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North Carolina Voters Pass Same-Sex Marriage Ban

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posted on May, 9 2012 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Ookie
I am amazed and appalled at the lack of morals and decency here. I do not understand why people keep thinking this is an equal rights issue. It is already equal. Any man can marry any woman. No discrimination there. Why do people want to give perverts special rights to do things non perverts do? To make them feel normal when they are not? Gays are sick. They need therapy and help. It is a mental illness and no amount of coddling will change that.

What's next? Legalizing man-boy love? Bestiality? Where does it stop? Perversion is perversion and claiming it is not all day long doesn't change what it is. Just like claiming two men can be married is not going to make it so. Marriage is the union of a MAN and a WOMAN. That is what it means and wishing it meant something else is not going to make it so.

"Man-boy love" and "bestiality" are all okay in the bible, so why not?
What's sick is people who think they are preaching "God's love" by condemning, demonizing, hating, incriminating, and on and on. Where does it stop? Mental Illness? What is organized religion?

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by MegaMind
reply to post by Freenrgy2

Why do you care what people (adults) do in their bedrooms?

How does it affect you at all? You aren't invited? You feel left out?

Wow. Really?

Please explain.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by IEtherianSoul9
reply to post by Radiobuzz

I live in NC and pretty much everyone I know is appalled by this result.

Technically, humans are animals, and other species of animals exhibit homosexual, I don't really see the problem.

No humans are not animals.

And you are right animals exhibit homosexual behavior.

For the people who think being gay is ok then you must be considering yourself a heathen animal.

You will bow and confess to the Father.
edit on 9-5-2012 by grayghost because: spelling

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Ookie
I live in NC and I voted for this. I do not understand why people think anyone other than a man and a woman can get married. Words have meanings and we don't go changing them just because someone feels put out. Marriage means the union of a man and a woman. That is what the word means. It doesn't mean the union of two people. That is something else. A contract maybe? Anyone who wants to be married can find a partner of the opposite sex and marry them. That is fair and it works. If two gays want to be married badly enough, let one of them have a sex change. That is legal for some reason. Shouldn't be, but it is. I am glad I voted for it and am glad it passed. A man should never be able to marry another man. Nor should a woman marry a woman.

Your meaning of marriage is but one version of the meaning of marriage....another is "a social or legal contract between people that creates kinship..." (wikipedia)

In the (Merriam-Webster) online dictionary....both ways to marry are stated:

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by twitchy

I can't gestate a fetus either, but I'm not out stomping around decrying the bitter injustice of it. Marrige is a tradition based on the union of a man and a woman, lineage, heritage, husbandry... why would a homosexual want to embrace a largely religous tradition and that is anathema to their preferences to begin with? Despite what the television says, homosexuality isn't a norm, it's a deviance, it always has been, that said, right or wrong is for you to individually decide, not legislators and lawyers. What you choose to do in your bedroom isn't an entitlement or a minority, it's a sexual preference, and a little common sense and decency should keep it in your bedroom.

Homosexuality isn't a deviance anymore than being left-handed or a redhead is a deviance. There are plenty of religious homosexuals. Jesus never condemned homosexuality. Jesus advocated love and tolerance. Homosexuals are fighting for tolerance. They want the freedom to love, and to express that love the same way everyone else does. There's no real anathema here, only that which the haters are fabricating.

Homosexuals are capable of having loving, committed relationships. They are capable of providing a loving stable home to a child whose biological parents have abandoned them or died. What's deviant about that? If it makes homosexuals happy to be able to get a marriage license like everyone else, and they aren't hurting anyone by doing so, why not?

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by FugitiveSoul

Well its down to the moral view of an individual.
And i don't think everyone in this world is born equal. The sooner we understood that true equality can't be enforced through laws is better.
This whole drama is sickening....
Equality is a concept of a perfect world not this one in which humans use it when they feel like pretending to be a saint....
At last i think if you believe the lesbian couple child studies, u are pretty easy to influence.
I know many such couples....and i cant disagree more.


posted on May, 9 2012 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Radiobuzz

I'm sorry if it offends any US citizen but it seems to me that it's a huge distortion of democracy when a majority choses if a minority will have basic rights or not.

That is the very nature of democracy - it's mob rule, where the bigger part of the population dictates to the smaller part of the population. It is precisely what people are begging for when they clamor for "democracy". It's why America was never set up or meant to be a democracy.

