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moma2s NewAge Hockey System

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posted on May, 28 2018 @ 07:41 AM
Of the People by the People for the People.

The endgame is the weighing of the hit Vegas bookies take and the Robin Hood impact that happens if the Knights win by bringing the money back to the people on a record level...against revenge.

The nice thing about being your own director is that you can do anything you want whenever you want however you want.

Methinks we let this one play out......and support the Golden Knights if they require the name of the People...nothing more and nothing less...nothing to do with the NHS mega-drama.

Those millions are going back to the lets get it on...the Knights are the conduit of redemption....they are the tool of rectification.

Moma2 says lets end this in 4 games.....the Caps have a natural set of habits that will allow them to be more effective than people think.....and they will not have done any special or higher than normal level pre-scouting....they are just naturally built to challenge the specific strength the Knights have been using as their primary tool.

However this natural series of habits are in reality the Caps achilles heel....and are what we will use to dissect them quickly and efficiently.

I will give you the first period to scrum it up and feel the Caps heat....then I will drop the analytical bomb on the Caps....unless you get steamrolled in the 1st period ....or get victimised by the Reffs.....and end up down by 2 or more early in which case I will have to jump in right

Methinks the 1st period will be a GRINDING ONE...a rough one.....and the Officials will be tested early by a nasty Caps team not afraid to come out hitting high and dirty....the Reffs have to remember to not get caught nailing the retaliatory player because this allows the Caps to take control andown games...this is WRONG....if the Refs wish to assert tight control they need to recognise and PENALISE the ORIGINAL SINNERS and do it EARLY AND OFTEN....and lets not see coincidental penalties happening all the time either....if one team behaves it earns PP time if one team doesnt it deserves to be remediated by the Officials....obviously the Caps are chomping at the bit salivating at the thought of running roughshod all over the wee little Knights.....there is no way the Caps can abandon this style it is what they have used the entire time...they dont have a 2nd act......and they WILL NOT play possum in the finals not even for one game they will come out FLYING AND SMASHING.....of this there is zero doubt...wether the Officials can HANDLE THE CAPS and not allow them to cheat for the physical edge is another question.

The NHS fundamentals if applied as they have been so far will be of tremendous help keeping the Knights out of the box.....IMHO their game is so clean that it will be difficult for the Officials to not simply sink the Caps early and oftn and maybe for all of game #1 to get the message sent...simply because there will never be a ONE FOR ONE type of situation for the Refs to rely on for the Knights will not commit anywhere near the same volume or types of infractions the Caps commit as part of their System focus....the Caps are Russian Dirty like Ovie...they will always play high tempo and will HURT you with a dirty high hit of some type elbow or shoulder or stick or butt-end when you least expect it.

edit on 28-5-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2018 @ 10:12 PM
That was a very exciting game.....well done ...kudos to the Officials for putting up a real winner of a game....they truly did let them play within established boundries and they did a great job of nailing first offenders and stopping the extra garbage early on and keeping it clean and fast.

Nothing outstanding to add.

Rinse and repeat.

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 06:16 PM
I watched Brian Burke on HockeyCentral or some show had NO ANSWERS for the one on the panel Analyst passed forward Sullivans suggestion from the Pens house...which was to get it out of the Caps d-zone sooner by using the glass....LMAO...this is awfully dangerous to ask a roster to do in game 2 of the Finals because you really need to practice this and work on your timing and it is NOT something encouraged due to penalties....and IMHO it is the single dumbest thing you could do when playing a Possesion/Transition NHS driven club like the DO NOT WANT TO VOLUNTARILY SURRENDER PUCKS TO THEM EVER NOT IN ANY ZONE FOR ANY REASONS....their System thrives on possession and transition.....they NEED PUCKS AND THE MORE THE BETTER.....but you know what they say...what do those silly internet bloggers know anyways right.

There is no solution available from the panel of analysts for the Caps....Burke could only really keep complaining about the quick changes in momentum resulting in scoring pushbacks Vegas was executing after Caps goals....he was basically saying the Caps cannot shut the Knights down after they take a lead and it miffs him off....he ABSOLUTELY AVOIDED THE REAL QUESTIONS ABOUT HOW AND WHY THE CAPS CAN NOT STOP THE KNIGHTS......because Burkie is in the dark man behind the times now.....I think a part of him never left that dark old barn he and K-Lowe left a little of themselves there in the dark IMHO.

Burke neglected to say that the Caps are being VICTIMISED CONSISTANTLY AND CONSTANTLY by the Knights who are executing lightening quick transitions to offense ...all over the ice surface for 60 full and complete minutes...and that it is because of DUE SYSTEM PROCESSES that this is happening....Burke is blind as a bat.....and he is misrepresenting when he insinuates that the Knights are only doing this after a Caps Burke had any guts he would tell the truth as a Professional...that the Las Vegas Golden Knights are executing a dominating difficult to solve System of play which is relatively new to the NHL....and they have ripped the NHLs best Teams apart with this System of play which they have all bought into 110% ...but Burke is to busy focusing on progressive social issues and stroking the Rainbow club banners to be in tune with todays quickly evolving NHL game....there is certainly some expectation that someone of Burkes acumen and pedigree would touch on the real causality behind the Knights sucess...simply because it is A TEAMWIDE BUY-IN TO A SUPERIOR SYSTEM MANAGED BY A KNOWLEDGABLE COACHING CREW all driven by good old fashioned responsible hard work and sticking to the gameplan that has put the Knights where they are .To say all this truth Burke has to make reference to the System .He HAS TO but he refuses...dont you have to wonder why.

