Originally posted by Viesczy
Uhm, looking at something shouldn't be a crime.
Has our society so fallen for the "tolerance" of humanism that you can easily write that sentence as it pertains to child porn? The beast has given
you this belief, this belief that says all behaviour is acceptable because "freedom equals tolerance". This is where humanism is taking our society,
labelling anyone who stands up for absolute moral truth as intolerant or bigoted. When in actuality, without moral truth, there will eventually be no
lines in the sand between good and wickedness. The relabelling of just one evil as good leads to such degradation and corruption, thoughts and beliefs
keep pushing boundaries and impacts all of us. My grandparents never had to lock their doors, walk their children to school, worry about Aids,
sexually transmitted diseases, being shot in a drive by or school shooting, chaining up their outdoor possessions, eating genetically altered food,
thought that having a baby was less important than money or career, or worried about having their children indoctrinated that homosexual sex,
occultism and child porn were normal and healthy... All of these changes have occurred in seventy years at the max - because once moral truth is
attacked, all thoughts progressively push the definition of acceptable behaviour. Our grandparents and great grandparents would wail against where
society is presently sitting, but because we cannot see nor remember the former generations, we chalk them up as being "prude and old fashioned",
yet it's our own changed beliefs that have been manipulated - not theirs.
Thinking that tolerance equals freedom is such a false belief that is leading to the breakdown of society. Once you truly believe that looking at
child porn shouldn't be a crime, you have single mindedly accepted that behaviour within your society. Yes, it shouldn't be produced at all, but the
tradegy is this - the DEMAND for it exists - those "watchers" that you think shouldn't be held responsible. That child porn is produced for those
watchers, those children are raped and sodomized because of those watchers. Freedom = accepting responsibility for the consequences of our own
behaviour. If there was no demand for illegal drugs, they'd soon stop coming to our streets. If there was no lust for child porn, thousands of
children would be safe. These watchers of child porn are guilty for they caused it to be done, their lust for this sick behaviour fuels it. But you
deny this with the belief that you hold, that they are in no way 'guilty' by simply watching. This is the "enlightenment" of humanity? No, it's
the direct result of being made Godless by getting people to so love these new behaviours that they willingly reject all of God's moral laws in
favour of this crap, never understanding that His laws prevent this downward spiral into oblivion. These are choices that He is actively giving all of
us to make - do you choose good and life or do you choose evil and death. But if you have nothing higher to compare your own beliefs against, you
compare your own beliefs to society at large. Heck, by that standard Im a Saint. But against His standards, I have fallen short and therefore I must
strive for the higher truth. This is God, and this is His lesson to humanity. What was, will be again - there is nothing new under the Sun, that as in
the days of Noah and Lot, so it will be again when hearts were continually evil because our thoughts are taken captive by vain thinking.
Who has convinced you that simply looking at child porn shouldn't be a crime? Certainly not the parents of that kidnapped child, certainly not the
millions of parent who must take their children to school because of the pedophiles ready to pounce on a child alone, and certainly not that raped and
sodomized child. So who? Who has convinced you that watching child porn should be legal, I.e. not a crime? Because whoever it is has affected your
entire belief system.