in a location abstracted from the dense population - as is the case with the vast majority of Australians. I'll stay in, assume chaos is in effect, and not be a boat-rocker. Wait until all the 'Hero's" have gotten what they need to off their chest, and been arrested or shot. Then I'll go back to being low key, law abiding, and not standing out. Compliance isn't stupid.

What, Lichter daraus, will YOU do, pray tell? How are you gonna 'Fight the MAN'?
edit on 15-5-2012 by derpest because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:59 AM
NSL letter anyone?

And you just give away your civil liberties like they are nothing. The Patriot act was actually the repeal the forth amendment act.

If only we had a voice huh? Killer cops, failed policy all of it should be on the public hit list, but instead we just accept whatever is handed to us. America needs a collective voice!

You cant make war on the #s because you would be making war on law and order, The police should be just as accountable for their actions as the rest us. We have the tools, we just need a voice!
edit on 15-5-2012 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by derpest

And you sir, are part of the problem.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by Skinon

There is a problem here?

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean
NSL letter anyone?

You just give away your civil liberties like they are nothing. The Patriot act was actually the repeal the forth amendment act. If only we had a voice huh?

This is our voice.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by sirric

This video is indicative of the reason I left. I could not bear working with these monsters any further. It caused me to loose my health and sanity trying to cope with the utter corruption prevalent within the police force across all boards.

I am sorry you worked in such an environment. Unfortunately some departments are in need of serious cleansing. However, you and I both know that corruption and violence is less tolerated now than it ever was. Training is made readily available for officers that want it. Also, in many places the state takes an active role in cleaning house when the public and officers complain.

I work in a department where every use of force is investigated. If you want to file a complaint it is as simple as asking for the form. If they are caught intimidating a complainant they are subject to harsh sanctions. One of the first letters I ever received from the chief was for bringing to light a certain "community" that believed the department was intentionally ignoring their complaints and targeting them unduly for minor infractions. I was thanked and my shift supervisor was forced to address the issue in briefing. Since then there has been a mandated change in how we deal with that community.

Not all departments thrive on corruption, violence, and greed. Do not paint all cops as part of the problems you saw. According to statistics given out by the DOJ (and other sources) 1.4% of all police contact with civilians involves the use or threat of force. When force is actually used it is usually on the "low end" of the force spectrum. That means it is usually a shove, grab, or push. In 80% of cases that actually require force it is weaponless and nothing more than grabbing the subject to avoid flight or prevent officer injury. In 42% of the cases where force is used the "subject" appears to be under the influence of a mind altering substance.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics and others have been tracking these cases for years in an attempt to put federal pressure on states and local agencies that abuse their power. According to one report by the National Institute of Justice,

The preliminary analysis revealed that of the 14 respondents in the sample who reported that police used or threatened force against them, 10 suggested that they might have provoked the officer to use force. The provocative behaviors reported by suspects include threatening the officer, assaulting the officer, arguing with the officer, interfering with the arrest of someone else, blocking or interfering with an officer’s movement, trying to escape, resisting being handcuffed, and resisting being placed in a police vehicle.

There are bad cops and there are idiot cops. To suggest that they are the majority is far from correct.

National Institute of Justice

A good place to start reading about use of force and how it is perceived is,
Use of Force and The Hollywood Factor

edit on 15-5-2012 by MikeNice81 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-5-2012 by MikeNice81 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by derpest
reply to post by Lichter daraus

There is a contempt for police officers here, too, but it is usually held by bogans (our rednecks), or naive youth who got a defect notice on their car or a speeding ticket.

A nation of self-righteous nationalists standing up for their rights, against the collective of equally-righteous Law Enforcers - "A rock and a hard place, with the Second Ammendment".

What would I do? I live in a location abstracted from the dense population - as is the case with the vast majority of Australians. I'll stay in, assume chaos is in effect, and not be a boat-rocker. Wait until all the 'Hero's" have gotten what they need to off their chest, and been arrested or shot. Then I'll go back to being low key, law abiding, and not standing out. Compliance isn't stupid.

Contempt for police officers is generally had by people who deal with them the most. THE PROBLEM is people who think that, they are fine and do everything right or even for the 'most' part do everything right. That is what they think UNTIL they personally have to deal with them.

Austrailia is becoming increasingly americanised to the point of blind 'patriotism' which is incredibly dangerous for the people as a whole. So you would just sit back and relax, yes sir, no sir?

You don't even seem to grasp that there is a problem?
Thats fine. There is a term for people with similar personality types as yourself.

edit on 15-5-2012 by Skinon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by Xaphan

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean
NSL letter anyone?

You just give away your civil liberties like they are nothing. The Patriot act was actually the repeal the forth amendment act. If only we had a voice huh?