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 08:12 PM
Knights...well done using the lob-passes...however from the beginning of the game I noticed you were not focused on funneling pucks to the net via quick-strike quick-release shots finished with a bit of N/S push...even short 5-10 foot pass onetimers....I see a lot of o-zone possesions but the conversion rate of possesions to shots in or on net is not high is noticeable ...lob-passes aside which are working out fine so far....just concentrate on the remaining o-zone entries and possesions looking to convert more to are just a hair to slow in your o-zone execution....but this is all I have to say.....everything else is need to change anything else other than to NEVER FORGET TO TRY A FEW WRAPAROUNDS every game....well maybe one thing....a little more contact in your own zone or at LEAST CLOSE DISTANCE AGGRESSIVELY on replay of the 1st you will see a LOT of Knights caught flatfooted and non-committed...BE COMMITTED AND COMMUNICATE IN YOUR OWN ZONE...Coaches ask for a tad more contact in the defensive zone to help this process out....keep those feet moving....remember to keep your sticks down on the ice because as soon as they come up off the ice the feet stop moving and the brain #s the replays of your 1st period and you will STICKS DOWN FEET MOVING LEGS DRIVING HARD.....and lets see some more talking on the bench...lets see some more involvement from the guys on the bench calling out what theys ee coming.......hydrate well and keep the dry gloves coming....keep the micro-management moving along....get into your comfort zone.....things look fine but its time to focus more on communication on and off the it up fellas....loud and proud.

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 08:36 PM
If his stick had been down on the ice where it belonged there would have been no is it Coaching or communication or lack of commitment at this late stage....but jesus get on it fellas. your System....get more urgent in your offense...speed the game up...make it your game...especially speed it up all over the ice...I know everyone is tired and it shows...but DIG DEEPER NOW...and bloody talk about it on the bench right now.

Remember EveryMan is equally responsible for scoring goals in every lets see everyone taking those shots RIGHT NOW...quit being sopicky about who shoots when just go with the first high% shot Gretzky says you miss 100% of the shots you never take....make the hard work transitioning pay off with shots IN NET.

The Officials are now calling co0incidental penalties which give the Caps a decided 4x4 advantage which everyone has now figured bad they couldnt keep their noses out of it...Bettman is there and he wants to see 7 games....Knights...go RIVER HOCKEY and outscore BETTMAN AND HIS will HAVE TO OUTSCORE BETTMAN TONIGHT SO GET ON WITH IT NOW FELLAS...this is as serius as it gets.....focus on execution and focus on quick-releases on-the-fly looking elbow bone preferrably from dead middle front 30 feet out.

On those 4x4s Kinghts just KISS and use basic give-and-goes...nothing it in close then let the puckcarrier finish on his own as you fall back defensively....just use the give-and-goes to SLINGSHOT the puck carrier in close then everyone back out ASAP .
edit on 30-5-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 08:47 PM
As we were saying a few minutes ago...KEEP THOSE STICKS DOWN ON THE ICE WHERE THEY BELONG....had reaves stick been where it belonged there would have been no this a Coaching issue or a Player discipline issue...I thought everyone had bought in to the Stanley Cup win....COACHES WAKE UP...we need to see a pure possession style now...lots of touches lots of skating lots of tight controlled possesions during those short bursts of skating....everyone look to move the puck on your 5th or 6 th stride and everyone else GET OPEN BE AHEAD OF THE FLOW BE PREPARED TO RECIEVE PUCKS GOING NORTH/SOUTH.

This game is still well within range....if you can hold possession and drive it to the net and draw some penalties of your own...or at least stretch them up the middle like usually works against them...

Now you are looking better....more begin taking MORE POSSESIONS IN FOR DEKES...drop your shoulders and get around them using you speed and make them drag you down into thei Goalie....let them know you are now net focused and force them to chase you KNOWING YOU ARE GOING ALL THE WAY IN...make them SKATE MORE...make them get tired and begin challenging you earlier and earlier in their zone which will lead to penalties when their feet quit moving.....make it so.....50% of those o-zone possesions driven in for dekes...5-hole....or upstairs where they keep the cookies.
edit on 30-5-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 11:03 PM
No need to change anything .... the score was indicative of the was played close to the vest....IMHO both teams burned one.....neither played like a Stanley Cup Champion one overachieved and no one underachieved.

Vanilla Gorilla game.

On to game #3.....let this be a lesson to a Club of EveryMan type players....Knights you cannot AFFORD to be down a goal in the 3rd need to make hay while the sun do not have an Ovie or a have to score by comittee and let the developing playaction make more decisions for you...and be urgent enough for 60 full minutes.

The Caps do not have some successful strategy they developed didn't even know what to say post-game....they don't know how they won because it didn't feel like they were winning to worry I thought the Knights would sweep...but apparently they prefer a more well travelled path to the Cup.

posted on May, 31 2018 @ 08:02 AM
Its the morning after.....I didn't want to complicate things last night because it really was anyones game.....but the Caps were ringing the boards last night by process then they were breaking off the walls in the corners into short cycles around the net.......I was going to tell you to stop them last night but it wasn't overly effective anyways....but this is why you needed to ADD some more aggressiveness speed of engagement and contact in your own zone....without contact they were able to use the periphery and then get quickly into their cycle which once established you backed off of....they gave you the middle because you were gapping a wee bit to widely off the walls ,and because of this essentially you gave them the walls so they could ring it quickly then set up their short cycle around your net....they condense the cycle and circle the exact net in close where others use a bigger area to cycle in it is more difficult to break their cycle it is in a phone booth...then they like to drop Ovie out of the short cycle and set him up high where he can unload his shot or look for pucks squirting out to him.

