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question about flashes of light

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posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by stealthmonkey

I have been seeing these quick flashes of light also!

We just moved into our house three weeks ago and don't really feel a "presence".

At night, we will be upstairs in the bedroom sleeping. The dog will typically sleep on the floor next to us. For the past week he has not been coming up with us. He will start barking around 3:00 am. He will just sit at the bottom of the stairs and not come up. I will go to the top of the stairs, try calling him up, but he will just quietly bark and do a low growl.

At the top of the stairs, the master bedroom is to the left and a spare bedroom to the right. The spare bedroom is where I will always see the light. It is like a gold color flash that is so quick, just like a spark.

This has happened three times in the last week or so. The dog starts barking, I go to the top of the stairs to call him up, i see the flash and the dog with growl. What is this? It is so strange! Nithing is there to reflect light, no traffic coming down the street..... I picked it apart from every angle and can't figure out what is going on!

Any comments will be greatly appreciated!!! :-)

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 09:50 PM
I like trick photography but like as much as that the ability to spot it and understand that I'm being fooled. There can be quite a few optical effects caused by (my) eyes, some that still puzzle me. A bit like those stars that sometimes swirl around like little ufos in your eyes sometimes. They are undeniably going on inside your eyes/brain. But the flashes present a bit of a mystery!

Not someone who's experienced internal flashes, apart from one or two in the lounge, but I'm pretty sure it's just the light-bulb doing something odd (as my mum saw it too) I have dismissed and not noticed any since then really.

But the outside flashes, sometimes on the horizon, sometimes above your head almost in the atmosphere rather than the clouds - do intrigue me. I have not been able to nail an optical problem or stimulus for them. Meaning, usually I can attribute a strange effect to the fact I'm a) holding my gaze for too long, b) looking side to side/moving my iris often or fast or c) simply not adjusting the focus of my eyes accordingly. Those simple actions can lead to 'moving stars' which clearly are not moving, and other anomalies.

But flashes in the sky remain a mystery. I like lightning and storms so naturally you become familiar with the sights and sounds, the origin of the strikes - even with cloud to cloud lightning hidden within them, you get a general picture of where they are originating. But the 'sky flash' is always hard to tell. And for the ones I see, you usually need to be immersed in pretty good darkness, you can't just stare out of your window and spot them. Perhaps they are just meteorites falling beyond the horizon?

In recent years I've led myself to believe a couple of things about them, firstly they seem to occur more in the summer months. People may assume that means storms but as others here have suggested this can occur on a cloud free, starry night. Going with the meteorite theory it could just mean I'm more likely to be outside at night in the summer and so notice this pretty usual thing happen more often. Even with this I'm sure people will catch glimpses of flashes if meteorites get so bright briefly, and even see them from behind glass.

That seems like a logical reason, but one 'strange' instance comes to mind from your thread. I remember in particular the night Micheal Jackson died. We were out in a meadow and the sky flashes were all over the place that night. I didn't mention it to my friends, but either lots of people were celebrating his death and having fireworks well in the distance, or perhaps this mechanism some people are suggesting here about them being linked to ghosts/energy could actually have some substance.

My point is - I totally agree about outside flashes, I have little experience of inside ones - but even my own optics I can't always trust, and I don't know if this phenomena is worth investigating because it may be in my head/eyes. The MJ night of many flashes does have high strangeness IMO but that could be co-incidence. I'd like to think it could mean interconnectedness of energy somehow - the fact we were all connected over those minutes of the news coming in. It was pretty global. This thread has given me a reason to think about flashes though and keep an eye out, and the fact I can attribute what you're saying to a life event, means all the more. S&F! Good call.

EDIT. MJ death, June 25 2009. Bootids meteor shower, peaks June 27 2009. "Normally the shower is very weak, but occasional outbursts produce a hundred or more meteors per hour." Note, I saw flashes in the south and the info at suggests a radiance (epicenter) in the north. But perhaps exterior flashes can be linked to meteor showers. Anyone else remember specific dates you've seen them outside?

edit on 23-5-2012 by markymint because: more investigation

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 01:24 PM
I dunno how much this will help....

I have had these as well. I have had a clean bill of health from the eye doctor (took retinal pics, etc). I saw 2 last night- and the second, my g/f saw.

What we saw was less 'light' and more of an impression. I am thinking what is being seen is actually radiation/ energy bursts, and not actual *light*. There was the story of a Russian some time back to managed to get his head in the way of a particle stream at a particle accelerator... he described seeing a light brighter than the sun. Considering there was no actual 'light'....

