Nice call, now exactly what do you mean by a "new vision under new managment from the top down"?
Seriously, you post a lot here, what are you talking about?
Are you talking about a "New System"? A new "Philosophy"?
Oilers,NewAgeHockey System,NewAgeSys,momma2 oilers.
Because I have been screaming for a new system for around three years, for godssakes i even created the NewAge Hockey System to fill the void and
tried to give it to the team, and gotten squat for support from 90% of fans here and elsewhere, for the same reason I am posting to you, the fanbase
either misses the boat or refuses to say the dam word system, you tell me which one it is?.
Just bloody well say it already,ha ha ha, SYSTEM, we need a new SYSTEM from the top down a new System and a completely new System Philosophy.
If the knowledgable fans refuse to pull their heads out of their own arses why should the players bother?? Start pointing your fingers at the SYSTEM
where you should be looking for christs sakes,ha ha ha.
You got everything dead on right in your post except you left out the most important word,SYSTEM. Why is that? Do you really not see the system as an
entity, do you not believe that it matters?
How can the Oilers make the changes you are so right about without changeing the system entirely?
Havent we tried for decades to make this system work and failed?
What do fans attribute all of this consistant failure to? The #ty players we have had here, well thats not true, how about the #ty coaches? Well thats
not true either? maybe its all the anemic hearts huh? Well I doubt that. Maybe its our Captain Horcoff? Somehow I doubt one man could cause so much
damage unless his middle name is cancer and Shawns does not start with a C. maybe its Kevin Lowe or the "system" he supports and projects?
So where exactly are we again now? Back at bloody square one, the ONLY place we can possibly find ourselves when we start digging, the bottom,the
inside, the core, the freaking SYSTEM.
For the umpteenth time, I ask you What is our System called? What type of System do we have? In all your years of being an Oilers fan when the hell
have you heard our system referred to by name or by function or action?
What is the one single critical area that the organisation has historiclly refused to openly discuss? The system. This is a historic blemish we have
carried for decades here our organisational refusal to be accountable in this department.
Sather had NO SYSTEM to speak of, he allowed his players to manage the team from the ice and he was a trouble shooter from the bench. We didnt even
have a conventional system back then, and the team has considered this to be a trade secret--and the dam idiots tried to replicate Waynes
Brains[Dynasty Oilers system] thinking they were developing a secret weapon when they were really digging their own grave---, but they havent even
really understood how Wayne and Mark ran the team dynamiclly back then never mind how to run one like that today.
This is why the NewAge Hockey System is a skin-tight fit over this teams current shape, because it was designed around the specific dynamic
intangibles projected by the Players we have on our roster, the specific types our team has recruited and brought up through the farmteam, on their
overall packages as defined by our Thinktank .
Why the hell would you try to make the men fit the system when you can make the system fit the men? Which of those two paths is the one of least
resistance? I guess it depends wether you are a "driver" or a 'mechanic", each equal quantitatively and functionally but very different in cerebral
and communicative presentation and execution.
A system based on Tangibles can be vacume sealed onto the players, the handbook can be printed on their arses if you want, they can take the book and
tuck it under their pillows if they choose to. Players can be indoctrinated like in a factory that just punches blanks into coins from a solid single
A system based in Intangibles can be integrated into the Players perspective and vision not branded on the outside of their arses, it can be wired
into their cerebral mainframe,IF it is based on Intangibles. Players can be indoctrinated through the use of Intuition and Visualisation and other
intangible core values like group Hypnosis where each individual coin no matter the shape or size is designated an intangible value that is itself
quantified, and defined and accepted by the group mindset. You create your own value you dont accept others valuations, you create your future, you
dont allow others to reveal it to you.
The NewAge Hockey System is based on Intuative Dynamic Analysis and managment. I specificly designed it that way to fit the Oilers historic mindset
and to correct their historic screw-up, one we have ALL been forced to share as fans. There is NO OTHER NHL System of play in existance based 100% off
of intangibles at the core value level. The NHS is groundbreaking.