They tried using the lob shot to make quick-exits....out of their own didn't look very good and wasn't impactfull in the ways they replied in was lob-pass city for the entire have more speed than they do...they use massive gaps with their system and they are spread and juicy ready for the MOST BASIC give and goes......and you need to speed everything up.....the Caps don't want high speed river-hockey....when they lob pucks in to you make sure you make them pay for surrendering it...dont just dump it back to them .....look to finish with a deke or an in close shot but you have to re-focus on converting your o-zone possesions into volume shots....then count on your TSP which is more effective with more shots from EVERYWHERE....the Caps keep giving you pucks so you need to begin converting them into shots in or on net...or to goals ASAP and for 60 full fellas seemed to somehow over-complicate things a wee bit....looking for the deflections was not such a good much focus and emphasis and maybe this is why you were holding on to pucks to much in the o-zone and your shots didnt look smooth or natural it looked like you were looking for set plays....the set plays fellas this is not how it need speed flow and soon as things slow down the Caps can make need a high pressure rink-wide focus to speed them up is when things are going faster that YOUR SYSTEM comes into its own....if you let them slow down the game it benefits them....sooooo....score first and second and third........pressure them harder after your first goal....remember you need to score between 4-7 goals using this system for a reason...the Refs COULD cost you 2 fluke always finds its way in at the worst times and the opponent always has one good player who will notch you need 4 goals minimum......if you start thinking will shut yurselves is won with goals scored...and you score best by comittee....when you hold on to pucks to long you are looking to score by structure and look for specific people and situations and this slows you down in a critical area.....we need to see different guys shooting from different places on every possesion ....this type of offense supports a solid TSP.

posted on Jun, 2 2018 @ 06:46 PM
Knights......they will not bring the same gameplan as last game...if they do....I will give you the solution immediately....the lob-passes are not going to cut it tonight.

IMHO you just need to play your game like you have all season one has your System or processes solved...and regardless your sucess has come because of the small details everyone has been able to follow through on as they do their jobs at high has been FEW MISTAKES that has been the Knights poor decisions and wasted pucks in high risk areas instead good puck protection on possesions and patient decisions with a hold and immediate skate mentality if the pass is taken away.....super-high pressure on the opponent puck carriers suffocating them man-on-man while keeping dominant body position and staying on the right side of the puck....

Dont gve the Caps perimeter freedom and dont give the the quick-release point shots into deflections or scrums in front.....they will be looking to work that blueline quick-shot tonight.

Let not wait to shut down what the Caps did last game and will again try tonight as their secondary option...implement the 3-Layer Forecheck as per the NHS....excaty how the NHS reccomends...and then DRAG YOUR ARSES when you lose pucks in their end and they break it out because they will be looking to lob-pass it high and slow deep into your zone dragging arse and slowing down the FIRST FORECHECKER IN he essentially slips in behind them...because...the timing is such that if they lob it in deep and you get it and you have a man deep in behind them you can hammer a pass up on the wall to him at high speed and bust him in all alon...just ring it HARD to the deep man....if you execute the 3-Layer Forecheck properly you will have a speartip man in alone by himself...and THIS is the guy who can EASILY slip in behnd them consistantly and be ready for the stretch pass quickstrike reply to the lob-pass..

Remember to NOT let them set up for the quick-release from your blueline...remember they will be looking for it using the perimeter to make short little passes from the 1/2 all back up to the blueline for the quick-release.... so use you full-extension stickchecks to remove pucks ASAP on the blueline and LOOK TO STEP IN AND PINCH OFF THE 1/2 WALL....and when you DO pinch and get pucks just squirt them up the dead middle in behind their last man back....instigate footraces....dont try to force it by their last man back on the blueline instead attack them up the gut....this is where their Achilles heel has always been.

P.S...the general idea is to stop them from dumping it deep on you all the time by finding a way to slip a man in behind them consistently WITHIN your Systems full bore attack minded focus....without losing anything.....this is the only way to slip a guy behind them by proxy of System play and execute no specific disconnects caused by changes.....PROPER EXECUTION OF THE HIGH-SPEED NHS 3-LAYER FORECHECK will win this series for has been written.

edit on 2-6-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2018 @ 01:45 AM
Knights....ya don't really like to listen.....ya think ya know it all....ya take you goode olde time making any try to stick with the program...forgetting your PROGRAM is normally fluid and DOES change during games and this is how you were winning so much this season....or maybe the fix is in.....but you ARE NOT DOING AS TOLD AND THIS IS NOT THE FIRST GAME WHERE THIS IS THE CASE.

You DID NOT PRESSURE THE CAPS in their own zone gave them FREE PASSES ON THEIR D-ZONE let them take control....basiclly what you are told....or you will throw away all of your hard work.....IMHO you are not are flying by....your areas of hard work have been abbdicated....if you dont play in those areas and that style then it become skill against skill and that is in the Caps wheelhouse....and as you can see I went to bed last night and didnt even watch the 2nd and 3rd periods.....because I cans ee what is happening and it is enough to make me not want to watch...seeing you guys throwing it all away based on the olde killer VANITY...ya dont know it all ya stole it from Moma2 REMEMBER ...dont be

posted on Jun, 4 2018 @ 09:04 PM
I think the Knights are throwing it for Bettman.

They cant even apply the basic 3-layer forecheck properly so there is no highest speed pressure on the puck when it is deep in Caps territory...I see no evidence of a TSP.....I see no roster wide responsibility and accountability for stepping up and scoring goals....I see NO CONTACT in the Knights d-zone which is a free-fy zone for Caps slicing through at angles.