This is our voice.

Yeah you know that is BS! Seems we have a special commision for just about everything. We need one for abuse of power and civil rights violations! Oh, and madatory prison terms etc... If it is good enough for the goose its good enough for the gander!

America needs a voice, and we know it! It is just a matter of time!
edit on 15-5-2012 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by Donkey_Dean

Any better ideas?

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:14 AM
The sad part is that citizens have been trained to just to take it, to not question, to not intervene... I live right outside Chicago now, but a few years ago when I still lived in the city it was a known fact to everyone that you never questioned the cops and you do as your told. I use to work in the bar scene and I would see people try to stand up to the cops, (unfortunately for the people they were always out of towners and didnt truly understand what they were doing) ultimately it never eneded nice, multiple cops would slam people down, hit them/rough them up, and toss them in the paddy wagon. and the worst part of it was when the cops would laugh about it after.... If you've ever been to Chicago, or ever lived there, you probably know what Im talking about. Every week you can find a case similar to the ones we saw on this video... Its truly sad...
edit on 15-5-2012 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by Xaphan
reply to post by Donkey_Dean

Any better ideas?

A fourteen shot clip...

Haha subtle movie reference...

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Xaphan

Actually I do have an idea or two. I am a software developer and have been for 18 years. I could give America a voice, but I don't think I could make them use it.

Like I said above if it's good enough for the goose its good enough for the gander. A new federal Bureau whose sole purpose is to investigate and prosecute abuse of power and civil rights violations by those who hold public office or serve the public etc... They would stay pretty busy I bet, and madatory minimums for killer cops or some like we see here would go a long way!

Funny how the threat of being held responsible for your illegal actions can make folks watch their p's and q's, huh?

Liberty and Justice for all! We have the tools we just lack a voice!

edit on 15-5-2012 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:26 AM

Contempt for police officers is generally had by people who deal with them the most. THE PROBLEM is people who think that, they are fine and do everything right or even for the 'most' part do everything right. That is what they think UNTIL they personally have to deal with them.

Austrailia is becoming increasingly americanised to the point of blind 'patriotism' which is incredibly dangerous for the people as a whole. So you would just sit back and relax, yes sir, no sir?

You don't even seem to grasp that there is a problem?
Thats fine. There is a term for people with similar personality types as yourself.


Sir, you have my gyst quite wrong.

I will not disagree with you for a SECOND about Australia's blind Nationlism/Patriotism. Southern Cross Tattoos and Eureka Stokade Flags aside, the concept that Australia has any national culture to celebrat is laughable. The image of ourselves that we try and portray and implement, is quite alternate to what is seen around once your eyes are open.

But, I digress [I like living here].

I am not defending the Police that do wrong.
I am not denying that there are Police that do wrong.
I am not defending The System.

I defend noone, really.

The people I AGREE WITH are those who share the view that "You screw with cops, cop'll screw with you".

I wont even bring up the "Dont do anything against the law in the first place" debate, because there are points to that which I dont agree with, besides you do not have to do something wrong to find yourself infront of a cop, anyway.

I am very much awake, sir. And I very much detest and dislike what I see. I weep for the state of the Police in the States.
Yet by that token I am aware that just being another yahoo resisting and fighting the system is going to get me into hot sh|t.


I do not know what to do - I dont pretend to. Nor am I here to tell anyone to do. Im just saying, being burned at the stake ain't on my TO DO list.

edit on 15-5-2012 by derpest because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by Chai_An

I think most people would agree if there's a bad apple amongst the group the honorable thing to do is weed them out. Cops are failing to do that which is the reason why "good" cops often get killed on the job and not the rotten ones. At what point will cops stop acting like the three monkeys (don't hear, see, or speak) against a fellow officer even if they're a menace?

Most cops that die in the line of duty actually die in car wrecks. The ones killed by a use of force are usually killed by people with a history of mental illness or a felon either committing a crime or attempting to flee after a crime. Unfortunately, it happens to good and bad about evenly. You never know which type will get the call.

In the last fifteen years the state of North Carolina has revoked the police powers of at least two departments and stripped the majority of their officers of their commission. They have unseated Sheriffs that were caught selling drugs or facilitating corruption. They have fired numerous State Troopers for corruption and violence. They have also investigated hundreds of use of force cases. They do a thorough job and weed out those that they can.

Many departments have gotten the message and stepped up their own disciplinary actions. The "Blue Wall" is much like Omerta in the fact that it is a crumbling institution. It hasn't disappeared, but it is nothing like it used to be. It still holds large sway in places like Chicago, NYC, and LA mainly because of the unions. Why it still exists in smaller departments is a thread unto it self.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:31 AM
there is only one true law
forget the rest.

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