Now... the next question would be... why, and how are particles getting here (on earth) that energetically?

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 02:24 PM
well, I have had sparodic flashes of light for the last 12 years I guess

but recently something different happened which echoes a few other posters comments

before I went to bed, one night, I had a very strong sense of kindly beings around me, that seem to be calming me

cut forward to about 4 in the morning, I wake up , feeling very peaceful and am drawn to outside my curtain, where a band of brilliant multi coloured light is seen before vanishing

it was not cars, no sound and closer, to my balcony but at the same time, I honestly don't know what it was, just that it was gone in a flash literally

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 10:54 AM
I've been seeing those bright flashes this year, too.
Several times in the past few weeks, and not always when I'm alone. Very bright lights, much brighter white than in my lightbulbs, suddenly shut off as though a door to a brightly lit room had closed - and it seemed to be outside my house.
My partner noticed it too, and we have checked all the house lights (which are nowhere near as bright), and whether there was any passing traffic that could have caused illumination with headlights - there wasn't! It wasn't lightning either.
He's as puzzled as I am.

I wish I knew what was going on. It's a bit freaky, even for me - and I'm used to odd happenings.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 11:53 AM
I think this happens as interdimensional Beings enter or exit our reality. I see the flashes daily. Here is one caught on security footage. I saw exactly this in my kitchen one night.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by ufochick

You do realize that the video you posted is clearly a hoax....right?

And some pretty crappy CGI at that...

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by stealthmonkey

Maybe a power surge in electricity? I have that happen at my house from time to time and the lights will get brighter for a split second.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 11:48 PM

reply to post by ufochick

You do realize that the video you posted is clearly a hoax....right?

And some pretty crappy CGI at that...

It may well be a hoax, I was not there neither were you so neither of us will ever really know will we?. But it's damn close to what I personally witnessed while wide awake and sober in my kitchen.

edit on 2-4-2014 by ufochick because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 02:11 PM


reply to post by ufochick

You do realize that the video you posted is clearly a hoax....right?

And some pretty crappy CGI at that...

It may well be a hoax, I was not there neither were you so neither of us will ever really know will we?. But it's damn close to what I personally witnessed while wide awake and sober in my kitchen.

edit on 2-4-2014 by ufochick because: (no reason given)

It may look like something you actually saw, sure. But I can say with 100% certainty, this is a fake. So yes...I do know.

EDIT: And if you don't believe me, look at this screenshot from the same video:

You can clearly see that even though this shining, bright, "angelic being" is floating in the room, there are no reflections of it on any of the surrounding glass, nor does the light that it should be casting cause any shadows or changes in luminosity of any of its I said... bogus, sloppy, CGI.
edit on 3-4-2014 by parad0x122 because: screen capture, proof.

edit on 3-4-2014 by parad0x122 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by Daz3d-n-Confus3d

Thanks for the reply, but it can't have been a power surge as none of the lights in my house were switched on at any of the times I have seen the "flashes". (I went around and checked each time - also its much brighter and whiter than any of the lightbulbs in the house) It's not that the light gets bright, more that it's suddenly shut off like a door being closed to a bright room. It's beginning to freak me out, as I like to be able to understand what is going on.- See more at:

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 01:02 PM
Awhile ago I was sitting back on my bed playing on my vita and I had my curtains open and I was in the dark with the hallway light on. out of the corner of my eye i see out the window that there's this tube like light which was electric blue in colour about the size of a ruler just hovering out my window, it stayed hovering for a few seconds then took off in a straight line. Don't know what to make of that.

about a year ago I was standing in the living room next to the door asking my hubs if he wanted anything to drink, I felt like there was something moving around my legs then it must've went behind my husband all the way around the other side of the couches, it was black fog shape of a dog or something cause it's tail was long and up in the air, we do have a black cat but this was much larger, my hubs didn't see it and I asked him if the cat walked passed but he said no. The thing moved into the kitchen area and as I saw it go through the gap in the door I said 'hi baby' to it cause that's what I tend to say to the cat, but as soon as I said it I knew that wasn't the cat. I went into the kitchen and looked around but didn't see anything. A few days later this random psychic messaged me on Facebook that there was a black fog looking for me for years. I still don't know what to make of all this, has anyone else experienced anything similar?

