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Why Is Atheism So Miserably Negative ???

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posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:21 AM
"This forum is for members to engage in heated tirades about topics that really infuriate them. It is not intended to be a place to complain or attack other members. Normal ATS/BTS terms of service rules still apply."

Today it could be a thread on community/individual value-systems and the requirement of their comprehensive revision . Since its raining again . But no its a case of something that slips off the tongue more easily .

I hate atheism and had to fight the urge not to write athe_ists just there . It , atheism , is to my own mind pretty much an abomination , and you guessed it , I am going to explain why .

Why the damned fools who propound such nonsense are full of their own pride and hate , and greed , and evil thoughts of outward piousness and inward gluttony . Of selfish individualistic anal retention of resources .

Anal retention , not only of subtle intellectual blindnesses , but common sense , in your face facts of life obviousness is what atheists continually and tempeststuously ignore .

Anal retention of ignorance therefore , and bad tempered intolerant defence of zero , nothing , nada , in terms of actual truth , or real meaning in life . Not even a book . I would burn it LOL

Its a route , chosen to attack others , which atheism takes . A route to deny others their perception and discernment of reality in circumstances which only their victims have been privy to . An asssertion of delusionality is presupposed upon so called 'beleivers'. Its an intolerable assault which makes anyone with sense enough to see what they do , to seethe . How dare they deny people's good character and judgement ? Without close inspection ?

But I can remain intellectual about it . Where did I yet have to defend any faith ?

So what has atheism to defend? The likes of Ricky Gervais ? (I just had to spit then) LOL Or Penn and Teller?

They are worse than stinking turds , sicker than noroviruses . Gad damn I hate 'em.

Anyhow , ahem , the worst thing you can possibly do in a proper disaster is not beleive in God . The worst thing you can do before a proper disaster where you probably die is to have convinced yourself that no God , no creator , no overseer of you or your own can possibly exist . Because basically , during that disaster , you will go to # ~ very quickly indeed . The test of your substance will prove you to be not only useless to yourself but a veritable liability to your compadres at the scene . Especially those who may have lost their children , loved one , seen some gore and blood , or whatever .

What they need is a clear and certain , "God brought them , he will also take them and up and see to their souls." "God will help the rescuers" "Take heart and have no fear for God will help us too. Or "let him take them now.."

They dont want a debate . They certyainly dont 9want some atheist denying them perhaps the only hopes they have left. Or any extras. Prayers in a disaster offer hope , it is proven to be so . Hope offers positivity and positivity offers strength . Potentially the extra stength to overcome and survive .

In comparison , what does atheism offer ? Make certain to realise , it is bog all but an argument .

I'd really love to see those Hollywood atheists ,( in a hypotheitcal experiment of course -lol) like those linked , set adrift on a tiny life-raft in heavy seas with all all the chances of survival that go with it , ( about 1 in 50 ) and see if after a couple of days of being freezing , wet and very cold , they didnt start praying in there . I would laugh so much at the pathetic worms there asking for forgiveness and if there was any chance , "please God ...

Oh lolol , He does sit in heaven laughing at the unbeleivers .

If you are the unfortunate atheist reading this , dont , as you were about to , get me wrong .

I am no supporter of church authorities . Because they often are as blind as you . Blind is blind , after all. And does as blind does. As it were intended I expect .

I am perfectly well aware of the value of skepticism and critical thinking , the law of probabilities and the (general) appliances of sciences .

Thanks for your credit .

Also , it should be reminded that what is ordinary in this world , is to beleive in God , at least a little bit . Do we not sit through church services , nearly , us all ? Yes we do and we see the Queen do it too.

I want to dispel the atheist argument that religion is the cause of all wars . It never ever is . It is geo-politics which causes wars , end of . Get your facts straight and learn some history and common sense you dumb atheists.

