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Can You Understand Me ?

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posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by project_pisces
And 1 more word on Unconcious Entities critiques....they seem to be demeaning and rude. So Im gonna stoop to his height,,,after all hes kinda got a tiny avatar and throw a rock myself.

Oh well the ID name tells all.... "Unconscious" Entity

un�con�scious ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-knshs)
Lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception; not conscious.
Temporarily lacking consciousness.
Occurring in the absence of conscious awareness or thought: unconscious resentment; unconscious fears.
Without conscious control; involuntary or unintended: an unconscious mannerism.

[edit on 16-10-2004 by project_pisces]

Maybe society taught you that the manner in which I say things is considered rude.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by bet555
Why is Blue , Blue ? Is it the same colro to you and me or just the same Taught color to you and me ? I have many questions liek this that I wish to be answered someone older must have these questions answered if not I will before I die. !!!!!!!

I am not new here, but I have never posted before...just a lurker! I have been reading this thread with interest. It seems to have gotten slightly off-topic from the beginning, so I wanted to pull this particular post back up.

I, too, have thought about perceptions in the broad sense, and often use this "color" question as a basis for trying to glean what it is that people actaully see from their own perspective. My idea is that although we can each *see* the color blue and recognize it's *name* as blue, my biggest question is: "Is the color blue objectively perceived in the same way with each person?" In other words, although we know that blue vibrates at a certain frequencly that we all agree is the color blue, how do we know that the color blue looks the same to each person? My blue may look like your orange!

THAT is the difference between the *objective* world in which we all tend to agree, and the perceptions OF this world, as seen through individual eyes. Note: I use the word *see* but I am also including any and all of the physical senses here. I believe it is the individual interpretations as witnessed through our five (or six) senses that in fact create separate and unique universes so to speak. You've talked about thought processes and things that have been taught to us, but there is no way that anyone could get inside your brain and actually perceive exactly what you do. AND there is no way to describe what you see as different than what others see, because we are using the same word for the same object, even in a different language. The concept is the same.

As an added note, if you think along the lines that I just mentioned regarding personal perceptions then you will realize that no matter what the objective world cannot be proven to exist OUTSIDE of yourself, because you sense the world from inside your own system. It's like that old question, if the tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it really fall...or does it even exist?

There are definitely two schools of thought on the reality of an objective world versus the subjective world. Is this all virtual reality that only exists within your own mind, or is there a reality separate and apart from you? I know....heavy questions, huh? I won't pretend to know the answer, but I can speculate that it is impossible to KNOW the answer since we can only know the world through our own perceptions, down to the very perception of someone else telling you the world exists because of their own perception that it exists. You perceive that they perceive, infinity! YIKES!


posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 09:13 PM

Since bet555 took what I have taught him and past it on "Blue is Blue Theory" in the post you quoted above. Do yourself a favor and read my post. I am sure you will find it enlightening and very interesting. This will and should put a spin on somethings I'm sure you think about which I percieve to be true.

U2U me if you would like to read some more of my thoughts.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Justmytype

Since bet555 took what I have taught him and past it on "Blue is Blue Theory" in the post you quoted above. Do yourself a favor and read my post. I am sure you will find it enlightening and very interesting. This will and should put a spin on somethings I'm sure you think about which I percieve to be true.

U2U me if you would like to read some more of my thoughts.

JMT: I read the other thread, and so the thoughts I have on that particular subject I shall post under that topic, okay?

I think it's interesting that you say above that: "This will and should put a spin on somethings I'm sure you think about which I *percieve* to be true."___because of course I was mentioning the very idea of *perception" and whether or not perceptions are based on the objective world or on the subjective, inner world. In other words, no matter what is *out there* (if anything) it is only through your own perceptions that you experience them, thus you virtually create them in the first place.

So, your idea on the other thread that: "The Beast and The God you are all searching for lies in your own head. We created it, we will destroy it.. its just fact, nothing more, nothing less.".... is actually very astute, in my opinion. However, I have more to say about this on the other thread that you might find interesting!

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 09:49 AM
GO GO GO This thread is finally going somewhere .... and there is someone in here finally thinking more rational than me. ... Continue PLEASE ...

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 12:47 AM
You think rationally? You don't even have common sense, retard... stop tooting your own horn.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 12:06 PM
What are you talking about toot your own HORN. LoL ... I am not sure what that is suppose to mean ? I mean everything I say ... I try and explain so Please ... UNconciousEntity .. explain Tot your own horn explain to me what does this mean ... I have no horn to toot .... Where did this saying come from ? Did you learn it from someone do you know what a horn is ?? Do you know where the word toot came from ? I mean toot isn't that the same that as fart ... poot ??

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by UnconsciousEntity

Originally posted by project_pisces
And 1 more word on Unconcious Entities critiques....they seem to be demeaning and rude. So Im gonna stoop to his height,,,after all hes kinda got a tiny avatar and throw a rock myself.