Last night I went to bed and I was lying there next to the window when I saw something move beside me out of the corner of my eye. I just stayed where I was looking around making sure I didn't think it was my mind playing tricks. After a few minutes there was two quick whiteish blue flashes of light right near the ceiling on my side and a small tiny red dot on the top of my curtain rod with no explanation to what it is. My husband couldn't see anything and I had to sleep with my lamp on as I didn't feel safe type of feeling. I don't watch any horror type shows as I hate the dark.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 01:46 PM
Ive seen 2 that I can really remember. One was yellowish white and it appeared outside while i was in my house. Another one was when I had just locked my bike up to a poll about to go into a corner store there was a clear green flash

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: whowasphone

I hate to say it, but the tiny indoor flashes of light, usually random in their frequency of appearance, usually show up when one walks into or past a room, or if you go digging for something around the house, are part of a surveillance technology from the federal government. Some call it ""nano dust". I have other choice words for it. As you go outside the flashes and devices get a little bigger the farther away they are from you and if this stuff is present then more than likely there will be some sort of craft , probably a triangle, in the sky creating the biggest flashes. It is a "package " of surveillance tailored to keep track of a person. And if you are real lucky there will be people with "invisible " nano fabric suits waiting at the perimeter of your property. Most folks are better off not knowing about it. But I would rather have all the info about my situation even though it can be a shock to the system upon realization of what's happening. Just my take but a lot of everyones descriptions match up with what I've experienced perfectly.

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 02:01 AM
i think its just an optical illusion

posted on May, 11 2016 @ 11:45 AM
last night during my deep sleep between midnight and possibly 2:00am there was a "silvery bluish flashes of light " source pulsating into the dining room just past my open bedroom french door , filling the space and accompanied by a whirring/buzzing sorta sound. the sound was very subtle in the background while the light was powerful and very bright, and whirling around like a strobe light but slower. my eyelids kept closing and in fact had a very hard time opening or keeping them opened and my mind was saying get up and investigate the source of this light while my eyes closed heavily and the last thing i thought was it's nothing , go back to sleep, my body seeming to dictate over my utter amazement at this sight.

no. i was not hallucinating. not on drugs. not crazy. not even. this happened in real time and space. it wasn't a fearful feeling i was having but one of wonder and disappointment in myself for not getting out of bed and moving into the light only feet away.i've made a commitment to ask for more insight, experience and exposures to this phenomenon and thus my comment. if anyone who reads this can shed some light (no pun intended) on these events for myself and/or others is greatly appreciated.

posted on May, 11 2016 @ 02:58 PM
It's funny that this thread was posted in today... I've seen them before in my living room, seemingly coming from outside in my backyard. On Monday I saw one at 3:58 EST (I remember because I instantly got up and made food), my girlfriend was pretty shocked, thats how intense the light was. I saw 1 or 2 more that same day, and 1 maybe less than an hour ago (today) while playing fifa. Before this week it has been very long since I had seen any. I would describe it as a powerful yellow flash. I'll stay tuned
edit on 11-5-2016 by 711117 because: Added (today)

edit on 11-5-2016 by 711117 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 06:47 PM
This has happened to me, I actually think I mentioned it on ATS before.

I moved into my current house and it happened a lot...I'd catch brief glimpses of a brilliant light, it would light areas of my house. It was kind of warm and comforting but I was determined to find the cause.

I searched but found went on sporadically for years.

then one day it happend. I remember it like it was ysterday but a good few years ago now. It was a beautiful, warm day and I saw it, quick as a flash and gone.

I went to the window and opened the window to look outside, nothing. I remember looking across to the building opposite mine and saw someone else looking out of their window. I presumed they too were looking for the source of the flash, it definitely came from outside.

That same warm glow, I could tell from the shadows it briefly cast that it came from I was just about to close the winodw and go back inside the chap opposing me and hanging out of his window did the same...and bingo!

The flash was being caused by people opening/closing their windows and the sun reflecting directly off them.

It was blinding to my naked eye but from my light blinds seemed to act as a sort of filter - they blocked out some light but not the intensity of a direct reflection of the baking sun..mystery solved.

Not saying that's what's causing your experiences, just funny how the simplest things can send your mind racing.
edit on 13-5-2016 by samerulesapply because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-5-2016 by samerulesapply because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 06:58 PM
If people are getting flashes in the extremes of their peripheral vision as I did I strongly suggest they take magnesium supplements asap. A recent thread discussing magnesium is here.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 09:37 AM
That's happened to me a few times in the past but more often recently, at least once a week now. Bright white flashes, only for a moment, and always in places with a history of paranormal activity. Not sure if there's a connection, but worth mentioning. Maybe something to do with residual energies? Just a thought.

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