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North Carolina Voters Pass Same-Sex Marriage Ban

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posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:06 PM
Here is the question to ask on this NC vote. Why did more people stay home than vote against it.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:07 PM
Now if they'd round up all the illegals and deport them, I'd be pleased... But this one win will do.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by grayghost
Way to go N.C.

Keeping family values intact. At least we still have values and morals in N.C.

The whole USA should use this as an example and turn back to God.

Lack of values and morals and taking God out of government,local and state issues

is the reason America is suffering now.Take God out of every thing and forget him and he will

forget you.The American people need to wake up and turn back to God before it is to late.

This is my opinion and i will stand buy it. If you do not like it tuff. The Bible says Adam and Eve not

not Adam and Steve.

Well said and it is the same over here in the uk gays make me feel uncomfortable its just not right but its everywhere especially on tv its almost like its cool to be gay now or have a gay friend I would say the majority of NC got what they voted for the only distortion of democracy is that straight non married couples are effected affected by this

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Radiobuzz

North Carolina Voters Pass Same-Sex Marriage Ban

As expected, North Carolinians voted in large numbers on Tuesday for an amendment that would ban same-sex marriages, partnerships and civil unions, becoming the 30th state in the country and the last in the South to include a prohibition on gay marriage in the state constitution.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:
usnews.msnbc.msn. com

I support this. I am against same-sex marriage. However, same-sex couples should be afforded the right to peaceful living without harassment.

But then again, its just my opinion. But if it offends god then I may reconsider my view as I will do anything that offend "god", and people who support this because of religion.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by Radiobuzz

It was amazing to me, at least in my town, to see how little people knew about Amendment One before voting for it.

So many churches in this area actually made their sermon about voting for it and the majority in the congregation didn't question it. I spoke to one woman who ardently sided with the bill and asked her why. The only response she gave was "Well, my preacher said we should." I asked if she had read any material for herself regarding if this passes and she said no, that she "hadn't really wanted to."

I told her I wouldn't feel right telling her to simply go and do something because I wanted her to (like her pastor had done), but to at least do the research for herself before she voted. She approached me two days later and told me she read about it and was glad she did, and that she and her husband went and voted against it.

It felt like a small victory, despite my town being covered in propaganda posters and signs telling people to "Vote for God. Marriage is for one MAN and one WOMAN."

Then about 2 days before the voting ended, signs started going up explaining the other side. The day the election ended (yesterday) around 5 PM (polls closed at 7 PM) I finally saw a commercial against it. It was the only commercial I saw on the matter and it came 2 hours before the polls closed. I know the commercials had been around for a short period of time before that, but it just felt like a kick in the teeth to see it that late.

The ignorant (and I do mean that as nicely and as "dictionary definition" as possible) around here that voted for it are happy as larks today. But having been raised by a single mother who experienced domestic violence first hand, to know that anyone would vote for a bill that, in addition to many other things, would hinder domestic violence support hits home pretty hard.

Sad day.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by neo96

Well said, just another example of the people behind the scenes manipulating public opinion and outrage to mobilize certain voters come November. There's a game of chess being played out with 370 million pieces.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by Radiobuzz

Marriage is not a basic right.

Or, if you will, please define what "basic" rights we should have as human beings.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by Radiobuzz

North Carolina is part of the (Bible Belt)....and also in that state they marry their NC first cousins can marry....they believe in incest and inbreeding.....and yet they are against 2 adults who love each other and are not related... me that way of thinking is really creepy.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:22 PM
Shouldn't this be a church issue? Why does the state have authority of a church issue? Why does the state even care what you do in your bedroom? I don't care one way or the other but it seems a bit odd.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Jagermeister
Shouldn't this be a church issue? Why does the state have authority of a church issue? Why does the state even care what you do in your bedroom? I don't care one way or the other but it seems a bit odd.

It's all about equal benefits under the law and the State (via the 10th amendment) has the sovereignty to establish what the law is for that State.

Defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman does not infringe upon the federal 1st amendment either.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Cuervo
reply to post by Radiobuzz

That's about all I got say about that. North Carolina can secede from the union as far as I care.

I live in N.C. its not all bad...There are many very good people.
Just for the record...I am here today because a transvestite saved me and my small daughter from 4 young thugs that pulled up in our neighbourhood as I was walking with my daughter. These came up behind me and was trying to drag us into a broad day light, when I was saved by an Angel. He clobbered one really hard and this guy looked as if he was dead!!! The others dragged him into the car and left in a hurry. I thank my Angel again today...

