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Pet Dogs Arrested in Iran

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posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:06 AM
must be a slow news day if this makes the front page of ATS.

Have you noticed how quickly ATS turned into a tabloid magazine?

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by elouina

Aw poor kitty. I guess yours picked you from the start, felt your good vibes. Maine Coons are the only cats I could ever connect with, Mine used to follow me for miles on hikes, If I happened to leave without him he would catch up even if I were over a mile out. I miss that big gray jerk....

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:18 AM
I think the asian/Indian fear of dogs come from the fact that there loads of wild dogs roaming in packs in a lot of those countries. I have definitely come across a few on my visits to Asia/India - pretty intimidating.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by izero

Actually, in the Middle East you'll see millions of wild cats roaming city and urban areas - not dogs. In China & India they have a problem more with dogs. In the Western world, it's both cats and dogs.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus
Its just their culture.

I dont like dogs much either. They are dumb compared to a cat. And they are dirty.

In China they eat dogs. In some places you can eat a horse.

Inuits eat whale and I would like to see Greenpeace jerks try to stop them. The Japanese like whale and I am happy for them.

Cultures are different. People are different.

That's why you see cats at airports and police using cats to cats criminals..

What a dumbass statement to make. It's been proven Dogs are much more intelligent than cats and it's also been proven dogs are smarter than you..

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by DoctorMobius

Awww how sweet! Isn't it marvelous how they follow you to the ends of the earth? My first ever MC was allowed to go outside whenever he wanted. He would follow me anytime I walked somewhere, even though he wasn't allowed to. Everytime I turned around he would dart behind a bush or a tree to hide. But you would always see his huge tush and tail sticking out.
My boy MC I have now has gingivitis. And as a kitten, when I would pull the toothbrush out, he would hide his head and upper torso under the bed (sort of like an ostrich) . But his entire tush and 16 inch tail would be sticking out.
I guess it is difficult for a 4 foot long cat to hide.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 02:32 AM
As far as I know, once a Pakistani taxi drive in Qatar has informed me that a dog gave a big bite to the Prophet Muhammad, therefore most of zealot muslims don't like dogs because of that. Some texts even mentioned this incident with followers reactions'. However, he didn't think that this was mentioned in the Koran. Anyway, who are we to judge, poor pets after all.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

I feel sorry for your cat and dog.Give them away to someone who will really love them,I hope you don't abuse them,or mistreat them because you'll have a special place in hell.Why take them in the first place if you don't like them?

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by ollncasino

It's just me, I know, but why would this be a serious news topic or even a matter of interest outside of Iran? Hey, I LOVE Ferrets. Cute little long as one doesn't 'trust' them too far. They're still among the only critters known to hunt in packs AND kill purely for the sport of it with no other gain.

Missouri here breeds Ferrets. One national breeder has really become world standard for this in another state.

California, on the other hand, outlaws these and they have no sense of humor on it. Unless a lot has changed in the last several years out there, it's the needle for a confiscated ferret by Cal Fish and Game.

Horrible...heartless...cruel...but, it's their state and many reasons exist for why I left that one to live in this one. I don't have the right to tell Cali they MUST have Ferrets and like it. They have no right to tell Missouri we can't have them because they don't.

So...Why is it the world figures Iran's attitudes toward dogs is any matter for others? Heck... Dog isn't a pet in some Asian nations. Snoopy is dinner on the paw. I say this as I can hear my two dogs playing up in the family room. I love them to death. It doesn't mean everyone in the world has to though.

Well that's not really a consistent comparison. The reason that the ferrets are outlawed is because they have become a pest that became out of hand because of man. The dogs on the other hand are not a pest problem. The reason for their confiscation is religious.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

All good. I just had to point that out. Was a very sad video.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by izero
I think the asian/Indian fear of dogs come from the fact that there loads of wild dogs roaming in packs in a lot of those countries. I have definitely come across a few on my visits to Asia/India - pretty intimidating.

Thanks for reminding me of that, I'd forgotten. That is true -- in some Asian countries there are (or were) packs of wild dogs roaming around -- even in urban areas.

I remember an eight-year-old American girl who had been attacked by wild dogs in Bangkok.
She had to have a series of painful rabies shots in the stomach, among other things.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 04:03 AM
A cat's intelligence is only surpassed by Monkeys, Chimps and Humans. Google it.


But yes dogs are more trainable, and better suited for more jobs that aid humans in some way. As for OT, regardless that seems a bit rediculus. Religious beliefs of not.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by arollingstone
reply to post by AuranVector

As for Muslim taxi drivers in the UK who refuse to take guide dogs, they should have their taxi driver's license revoked. Guide dogs are not ordinary pets, they are a necessity for certain disabled people.

The Muslims who refuse to take guide dogs are selfish. And the Brits are PC idiots for allowing these Muslims to over-ride English customs & necessity.

