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What Does Alex Jones and Jim Jones Have In Common?

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posted on May, 10 2012 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
What has Alex Jones got to do with Jim Jones, apart from the same surname?
Unless I'm missing something.
I still don't get what this thread is about.
The two are unrelated.

I would agree, to large extent, however I could be wrong, if I there may be more in common then meets the general though, yes only thing in common is the surname, that is obvious,

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by CodyOutlaw
reply to post by earthinhabitant

They have in common that they are both stooges and con men.

Got to admit, Alex does do a pretty good impersonation of some clowns that remind me of the 3 stooges at times, as hard to take him serious when he tries to be a comedian and make humorous jokes about the situation, as it is not funny and he knows it, so unless he is trying to get us to think that we can laugh about it and that it is ok, then not sure what he is attempting to do there, as don't find him funny at all, and like his serious side much better.

As far as a con man, can you please be more specific and elaborate, as I find him overall very genuine overall for the most part, however must admit, there are and has been a few times were I do not few this is so...

So if you can maybe post a few things or ways, he has conned anyone or you, it would be nice, as that tangy tangerine, sounds like some good stuff and doubt if it is snake oil...

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by earthinhabitant

Originally posted by Danbones
Alex had woken up MILLIONS of sleepy sheepies who are now fans of the search for the facts

of course the jones haters hate that
which explains all the CHILDISH IDIOTIC put downs

JIM jones has no fans atall
like the jones haters

the question should be:
what does jim jones and alex jones haters have in common?
a thirst for fukushima cool aid

edit on 10-5-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-5-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

Yea, I must admit the haters of Alex, really must have some agenda besides the truth, those of Jim Jones, were for acts he committed, as though Jim Jones was admired by his followers and their were not any haters, until after the massacre, when it became more widespread knowledge of what Jim Jones was up to and had done.

Alex on the other hand has made it clear what his agenda is and the globalist empire group and I would say Alex would take death over dishonor, Jim Jones could maybe say the same about, however Jim Jones seemed to practice dishonor and deceit in his teachings...

I compare Alex Jones more to someone like David Koresh, who believes in what he teaches and in his heart is following the truth and teaching, where Jim Jones, in his heart and mind, knew he was a sham from day 1 and when his gig was up, what the plan was to be and taught.

the truth about WACO is pretty damn horrendous

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:12 PM
Here is one for you all, maybe Alex is faking his age and was born in 1974 and is the son of Jim Jones?

Alex Jones -
Alex Jones was born on the eleventh day of February, nineteen-seventy-four, the son of Jim Jones, and the only baby to survive Jonestown. As a child some guy ...

here is wiki on Alex Jones

Alex Jones
He is not really a fat bastard. This picture was taken by a corporate eugenics media photographer using a fat lens.
For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Alex Jones.

“The truthiest truther offering the truth.”
~ God on Alex Jones

“The only reason I'm fat is because the Illuminati put too much aspartame in my doughnuts.”
~ Alex Jones on explaining the conspiracy behind his weight.

Alexander Emerick "Alex" Jones (born February 11, 1974) is best known for bringing you key info on the Corporate Globalist Eugenics takeover of the world by a Scientific Dictatorship live from his Central Texas command centre deep behind enemy lines and shattering the false Left/Right Paradigm. Everything he says is backed up directly by the Globalist's own documents, and stuff he found on Google (itself an admitted CIA front).

His comedy radio show consists of him making fun of the peon masses, predicting catastrophes and yelling. In between diatribes he hocks shoddy survival goods to listeners in exchange for blood pressure medication.

In the very rare moments when he is not leading Free Humanity in the Info War, he is also supplements his income as a male model and porn star. Making regular appearances in publications such as Husky Hogs, and 'Meat Magazine', both aimed at the fetish market of those are attracted solely to pork butchers.

A while back Charlie Sheen went through a similar thing to David Icke and everyone ended up wondering what had happened to that guy from 2 and a half men. This act which resulted in the entire population of the world, from Warner Brothers down to you, the reader of this nonsense, suddenly hearing the name Alex Jones.


1 What? Who the hell is Alex Jones?
2 His House
3 Politics
4 Superpowers, claims of invincibility
5 Awards
6 Conspiracy Theories Alex Jones is Trying to Prove
7 See Also

edit What? Who the hell is Alex Jones?
Alex's show is simulcast on the Internet at

Alex Jones was born on the eleventh day of February, nineteen-seventy-four, the son of Jim Jones, and the only baby to survive Jonestown. As a child some guy pushed him into a vat of Jesus Juice, which permanently wielded a bull horn onto the front of his face (This is admitted fact, it's all admitted!). All pictures of Alex Jones which do not contain bull horns dated after this event can be assumed to be fakes.

