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Viewing child pornography online not a crime: New York court ruling

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posted on May, 9 2012 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by benrl

I guess they're scared of rickroll CP?

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 10:49 PM
I would have all the judges in jail with pitchforks and anyone standing for them, and sent to prison for crimes against humanity, extortion of the public to pay their criminal wages all these years, they would owe 100000000000X their salary each year back adn be made to work very hard in prison.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by benrl
reply to post by boncho

Image boards are now free and clear for all Pedophiles with this ruling in new york.

I welcome it.

I would prefer the Internet to be awash with child pornography...for such images to accompany literally every single Web page on the Internet...than for child pornography to be used by geriatric fascists in government, and their apologists, as an excuse for confiscating our liberties for one second longer.

To hell with protecting the children. They will regulate every last aspect of our lives, down to the very air we breathe if we allow it, all in the name of protecting the children.

It has nothing to do with child welfare whatsoever. It is purely about control, for control's own sake, and using any pretext whatsoever which they think the public will accept, as a basis for gaining said control.

I will side with child pornographers. I will side with computer pirates. I will side with every deviant, rogue, disgusting, and allegedly socially disruptive group, before I side with the necrotic, fascist, living corpses who inherit the halls of literally every Western government, and who do not sleep in their quest to end and confiscate every last element of my freedom.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by benrl

I can already hear pedophiles all around the nation cheering and making plans to move to NY.
edit on 10-5-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 02:20 AM
It is a good ruling. A small amount of child porn in cache can happen even without intent.

Id go even further, viewing child porn should be legal, or a misdemeanor at most. It is a victimless thoughtcrime to punish viewing something on the internet. Punish the producers, distributors and those who support the industry by paying for the child porn. Because that would actually make a difference.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 02:37 AM
there have been times where I've watched some PRON and went to a linked site, and then went down a linked site, and further and further and a couple times I ended up on videos where I was like "Ummm that girl looks really young, what the, okay is this real, or is she older and looks young, okay I'm not gonna click, wait, lemme just, no I'm outta here"

Should I go to prison for that?

And there were a couple time where I saw a photo and I was POSITIVE it was a young girl, more than just 'billed' as a 'young girl'. I didn't even want to report it because I thought it would get me in further trouble.

So what can you really do? Who the hell wants a 'sexual predator' label on them for LIFE for trying to do the right thing?

They should spend their time finding the sickos that UPLOAD or share it . That would make more sense. Not the guy that stumbles on it because he went on a porn rage one weekend.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by Viesczy
Uhm, looking at something shouldn't be a crime.

Has our society so fallen for the "tolerance" of humanism that you can easily write that sentence as it pertains to child porn? The beast has given you this belief, this belief that says all behaviour is acceptable because "freedom equals tolerance". This is where humanism is taking our society, labelling anyone who stands up for absolute moral truth as intolerant or bigoted. When in actuality, without moral truth, there will eventually be no lines in the sand between good and wickedness. The relabelling of just one evil as good leads to such degradation and corruption, thoughts and beliefs keep pushing boundaries and impacts all of us. My grandparents never had to lock their doors, walk their children to school, worry about Aids, sexually transmitted diseases, being shot in a drive by or school shooting, chaining up their outdoor possessions, eating genetically altered food, thought that having a baby was less important than money or career, or worried about having their children indoctrinated that homosexual sex, occultism and child porn were normal and healthy... All of these changes have occurred in seventy years at the max - because once moral truth is attacked, all thoughts progressively push the definition of acceptable behaviour. Our grandparents and great grandparents would wail against where society is presently sitting, but because we cannot see nor remember the former generations, we chalk them up as being "prude and old fashioned", yet it's our own changed beliefs that have been manipulated - not theirs.

Thinking that tolerance equals freedom is such a false belief that is leading to the breakdown of society. Once you truly believe that looking at child porn shouldn't be a crime, you have single mindedly accepted that behaviour within your society. Yes, it shouldn't be produced at all, but the tradegy is this - the DEMAND for it exists - those "watchers" that you think shouldn't be held responsible. That child porn is produced for those watchers, those children are raped and sodomized because of those watchers. Freedom = accepting responsibility for the consequences of our own behaviour. If there was no demand for illegal drugs, they'd soon stop coming to our streets. If there was no lust for child porn, thousands of children would be safe. These watchers of child porn are guilty for they caused it to be done, their lust for this sick behaviour fuels it. But you deny this with the belief that you hold, that they are in no way 'guilty' by simply watching. This is the "enlightenment" of humanity? No, it's the direct result of being made Godless by getting people to so love these new behaviours that they willingly reject all of God's moral laws in favour of this crap, never understanding that His laws prevent this downward spiral into oblivion. These are choices that He is actively giving all of us to make - do you choose good and life or do you choose evil and death. But if you have nothing higher to compare your own beliefs against, you compare your own beliefs to society at large. Heck, by that standard Im a Saint. But against His standards, I have fallen short and therefore I must strive for the higher truth. This is God, and this is His lesson to humanity. What was, will be again - there is nothing new under the Sun, that as in the days of Noah and Lot, so it will be again when hearts were continually evil because our thoughts are taken captive by vain thinking.