If it wasnt for people throughout the ages beleiveing in God , in various countries and historical dynasties , then the world could have turned out to be a lot worse , more vicious and violent than it already is . At least we bury people with a funeral and headstone etc . At least Moses gave us something with the 10 commandments. "Thou shalt not steal"

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:24 AM
I am an atheist yet I agree with you. I personally always have an open-minded approach to religions, as I must have with Physic's new theories.
United, our minds can find the truth.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:24 AM
My experience with Athiests is that they are actually more like the people they bash than they tend to realize. I have a cousin who is an Athiest and his facebook page is updated daily with all of the reasons why not to be religious so on and so forth. In the end he's no better than those telling you to join religion. He's shoving his views at you daily, isn't that what some religions/churches do? He firmly denies that he does this but I see it every day. BTW I am not religious, I lean more towards the agnostic side.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by ZIPMATT

They don't want a debate .

I want to dispel the atheist argument that religion is the cause of all wars .

So why does someone choose atheism ? Its often the same reasons as someone might choose to be a racist. Its because of a feeling they had - hate .

And those are good points. Thought they should be brought out to be clearer to read.
edit on 14-5-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:27 AM
It's because of people like you.

You don't see atheists preaching and trying to convert people (I'm not saying you are) - If there weren't so many brain washed people in this world telling atheists that they will burn in hell for not believing, there wouldn't be so much negativity from the atheist in the first place.

I don't do religion, I do reality.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by ZIPMATT

If you have faith, why does it bother you so much that others don't? Honest question... I fall into the atheist category, yet, I harbor no ill will towards those who don't, I don't flock to unrelated threads posting passages from the atheist bible, and I'm surely not a negative person.

I think you might want to actually discuss this with actual atheists, not the ATS troll brigade, because it appears to me that you are projecting what you dislike about those who don't follow your faith, onto "atheists" as if applying that label automatically means the things you seem to think it does.

Don't get me wrong, just as there are arrogant self serving religious types here who feel the need to preach, there are plenty of arrogant atheists willing to tell you how lowly they think of you.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by OpenEars123

It's because of people like you.

Loosely, I agree with that.

Like I said, I'm an atheist.... From my experience:

Atheist learns you are a christian: "Oh, good for you, I don't believe in it, I have my reasons, but to each their own."
Christian learns you are an Atheist: "Oh, poor child, I pray for you, as you will surely burn in eternal damnation in the fiery pits of hell unless I can convert you and save your soul"

Again, that's a crass generalization, but around here, it's pretty accurate. I have, not once, tried to convince any religious person they are wrong, dumb, ignorant, or anything of the sort. Yet that's all I get from the religious types, and when I say religious types, I mean christians, cause I sure don't recall anyone trying to convert me to Islam or Judaism.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by Irish614

Yeah, I am basically an agnostic as well and I tend to agree with you. It certainly seems like they are trying to push their views onto others. Or rather, eliminate other viewpoints.
edit on 14-5-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:35 AM
I have seen a lot of religious nut with their teacup full and go to ATS just to impose their beliefs.
I have seen Atheists go to ATS to have fun and mock religion.
I have seen religious people that are understandable and truly seek the truth.
I have seen atheists who try to see the other's point and consider their opinion before replying.

Why can't everyone put off the heat?
Cool down, this is a FORUM, not a preaching class or a boxing place.
Coooooool... dooownn.


John Swan.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:41 AM
I do not think you can put the label "Miserably Negative" upon "Atheism" without applying it also to those who follow religion
Would not putting the fear of Eternal Damnation in a fire'y pit be deemed Miserably Negative also.
Some people get along fine without religion or atheism some people are not labels

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by ZIPMATT

I wouldn't hate you, thats absurd. Why should I? You never said why.

I just like to find causes for effects - which means that I would like to know why this typing on a keyboard produces letters on that screen in front of me. Is it a miracle? Or should I delve deeper into electrics and computer sciences?

Well, I can guess why some people discourage learning for the masses, they are much easier to steer as a dumb crowd.

I like to take a look behind the backdrop to see how it works - and if given the only explanation of "gods want it to be so, now be quiet and pray, my child", well, do you really think that is a reasonable answer?