In addition to the above and his noted pornographic career, he is at-least one (possibly all) of the following:

An Illuminati shill working on the minds of the masses using careful gatekeeping of his broadcasts whilst generating the list which FEMA are going to use when they # you all up.
One of the greatest men ever to set foot on the planet on a par with Buddha or Jesus or Shaquille O'Neal.
A fat bastard who sells DVDs, gold coins, Expensive Pot Noodles and water purification systems that are worthless in order to pad his bank account(we've got all the documents)

Depending on who you are you may think he's all three.

So what is the truth? Who really is Alex Jones? Well, you could spend hours of painstaking research trawling through archives of information, checking sources, corroborating evidence, travelling the world, talking to people and really trying to get to the real truth. Or, you could just read this and retain your will to live. I suggest the latter.
edit His House
Alex Jones's Command Centre after the Globalist-manufactured flood of 2012

His lives deep behind enemy lines in his Central Texas Command Centre from where he broadcasts his daily Radio-Internet-TV-MulticastTM. The Centre is notable for it's massive stores of pork produce, non-GM seeds and unsold copies of The Obama Deception.
edit Politics

Alex Jones advocates the creation of a one-world Neo-Ron-Paulian crypto-quasi-pseudo-theocracy in which all far-right, heterosexual, baptists (who can prove that they have killed at least one Mexican deader than a hammer) will be afforded the freedom to agree with everything that he says, does or thinks. Alex Jones suggests that the name: "New Global Order of Alexonia" to be used for the name of the new Thousand Year Reich, as he lovingly calls it. Alex Jones also well known as a major figure in the recently formed Church of Gary Busey, frequently taking time to conduct, as well as attend, the masses held in honour of his beloved object of lust and veneration.

Looks like some wiki type smearing going on
edit on 10-5-2012 by earthinhabitant because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:18 PM
well, there you have the mentality of the Jones haters

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by earthinhabitant

Things like this make him a con man:

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:38 PM

link to Infowars shoutcast show, with Alex Jones, for those that may not have had the pleasure of enjoying...

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
well, there you have the mentality of the Jones haters

Yea, noticed that the smear tactics show a signs of intelligence, not sure what the agency' name is, as it could be one of several, as that is first clue, Alex is on to something and has been for a while...

Cueing up the video below, as it looks like it is the one about Alex interupting someone with a bull horn, with his bull horn...and need to watch the rest of it, to see if see any con job going on, as poster suggested, other than Alex ranting and raving as usual with bullhorn, nothing new there, and not a con job, more of just being a little inconsiderate of the platform speaker at this event...however have not watch it all, so guessing what will be seen and the outcome, as blowing his cover or tooting his horn

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by CodyOutlaw

sounds like first minute of the video he is outing the intelligence groups infiltration groups, in the co-Intel con there...proceeding to watch more, will update back, if see anything that suggest where he is conning anyone, is there a certain frame or time in the flick that should be paying closer attention too, or is it like a needle in a haystack and we got to read between the lines and let our fantasies run wild with speculation, that he is blowing his cover...

Cover being blown, not noticed, as of this portion of film review, just getting some popcorn..

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by earthinhabitant

Here are some of the youtube comments on the video, just so we can review:

Id rather be in canada than america dude.. america is #ed up

xXxTHRETxXx in reply to thedoctor69able (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago 5

This video made me like Alex Jones.

ToolFan68 2 days ago 2

see all
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I'm sure alot of the comments on here are some of the paid misinformation agents. This video is trash they didnt even subtitl what alex was saying to defend him self, and the words were obviously edited to make it seem like he is more sinister then he really is. Dont mistake passion for wanting to help people wake up. Alex jones is one of a few people you can even get decent real news from.

Aaron Clark 7 hours ago

But yet, check everything for yourself when you can, and take with grain of salt. Don't be AH sheep.he says this himself.

zanzabarify 1 day ago

You people are a waste of time.the propose of waking up is to then take action wake others up and hopefully divert the next major terror attack through exposure. You idiots are too busy critiquing the most effective waker-upper to date. you're defeated and out of touch with the severity of what's going on. go back to sleep you'll do less harm then

zanzabarify 1 day ago

alex jones could be a puppet for the nwo and he might not know its real look up fritz springmieir mind control 

GreatWhiteNIGGA69 in reply to smkalberta1 (Show the comment) 1 day ago

Alex Jones has more common sense in his pinky than you have in your collective group of morons.

smkalberta1 2 days ago

He sounds so fake.