Congrats, Socialists! You've gotten you Christmas wish, and overthrown America - this sort of thing is what we get for allowing that.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by MzMorbid
Another sad day in the USoA. I guess the first amendment only applies to some people.

The First Amendment covers freedom of political speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion. It does not cover sexual proclivities.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by deepankarm
reply to post by FugitiveSoul

Well its down to the moral view of an individual.
And i don't think everyone in this world is born equal . The sooner we understood that true equality can't be enforced through laws is better.

Then please depart the country, because Equality is kinda America's deal as of the 1960s

At last i think if you believe the lesbian couple child studies, u are pretty easy to influence.
I know many such couples....and i cant disagree more.

I know many such couples. The study didn't influence me, it merely reinforced what I already knew to be true. We argue this issue till we're both blue in the face, but at the end of the day, I can't force you to be right, so...

I bid you adieu.

edit on 9-5-2012 by FugitiveSoul because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 04:55 PM
This is going to be challenged in the courts, and go to the Supreme court of the USA. Make no mistake about that, the lawyers are already preparing and starting to filing process, and this is not far from over.

This is going to affect more than just gay people, as it is going to affect a large number of persons across the spectrum in that state. As it is very vague in its language, it is going to pretty much take a hit on families where the parents are not married, and could cause those who now get benefits, to lose said benefits. It can also remove legal protections for different aspects, such as domestic violence. Further to complicate the issue, is what about the children who are adopted by a person if not 2 people of the same sex in the state or unmarried couples, they are now in a bit of a legal limbo as well. Including estate planning and who is entitled to be benefit from the death of a loved one, even those who are looking to have say someone be their power of attorney could all be in a bit of a legal gray area, that will have to play out in the courts for years to come, if this law stands.

Then there is the business aspect, can the state really afford to lose any business as it may find that such a law would be a hamper on its recruiting and holding onto people, as they would now seek to leave and find other employment. These are the kinds of questions that will have to be answered, and ultimately may find that these are the kinds of arguments that the state has to answer while it goes through the court system.

And then for those who are of the religious nature, there is the point where they could use this to either validate or even deny that a person was married, at the will of the government and it ultimately does violate the Constitution of the United States of America.

Consider this: marriage in the eyes of the law is a contract, it is upheld and validated no matter what state you are in, and this also includes civil unions. No state has the right to tamper with the contract from another state, and this just did such.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Domo1

for an amendment that would ban same-sex marriages, partnerships and civil unions

I can't remember where I read it but someone was saying that the majority of voters didn't understand that this would also ban civil unions. I think the results may have been different.

I still don't get what the problem is with same sex marriage. It doesn't hurt anyone, and if two consenting adults want to make a commitment to each other and have shared responsibilities and benefits I don't understand how anyone has the gall to say boo about it.

Well, Domo1, here's the rub: when people insisted that the State involve themselves in their personal lives and give a State imprimatur to marriage, they also gave the State the right of a say in WHO can marry, WHEN they can marry, and HOW they marry. There is still nothing to prevent commitments - they just won't have the State imprimatur.

The masses have spoken, and the State has stamped it, because it benefits the State and furthers their power inroads into the lives of the people.

This is why I forego marriage - it's none of the State's business what I do or who I do it with, and I'll be damned if I'll beg their permission or license to do so. My roomate used to get pretty damned hot sometimes over my steadfast refusal to marry, but there is the why of it. It doesn't matter to me WHAT the State says - I'll do as I damned well please, and she knows that by now, so she doesn't get too overly upset about it any more.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by meggiddo2012
. I am sure that those of you who agree with homosexuality are probably atheist, hate God, do not believe in God, are homosexual yourselves, hate America or all of the above.

So if I have a gay son, and I love him more than anything, and wish him to be happy no matter who he loves, I

must be an atheist and hate America? Think about what you just said.....

I am a firm believer in my religion, I do not hate God, I do not hate America......

Jesus hung out with who? The elite or the sinners? Was he hateful towards them? No, he showed them love and

compassion. Just because I am heterosexual, does not give me the right to judge the so-called sin of

another.....Neither should you.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 04:59 PM
I find it funny that a few of you here would say that you would love world peace at any moment and the flip right on a dime whenever you hear about this saying how "wrong" and "bad" gays are. We ARE in fact animals like it or not. We are all equal creatures on this planet earth and all human beings are equal and all deserve the same equal rights. We don't go shouting at other animals whenever they interact in homosexual behavior, it's no big deal then. Love is love whether you love someone of a different gender or the same gender.