If I were in a raft in distress at sea, I would do my best to be found and try to survive. The most transcendental question for me would be, how I ended up in this raft, why did I choose this flight and that seat and looked out the window right at that moment.. This has nothing to do with having faith in my rescue by saying some words to some god.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:43 AM

I hate atheism

They are worse than stinking turds , sicker than noroviruses . Gad damn I hate 'em.

I'd really love to see those Hollywood atheists ,( in a hypotheitcal experiment of course -lol) like those linked , set adrift on a tiny life-raft in heavy seas with all all the chances of survival that go with it , ( about 1 in 50 ) and see if after a couple of days of being freezing , wet and very cold , they didnt start praying in there . I would laugh so much at the pathetic worms there asking for forgiveness and if there was any chance , "please God ... "

Oh lolol , He does sit in heaven laughing at the unbeleivers .

So why does someone choose atheism ? Its often the same reasons as someone might choose to be a racist. Its because of a feeling they had - hate . Hate consumes a persons entire psychology , the ego later defends its violent behaviours in the turmoil of a conscious mind, even the stomach feeds hate . Atheist - you must not let hate consume you , because it can and will . Driving your intellect towards hateful and downright spiteful atheism is disturbing behaviour for yourself and others , and it is self-defeating . You must find the reason why you hate , and take this up as the root of your problem , and the reasons are fear and lack of faith . Your jealousy over resources and quality of life.

Read your own OP. You think you have the moral high ground here? You just indicted and convicted yourself in your own thread. You are full of hate and bitterness.
edit on 5/14/2012 by Klassified because: clarity

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Klassified

I hate atheism

They are worse than stinking turds , sicker than noroviruses . Gad damn I hate 'em.

I'd really love to see those Hollywood atheists ,( in a hypotheitcal experiment of course -lol) like those linked , set adrift on a tiny life-raft in heavy seas with all all the chances of survival that go with it , ( about 1 in 50 ) and see if after a couple of days of being freezing , wet and very cold , they didnt start praying in there . I would laugh so much at the pathetic worms there asking for forgiveness and if there was any chance , "please God ... "

Oh lolol , He does sit in heaven laughing at the unbeleivers .

So why does someone choose atheism ? Its often the same reasons as someone might choose to be a racist. Its because of a feeling they had - hate . Hate consumes a persons entire psychology , the ego later defends its violent behaviours in the turmoil of a conscious mind, even the stomach feeds hate . Atheist - you must not let hate consume you , because it can and will . Driving your intellect towards hateful and downright spiteful atheism is disturbing behaviour for yourself and others , and it is self-defeating . You must find the reason why you hate , and take this up as the root of your problem , and the reasons are fear and lack of faith . Your jealousy over resources and quality of life .

Read your own OP. You think you have the moral high ground here? You just indicted and convicted yourself in your thread. You are full of hate and bitterness.

This is a trolling thread, pure and simple.

I was going to write pretty much this..

I just want to add that you talk about atheists not wanting a debate, there are many of us who will gladly debate you with FACTS if you are capable of doing so. The problem with discussing religion with ZEALOTS is that even when you back them into a corner with FACT and BIBLICAL CONTRADICTIONS they talk about faith. If you can't explain some horrible contradiction in the Bible you have been brainwashed to accept it on faith. Why are you people so blind and so easily led to the slaughter?


(usually I'm nicer, but you are, to use your own words, a total "turd")

You want to dispel the "myth" that "religion is the cause of all wars" - please do so. I don't think religion is the cause of most wars, I think greed and lust for power is the cause for most wars. But I think if you can align that war with some religious dogma, that is the most effective way to get the sheeple to join your cause. Even modern US wars use difference of religion/culture to dehumanize the enemy - and typically it's lies anyway.

Your Christian Bible is more violent than the Qur'an, and that's a fact.
edit on 14-5-2012 by TinkerHaus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:04 AM
A true atheist shouldn't care what others think about religion. A true atheist shouldn't care at all about religious symbols since they have no meaning to them, some are even quite nice to look at as an art form.

An angry in your face atheist is like the angry in your face homophobe, afraid of their attraction to the other viewpoint. They are angry because they aren't secure enough about being an atheist and subliminally worry they may be wrong.