If I explain the NHS fully to 100 people 9o wont get it off the bat and will struggle to understand it in any decent amount of time, but the 10% that
understand it immediatly are called " visual thinkers", look it up. This unbalanced numerical dynamic reality happens because most of us base our
realitys on "tangibles" or on things we can see, hear,smell,taste,feel ect.,90% of us are this way from birth.
There have to be more mechanics and maintenance men and engineers than freaking drivers, so if we transpose that thought to hockey it means most men
have to be grunts and a few 10% have the abilty naturally or have been taught to be LEADERS or DRIVERS. As we see on these sites if you are a "driver"
and you try relating to the "crew" you will run into lots of static and jealousy and all types of complicated emotionally based dynamics. Life will be
hell, thats why drivers dont spend their lives in the garages with the mechanics, they dont need to know that stuff hands on ,just understand the
dynamic effects.
You can tell a driver how to navigate a complicated track verbally and he will transpose that data accurately into his mindset to enable himself to be
the fastest driver on the course BEFORE he is even in the car, if he cannot do this accurately and consistantly then he WONT be a driver, the same
principal the mechanic uses when he is diagnosing your cars problems, the difference is that the mechanic can use his hands to tweak things and
"connect" to his work in a TANGIBLE manner. But the driver must accurately visualise EVERYTHING and cannot tangibly touch or tweak every single
component in a sequential manner without losing functional integrity. The driver must use intangibles to achieve the same tangible real-time results
the mechanic produces without touching anything at all, and the results MUST be identical for them to succeed as a team.
The Oilers need an influence present and accounted for within the organisational and functional framework that can act as the team manager, one that
understands both the Mechanics and the Drivers, for the sake of the moment lets call this manager the SYSTEM, ok?, the manager of the team is the
This is where everyone has missed the boat and been railroaded into an intentional fog, kevin Lowe manages this team, so HE is the system, it is his
vision and ability to understand both the tangibles and intangibles and how they function in a symbiotic manner that define the Oilers SYSTEM. But if
you ask him or the Team what "System" they use you will NEVER get a straight answer, because kevin doesnt have one, he has no "system handbook" to
show us because there was none for him to carry forward once the Dynasty dissolved, he has been out of his element for his entire tenure, one facet of
his job has been a solid consistant success but another has been a tragic failure, his tangible actions managment and results have been very good,
however his Intangible actions, managment and results have been a rollercoaster for sure.
I have been kind enough to spend going on three years online trying to directly communicate this reality to the Oilers with varying degrees of sucess.
I have directly offered to help them and to teach them the NHS, with no respone. Well there was a response alright, I hit many nerves along the way
and the Oilers reacted many times, but they did it in an underhanded manner that lacked integrity and honesty, they completely ingored me and the NHS
as the catalyst of change and hired Darkhorse Analytics to fill the void i so truculently illustrated online repeatedly. They tried to replace a
natural Intuative ability combined with a working understanding of competative sports dynamics with a statistical placebo, a cheap knockoff of the
real thing. And they shot themselves in the foot.
The Hackathon, the Last Man Standing, these are all cheap ass attempts to STEAL not recruit Intuative talent--- just like they took the charity of the
NHS originally from me and refused to aknowledge the source--- there is no integrity in that action and karma will kick the Oilers arses for eternity
until they change their crooked ways , again the Oilers are being shallow and ignorant and refusing to identify and validate the source or catalyst of
their directional changes,they are refusing to accept TANGIBLE RESULTS the NHS produces as being original to the NHS , instead they try to attribute
the results to themselves and go to extremes to do so, as far as paying huge sums of money to hire Statistical anaytics firms to allow them to
continue to disenfranchise the real catalyst, the NHS, this actually goes against their nature believe it or not, they are traditionally a results
based organisation.
They know they need help and to change and over 3 years they have been cornered and exposed repeatedly and mercilessly by the NHS and its Philosophys,
the problem now is that they are trying to hire people like Darkhorse to define what they need in a TANGIBLE manner, this CANNOT be done, and they as
a group refuse to accept this, they refuse to believe that Intuition and Intuative Analysis can produce tangible results.They refuse to validate
Intuative Dynamic Analysis as being SUPERIOR in every way to statistical analysis which is what they pay good money for and which is what has
catalysed this epic disconnect organisationally.