Look the KISS cure for the Knights is this....and JUST DO IT.....start looking to beat Holtby ONE-ON-ONE...mano-a-mano....BLAST HARD SHOTS AT HIM FROM EVERYWHERE....not long set-ups...just buzz around on him and BLAST IT WHENEVER YOU CAN LOOKING TO SMOK ONE PAST HIM is time to begin forcing Holtby to cough up rebounds so you can hit those 2nd do as you are told....keep everything else the same except adjust the forecheck and BLAST SHOTS AT HOLTBY as you BUZZ around him...quick-strike hard 3/4 slappers with little to no wind-up. ....and EVERYONE KEEP THEIR STICKS DOWN LOOKING TO SHOOT FIRST ON EVERY REBOUND THEY CAN SCRUFF need quick no more dumping ...instead make a long hard shot your dump-in.....but you WANT TO BE BUZZING AROUND WHEN YOU RELEASE THOSE HARD SHOTS....don't be to picky because you need to beat him STONE-COLD a few times to come back in one can be done....but this is the way if you are going to do has to be BANG-BANG ...then rinse and repeat on the next possession.

Like I said...BUZZ AROUND AND BLAST SHOTS AT HIM FROM THE EAST TO WEST DIRECTION to give back-door 2ndary opportunities.
edit on 4-6-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2018 @ 05:57 AM
Possesion/Transition hockey focused on offense is NOT what the Knights are playing......Gallant only took what he liked out of the NHS he did not take everything....he put Porsche parts on his VW System and now that the rubber is hitting the road we can see the obvious.....that the non-possession Team is VIA PROCESS constantly and consistently giving the puck to the Team that is focused VIA PROCESS on couldn't get any better.

Remember before this began I told you the Caps naturally do things that make them Knight killers...well now you are seeing it in its most basic form...they HOLD ON TO PUCKS.....they don't dump them away because they are a big slower club and are not built to chase and recover pucks...they are built to CHEAT to HURT YOU and to SCORE ON YOU...glory is in goals in Washington.

The footraces the Knights are getting into are not the types or in the areas they need them to be they are to deep...the Pens are Caps killers because they chased the little head-man to self plays and it killed and still kills the Caps...but this IS NOT DUMPING IT IN AND CHASING is HEADMANNING IT TO YOURSELF THEN BOOTLEGGING....the Knights are not goal focused nor shot forcused and are passing up wayyyy to many 8-bell chances looking for the 10-bell is not working out fellas.

The officials have a lot more to do with the Caps sucess than people realise....methinks the fix is in....Bettman has pulled his garbage now and the fix is in.

The Refs know very well Vegas OUTWORKS the Caps along the walls...they KNOW THIS...we ALL KNOW THIS...the Knights play a clean EveryMan type of hockey and they are constantly and consistantly putting themselves LEGALLY in very exposed situations on the walls where they could be hurt....mostly by high dirty hits that the Caps are FAMOUS FOR...and the NHL Officials are LETTING THE CAPS BULLY THEIR WAY THROUGH THE VEGAS GOLDEN KNIGHTS BY REFUSING TO PUT THEM DOWN 2 MEN...they are instead calling incidentals which is to the Caps ONLY STRENGTH the 4on4 game....when 2 men are is disgusting to watch....the Caps are making those dirty hits ALL OVER THE ICE ...EXCEPT...for on the try to tell me Bettmans Rats didnt tip them off to JUST STAY OUT OF THE PENALTY BOX ALONG THE WALLS AND WE WILL LET YOU BRUTALISE THEM AT WILL....because this is exactly what the NHL Referees are doing in this 2018 Stanley Cup Finals...the Knights have been rendered victims by biased NHL Officiating...not technclly unfair numericlly...WHICH IT SHOULD BE BY PROXY OF TEAM STYLES....but the Refs are letting the Caps be dirty and have an edge they didnt have to earn...when I see Oshie lipping off and I see Caps all over the ice disrespecting the game themselves and their opponents by aughing and shakingntheir heads and mimicing to play up to the Officials and the MSM...then I know the fix is in.....for christsakes even Ovechkin has nothing to say after game 3 because he didnt have a clue how they won...he was freaking speechless because he had NOTHING TO SAY. ...what do you say when the Refs gift you games and you havent had to make any changes to your game to get the win.....LMAO....this is hopefully the end of the Bettman Era.


The Good Lady Karma has been alerted to this dynamic now...the voodoo Bettman and his cronies and the Caps are sligning is weak mojo...and I am quite sure The Good Lady Karma.

I would have been ok with things if the Caps would have done something significant even something barely significant that I could attribute to their sucess....but as it stands right now I say the OFFICIALS HAVE DICTATED EVERYTHING BEYOND GAME NUMBER ONE....they let game#1 play out then they stepped in and PUT THE FIX IN ...when they realised that the only area of strength the Caps have is 4on4 they IMMEDIATLY SET OUT TO make that dynamic happen at the MOST CRITICAL TIMES IN GAMES...this is ALL GARY BETTMAN....the MENTAL ADVANTAGE THE CAPS HAVE BEEN GIFTED ON A SILVER PLATTER is DISGUSTING is sickening that the Officials have gifted them the ADVANTAGE OF FREELY BEING DIRTY AS HELL AND INTIMIDATING AND HURTING THE GOLDEN KNIGHTS....the Reffs put the Caps in the drivers seat and have done everything under the sun so they can keep them there....this will be Bettmans last stand mark my words...he is done now,Trump and Friends are about to clip his little wings.