I hope this turns out exactly like miscegenation did years ago and then all of you bigots get to drown in your own hate. Shame on you to try to dictate what other person can or can't do if it involves love. What would you think if someone told you you couldn't marry your significant other? What would you do if you were denied the financial benefits or weren't able to make a medical and possibly life saving decision for your other half? I don't think you would like it very much if you were the ones being discriminated against. The passage of gay marriage does not hurt you in any way, shape, or form. But guess what? You're hurting a hoard of other people that want to have the same rights as you and you're telling them they can't have them. You're almost as bad as the slave drivers back in the days of slavery. Not giving the blacks any rights and dictating what they may and may not do with their lives. I think if anyone's sick, it's all of you.

I'm all for peace and love in this world and I believe that love needs to flow everywhere unconditionally. I hope that this goes up to federal supreme court so that the gay marriage bans can be deemed unconstitutional once and for all so that it is legal for gay marriage in every single state.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:01 PM

There are 6,292,728 registered voters in NC. 2,135,740 showed up at the polls on Tuesday and voted on Amendment One. 1,303,952 voters voted FOR the Amendment.

This means our State Constitution was just changed by a mere 20.7% of the registered voting public in this state.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by pyrodude
The voters struck it down, end of story. Just like the fine folks of California have struck down prop 8 like 4 times, but they keep getting their votes thrown out. I dont see the big damn deal, you wanna get married, get hitched in a state that allows it. States have individual rights for good reasons.

What I have yet to see discussed about this particular amendment is the fact that a same sex marriage or civil union performed legally in another state is not recognized as being legally valid in North Carolina under this amendment. Now imagine what happens if for some reason a same sex married couple found themselves in said state for whatever reason and some emergency occurs. The partner is then in no position nor allowed to make any necessary medical or legal decisions and even potentially loses everything if a death occurs while in North Carolina, since at that moment, the marriage or civil union is not valid.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by FugitiveSoul

Originally posted by Ookie
I am amazed and appalled at the lack of morals and decency here. I do not understand why people keep thinking this is an equal rights issue. It is already equal. Any man can marry any woman. No discrimination there. Why do people want to give perverts special rights to do things non perverts do? To make them feel normal when they are not? Gays are sick. They need therapy and help. It is a mental illness and no amount of coddling will change that.

What's next? Legalizing man-boy love? Bestiality? Where does it stop? Perversion is perversion and claiming it is not all day long doesn't change what it is. Just like claiming two men can be married is not going to make it so. Marriage is the union of a MAN and a WOMAN. That is what it means and wishing it meant something else is not going to make it so.

"Man-boy love" and "bestiality" are all okay in the bible, so why not?
What's sick is people who think they are preaching "God's love" by condemning, demonizing, hating, incriminating, and on and on. Where does it stop? Mental Illness? What is organized religion?

When you say what you're saying your not saying it to us christians you are saying it to God. This is his beliefs we're are simply his messengers carrying the message of sin, repentance, forgiveness, salvation, & sanctification.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Keeper of Kheb

God does not hate anyone. Besides, by most Christian standards as long as you accept Christ and don't kill anybody then you're already into heaven anyway. Everyone sins, YOU sin and you're no better than anyone else. You're on a level playing field with the "sinning" gays, live with it.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by FugitiveSoul

Originally posted by deepankarm
reply to post by FugitiveSoul

Well its down to the moral view of an individual.
And i don't think everyone in this world is born equal . The sooner we understood that true equality can't be enforced through laws is better.

Then please depart the country, because Equality is kinda America's deal as of the 1960s

I believe deepankarm is from India, where the caste system predominates (or at least it has for centuries). Maybe that is why he has the views he has regarding equality (or the need for the lack of it).

And yes, in America, we usually have systems in place to enforce equality for all. Eventually, the issue of gay marriage WILL get to the Supreme Court. I am confident they will rule that banning it is discriminatory, therefore unconstitutional.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by Keeper of Kheb

The bible isn't God's word, it's man's word. God placed his laws into the Commandments. Guess what isn't mentioned? Homosexuality.
Guess what is mentioned:

-Upholding the Sabbath (Something Christians don't do)
-Having no idols or symbols of anything in heaven (something all Christians break by
having crosses in their homes and on their churches, pictures of Christ and angels)

Need I go on? According to God's law, Christians are "sinning." Homosexuality is perfectly fine.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:21 PM
This is very disappointing in my opinion.
I do hope eventually we as a race get past these kind of bias.

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