A true believer of any kind should be secure enough in their belief that if someone doesn't want to believe they will respect the person's right not to believe.

An angry believer is one who is insecure in what they believe and subliminally worry they may be wrong.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by ZIPMATT

Yet I see most hatred coming from your side. I have never ever started a thread attacking religion. I only join in when people like you spread hatred, generalize and spew you push your bull# believes in non religion related threads.

And why do I choose to be an Atheist??? Asking this question clearly shows you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You dont choose to be one, you are one because of LACK OF BELIEF in a deity/God.
We atheists don't delude our self and live in a fantasy like you.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:11 AM
I read that to unite to enemies (in this case Atheists and religious), one must have a more powerful enemy, so that these two will unite to destroy the new and more powerful menace.

So, here it is:

Mitt Romney has a small chance of being elected.
Atheists and Religious, UNITE and DESTROY Mitt Romney.
Remember: He wants to appoint Bush's staff to his if he becomes president...

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:17 AM
it's certainly not atheists continually banging on about Armageddon and hell fires and blowing up buildings with planes, stoning women to death denying homosexuals rights and telling others how to live their lives. Religion has it's fair share of negativity.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:18 AM
I find Atheists have incredible amount of faith because the theories they use to prove there is no God, you have to have a lot of faith to believe that they are true.

I do have a lot of respect for some of them because they do take philosophy and Science very seriously and that search for the truth is very important for our existence. Some of them just talk to talk and people like that, you should take as a pinch of salt because there is no room for growing.

Worst is the people that are easily manipulated to believe in something that does not exists (or is very unlikely to exists or be true), those are the negative people because the search have end for them and therefore, for us.

For evolution, there has to be a drive to search for the truth. We will all have different opinions but that is the beauty of it, that people will challenge you and then you will realise, that the others have a valid point. There is room for growth here!

There is a lot of negativity in teh world, no matter what you believe in and I personally dont blame people who are negative because there is A LOT to be negative about, it is just the effort to help yourself and others to come out of this cycle.

edit on 14-5-2012 by azulejo because: grammar

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by ZIPMATT

I don't choose to use a word to define my beliefs, but i've been called both an agnostic and an atheist and I guess those terms apply. in a way. the problem is that people view atheism as a coherent set of beliefs or its own religion. even the atheists who think this are wrong. if you go to one meeting, one rally, one pep talk then you are no longer an atheist. you have joined a cult whose religion is to be anti-religion. i honestly don't GAF what you believe, just keep it to yourself unless we're having a civil discussion about it.

but more to the OP, how can you claim to be on the "godly" side of this "debate" and yet you choose to "hate" atheists? and why is it so wrong for "atheists" to spread their beliefs, but it's cool if you do it?

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by azulejo
I find Atheists have incredible amount of faith because the theories they use to prove there is no God, you have to have a lot of faith to believe that they are true.

I do have a lot of respect for some of them because they do take philosophy and Science very seriously and that search for the truth is very important for our existence. Some of them just talk to talk and people like that, you should take as a pinch of salt because there is no room for growing.

Worst is the people that are easily manipulated to believe in something that does not exists (or is very unlikely to exists or be true), those are the negative people because the search have end for them and therefore, for us.

For evolution, there has to be a drive to search for the truth. We will all have different opinions but that is the beauty of it, that people will challenge you and then you will realise, that the others have a valid point. There is room for growth here!

There is a lot of negativity in teh world, no matter what you believe in and I personally dont blame people who are negative because there is A LOT to be negative about, it is just the effort to help yourself and others to come out of this cycle.

edit on 14-5-2012 by azulejo because: grammar

see, right in the first part of your post, a perfect example of misconceptions about atheists. the atheists who actively try to disprove religion and the existence of god are NOT atheists. an atheist is like "you've presented your evidence for the existence of god and i am unconvinced of its existence." it's the people who use atheism to attack others who give it a bad name.

the rest of your post is so smart though. no matter what you think, you HAVE to listen to the opposite and opposing sides or you're not a complete person.

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