This is not all directed at you, but it follows on from your comments.

If any taxi drivers actually do that, they have no understanding of their own religion.

In Islam, Muslims are allowed to have dogs that serve functional purposes - e.g. guard dogs or sight dogs. Whilst dogs are seen as fairly unclean, it is certainly not a sin under the religion to have them as domestic pets either.

Many posters have referred to 'Iranians', forgetting that this article relates to something the police force is alleged to have done. The article itself states that many Iranians keep dogs as pets. So please refrain from the stereotypes.

Moreover, nobody has even bothered looking into the original source. It is a Christian Iranian news website, one that could conceivably have an agenda given the nature of Iran's vast Muslim majority population and Shi'ite Islam's stronghold on its politics. Perhaps they could be having a dig at both Islam and Iranian politics?

Example - stating the dogs were 'arrested'? Yeah right. Were they taken away in handcuffs too?

Thanks for the clarification. You have made some good points.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 04:20 AM
I love dogs myself. They are dirty but I love them anyways. Dirt and all. However, if no one is aware of the issues of stray and wild dogs all over the middle east then please do some brief research. Seems it has been an issue for many years and beyond.

I have no hate for anyone against another who dislike something but to strip a human being of the right to pursue there own happiness with regard to a Pet such as a dog is just plain insanity. Persians citizens are very modern and clean living people and they are bloody brilliant citizens in this world. They can handle dogs just fine and those clerics need to get a life.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by InfoKartel
reply to post by Germanicus

Its just their culture.

Like HELL it is Iranian culture. It is Islamic culture. Which is a retarded culture.

In Iranian culture, dogs are revered. Like how cows are holy in India, dogs are holy in Iranian culture. But this Islamic regime has taken Iran hostage, slowly wiping away actual Iranian history and culture.

I'm glad to hear there are people aware of a great PRE-Islamic Persian culture. Persia had one of the great cultures of the ancient world BEFORE they were overrun by Arab Islamic armies.

Islam holds over a billion people captive in this world -- if only they could overthrow this tyranny.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by Renegade2283

Well that's not really a consistent comparison. The reason that the ferrets are outlawed is because they have become a pest that became out of hand because of man. The dogs on the other hand are not a pest problem. The reason for their confiscation is religious.

Actually your doing more to make my point. The difference in examples makes the point itself. Motivation shouldn't matter. What they do vs. what we feel isn't relevant. It's their country and their place to decide, just as it is for California vs. Missouri on animal regulations. If one goes to India, they worship cattle. It takes all sorts to make up this crazy world, and I think it's precisely these judgement calls OUTSIDE our own nation that the world is really tiring of... Just my opinion.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 05:57 AM
im a female sunni muslim and what i was taught that dogs are dirty and touching them is unholy even though they get a bath

in the past the prophet saw people getting sick and he told them you can keep a dog but its suppose to be outside of the house for gaurding and ofcourse for hunting and protecting the herd of sheeps.

when they did what they were told they got less sick and recovered because the dog was out if the house further more i learned that dogs sweat through their tongues so then i realized why its dirty

dont get me wrong i like dogs
so when u touch a dog you have to wash your hands so its ok in our time because we have soaps to kill bacteria and shampoo flees for dogs so we wont get harmed but in the past u have to keep a distance for ur own well being includings rabbies in dogs if u think about it there was no medication.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by Ilyich
I feel every man and animal on this planet deserves to live together on the same scale. We are all animals, they are no greater or lesser than us.

Bull#. We are not animals, we are humans, we evolved from animals. We became intelligent, we created things, we invented things and sure enough, we don't live like animals. We rule this goddamn planet.
Animals are a step below us, they are here to serve us...for food clothes and anything else that can be used.

All this stupid PETA-Propaganda is really hilarious. Animals on the same level as us? Yeah right.

Even if you belive in this stupid religion crap, you should know that "God" created the animals for us humans, to use them.

Originally posted by Ilyich
Like wtf? Not the first overreaction I've seen either, which if you understand anything about dogs, running or acting like you're scared or doing something wrong only triggers a dogs instincts and will entice bad dogs to do bad things! Even Good dogs, react poorly to strange people acting out of place or out of what they are used to.

Another reasons why dogs are horrible and should be wiped out. Dogs are well known for being overly aggressive, for being stupid, following just their hunting instincts
And in the end something horrible like this happens:

But i know it's only the 'evil' humans who train dogs to be killers. Noooooooooo dog can be bad because they're so 'cute' and 'intelligent'

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by davesmart thought you might appreciate this then
5 most badass soldiers ever happened to be dogs
edit on 12-5-2012 by ShaithisFerenczy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 07:14 AM
The core of this thread is to belittle islam in general .OP , nice try

Speaking of cruelty !!!!


edit on 12-5-2012 by DumbTopSecretWriters because: (no reason given)

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