TNToncourt 3 days ago

Lol funny how idiotic most of the people who view this on youtube are. It's obvious every word and sentence are cut up and construed in a way to get him to be perceived as whoever made this video wanted you to perceive him as. Stop using your emotions to think morons, start with logic and reason, then move on to mathematics, and finally when 1+1=2 throw your emotions in because that's when you've finally hit the truth. This video is a psyop, as well as counterintelligence, you have been warned.

aahavalanche 3 days ago

I allready caught the vibe. This proves it. I used to watch all the time. but I can tell you that it is obvious. You Patriots need to distance yourselves from Alex Jones.

turquoisegiants 4 days ago

I'm seeing this too. That is #ed up. He's a traitor!

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by CodyOutlaw
reply to post by earthinhabitant

Things like this make him a con man:

yeah he screwed up
presenting that as a con makes you one too

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:59 PM
related youtube video list is impressive, may need to watch some of these just to see, what all they got to show, as who knows, maybe Alex is up to something, like Jim Jones,and maybe he just does not know it yet...

ALEX JONES SHOWS HIS TRUE COLORS!by DirtyMill0820,787 views
How Did Alex Jones Get Into Bohemian Grove Without Permission ?4:27 How Did Alex Jones Get Into Bohemian Grove Without Permission ?by harrythomasinfo35,000 views
12,000-year-old unexplained structure8:20 12,000-year-old unexplained structureby SolutreanAhnenerbe335,645 views
Caller Destroys Alex Jones5:14 Caller Destroys Alex Jonesby BRothbury100,985 views
Alex Jones Exposed by Milton William Cooper6:05 Alex Jones Exposed by Milton William Cooperby ClaasStoertebeker34,329 views
History Channel's Bohemian Grove Decoded ALEX JONES FULL LENGTH44:00 History Channel's Bohemian Grove Decoded ALEX JONES FULL LENGTHby tatoott100926,859 views
Alex Jones, CIA Asset, Exposed at Austin Gun Rally3:22 Alex Jones, CIA Asset, Exposed at Austin Gun Rallyby cosmic08927,715 views
Bill coopers....Last prediction6:24 Bill coopers....Last predictionby webewaitn138,316 views
Alex Jones: Zionist Disinfo Agent5:46 Alex Jones: Zionist Disinfo Agentby WalKnDude00313,299 views
Alex Jones blows his cover in Austin5:26 Alex Jones blows his cover in Austinby gryfrst5628,906 views
Alex Jones Told Me He Was An Agent!!8:15 Alex Jones Told Me He Was An Agent!!by HistorylsNOW24,601 views
Alex Jones EXPOSED!!!!!! Alex Jones EXPOSED!!!!!!by gordonbloyershow81,137 views
Special ops soldier caught on tape wearing stealth INVISIBILITY suit!4:47 Special ops soldier caught on tape wearing stealth INVISIBILITY suit!by chevs911truth150,739 views
Real Proof Alex Jones is Cointel (part 1)15:00 Real Proof Alex Jones is Cointel (part 1)by DerekInTheMidwest13,108 views
William Cooper UFO's Are Not what you think10:37 William Cooper UFO's Are Not what you thinkby suppressedminds266,190 views
Jack Blood - The Ugly Truth About Alex Jones 1of811:00 Jack Blood - The Ugly Truth About Alex Jones 1of8by cosmic08915,040 views
Alex Jones Blows His Cover In Austin5:26 Alex Jones Blows His Cover In Austinby ALPHAandOMEGA4442,621 views
42 STUPID Alex Jones PREDICTIONS13:02 42 STUPID Alex Jones PREDICTIONSby AlexJonesClips3,045 views
Anonymous Addresses Alex Jones0:44 Anonymous Addresses Alex Jonesby Anonymous0890140,234 views
Something Catastrophic Is Brewing In U.S.A. !!! MUST WATCH!!3:42 Something Catastrophic Is Brewing In U.S.A. !!! MUST WATCH!!by 800mEric839,914 views

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by Danbones

No, he didn't screw up at all.
In fact, he achieved exactly what he set out to do.
Quite the performer.

It's OK if people don't like him, you know.
You still can.
I promise.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Danbones

okay, watched all but a few seconds of it now and only con job seeing is from those suggesting Alex is conning someone ...based on this video contents, as I am really thinking he was right on target by what was shown in it and heard from one person in it with cowboy hat on, as he really looks like one, of the Alex not conning nobody, and con job, seems to be more on your end, for presenting this as fact that he is...or maybe I missed something, or you have been deceived...or both

Alex is calling out, and telling everyone to watch out for, and then seeing some scuffling going on at the end and looks like that guy confronting Alex as chanting shalom or something and Alex was just debating as usually and someone pushed someone, did not look like Alex, did it, and the long hair hippy was being like passive aggressive leaning into his space, or being pushed, maybe by instigators, Alex warning about, as other than that looks like big misunderstanding and Alex showed up and have the stage and when he came in with his entourage, and bullhorning cars, people complained and it got out of control and Alex crashed the party, on accident and was not like he went there to disrupt the protest rally at all, just turned out that way, and those that did not like Alex were maybe the ones who were saying "shut up"... and how they were saying it, or they asked politely and he declined, as that is his right and think was room for everyone to have a bullhorn when issues like this are needed to be shouted out to the masses...
edit on 10-5-2012 by earthinhabitant because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by CodyOutlaw
reply to post by Danbones

No, he didn't screw up at all.
In fact, he achieved exactly what he set out to do.
Quite the performer.