They are like the hardened old detective that refuses to consider using a psychic medium, but out of political pressure which causes desperation he
finally calls one in and soils his pants when the Intuit solves the crime in two hours after he and the Dept have spent two YEARS working towards the
same result. This exact dynamic is not uncommon, just use Google.
Just like the old Detective, even if the case is solved in 2 hrs by the Intuit he will NEVER openly promote the Intuit, he will maintain his own
perspective and define the Intuits results as fluke or luck, that is untill he is forced into a corner like a rat again and needs the sugar.
The NHS and I have had the same diaretic effect on the Oilers managment structure, they need to stop drop and roll and come up running for a new and
clean pair of pants. The problem is that the sugar is getting extremely valuable as more and more people realise how sweet it really is, free samples
have been liberally dispensed for 3 years. The promotion is over now, the Oilers need to step up with their fiscal Louisville Slugger and hit a
homerun before next year when the entire house of cards falls and we begin to lose the cores integrity.
That name again for the record is Moma2s NewAge Hockey System , Mr. Lowe, it isnt going away and you will validate it or you will never recieve full
acess to it, and pal all the Kings Horses and all the Kings men arent putting your Dynasty back together again, ONLY the NHS can do that, and you have
and continue to step on my toes by trying to replicate the NHS by forcing tangible traditional concepts into areas they will never fit,by trying to
disenfranchise and deny the real tangible results manifested by the application of intangible influences, and this has destroyed your teams continuity
of execution, and as I have said in the past this is exactly what managment deserves, a loseing record littered with failures and inconsistancys, I
just happen to feel that the Fans and Players deserve better which is why I took the time and effort to create an entirely new set of Philosophys and
a new System of play for the Oilers.
If I had a million bucks i would lay it all down on the fact that Kevin Lowe or someone within his organisation is right now as we speak trying to do
exactly as i am claiming, trying to hire and recruit some tangible resource that they can buy and simply plug in to the organisation to make things
work as they want them to. As I have said many times, Intuits are rare, Intuits who are well versed in Athletics are even rarer, Intuits who were
obsessed with winning at any and every competative dynamic and who have coached competative dynamics already are ever more rare, so you see its not
like the Oilers can simply Google up what they need, they keep putting no-name parts on their Ferrari,ha ha ha. I like that they are willing to invest
in Stats analysis, it proves they have been tweaked into action, but I also know HOW and WHY and by WHOM and WHAT they were forced into action by.
I have found that it is actually a health burden to try to analyse and asses the Oilers from an Intuative Dynamic Perspective, the workload is
tremendous, the organisation is so fractured and riddled with morality voids and professioanl ethincs grey areas that it is like driving your car
through thick pea-soup fog, its slow going if you want to make the journey safely, a lot of unusually hard work, to much for one person Intuit or not,
it would take a team of Intuitively catalysed cerebral Hit Men to clean up the mess we have here, this will require a team effort and last time i
checked members of The League of Superheros were all tied up.
I have posted enough over the last 3 years to get the general point across that it has been and is the Oilers SYSTEM that has catalysed decades of
failure, and kevin Lowe is the tangible representative of our System, so his system handbook is the real achillies heel that has terminally crippled
this franchise, I am not saying Kevin Lowes personal performance has been the catalyst of this utterly sickening mismanagment, i am clearly saying it
is the INFERIOR SYSTEM PHILOSOPHYS AND TACTICS that he has continually embraced, supported and mercilessly enforced that is the cancer eating this
team from the inside out. That is kevins cross to bear, i am not sure he knew what he was getting into to tell you the truth, he underestimated the
full scope of skills he would need, he somehow missed the intangible areas, the Intuition, he failed to find a sidekick who has the ability to provide
him with this critical balance in his perspective on an ongoing basis, he instead surrounded himself with like minds, men who were as based in
tangible influences and the results they provide as he himself is, with yes-men, he needs a no-man like a man lost in the dessert needs water..
