thanks all, hugs
well....when you know, you know and i know that we are not alone
i know this for a fact...
i can communicate with beings in other dimensions and so can you...just believe in yourself...
i am sorry for all of the programming on this world...
Humans are so easily manipulated...very easy..
yet an awakend Human is not so easy to manipulate, as your consciousness rises you will see more and feel more and be more....
when i was a young child in the 1980's me, my mom, her friend and my little brother were driving through the valley and we saw a spacecraft
hover...very close by at a school as we drove by, i saw it as a bright light...
later my grandpa who became the mufon director in los angelas, california had an artist draw what we saw according to my moms description....and
umm......this spacecraft was not man made, way...i will get a picture of the drawing next time i go to california..
ever since then i had this knowing, these beings came here to wake up whoever were ready to be awaken....that is what we do...we plant seeds of
consciousness and watch them grow
so, i would see spacraft often from then on.... and i can see them anytime i like, i can just ask
how about seeing Humans that are not from this world?
i went to a mufon meeting in the 90's with my grandpa to listen to Bob Dean...
and after the talk when we were leaving the room i saw this girl she was very pretty and very interesting...when she looked at me i can tell she was
reading me at the soul level...she did not speak, just looked at me and read me and we both walked in our own directions...she was not from this
world, imo
it's the only person i have ever seen or met that i have felt that way so far...
but i'm sure we will see more of our cosmic family here as consciousness rises... fast forward to 2008, in my sleep a bright light came to me and i was shown what some of the species of beings look like, i had a strong
desire to know and as they say ...ask and you shall recieve
i was shown actuall beings....there are the greys, mantis, reptillian and a couple others i was shown....when i wake up the next morning, i was a
different person, most of my thoughts were different...i remember brushing my teeth and laughing...i was like lol, i'm a human being brushing my
teeth! it was so funny
i became my true thoughts were completely different from then on...
example....before i woke up i was pro-war, in fact i wanted to join the military and go kill people....after waking up i longed for peace and
it was hard for me to see boxing on tv, when before that night i loved boxing...
you tell does that happen?
i call it waking up to my true self, not the programmed ego that i was...
all is well though, all of you are my brothers and sisters i know this...we are ALL of/from the Creator/Source/God..
each one of us is a piece of God
i am telling you that YOU are GOD
imagine that...
just sit there and imagine that for a minute
you know it's true...
we are ALL spiritual beings being Human right on earth to experience the shift in consciousness as the divine plan unfolds, to change from
darkness to light once agaain on earth...this goes in cycles...remember the times of atlantis? when Humans were in harmony with each other and
that is when cosmic beings interacted with ancient civilizations like the mayans/egyptians/etc...the consiousness/vibration was so that they/we could
be together....then at some point the star brothers/sisters had to it cosmic laws or just part of the plan, because Source knows ALL
then came the dark ages and now we are rising up in consciousness again and shall once again see our cosmic families...
it's just how it goes and thankfully it is not up to the skeptics or naysays or anything like that, because if there are Humans who wish to see our
Cosmic Families then they shall see them...
We deserve pure air, food and water.....we deserve to be free and not need this money called paper to feed, cloth and shelter ourselves..
We are Galactic Humans!