Who has convinced you that simply looking at child porn shouldn't be a crime? Certainly not the parents of that kidnapped child, certainly not the millions of parent who must take their children to school because of the pedophiles ready to pounce on a child alone, and certainly not that raped and sodomized child. So who? Who has convinced you that watching child porn should be legal, I.e. not a crime? Because whoever it is has affected your entire belief system.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 04:36 AM
Ask yourself, why are there almost no snuff movies in existence? Maybe its also because the absurdity of viewing or even distributing them is not illegal. Thus the entire public becomes watchers and there is nowhere to hide for the producers and abusers.

Child porn is not a crime, child porn is just an evidence of a crime that needs to be exposed.

If there was no demand for illegal drugs, they'd soon stop coming to our streets.

Yet war on drugs targeting consumers is an utter failure. Police arrests small consumers to fill the quotas and show how anti-drug they are, gives them hard punishments that do not fit the crime, and leaves the big fish alone. The same happens with child porn.

certainly not the millions of parent who must take their children to school because of the pedophiles ready to pounce on a child alone

And maybe this just shows that current paradigm does not work.

edit on 10/5/12 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/5/12 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 04:37 AM
Im Human
Im a man
I look at porn (sometimes)
You WILL hit a link that is verry doubtful eventually..
Even if you search for "Linouleum kitchen floor" you
could end up on a page displaying a child on a floor.

If you DO look at porn on the internet, and IF you find
what could be criminal..Dont hesitate, report it..They
probobly WILL remove it as that would be harmful for

As to SOPA, lets have a law were gvmt need to know
EXACTLY what you read in the newspaper..OK..
It will be mandatory to have a cam conected EVERY
time you open a newspaper or a magazine.....

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by Miccey

If you DO look at porn on the internet, and IF you find what could be criminal..Dont hesitate, report it.

And you end up like this guy.

This is why laws like this are needed. Catching 10 pedophiles does not justify sending even one innocent man accidentaly viewing CP to prison.

It is a modern day witch hunt. Victimless acts such as viewing and merely posessing CP should not be a crime. Only producing and distributing CP should be.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Maslo
reply to post by Miccey

If you DO look at porn on the internet, and IF you find what could be criminal..Dont hesitate, report it.

And you end up like this guy.

This is why laws like this are needed. Catching 10 pedophiles does not justify sending even one innocent man accidentaly viewing CP to prison.

It is a modern day witch hunt. Victimless acts such as viewing and merely posessing CP should not be a crime. Only producing and distributing CP should be.

I agree
To be sent to jail for Cp and labeld peophile, when infact you
are not is not the ideal situation..But i guess many would
judge anyone just looking as pedo...

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:37 AM
That because the jugde probly do it

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:48 AM
Child porn laws are well meaninged but stupid. Imagine you are in a court and someone is convicted of viewing child pornography. In order to prove this at some point you will have to show the court the child pornography, making everyone in the room now guilty of viewing child ponography, either that or creating a double standard where some people are 'allowed' to view CP in order to stop criminals (and what kind of person do you think will want that job?).

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by Maslo

Ask yourself, why are there almost no snuff movies in existence? Maybe its also because the absurdity of viewing or even distributing them is not illegal.

What are you talking about? I can give you links on those videos and pictures. People just do not want to watch them or deny their existence. The demand and supply as someone has said is just ridiculous. They're there. Documenting reality site is one example.

That being said. Someone can accidently view something illegally. Or even without user's knowledge viruses are installed and used for illegal purposes. Will they prosecute that user?

But please deny your ignorance. "Almost no snuff movies in existence?" Oh please.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by Deaf Alien

What are you talking about? I can give you links on those videos and pictures.

A snuff film is a motion picture genre that depicts the actual murder of a person or people, without the aid of special effects, for the express purpose of distribution and entertainment or financial exploitation.[1] The existence of for-profit snuff films is generally considered an urban legend. Some filmed records of executions and murders exist but have not been made or released for commercial purposes.

Not every video of a murder is a snuff movie. Its just gore. Actual snuff movies are extremely rare.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by Maslo

Well I can give you links but I won't probably because of ATS's T&C in here.

I just think it's funny that you or anybody else thinks it's rare.

Demand and supply doesn't translate to how many videos or pictures there are out there.

Snuff movies and pictures are more common than people think.

But come back to the OP. I do not like this one bit. What if a hacker use your computer for illegal purposes? They will prosecute you.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by Maslo

I am talking about the actual murders or killings on film or pictures.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 08:34 AM
Sorry everyone. I am just not too happy about this.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:39 AM
I guess this means they will drop the current charges against all the pedophiles convicted of viewing child porn in the past.

Many researchers into the Power Elite like David Icke and Fritz Springmeier have exposed that the vast majority of them are not only closet pedophiles but baby torturers and murderers in their Satanic rituals. They love the uncorrupted life-energy of children and they need it to survive. This is really just the result of their own sickness finally filtering down into the mainstream because they are ultimately calling all the shots. One step at a time, they will erode all human morality and replace it with their reptilian, emotionless, no-regard-for-anyone-else agenda.
edit on 10-5-2012 by SimontheMagus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 10:49 AM
If you look at adult porn sites
some of the links make a random link.
and you end up at a child porn site.

its not your fault!
and you Best keep your mouth shut.
dont report the site.
as the police will get You !

I had a friend who had a spam E-mail
with child porn. so he told the police.

they took his computer away for 6 mouths.
and when to his place of work.
to take him for a interview...

so Dont say any thing.
just get a good data shreder prog.

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