Maybe its the Owner Daryl Katz to blame, methinks he should have the moxy to see what is happening himself or at the very least have a loyal enough
and honest enough and trusted enough capable source to fill him in on occasion so he can trouble shoot at least,Daryl seems to prefer the hands off
approach, like his other businesses, maybe no one told him how much an owner can influence the results his team produces according to the level of
tangible and intangible energy and personal attention he invests? What the hell is wrong moneybags, where are the Best Men for the Job? Maybe people
should stop spending your money looking for the Last Man Standing so your resources can get to the places they are most needed. maybe you should just
hire an Intuit and see what you have been missing, in fact i will bet you dimes to dollars that EVERY facet of EVERY business katz has can be
immediatly improved in definable ways through the incorporation of Intuative Dynamic analysis, and NO HE DOESNT already have this resource or we would
be seeing it utilised,ha ha ha, he may have some second rate placebo but he surely does not have the real thing.
Come get some of what the NHS and my Intuative abilitys have cooking Daryl, I have been kicking your Hockey teams managment crew in the Crown Royal
Bag for going on 3 years now and they are starting to look worse for the wear, I have a feeling one of these days the Players will pass the hat and
contract out for their own help,if you dont get the hell on the ball,ha ha ha.
Wayne, and any readers who got caught in this post, sorry for the epic rant, but I do believe i have finally been broken by this dysfunctional
machine, I stopped drinking the Happy Pops nearly a decade ago and I believe this post may be the equivilant of Falling off the Wagon.
In some delusional way I still feel we could keep everyone we have on board and turn this ship around overnight with the right new hands on the wheel
helping turn us through the curves, not steering the bus just helping steer through the tough going.I believe the communication conduits we need to
rebuild and strengthen can only be acessed via the system, and because of the severe and terminal disconnect present everywhere the reality is that we
need a wholesale change-out from top to bottom, of the SYSTEM and its PHILOSOPHYS, not of the personell and manpower.
Everyone From K-Lowe to the freaking bus driver needs to ask their wives to pack them a few brownbag lunches, they need to buy new pencils and
scribblers , jesus do people even use those things anymore,ha ha ha, and they need to come to school for a few weeks, they need Moma2 and the NHS to
give them some tough loving that will result in some tough learning.
If I dropped a 500 carat lump of dirt in Katzes hand and told him it would turn into a diamond if he could properly care for and maintain it and he
could call a few friends and see if the trick worked, he would be scraping the dirt off with his fingernails as fast as he could, no doubt, but if he
had no way to validate that the trick worked he would need to guage wether or not his time was worth being spent scraping dirt off of a huge lump for
potentially nothing, you see he wouldnt find the diamond if he had no friends to tell him the trick works,his perspective is based on tangible
results like his hockey managment teams is. But the problem is that if you break it down, there was one decision one day a very long time ago when
Daryl katz had to let it all hang out, where he had to trust his Intuition more than his common sense, maybe the man cant face the facts that it was
really intangible Intuition that put him where he is today and tangible managment skills that allowed him to remain there. But remember he had the
INTUATIVE input FIRST and that is what put him in a position to use other resources, so it is by far the most valuable, by volume it may be the
tiniest fraction data wise but in terms of real results I think it is safe to say that Intuition carried the ball and the day for Daryl Katz just as
it does for anyone who hopes to produce superior results. if we could all see this we could all reproduce those results easily, God doesnt let us all
see the world this way ,only about 10% of us see it like this naturally and because this mindset is NOT happy in a business/tangible results based
environment you dont find many Intuits at Fortune 500 getaways in the Bahamas.
The fact is that Intuits are wayyyy to far on one side of the spectrum to suceed at business and be happy about it because they naturally see the
incredible constellation of very real and negative dynamic effects every single cutthroat business decision creates both in real-time and in the
future on many many people, this realisation is a constant and on-going thing because a visual thinker gets these inputs in picture or video format
with a 360 degree x-ray view. So by conscience most Intuits stay away from manipulating people, it doesnt feel right when you can already basiclly
read their minds if you will. But if we focus we will sooner than later absolutely overwhelm you with factual results that rip your perspective away
and give you a new one. But that takes so much energy we only do it when we love something or are passionate about it, to the degree that we can
accept the sweeping changes we know internally will affect many many people, in the Oilers case I made a personal exemption to the rule because things
were so decayed already that there was no saving the day or face for that matter, I deemed it fair to sacrifice the veterans perspectives and
managments perspectives to support the new young blood we have had come in, i made a choice for the future and torpedoed the ship as best i could but
not before i released a titanic lifeboat for the survivors to hop into. I never post a word without giving an alternative perspective, this is why the
posts are always so long, I give a solution concurrently to diagnosing the problem, i am not presenting a problem, i am illustrating problems and
presenting solutions based on results.
