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Could the UK be involved in 9/11?

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posted on May, 13 2012 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by darkstar57
Ok, i could not help myself. You must see Ehud Barak appearing on BBC in a London Studio explaining how terrorists had brought down the WtC.
He had just departed the US, after a 4 month visit. On vacation, doing his hobby, creating false flag attacks.

And here is some context for this video, you have to scroll down about two thirds of the page to find the barak reference.

Now tell me the UK has no involvement after seeing this.

The City of London banksters run Israel and the US.

cut and paste the URLS. Please.

Thank you and let us all please note the evidence presented and enter into discovery...

Yes, not seeing whole lot of objections and debunkers, is suggesting there are lot of informed ones, who know the UK was involved or least more than they are willing to discuss that says a lot and a good sign, as least the spinners and twisters are slowing down some now, so maybe they taking a good hard look at the Facts of the matter and starting to realize, that yes...more to the picture then meets the eye and we are all starting to take a closer look and seeing the big picture and the fog is thinning now, so let us all awake to the truth and discern from the lies and deceit and note who is spreading the lies and why...

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 10:43 AM
Found this on the referenced page as being co conspirators :


Who was involved in 9/11 from the top down:
1) The Vatican Jesuit Order of Malta ties with CIA -Order Hit
2) British Crown and Saudi Arabia Funding Operation
3) Rothschild Israeli Zionist ground-minions Organizing

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 10:45 AM
finds these comments from youtube of interest, as in " we are not alone"


Uploaded by WikiIntelNews on Sep 13, 2011

Who was involved in 9/11 from the top down:
1) The Vatican Jesuit Order of Malta ties with CIA -Order Hit
2) British Crown and Saudi Arabia Funding Operation
3) Rothschild Israeli Zionist ground-minions Organizing
4) US Bush Presidency-Administration/Air Force and FBI cover-up
5) US/British News Media Networks reporting lies of the event
6) Corporations, Halliburton, Raytheon and others Insurance companies that bankrolled profits
7) Financial Institutions like Goldman Sachs with prior knowledge -inside trading

Jesuit Alumni in the Obama Administration and 112th U.S. Congress

The focal point in this report is on Israel's role in the 911 attacks. Listen very carefully to every word in this video presentation ... and realize that Israeli-Rothschild-Zionist HAS been OCCUPYING the US GOVERNMENT over the past 60 + years and to this day they continue their occupation under the Obama administration! With their current agenda in full swing (war in Libya) Israeli-Zionist are pushing for the war in Iran. This is the thorn in America's hand. The fastest way to destabilize the Zionist Network in America is to have them removed from the US Government.

It would be a good thing if the Jesuits would be exposed for the power that they have over the world , we can surely say that they failed in their leadership as far as Humanity concerns. We the people of this world can put an end to their New World Order plans.

From a military perspective, we must engage the US military Services to remove the Israeli-Zionist (criminal element) from within the US Government. Arrest, detain, deport or imprison ... this is a simple operation.

To this end, our US military of Defense needs to step-up to this call for action to defend the US Constitution and protect the Nation from enemies foreign and domestic. A military force can SHUTDOWN ~ AIPAC and the American Jewish Congress and take back control of our US News Media Networks.

The ugly truth is that Obama is a British/Zionist agent a (CIA creation) acting as the US president in the interest of the royal crown of England, Knights of Malta and his Zionist Masters headquartered in Rome, -the Jesuit Order of the Vatican.

By whatever means; it is time to "throw the money changers out of the temple."

From a civilian perspective, we can unite in consciousness and imagine the enemy diminishing in the world and their plans for a New World Order falling like a house cards.

If you are not familiar with the nature of consciousness and its inherent powers, you might think the following exercise far-fetched and a waste of time. Herein lies a higher understanding in consciousness for those that resonate with this truth.

People from around the world can imagine a world without this evil element. Imagine the Jesuit/Zionist world power structure collapsing like a house of cards. Imagine the unity of humanity operating from a state of love --defeating this enemy through the actions of non-violence.

Any person in a (state of love) can do this ... Send the energy of LOVE into the hearts of every person that can be identified as an enemy of humanity. Imagine that energy of love exploding within their heart bathing every cell and DNA strand with the energy of love; and raises their consciousness to a higher state of awareness of having love for all humanity; WHICH will diminish their need to do evil against humanity. Imagine many within the NWO crowed defecting from their post and contributing their resources towards the freedom and benefit of all mankind.