It's OK if people don't like him, you know.
You still can.
I promise.

I totally disagree with you and see nothing of the sorts, where and how you make that out of what was shown in the video, is just pure bull dookie and not even, as my comment above explains why, as clearly Alex is calling out who is the moles more or less and can see, that is not Alex and the guy in the Cowboy hat, looks like one who tried to spin it to, so say he is one Alex warning us to watch out for, and I totally agree, as wonder if you wearing a cowboy hat like that, now or chanting shalom like the guys in the video confronting Alex...

Smear campaign like Alex says, people see through it and then they know the scoop on the Truth and who are the ones who are lying and conning, those that are pointing at Alex, must be getting paid, or have an agenda, if they are talking smack about him, like we are seeing, ...only validates him more, as the propaganda, is coming from sources that have no merit, from what have seen thus far, and wondering if that is something he and Jim had in common, they smear you some, then get you maybe sucked into it and upset and distract you and try and throw you off the trail, or something by disruption, the disruption Alex caused, on what looks like and obvious accident, since he was invited...
edit on 10-5-2012 by earthinhabitant because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by earthinhabitant

Don't you think you're stretching your blind defense a little too much here?
Even your fellow Alex Jones fan up there admitted this was crappy behavior.
I'm saying it was staged crappy behavior.
He can't even keep a straight face most of the time.
Why do you think it was an accident?
He knew where he was going, he even got all gussied up for it.
He whipped out his bullhorn and set about making that meeting impossible.
One of the organizers asks him to come up and speak, he refuses, preferring to disrupt from the back.
The organizer then goes on to say that he had been offered a spot to speak prior to the meeting, but he refused.
Yet here he comes.
This wasn't an accident.
This was planned and performed.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by CodyOutlaw
reply to post by earthinhabitant

Don't you think you're stretching your blind defense a little too much here?
Even your fellow Alex Jones fan up there admitted this was crappy behavior.
I'm saying it was staged crappy behavior.
He can't even keep a straight face most of the time.
Why do you think it was an accident?
He knew where he was going, he even got all gussied up for it.
He whipped out his bullhorn and set about making that meeting impossible.
One of the organizers asks him to come up and speak, he refuses, preferring to disrupt from the back.
The organizer then goes on to say that he had been offered a spot to speak prior to the meeting, but he refused.
Yet here he comes.
This wasn't an accident.
This was planned and performed.

No, think you all are implying something that does not appear to be shown in the video, is misleading by the title and content, not represented.

He got all gussied up, because he was invited there to speak at the rally...

Alex does not go to rallies without his bullhorn and shows up blowing it everywhere, even when no one else has one, as where do you think the organizers got the notion to use a bullhorn in the first place ...Jim or Alex ?

No, Alex was either set up and made to look bad, or it was just an accident, however like said, boy in the cowboy hat and the guy shalom chanting, looking like something fishy going on for sure and it was not Alex and his posse...

Now what is even more fishier is you and those that actually trying to validate or substaniate a claim with such evidence as this, really either suggest you are shilling for some cause, so maybe there is something you can share with us, in regards to, your style and choice of hats...and who you voting for this round...

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by earthinhabitant

OK, so Alex can do no wrong in your eyes - and anyone who disagrees is a disinfo agent, including me?
Oh man...brainwashed, much?

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by CodyOutlaw

Alex showed up to the event on time, was invited to be a speaker at the event and then when he shows up, yelling at cars passing by to take note about the rally and issue, a few people asked him to hush it up, so could here the other loud mouth, who was not yelling and had his turned up loud enough, as there was room for more bullhorns and I can listen to 2 people at once, and like to see more bullhorning protesting at rallies, as I like it!

So your points in response, sounds like you missed the part where the lady told Alex he was not getting to speak because he showed up blowing his bullhorn now," and who were the ones complaining and trying to twist the story...hope it is not you and you are just not seeing what really looks like happened, or you know you are full of it and trying to mislead people here...

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by CodyOutlaw
reply to post by earthinhabitant

OK, so Alex can do no wrong in your eyes - and anyone who disagrees is a disinfo agent, including me?
Oh man...brainwashed, much?

maybe you just trying to smear me now, cause obviously in this thread, have made it clear, Alex is not perfect, well more than Jim, could be established unless see something that suggest, he is anything close to what you are suggesting...

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