Its really all about risk valuation and how the people with the power quantify this concept, is the juice worth the squeeze? One of mans oldest
questions, and only answered in one manner, by taking a calculated risk, first we look at the visual input, then we look for the tactile input the
touch, then we look for the smell, and finally after we satisfy all available tangible requirements we deem the risk to be worthy and we take a taste.
This is a two dimensional perspective.
Now if we are able to visualise our thoughts in a 3-D format naturally and at speed in real-time we can sit under a tree alone and watch everyone
elses actions and reactions, we can observe and visualise dynamic actions and results, maybe there are 3 fruit trees that are similar in every
tangible manner and everyone is eating from them all and no one is getting sick but some are getting tired and some are getting bloated up but the
ones eating the third fruit are hopping around happier ahan pigs in poop, if you are an Intuit you are under the tree alone watching and you will make
your choice based oon intangibles you have OBSERVED not experienced first hand, you DONT NEED to go to all 3 trees and take the trouble to smell feel
and investigate and also take the risk associated with eating from each one at a time, you can use your Intuative Dynamic Analysis skillset to
"majiclly" make the right choice, the OPTIMAL choice every single time, remember not the ONLY choice, but the OPTIMAL or BEST one, there is always a
best and a worst a right and a wrong, winners live by that motto because they can accept failure as a learning experince not a consequence. Winners
dont think in terms of things being forced upon them and that is what a consequence is, they think in terms of accountability and look to adjust
constantly learning,a loss to a winner is a message to make dynamic Intuative intangible change not increase effort level or tangibles, a loss to a
competitor is a consequence they deserve and a message to work harder at the things that they underperformed at, no dynamic changes there just
elevated effort and energy. Do you see the difference?
You want to work less and expend less energy to manifest a superior result, its call being the "driver"[system]. You want the car or the "crew" to do
the work for you, but this requires clear definitions and accountabilitys. The larger the disconnect between the driver and the car[crew] the greater
the odds of failure. The Oilers are now suffering this type of disconnect between the "driver" and the "crew", kevin Lowe[driver] is trying his
damdest to make this system work for him and to pacify the teams fiscal sponsers and the Coaches and Players[crew] are so disconnected that basic
commands are being relayed and executed in a clear concise and timely manner, but when the results are poor the focus falls on the crew not the
driver,so the team is getting its ass kicked every night because they cannot diagnose the true problem never mind correct it. All of the
accountability is put upon the "crew" and the "driver" superimposes himself upon the Sponsers and hides from accountability, on a nascar team the
"crew" would drag the driver out behind the pitts and beat him smart. Maybe the boys need to rent a barn after all?
I have dragged the Oilers system out in the open and beaten it senseless, but I dont have the heart to whip a dead horse, thats someone elses job man.
On the upside i used to bet my buddies five bucks a shot that i could prove to them that i am the Hand of God to the Oilers during games,then just
show them the GDTs,ha ha,now its twenty bucks a pop. i have bought a lot of RootBeer and a new popcorn popper,ha ha ha. Three years, a complete and
revolutionary new hockey System, 1.56 million words posted and i have 12 cases of No-Name Rootbeer and a Walmart popcorn popper to show for the
effort? No one doesnt do this for the money,ha ha ha. Truth be told within my first few weeks posting on the Oilers site there was immediate
managerial reaction and exact and accurate utilisation of the NewAge Hockey Systems Philosophy and data and that is documented in cyber-space and on
traditional National Television. There have neen hundreds of positive reactions and results that are documented as being catalysed by the NHSs
influences already and not only via the Oilers team. I have had a blast. But I am getting the hell out of this garage man, i am a driver who likes to
get his hands greasy, but this is insane now, besides it sucks trying to teach something in such a bizarre and unconventional manner as through
cyber-space, the results are exactly as anywhere else but the time and energy needed to achieve them are epic in proportion. On the upside any blogger
who wants fresh material can pick at these diaretic posts as much as they want and probably build a career off of them,ha ha ha.