Use the power of your consciousness to create a world of peace and prosperity. Envision a new economy and the prosperity of all sovereign nations; a world without war; and governed by the principles of love and freedom ... and so shall it be! To this end, this mental exercise serves as a strategy to unify the consciousness of humanity to create a favorable outcome for the greatest good for all. Herein lies a simple truth "that the quality of consciousness by the majority of the people will determine the fate of humanity." For more information about uniting in consciousness visit

Ehud Barak and Benjamin Netanyahu were among the chief architects of 9/11.
Mark Glenn - The Ugly Truth Podcast:
Daryl Bradford Smith - French Connection:
Michael Collins Piper:
Charles Giuliani - Truth Hertz:
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by earthinhabitant

I'm popping in here quickly without having perused the previous threads, so hopefully I'm not repeating anything, but here's my 2 pennies. I see 9/11 as the act of a supernational authority. In other words, people who do not recognize national soveriegnty, have no governmental allegiances and operate on a world stage. So, I think that this facet covers the spectrum, and that very likely those in the know and behind the scenes come from and have direct workings in the UK. But, like here in America, I try to stay away from saying 9/11 was an "inside job", because that implicates the government directly, and I don't think that's fair to 99% of the government. Were there individuals inside government complicit in the act, I think almost certainly, but again, they're actually a part of a much larger organization and game then allegiance to a single government.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:24 PM
I dare say some Britons are involved, but it seems to me it's mostly Americans - many of them on ATS - who have done such an excellent job at diverting attention from the truth and avoiding the very awkward and extremely expensive questions that some pray will never be asked.

If it wasn't for the likes of ATS (and the internet in general) then some very very very rich folk would now be very very very bust. But you've saved them!

(the question is: why did the towers collapse. Think about it!)

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by AndyMayhew

Why, Demolition of course... Doesn't take a genius to figure that out. You seen one, you've seen them all.

edit on 13-5-2012 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by BBobb

I relate to your comments and by no means am I insinuating that is all of any one government in particular that was and is responsible and involved, etc., seems very apparent it was a collation forces and the ones in power and administration on the highest they are the ones trying to cover it up and been destroying evidence and had the motives and presented the bogus stories of events, as hope we can all agree on Building 7 and how it fell the same way the other 2 did, and was no plane, as 3 down and only 2 planes, does not add up, when buildings do not come down like that, unless...

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by earthinhabitant
Did you watch the videos, as not sure how you can say that crap, if you are saying nothing substantiate my claims, as that is just pure ignorance to make a comment about something you did not view or see, isn't it?

OK I watched the video empire of the state and it was very powerful, controversial and thought provoking at the same time and I found it quite disturbing. But it's a video at the end of the day and though well presented how can you prove that the research for the video is accurate? How can you check something that detailed yourself, where would I start?
There's so much info out there available on the net why can't anyone pool this together and predict from all these theories, documentaries and websites the next move of these so called secret elite? That to me would be the ultimate proof, not hindsight evidence but solid research dissecting available "facts" and making an accurate analysis and then a reasonable theory on the next steps of this empire and then sharing it on ats so we can all sit back and watch events unfold...or not.
Credit to you, you did get my attention and spooked me out but I have a nagging suspicion that a lot of these theories are made to fit after the events. I mean, on ats a few months ago war was imminent with Iran but what's happened since the US lost their drone? Nothing.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by markygee

Hey markygee, just because someone makes a thread about iran war you cannot compare that thread with this.

If you use that logic then all threads are pointless.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by markygee

Originally posted by earthinhabitant
Did you watch the videos, as not sure how you can say that crap, if you are saying nothing substantiate my claims, as that is just pure ignorance to make a comment about something you did not view or see, isn't it?

OK I watched the video empire of the state and it was very powerful, controversial and thought provoking at the same time and I found it quite disturbing. But it's a video at the end of the day and though well presented how can you prove that the research for the video is accurate? How can you check something that detailed yourself, where would I start?
There's so much info out there available on the net why can't anyone pool this together and predict from all these theories, documentaries and websites the next move of these so called secret elite? That to me would be the ultimate proof, not hindsight evidence but solid research dissecting available "facts" and making an accurate analysis and then a reasonable theory on the next steps of this empire and then sharing it on ats so we can all sit back and watch events unfold...or not.
Credit to you, you did get my attention and spooked me out but I have a nagging suspicion that a lot of these theories are made to fit after the events. I mean, on ats a few months ago war was imminent with Iran but what's happened since the US lost their drone? Nothing.

Wag the dog is another good movie that sheds light on the situation, with more entertainment value and less facts to research and verify...

I would start with anything in the "ring of power" that you question and google it and look and see if the facts presented in the video are valid and true, as obviously some is speculative and some if just plain ole facts, no matter how it or they are looked at, still come out the same, no matter who or how anyone tries to spin it or whitewash it and them.

Thank you for watching the video, and there are several others that are comparable in content that collaborate and support the conspiracy theories presented throughout the globe and deny it and attempting to debunk the obvious, Truth, should be a simple task and so many holes in the official story on the matter, that looks like Swiss cheese or fly swatter.

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