posted on May, 11 2012 @ 04:10 AM
Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
They should charge him with federal election law violations and the FBI should SWAT team his entire family, break that door down, shoot his dog, and
drag him out kicking and screaming by his nostrils and hang him.
I agree, well sort of.
First off, it should be the army doing the breaching and arrest, said gentleman should be escorted to Gitmo where he will be waterboarded to give up
the names of the terrorists he is working for and with, then held indefinitely pending the outcome of the case....maybe.
Then hanged for treason in a time of war.
All of the while saving this mans poor dog and finding it a much better home.
I would not be opposed to shooting his wife and kids however as they either support or have his corrupted genes.
In general, yeah this is actually much worse than murder in my book as this individual knowingly is trying to dupe the Peoples of the US, a very bad
thing in my opinion.
If guilty, and it looks so, this man should swing from a rope in a tree.