The Knights are dis-spirited and depressed because they know the Caps have been given a Greenlight to cheat by the League and by the Officials at the word of Gary Bettman.......can you imagine how this feels as a Player....I can tell you how it feels as a makes me want to begin watching something else......I DIDNT JUMP ON THE OLD RUSSIANS BANDWAGON AND DO NOT CARE IF HE WINS A CUP DURING HIS SELFISH GOAL SUCKING CAREER.....not one fact as per the Hockey Gods Ovie WAS NOT DESTINED TO WIN A CUP BECAUSE OF HIS SELFISHNESS...and he HAS NOT CHANGED AT ALL,not at all,Gary Bettman is PLAYNG LIKE HE IS A HOCKEY GOD......and this my friends is when The Good Lady Karma is most likely to show up and engage all concerned.
Vegas Golden Knights....the Caps and their Coaches dont have a dam clue how they got where they are...they are now simply going to play it balls to the wall because Bettman via his influences on the Officials has tried to hand them the 2018 Stanley Cup.

Look at game one...look at how you were slicing through the crease and through the high % scoring areas with goodtiming arriving in place on time all the time ....look how everyone was looking to get themselves open and into shooting position on every playaction and how you let pucks come to you and then simply quick-released them.....then observe how your game began to go N/S and how you stopped cutting through those areas and utilising those you stopped letting rebounds and loose pucks COME TO YOU...I know I know the Caps will freaking knock your heads off or elbow your face off at will and this means you dont wish to go into thise areas withut the Officials supports......well if it is any consolation and I know it is NOT...the Officials should back the puck off now that they have been exposed and called out,the 4on4 BS is one of the sickest con-jobs in NHL history the way the Reffs are using it to decide who wins the Stanley Cup.
The worst part of all is that Caps hockey is all about Ovie and ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE...when he is retired they wll be screwed for 15 years straight.Bettman is willing to disenchant the entire HOCKEY WORLD by sticking his little ray-arsed nose into the dynamic outcome of the Stanley Cup Finals and it is reprehensible....a modern day tradgedy actually.

Even the bleeding Hockey Commentators or Analysts have no words to describe what is happening because most of them are ex-players and they CANNOT SAY THE FIX HAS BEEN PUT IN.

I can say it...and I did....and it is clear and obvious, but when the Knights win 3 in a row you will know The Good Lady Karma is back in the HOUSE.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 06:47 AM
Knights.....don't worry if the Caps read this data it doesn't apply to them in any constructive way.....but it DOES APPLY TO YOU.....when you think about your offense and you think about the shots you take in the o-zone and what happens after them think about this.....your System is designed to take advantage of dynamic actions or sequences of dynamic actions you are really trying to always be fluid and able to tune into a series of dynamic actions as they are happening and then get at least one step ahead of the playaction in an anticipatory manner....being in the most opportune positions consistantly is the key to your System and the pucks come to you ....this is how you produce you dominant speed of you speed up the game or play QUICK ....or whatever you wish to call basically in a Squirrels do not wish to hold on to the puck beyond the FIRST BEST SHOT want to manage the first shot tactically producing the types of rebounds in the places you need them WHEN you need them....yes Dorothy it is all about timing...the Caps entire System is based on this same concept...that is all they do...shoot from up high ASAP catching everyone transitioning and then they immediately funnel ALL PUCKS WHEREVER THEY ARE AR TO OVIE FOR HIS BIG SHOT FROM THE EXACT SAME PLACE....this is why he CAN just stand there static and wait for the puck over and over and over....once you remove this simple set-up the Caps are have had them screwed for 3 straight games have forced them out of their wheelhouse but they keep winning in a far from dominant or decisive way...because the Reffs are now responsible for using the 4on4 like a weapon against you and this cannot be taken back they have pushed the series to where you are now using there abilitys........this is a Conspiracy vetted and actioned by Gary could feel it and then see it coming.........and now it is time to turn the tables on these little voo-doo clowns......

Back to your first best o-zone shot....don't always rush it....I said FIRST BEST not first as soon as you break the need to BUZZ AROUND AND CARRY THE PUCKS A BIT IF NEED BE TO PRODUCE THE FIRST BEST SHOT....and you may need to consider adjustments that require you to jitterbug into open ice a bit like the NEED TO USE THE 1/2 OR 3/4 SLAPPERS which take a bit more time to set up properly....but you MUST begin to use those higher velocity harder to read more DAMAGING types of shots....if Ovie wants to have his ankle shattered blocking a shot then so be it.....if Holtby wants to take them in the chops then so be it....but you NEED to begin mixing it up ....specifically you NEED to begin attacking their net from all four directions especially EAST-WEST LOOKING BACKDOOR....BUT BUT do NOT WANT TO CHANGE YOUR SYSTEM OR FOCUS TO DO using the shot selections I advise in the ways and at the times I advise you will direct your process to PRODUCE this 4-direction balanced quicker-striking WILL speed it up beyond the Caps and Holtbys ability to read and react and you WILL NOT HAVE TO CHANGE ANYTHING FROM YOUR REGULAR SEASON can get back into your wheelhouse....and stop the carnival of hades that has been inflicted upon you by forces you can not understand.

Remember you need to produce that slicing through the hot areas for high % shot opportunities like the Caps are doing...without changing your System focus or speed of execution....the Caps are now looking to hit those slicing guys with passes which is BUSHLEAGUE and you should be able to easily use against them because it is is NOW predictable because YOU HAVE FORCED THEM OUT OF THEIR COMFORT ZONE USING THE QUICK-SHOTS FROM THE HIGH BLUELINE TO SET have done this for 3 straight games...ones you should have won....they have adjusted by looking to make passes to those slicing players which takes longer is not as predictable and which DOES NOT set up Ovie by proxy .... so the work there is you need to build strike-back options off of this analysis...THEY CANNOT CHANGE IT YOU HAVE PIGEON-HOLED simply haven't been able to produce the E/W pressure you need without changing your System to much....BUT BUT you know how to do it in a simple way by better managing your first best shot and now you know why I told you to do it earlier to which I SHOULD HAVE ADDED need different players to be taking this first best shot to be extending their individual o-zone possession for as much as thye need to produce a first best shot opportunity....NOT A TEN-BELL OPPORTUNITY but a FIRST BEST opportunity and this will spread the scoring out along your roster like it should be as things have been you have been looking for to much structure before you initiate that first shot and this makes you look for specific players in specific limited dynamics and this slows down the generic SPEED of your execution makes the Caps and Holtbys jobs easier not harder... ....the in-game directives I give you are COMPLICATED IN NATURE and I don't have time to explain and you don't react quickly and in full anyways so you irritate force me to anticipate YOU like I have to with the DOUBLE MY WORK when you screw around trying to vet my analysis when it is impossible for your staff to do by proxy......