Hope the server can handle this data load,ha ha ha.
If anyone wants to write the Book on the NHS and document this story feel free to contact me if you can find me out here in cyberspace, i am an Intuit
by nature and am sick of this charade,and have an MRI tomorrow that hopefully will set me free from the sedentary prison that led me to this goddam
keyboard when i was injured, the Oilers challenges are easy to overcome using Intuitive Dynamic Analysis and it is simply mindnumbing watching them
flounder with so many resources at their disposal. There is truly to much trench work to do clearing out the rebels who have dug in here into the
organisation over several decades, that is dirty work and i am not into it, i would rather negate their influences and then convert rebels than draw
and quarter them in the public square. They are obviously valuable if they can cause so much damage, they are simply mismanaged and underinformed.
See how differently an Intuit sees the world? I dont think ANY heads have to roll, they just need to be shaken the appropriate amount to re-set the
harddrives, all i really see the Oilers as needing is an Intuitive influence on Ralph and kevin and Daryls right side, a silent influence. They ALL
need a leader in my humble opinion, just for a few hours so they can learn to think on the same page. Someone needs to bring all of the elements we
have ammassed together to make the majic work and the Oilers havent found their Merlin the Magician yet, I guess they thought my tall pointy hat was
like the one they were forced to wear in school,ha ha ha ha. everyone i have met and read beyond Question is or has been or will soon call for heads
to roll, they are looking for tangible punative action, they want to see blood, hell I am trying to stop the bleeding and have been for around 3
years. its time to let this old dog lay down once and for all.
Without a potent and able intuitive transfusion this organisation will implode by the end of next year, of that there can be no doubt. And as far as i
can see there is NO PLACE FOR THE OILERS TO FIND THIS CURE ON THE OPEN MARKET. I am pulling out today because RootBeer and Popcorn were only
acceptable while there was an added theraputic benefit to posting so much, now that I am back on track[hopefully] and no longer going to be housebound
, I am re-directing my passion to new challenges, i am happy with the tangible very real documented influences i have been able to manifest within the
functional execution of an NHL hockey team, that is written history. Maybe if the Oilers are lucky one of them will meet me in a gym this summer and I
can gift some more insights, i have been docile and sedentary for over 6 years and am ready for a reset,because hard work really is the cure-all I
need to whip this old wrinkled arse into shape ASAP. To those curious this is how the long posts happened, it was a time on my hands/passion issue.
Now that I am on my way back to better health my time is spoken for and my passion is being purposefully redirected,not lost or diminished simply
redirected to a fiscal end,ha ha ha. No people , normal human beings cant spend countless hours posting about their hobbys,but some of us do tend to
go all-in when we feel passionate,look at this wonderful Blog that was made available for everyone, that took passion and time and effort, thank you
to the people who put in all of this work, there is no way you can be paid fairly for this extra effort, I know because I have posted over a million
words for free without even starting a blog anywhere,most of you guys do this from the heart and that truly is priceless, before i was hurt i had no
idea how much real energy and work went into the internet and cyberspace, it is freaking unreal how much time and energy we invest, but the rewards
are also incredible, the learning experience is epic and endless limited only by time and passion. I have been fortunate to have found so much of both
of those components in large enough quantitys to become involved in cyberspace for so long to such a degree, as a normal working person prior to my
injury I had never even turned on a computer,ha ha ha.
For the record, no one can ever say that Moma2-BadMedicine-NewAgeSys didnt show passion and throw all-in 100% for the Oilers with the NewAge Hockey
System and its philosophys every time the bell rung while it was possible.