Oh well the ID name tells all.... "Unconscious" Entity

un�con�scious ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-knshs)
Lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception; not conscious.
Temporarily lacking consciousness.
Occurring in the absence of conscious awareness or thought: unconscious resentment; unconscious fears.
Without conscious control; involuntary or unintended: an unconscious mannerism.

[edit on 16-10-2004 by project_pisces]

Maybe society taught you that the manner in which I say things is considered rude.

Maybe you are right ... that some peopel in here think that you are being rude but ... you are not being rude ... noone ever means to be rude. You are only voicing your opinion and since you are the only closed minded person in the room you are the only one voicing your opinion ... whereas I have others that can see that I really am THINKING and not just typing out my ass ... so therefore he is I am not taking what you say offensive why do you think that I am some of these people are ... but these chat rooms are not for solving problems ... so why do you continually post about yourself ... and your name ... Like anyone ... cares about how to say Unconscious .... Obviously society taught you how to treat people Unconscious .... b/c you are the one who made up the name ... and you are teh one trying to live up to something that you read some where in a dictionary that tells you how to act .... instead of being yourself.... instead of Unconscious ... a better word would have been ... UNCHANGING ... B/c Unconscious people do not think. People that do not think, Do not learn ...
and people that do not learn are ENDLESSLY UNCHAGINGLY STUPID b/c they are unchanging lol ... I hope that made sense I have a feeling my grammar is going to get in the way from you even understanding any of this .... And if you really really really want em to I will fix it up for you.

Shoot, if you really want me to I will send it through Microsoft Word and let them check my gramatical errors for you so you can better understand "ENGLISH" since you have a very hard time contemplaing 'UNDERSTANDING" ... COMMON SENSE .. and if I spell a word ... sence sense cence zence senze .... PEOPLE WOULD ALL SOUND IT OUT THE SAME AND WOULD BE ABLE TO COMPRHEND ME ... Well I say all people ... then I met Unconcious ... and dangit it he/she did not prove me wrong.

posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by bet555

Originally posted by UnconsciousEntity

Originally posted by project_pisces
And 1 more word on Unconcious Entities critiques....they seem to be demeaning and rude. So Im gonna stoop to his height,,,after all hes kinda got a tiny avatar and throw a rock myself.

Oh well the ID name tells all.... "Unconscious" Entity

un�con�scious ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-knshs)
Lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception; not conscious.
Temporarily lacking consciousness.
Occurring in the absence of conscious awareness or thought: unconscious resentment; unconscious fears.
Without conscious control; involuntary or unintended: an unconscious mannerism.

[edit on 16-10-2004 by project_pisces]

Maybe society taught you that the manner in which I say things is considered rude.

Maybe you are right ... that some peopel in here think that you are being rude but ... you are not being rude ... noone ever means to be rude. You are only voicing your opinion and since you are the only closed minded person in the room you are the only one voicing your opinion ... whereas I have others that can see that I really am THINKING and not just typing out my ass ... so therefore he is I am not taking what you say offensive why do you think that I am some of these people are ... but these chat rooms are not for solving problems ... so why do you continually post about yourself ... and your name ... Like anyone ... cares about how to say Unconscious .... Obviously society taught you how to treat people Unconscious .... b/c you are the one who made up the name ... and you are teh one trying to live up to something that you read some where in a dictionary that tells you how to act .... instead of being yourself.... instead of Unconscious ... a better word would have been ... UNCHANGING ... B/c Unconscious people do not think. People that do not think, Do not learn ...
and people that do not learn are ENDLESSLY UNCHAGINGLY STUPID b/c they are unchanging lol ... I hope that made sense I have a feeling my grammar is going to get in the way from you even understanding any of this .... And if you really really really want em to I will fix it up for you.

Shoot, if you really want me to I will send it through Microsoft Word and let them check my gramatical errors for you so you can better understand "ENGLISH" since you have a very hard time contemplaing 'UNDERSTANDING" ... COMMON SENSE .. and if I spell a word ... sence sense cence zence senze .... PEOPLE WOULD ALL SOUND IT OUT THE SAME AND WOULD BE ABLE TO COMPRHEND ME ... Well I say all people ... then I met Unconcious ... and dangit it he/she did not prove me wrong.

Five bucks says you can't explain why my "mind is closed" because it's simply a sad attempt to insult me. Poser.

posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 03:16 PM
OK, bet555 vs UnconciousEntity

Now before we all have to read "ignorant posts" from the both of you, lets stop this nonsense. Actually think about what you both are fighting over and how ridiculous it is. "Words and Definitions"...

Come on now........ words and definitions....thats ridiculous..your both just being silly

shake hands and be friends and remeber we are all "more important" than to bicker about that.

Just my thoughts

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