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DIVINE INTERVENTION: ETs Defeating Old World Order

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posted on May, 11 2012 @ 03:14 AM
I wish this was true. However as others have already pointed out, their dates failed multiple times. Not to mention the name Galactic Federation of Light. I can believe in like minded ET's forming some group to protect eachother and others from evil beings, but that name... I don't know, it just sounds very science fiction/new agey. Maybe it's just me but the name is just weird.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by 1lluminatus

Everything we see is because of light, we are literally constructs of light I could see why they would choose that name it seems pretty appropriate to me. I mean the Federation of Darkness doesn't seem to appealing to me they choose something we could associate with good and kindness, they might be named something completely different "Federation of Light" might just be how it translates to us.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by Brandon88

When looking at it like that I agree with you. But, still I have my doubts. It's like the church saying they're the good guys. ''Look we have light in our name, trust us. We are good and we are kind.'' But, in the meantime...

You know what I mean? I get what you're saying but I still have my doubts about it.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 05:22 AM
I am sorry but how can anyone take anything from DivineComos seriously? C'mon guys, wake up a little, when have they said ANYTHING that has come true? Give me one of their predictions that has any substance, oh that is right you can't.

You need to start thinking critically, I know it is difficult but at least try. There is no Galactic Federation of Light coming to save us, as much as I truly wish there was, there just is not. They come up with more and more crap and none of it substantiated. Think about it logically for a moment (I know it is hard for some people) all these battles that suddenly stopped, all these guns not firing, all the satellite and communications not working, and yet no one (not even all the serving military that use this site) have reported it. No one else knows about about it, there are no sources, no evidence and yet people here blindly accept it as truth. And all these battles being stopped, and yet there is still a war happening in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, civil unrest in Bahrain, Egypt. War in Sudan the list is endless, everyday there are more and more wars happening, if anything battles are increasing not decreasing.

Sites like DivineCosmos and Benjamin Fullford are just another version of doom porn, the tell you how terrible things are, how bad the world is, how the evil cabal are out to kill us all, but don;t worry the good guys are coming to save us, whether it be some mythical ninja secret society from the orient or galactic good guy aliens, don't worry they will save you, just subscribe to our site and you will be safe. yeah, right...

I have seen a UFO, I know they exist, however common sense dictates to me, that if these visitors we benign, they would of stuck their noses into our lives long ago, probably just after we detonated the first atomic bomb, at best they are completely indifferent to us and just observe us, however the vast majority of reports of alien contact indicate the opposite of benign, with forced abduction, medical experiments, hardly seems like the actions of a helpful and beneficial interaction between species.

As much as I would like the super white dragon society, or the laughingly titled galactic federation of light to come and make life better for us all, arrest all the banksters and corrupt politician, lead us into a new technological golden age, it aint going to happen, the only ones that can save us is ourselves, but were to busy bickering among ourselves to make any real difference. We look to sites like these for hope, an escape from the madness and the misery that is the real world, however all they offer is false hope, a placebo for the mind to keep us quite because the good guys are coming to save us, NOT.

There is no bugle sounding, the 7th cavalry are not coming to save the wagons surrounded by evil. We are on our own, and unless we start to put aside petty differences and start to appreciate each other, and work together there is no future. And yes the guns are still firing, the bombs are still falling and people are still dying.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by Elexio
Alot of thank you's and world peace in the OP indeed..

Are you running for Miss Universe?


no i am just thankful for the assistance

too much is hidden from us by the powers that were, it's not fair...

all hidden truths revealed, thank you


+6 more 
posted on May, 11 2012 @ 08:07 AM
It's funny...I have read 100's and 100's of posts on ATS and I tend to skip over the ET ones. This is not because I don't believe that it is possible---it's just simply because the whole subject makes my head spin. I do believe that there are other life forms out there, I have just never considered them to be "the cavalry" coming to save us. I also feel the same way about some people's views on GOD's role in this. The whole master plan thing is confusing to say the least. It is almost unimaginable to me that any supreme being (creator) would allow this struggle to exist. If so, then I say, "mercy".

With that being said, curiosity got the best of me and I clicked on the link. I have never visited these sites before and wasn't quite sure what to expect. The previous posters to this thread have opinions ranging from the whole thing being bunk and a scam to those who appear to be sitting and waiting for the "cavalry".

After visiting the site and poking around a bit, I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. First of all, I did not find there to be an overwhelming "donation" modus operandi. I know that there are links to "give" and that there is a store where things can be had but it certainly is not in your face. All of the information is free and offered free of charge. IMO, these folks seem to believe that they are are providing a true service to humanity.

Anyway, my point is this (after reading through the channelings and info); there appears to be true sentiment of good here. I am of the belief that we create all that we experience and quantum physics certainly seems to be proving that point more and more every day. It seems as though the messages are sort of uplifting and I can't shake this feeling that the messages on these aforementioned sites might just be suggesting something less sinister than the opposition would have you believe.

Let's face it; it's not saving anyone to say that these sites are bunk. Try this. Pretend that the GFL is YOU for a moment. That would mean that it is our responsibility to spread love and to root out the evil on this planet. Let's do it. Stop fighting about all of this nonsense and work together to be one of the "lightworkers". I could try to shred and debunk every opinion out there and that would get me no closer to the truth because in some cases I would be wrong. Frankly, that would be ignorant. Isn't that what we are supposed to be denying here?