Keep it simple will now be looking to produce difficult to read and react first shot dynamics that will produce sympathetic rebounds you will need to be timed to with your SLICING FLUID MOVING NOT STATIC EAST-WEST pressure which will open Holtby and his backdoor up like a can of will use the shot types and times I advised...and you will win the next 3 games by consistently executing this way....because the Caps have had and have NO REPLY to this adjusted o-zone attack....just keep everything the same as you have been doing but change where when and how Moma2 advises. for the SH goals if and when you need to....the 4on4 is a weak spot but Special Teams is a strength.....turn that frown upside down by looking for the shorty once in a while and keeping them honest.

edit on 6-6-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2018 @ 08:42 PM
What a disgusting display of Officiating.....on the 1st penalty to Vegas the Caps player DECIDED AT THE LAST SECOND TO BAIL on stopping the puck which he could have done and then the LEGITIMATE hit being thrown was FOLLOWED THROUGH on meaning to the CHEATING REFFS....that there is no penalty on the Vegas was veteran savvy on the Caps players part and he shat on the Reffs by forcing that call.

On the 2nd penalty which NOW GIVES THE CAPS THE BLOODY LEAD....Ovechkin WAS JUMPING OFF OF HIS OWN DAM FEET DIVING TO GET THE PUCK ON NET LIKE THE OFFICIALS HAVE SEEN HIM DO A HUNDRED TIMES....meaning to the CHEATING REFFS WHO HAVE RUINED THIS YEARS PLAYOFFS....there was no penalty on the Vegas player......Ovie ONCE AGAIN DIVED AND USED VETERAN SAVVY TO SKUNK THE OFFICIALS.....this is not funny it is beyond DISSAPOINTING AS AN NHL FAN......simply beyond disappointing.The Caps are making fools of all of us and the Ovie should win the Cup schtick is BS and it shouldn't cost the entire Knights Club their dream to have everyone from the Refs to god knows who supporting the old goat Russian.......sad sad days in the NHL now.

posted on Jun, 7 2018 @ 09:36 PM
Ok...come on now...Ovechkin slashed him on that breakaway and it should have been a penalty shot....for Vegas....and whyarent the hockey commentators discussing this.......that was clearcut...tell me the fix is not in from Bettman...this is ludicrous.

posted on Jun, 7 2018 @ 09:55 PM
I say does that CLEAR-CUT BREAKAWAY...illegaly impeded by a SLASH....which SHOULD HAVE resulted in a PENALTY SHOT look now...huh....well it looks like MUD...on Bettmans face......this has been a true Professional Sports disgrace of epic proportions....the Officials marred and decided the 2018 Stanly Cup....between their deciding 4on4 calls to set up the Caps in critical back to back games to tonights TRAVESTY which drained all momentum and truth from the game.....a real Ovie-fest it has this will be the end of Bettman.

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 07:38 AM
NHL hockey is fixed and this has never been more obvious...its time for the generation of Hockey icons who were swept under the rub by Bettmans BS and who have been kept down there for so many years to rise up and run his arse out of NHL is time to let him go with predjudice....there is massive discontinuity within the NHLs management processes......the stinky fingers of Bettman the money monger have been in to many pies....time to wash the NHL clean of the Global cabal influences....some of us are tired of waiting for Trump and Friends to get to the task of remediating all major sports franchises and their money laundering connections to the global cabal they are batteling.

Never forget the timestop executed during the was relevant to those of us who know.....someone called in massive support to pull this off....and I mean EPIC assistance normally not given to this arm of the Global Cabals business operations.

Moma2 out.

posted on Jun, 9 2018 @ 07:51 AM
The Oilers are losing Milan dude he is .....getting out of dodge city while his horse is still strong enough for the ride.

Milan didn't agree to be a part of another eternal rebuild dynamic....he was offered a solid stable management base in his bargain....and here we are 2 years later seeing the Coaching Group blown up and rebuilt.....Milan was offered a chance to help solidify a locker room.....but this one contains McDavid which no one properly considered from day one...Connor is a freak of nature and he evolves swiftly EVERYWHERE and IMHO he has taken over the Locker Room as any stud Alpha-Leader must do...he is just doing it fairly quickly....IMHO Milan doesn't fit....he is very very valuable and I would have been using him differently and running a different system because of him and a few others...the biggest screw-up aside from trading Gagner and Yakupov and Hall and ...well lets not go into big screw-ups biggest most recent screw-up was not listening to Moma2 and putting McDavid under Nuges ice management supervision SOONER and milking him for say 160-200 points last year....right behind this was not putting Lucic with them.....Lucic-RNH-McDavid......and the rest is a Stanley Cup history lesson.....Milan needs a defined role so he can be most impactful on every level and trust me he doesn't need very much help as an individual to do his job this way.....RNH and CMD are wizards in hockey players clothing....literally...they are the even better inter-changeable Gretzky -Kurri and Hall WAS the Messier....but now Leon is an even better Messier than Hall was ........Gretzky used to resort to banking pucks off of Semenkos arse when he needed a goal....Milan is a Sammy level impact...see where I am going make the System fit the impacts you have....never the other way around....unless you are Moma2 then you can work in either direction.