Good luck Ralph, I am still curious how you could resist finding me,ha ha ha, your moves adjustments and directed Intuative actions are to close to
mine to be fluke, brother from another mother, either we are identical thinkers or someone is tracking someone. I especially liked the early season
references to the 80s oilers Powerplay and execution being an integral part of your tactical considerations. The NHS was entirely concieved out of
that same Oilers Dynasty PP on-ice dynamic and Waynes Intuitive Dynamic managment tactics, now my friend that is undoubtedly lightening striking TWICE
in the same spot and we all know the odds of that, so one of us is an imposter or our perspectives belong together and the opportunity shouldnt be
passed over.
I have already extended the hand and had it bitten for blood by your Oilers Website[ We do not forgive,we do not forget], the hand is out for the last
time,its time to take your turn or burn. I need to focus on my own prioritys circumstances out of my control are now in play , use your own judgement,
haha ha, if its close enough to make you think and sweat the heat is real man,if you know dam well that you are reading data that is valuable maybe
you better get over the organisations attitude problem and superiority complex and reach your own hand out. A proper symbol of solidarity considering
you represent the teeth that bit be by proxy would be to post a phone number here seeking the NHS to validate the data to a degree and heal that
wound, dont worry I have raised so much hell that as soon as you post the number it will be all over google so use a pay-as-you go number. Remember
that the concepts we are dealing in go far beyond hockey but they are core value to the game and must be fully supported even if that means reaching
out beyond the organisations comfort zone. I dont feel I need to validate myself further to you if you have been reading my posts, you will already
know i have almost zero technical hockey knowledge, but you will also know i am often bang-on with my analysis and adjustments and as a result I am
hitting so many spots you havent been challenged in across the board that youve got to be curious at the least.
If you want to really understand the NHS Ralph take this to heart,--- Mobilis in Mobili ---,but also research Mobilis in Mobile so you will be
accurate.This is the key to the balanced integration of tangible and intangible influences you require to complete your task,your challenge it to
transpose this philosophy upon the perspectives of your entire roster in a seamless complete manner. Between you and i your impressive communication
acumen seems to be slightly off base, you are lucky in my opinion as a former coach in that your roster has a good balance of young open minds that
are eager to evolve and know how hard it is to maintain superiority as first round top picks they have felt the heat and been tempered already in a
way that cannot be manufactured artificially in most people, your biggest challenge to date has not been understanding the system or what you need to
convey to the men to make it work, it has been finding ways to bring the entire roster of vets and rookies together at the same spot at the same time,
and as i see it you have had a harder time with the veterans than with the Rookies because the veterans all lean on tradition and habits wayyyy more
,in fact some vets survive in the NHL because of these cheats so when you remove them from their comfort zones and ask them to be Everyman they cant
all produce as you would hope, they are exposed more often when they are forced to go one on one in the physicality dept chasing offense and then
cheat more often and make mistakes more often, if they dont cheat more often and take greater risks then they go into defensive shells to maintain
system integrity and you get next to zero offense from them. They simply cant take the pace you are trying to project and you need to come to terms
with this fact to make the right moves next year. Or find a way to give them a new perspective or system understanding that they can use to offset
their physical ability challenges not on an NHL baseline but on a present day Oilers roster baseline, we need to recognise the needs of the team
today,right now,we are ayoung high energy team and want to stay that way for as many years as we can with as large a core in the same age and career
curve range as possible. Either find the Vets who cant get aboard a crutch or move them.