Be a lightworker and save your planet...root out evil and expose the "dark ones". It seems like that is the message that should be taken from these sites if nothing else. For what it's worth...Peace

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:05 AM
I'm starring and flagging this not because I instrinsically trust the source. But because in truth we do get help every single day. And if they're planning on bringing in negatives in June, for the Venus Transit, something they've been long awaiting, and it would probably involve some kind of event/sacrifice. Well anytime something negative arrives the Good is strongly here. We are never alone.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 11:07 AM
The OP has several unresolvable problems with his thread.

First, he sources David Wilcock.

Ok, that's enough right there.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Well, Unity, we have gotten warnings that something is to occur on May 20th. I'm not sure if it's something to do with the planets or something here on earth, but we have been told to be aware on May 20th.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by PrinceDreamer
I am sorry but how can anyone take anything from DivineComos seriously? C'mon guys, wake up a little, when have they said ANYTHING that has come true? Give me one of their predictions that has any substance, oh that is right you can't.

Ascension 2000?

Uh, strike that.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 01:43 PM
I agree with Brandon here. The fact is, they spread a message of well being and a world without chaos and war. To me it seems like a very positive message. Kind of like religion, it's prolly fake but still have a positive message at its core. Most of the ATS community doesn't care for GFL or even believe its real, but everyone seems to agree with their message.

Like Brandon said, why wouldn't they form a group on a massive, universal scale? I am not saying I believe the GLF, Alex Collier or any of that, but they pass a positive message which we all could learn something from.


posted on May, 11 2012 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by AlchemicalMonocular
The OP has several unresolvable problems with his thread.

First, he sources David Wilcock.

Ok, that's enough right there.

i love Wilcock, your opinion would never change my mind...

nice try

i love you too, but you may not accept..

all is well either way

let me just say that the good guys always win in the end, only way to secure creation

love team go!

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by SloAnPainful
I agree with Brandon here. The fact is, they spread a message of well being and a world without chaos and war. To me it seems like a very positive message. Kind of like religion, it's prolly fake but still have a positive message at its core. Most of the ATS community doesn't care for GFL or even believe its real, but everyone seems to agree with their message.

Like Brandon said, why wouldn't they form a group on a massive, universal scale? I am not saying I believe the GLF, Alex Collier or any of that, but they pass a positive message which we all could learn something from.


There is one negative aspect to the message.

That aspect is the fact that we don't need to change our world ourselves because they are doing it for us. Seems like this could even be a psy op to lessen peoples fight to change. I don't think it's on purpose before I get misunderstood here. I'm pretty sure they all believe it, but I remember reading a book called "A handbook to the new paradigm." It was an awesome read supposedly channeled. or comunnicated psychically to some guy, george green. That would be un believeable except that he printed and shipped out all the books for FREE.

The book explains how we must help ourselves, but that there were many forces that can be unleashed if we started the ball rolling. Has to be our free will choice. Not sure how much I believe that or this, but whatever, it was a good book, and I learned a lot from it.

On a side note I can't get to the website SQL error... I forget what that means. tried 2 browsers, and hand typed urls.
edit on 5/11/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 03:55 PM
This is what happens to people who spend more than 12 hours straight on ATS. They fall into the weird section...and they are never the same after...

With that said, this is all pure speculation. You're welcome to your beliefs, but please excuse me while I dump a gallon bucket of salt over my left shoulder...

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23
This is what happens to people who spend more than 12 hours straight on ATS. They fall into the weird section...and they are never the same after...

With that said, this is all pure speculation. You're welcome to your beliefs, but please excuse me while I dump a gallon bucket of salt over my left shoulder...

Okay "Starchild"

I get your point though. I'm one of those who don't really come to these threads either but I had some time to kill and wanted to my mind off a few things.

I think both sides just need to lighten up a bit (No pun intended), alter the WAY they say things so they could both see eye to eye on this a little better. Kind of looks like a bunch of hippies on one side and a bunch of lawyers on another trying to make their cases. But since hippies don't go into courtrooms and lawyers don't travel with the Grateful Dead, neither side can speak or understand the others' to speak.

(It's actually quite amazing what you can can accomplish with words alone if you just try)

Put it this way, all the GFL people. It's not that your message is a bad one, it's not, it's just the WAY you present it makes it hard for other people to accept. And you "lawyer" types? Would it kill you to try to see the message they're trying to convey and not focus on the way they're saying it?

This whole thing just reminds me of this scene in Animal House:

I do like what one poster said though, pretend YOU'RE the GFL. Quit waiting for the aliens to save you with a message you claim they gave to you. If you get the message, if you understand it, spread it yourselves.

It's peace. It's not rocket science. It can't be THAT hard to comprehend can it?

Not that it has any bearing, I just feel like posting this right now. Actually, if anyone see's the connection between this song and this thread, you get a free star!!

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

My response was based on the fact that there is very little proof to go with most of these sites.

Thanks to the CIA and such establishments, of course.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by cornucopia

Lets hope that this information is correct! I will really start believing when I see them in action. I dont think thats asking to much.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by princeguy

Well, if you been keeping up with reports, even on the mainstream news, you know something is up.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 04:53 PM
I'll believe in this 'divine intervention' thats going on when I see news reports of missles failing and guns jamming on the battlefield. I haven't seen any evidence of that but if I did, then sure I'll be a 100% believer.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 05:19 PM
Alien life has a small probability that it is visiting our planet. The size and space of the cosmos is well beyond most of our grasps of reality. However, if you beleive the multiple dimensions stuff, we have no information on these altered states. Thus, the ability to travel light speed or beyond may in fact be possible. However, no concrete proof has been presented to suggest such a thing. If you beleive in a galactic federation, how would we know they are here? Their technology could be so advanced that all we see around our planet is nothing more than an elaborate simulation. Perhaps we are still in the proverbial incubator.

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