I know the excuse will be that Leon wasn't ready or able to anchor the 2nd line so Nugey had to do it to hold the Fort at the NHL level....ok fair enough....but now Leon has PROVEN BEYOND A DOUBT he can anchor the 1st or the 2nd line fact I will go so far as to say that a wider spectrum of teammates seem to have an easier time gelling with Leon quickly than they do with McDavid....only Nuge seems to be able to work seamlessly a bit better than Leon in terms of plug-and-play linemates...Connor is a FORCE OF NATURE LIKE HALL WAS and it isn't his style to change because he simply doesn't need to he already does everything so well either you CAN or CAN NOT keep up with him so unlike his teammates RNH and Draisaitl he needs tailormade linemates who CAN KEEP UP TO HIM ON EVERY LEVEL AND NOT MAKE MISTAKES ....IMHO this is a System understanding issue these are ALL VERY VERY SMART COOKIES....but they need to be used properly in a system sympathetic to their strengths individually and as a group.

Milan has every right to expect that the Oilers make the full out change to the NHS and implement a System which will allow him to optimise his skillset and one which will bring everyone together on the same page....the team needs something to fight for that they ALL want to fight for...something they all VALUE EQUALLY....they need HOPE....they need the NHS.

Moma2 has said it apply the NHS ATOP YOUR EXISTING SYSTEM...and it DOESNT MATTER WHAT BASE-SYSTEM YOU CHOOSE TO USE....the positive impacts will manifest for you if the NHS is applied properlywhat this means is that the San Jose Model CAN BE MADE EASILY INTO A STANLEY CUP WINNER and the Oilers could ONCE AGAIN SPIN THE NHL ON ITS EAR by marching to a Cup playing the Boston/SanJose style in todays NHL where everyone is now COMPLETELY ON THE SMALLER FASTER NHL bandwagon,for cripes sakes it has been the Systems evolution the NHS has generated within the NHL that allows any team made up of EveryMan players like Vegas is to optimise themselves which of course leads to a focus by definition on the more generic average NHLer...and this balance has always and always will fall to the side of the smaller faster more skilled always has been this way and it always will be this way...that is NHL Hockeys heartbeat...speed skill size heart in equal quantity.

So you see Lobsangs...the Oilers don't have to change a thing...and SHOULDNT....they just have to ADD THE NHS to the System their Head Coach wishes to use....and if this is done properly we see Lucic-RNH-McDavid....and we see Leon anchoring the 2nd line and the 1st PP unit....and we see Oilers AND NHL records being dropped like bad habits all season long...we would see an NHS level of input from the so-called defense....meaning a 35-40 goal scoring d-man or TWO..... we will see minutes delegated more equally because once solid leads are established by the studs executing the System the rest of the lines will be required to pull more heavy minutes as the club goes into shut-down finish the game MODE...and this of course means players like CMD and RNH and Leon and Lucic will produce MORE POINTS FROM FEWER MINUTES and their teammates will ALL see an increase in their short the more times the Oilers are in the lead and then firmly in the lead the more times the entire lineup gets fully engaged in the game and takes responsibility for said game because they really are tasked with closing it out which everyone knows is just as critical as getting into the position to close it put see Lobsangs this build a sense of ownership within the ENTITLEMENT IS GIFTED TO ANYONE HERE ...just proper usage of EveryMan....and proper mentality from the Coaching staff about how to find and attain a close-out position in every game and then accurately define WHEN to go into CLOSE-OUT MODE....when to shift the flow of the minutes to OPEN to drive to control to close-out games are ALL COACHES RESPONSIBILITES......this is where their global acumen in regards to the System and Philosophy become critical...this is where current cutting edge NHS impacts become critical.

You have to know what your horses can all do then you have to plan your route then you have to use them in the most optimal the Pony Express as an example in all seriousness......even Connor cant run the entire route himself without self-combusting into a Super-Nova,you need to know which horses to bring out of the Stable warmed up and hot to trot ready to fly over open ground and which ones you need to put away in place of the big heavy horses you need for more inclined different parts of your route.

At the end of the day the NHS will ensure the RISKS TAKEN ARE MATED WITH THE OPPORTUNITIES PRODUCED BY THE SYSTEM,not hope and high waters,this means we will likely never see mistakes from the team once close-out mode is executed,we will see the MAJORITY of the risks taken during the full 60 minutes actioned by the right horses in many many fewer minutes...with the bulk of every game being played in close-out mode...or essentially mistake-free as they like to say...NOT DEFENSIVELY....lose the word defense if you ever wish to become famous and have your name on the Stanley Cup or beside NHL records.

Close-Out Mode is more defensive than any so-called defensive System out there...but it is still NOT A DEFENSIVE FOCUS STYLE OR is simply production of less offense over more minutes with less risk.
edit on 9-6-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2018 @ 05:35 AM
Babcock should quietly invite Dubas to a Barn-Warming get him inside and work him over like a red-headed Burke would have done before he decided follow the crowd like a snowflake and paint himself like a rainbow.

Once Dubas is released from care....and has healed up a bit....then he and Babcock should seriously discuss how they will fleece Chia-pet for Lucic.

The Leafs have made the Playoffs 2 years in a row now.....they NEED Milan more than the Oilers do right now in the present....they seriously need him...after this seasons playoffs where the Caps were allowed to run roughshod over everyone so Ovie could get his Cup at the expense of Vegas and the games integrity anyone hoping to win the Cup needs to be able to compete with the dirty nasty diving drama-king is such a PUTZ.