The young guys are all ready to be trusted and this needs to be dealt with, they need control of the team destiny or we cannot ask them to put out and
sacrifice to the degree we need to ask to become a playoff and then a championship team. with a new perspective that defines their roles as being
integral and also defines the vets roles as being equally integral and that shows them the symbiotic relationship between their own personal sucess
and that of the vets man for man as being the umbilical cord to their futures then you will have a good start. Right now no one has a defined role to
fill, there is no proper system to define these things for the men so they are left to figure it out themselves or to wait for the coaches to do it,
there should be a system template available for them to work with all the time,one that keeps their system valuation as individuals vs teammates in
perspective in real-time on an evolving basis as these dynamics change.They require this stability to properly grow,evolve and mature as individuals
and hockey players, there is to much static present now for the environment to be optimal for them, and after all they are literally 'all of our
marbles" as scary as that might seem at their ages,ha ha ha. Look up the term and then sit down somewhere peacefull and let your mind relax and try to
visualise ways to apply the term to your hockey perspective in as many ways as you can, write them down and then two days later read them again and
add to the list, do this as many times as you need to until you cant add to the list anymore, and i swear to you Ralph you will have all the answers
you need to take a step you werent even born to take, the incorporation of this simple concept into your current toolbox will take you to the next
level as a dynamic manager and tactician, because you see it is only through self evaluation and analysis with the proper tools that we can allow
ourselves to step out of our naturally imposed boxes and see our world from another level or a 3-D level. i give you as evidence Micheal jordans
tongue hanging out of his mouth at every career defining moment and also Sam Gagners mouthguard doing the same majic, its right there for you Ralph
and for anyone paying attention, the key to winning the key to superiority and dominance,the key to manifesting and chooseing your own future as
opposed to waiting for others to unfold theirs upon you, put both of my examples on your list they are a challenge for you to integrate so you can
apply this to how you see the players as you are doing it for yourself, you will appreciate the commonalitys when you see how it expedites your
learning curve. When your list is dried up and you cant add to it read the entire thing and then repeat to yourself-- this list is the template of the
new philosophy and system focus all of my tangible evidence tells me i must utilise to optimise my assets, it is original to me,it is of me and it
will represent me-- take ownership of your dynamic reality and learn to manage it on an entirely new level by learning about yourself first and
learning how to Intuitively manage your mindset and perspective at will.Then you will be able to transpose this new complete system perspective and
understanding to your teammates and support web,you can teach them to jump on to your page in their own individual way but land right beside you the
same way I just showed you,they will do all the heavy lifting without even considering it to be work.
Go to walmart and buy a bunch of small notebooks and small pencils and hand them out man, you need to use the real things so their is a tactile
concuit for the men, digital just wont do. get different colors because you need to micro-manage everyones cerebral energy levels in the room when you
are talking and this will do the trick for you incredibly well as i have learned personally, more will get through if you do this, remember Micheal
Jordans tounge? Same #e ok? This paragraph pisses me off because about 3 years ago before I was initiated a ban from the Oilers home site I was PMed
by someone who asked me in a very professional and respectful way how i would present my concepts to a room full of Players in a format that would fit
into the timeframes they had to work with as far as meetings go, which apparently isnt great to start with, i offered a similar dynamic tactic to the
colored notebooks and pencils a similar micro-management tactic. I was in the process of adding to that with methods of condensing the NewAge Hockey
Systems template when the terminal altercation occurred .Since then its been years of all out war on that part of the Oilers organisation. To this
day I resent the Oilers organisational arrogance projected by the Websites moderators that catalysed that dam ban because constructive data exchanges
were beginning at what I had identified as a critical time in the cores evolution,now there is much curative action required that wouldnt have been
needed had they simply been integrity driven as an organisation and communication had continued. By the time I began getting constructive PMs I was
already skirmishing with the site moderators and was lumping all Oiler related influences into the same pile and it was the #e pile,the silly buggers
tried making me say that no Oilers Players or Coaches or people visited the site and read the posts, the nuts went so far as to repeatedly post this
statement as moderators and threatened to punish anyone who insisted on saying anything contray,ha ha ha, imagine the brass balls it takes to do
that,how stupid do they think people are and how manipulative are THEY. Obviously I told them to stuff it and that I would not concur,they also asked
me to not post any technical or tactical data directed at players or coaches and then asked me to stop requesting that the Oilers use the NewAge
Hockey System and hire me to consult with them. I agreed to stop asking to be employed by them as a consultant as that was understandable and told
them that i wasnt going to stop posting hockey related data on a hockey site and that I definately wasnt going to agree with or support any silly
statement that no Oilers Players,Coaches or people visited the Oilers online site and read the posts because that was simply retarded, and that the
proposed ban was the only solution and to go ahead and ban me, which they immediatly did, and all contact ended through that conduit.
edit on 14-4-2013 by one4all because: (no reason given)