So we will Babcock get his greasy little paws on Milan Lucic so Mathews can be who he needs to be and not get broken in his first few years in the NHL.

posted on Jun, 16 2018 @ 06:49 AM
Ok....will the Calgary addition to the Oilers Coaching Crew bring the aspect of the fLames game they had then threw away that we now need … in OFFENSE FROM THE DEFENSE....because if this is why the SeaGull was brought in then I am ok with will see why.

An NHL club should be scoring 4-7 goals per game...ANY CLUB....the NHS is available for free online to everyone and this is the offensive spectrum a club projects when they apply the NHS....4-7 goals per game ….over 82 games.

Simple math ...328-574......somewhere in there is where the dart will be buried come years end.

No one is going to be able to maintain this level of scoring unless their defense is absolutely involved in consistantly producing goals and offense......NO ONE...and the Oilers PROVED this out last HAVE TO BRING IT FROM THE BACK-END.....this is now on the we want to see 15 MCdavid rushes or do we want to see 10 and then 5 from the defense.....can there be IMPROVEMENT if this balance is sought....can it be an IMMEDIATE PERMANENT improvement.

MCDavid is just as fast going North as he is South if I had the fastest skater in the NHL I would be DEMANDING MY DEFENSE have the skillsets to jump up and into the playactions or to skate it end to end and SCORE WHEN THEY GET THERE......and I would have my Rocketman watching late-career Todd Marchant videos so he can learn how to use his speed defensively and pick his spots better.....BTW everything begins in practise so if Players arent homing their skills constantly in practice then how can anyone expect to see improvements or changes....the players NEED practise more than the Coaches in a Squirrels nutshell if we dont see guys in Practise making END-TO-END rushes from the back-end then we surely will NEVER see it executed correctly in games ....right.....remember it takes an entire line working together to SPRING d-men for those killer rushes....similar to a kick-return group in the CFL....but when it works you SCORE A GOAL....and NEVER EVER FORGET that this is why you are on the SCORE GOALS not to WORK HARD AND GIVE IT that rhetoric where the sun dont participaction points here are ONLY ON THE ICE FOR ONE REASON....and it is...TO SCORE AN NHL GOAL ASAP....NOTHING ELSE.

Look at how overwhelmed the Knights were on the PK and 4x4.....the Officials at Bettmans bequest forced the games to these 2 dynamics at as many critical moments as possible slanting the Stanley Cup result....the Knights didnt have an offensive look from these 2 critical areas when EVERY MINUTE CARRYS MORE THAN REGULAR SEASON VALUE....the Oilers Miracle team led by Pisani knew how to pin down regular season games and how to take calculated risks in specific games without giving up their high pressure hard checking positionally dominant seemingly defense-first focus...then in the Playoffs McTavish UNLEASHED his free-flow quickstrike offense from these critical areas actually from EVERYWHERE...McTavish rebooted Dynasty Oilers hockey for that season....especially in terms of SEASON/SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT which has been sorely lacking in Edmonton for a very very long time....knowing when to hold em and when to fold em is CRITICAL in the NHL and this lacking must be is simply elevated will always be my opinion that MacTavish using his savvy and acumen as a Manager was the CATALYST behind the last real shot at the Oilers winning a Cup.last year Moma2 kicked the feet from under the Oilers at CRITICAL MOMENTS IN THEIR SCHEDULE....and the year before they were 86ed the same way in the playoffs....the schedule is CRITICAL to the seasons have to know the landscape where the hills and valleys are or how the hades can you know how to drive the Bus.

IMHO the Oilers Coaching it is now....faces the EXACT SAME CHALLENGES AS LAST SEASON.....more roster names/bodies will change...but the season prospectus from the Coaches views will not waver an iota.

Look at the number of SH goals from the Oilers 2005 it to the PP goals...both regular season and Playoffs......explain the contrast and continuance....and you will see what they need to aim for in the upcoming season....because as much as some things do change some things do not change....and the Oiler still need to learn how to manage themselves from outside of the box is critical....they are victims of long-running groupspeak and have a very weak external self-perspective.

The most PURE opportunities players have to change an NHL game come when Special Teams are in action....GAMEBREAKERS have MORE ROOM THEN THAN ANY OTHER TIMES....all the planning in the world can not give you open ice and transitional anomolies....but Special Teams NHL action will definately give you chances to be a HERO with regularity and to break games wide open....the NHL made rule changes to stop the Oilers from killing everyne on the PP and 4x4 on Special Teams......

You have Connor have the tool....the sharpest scalpel in the NHL....he cuts both ways....your entire PP and PK should be designed around him scoring goals and others being in POSITION to do so as well to create GUILE ....not just Connor rushing pucks up and down ice but for him to be in high % positions to SCORE GOALS on every Special Teams Opportunity he can get....if McDavid does NOT lead the NHL is SH goals next season it is the Coaches fault....if McDavid does not lead the NHL in PP goals then it is the Coaches todays NHL it is easier to spring McDavid on Special Teams than on it must be done....and to do this the so-called defense will have to become the 2ndary saying the word defense is so stupid it has zero meaning in a sport like NHL

This is just the tip of the iceburgs worth of details the Oilers must tend to....the list is LONG...and IMHO it will take a Moma2 sized miracle for the Coaches to bring everything together under one Umbrella Philosophy without some high level help from a non-hockey source short I see a dogfight season with a near miss on the Playoffs....IMHO this group of Coaches will gel and be able to make the playoffs in year number 2 or 3........but definately not next year barring a miracle.

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