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Jagermeister

My thoughts exactly. You know, I'm also sick and tired of the church dictating marriage, PERIOD. My way of thinking, this DOES need to be governmentally controlled but in a different fashion. Under the Constitution, everyone has equal rights and so I think if not everyone can get married, then no one should have the ability to. All or nothing. We either have equal marriage rights for everyone, or we do away with marriage altogether.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:29 PM
I find it truly disheartening and downright disgusting to see individuals on here support the ban on same sex marriage. Who the hell are you to judge anyone? Just because it (for some sickening reason) offends you, means two people aren't allow to participate in marriage?

Grow the hell up already and realize that not everyone believes in your religious opinions. Also, this is the United States. Everyone deserves equal treatment whether they're gay, lesbian, bi, transgender, straight, black, hispanic, Asian, white, etc. Everyone deserves equality.

Get over it.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

How is it that Christains claim "marriage" for their own idea

Thank you. I posed this exact question to two "Christian" folk the other day.

I explained that marriage was around long before the Bible was written, and did not even originate as a religious ceremony. Just because some religions have infiltrated themselves into marriage does not mean that it's original purpose was "holy". Just a business transaction, basically.

My main question to Christians who feel that marriage is between one man, one woman and God is this - If two people, a man & woman to clarify, from India came up to you and said "We're getting married!" How would you react?

Likely you would say "Congratulations!" But why? Why would you congratulate them? With Hinduism being the dominate religion, with over 80% of people practicing it, it is very likely that couple is not getting married for your Christian God. They aren't including God in the ceremony, so isn't it "wrong" of them as well? Should they call it marriage, or maybe they too should simply have a civil union so it doesn't offend you. What about Atheists? A man and woman who are Atheist are certainly not recognizing your God in their vows. Should they too have a civil union?

It just astounds me how many people are against homosexuals, or any other consenting adults getting married, simply because it makes them uncomfortable. If you don't like gay marriage, then just don't marry a homosexual. That pretty much solves it for you.

How arrogant do you have to be to feel that your religious views are more important than anyone else? Or your personal opinions are any more valid?
edit on 9-5-2012 by jacktorrance because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by Radiobuzz

North Carolina is part of the (Bible Belt)....and also in that state they marry their NC first cousins can marry....they believe in incest and inbreeding.....and yet they are against 2 adults who love each other and are not related... me that way of thinking is really creepy.

Is incest and inbreeding legal in those States...or any other State?

First cousins marrying does not equal incest. Probably not wise from a genetic standpoint, but does not fit the definition.

I believe, as another poster said, that they were against the word 'marriage' being applied to these unions. Marriage has had long tradition established as a part of religion and the implication here is that gay and lesbians are, in effect, trying to usurp a fundamental religious practice.

Why would gays and lesbians not be o.k. with just calling their partnership a civil union?

My take is that the gay and lesbian community has been on an mission to push their agenda on us for almost 20 years. I read an article once that even outlined what their agenda was. And, to give them credit, they have been very successful at it.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
The good part is if you do not like it you can leave to a state that agrees with your views. When the Fed steps in where do you go?

Firstly, it wont be the Fed stepping in. It will be the state supreme court. Because this law makes ANY kind of civil union illegal, including common law marriage.

But let's explore that for a bit. Say you are a fifth generation farmer in NC. You have deep roots here. You want to continue to work here. You dont want to move somewhere else where you have no family, friends, roots, or job.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by Radiobuzz

Why would gays and lesbians not be o.k. with just calling their partnership a civil union?

My take is that the gay and lesbian community has been on an mission to push their agenda on us for almost 20 years. I read an article once that even outlined what their agenda was. And, to give them credit, they have been very successful at it.

Number 1) Why don't hetero couples call it civil union? Stop giving straight couples special treatment.

Number 2) There is no agenda. The gay/lesbian/bi/transgender community want equality. They want the same rights as you. I'm really sorry you don't believe in the liberty that all citizens deserve.
edit on 9-5-2012 by SeventhSeal because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by Radiobuzz

Another example of southern discrimination...

Yeah, and Texas wants to be its own country. Don't judge the rest of us by southern intelligence.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by Radiobuzz

North Carolina is part of the (Bible Belt)....and also in that state they marry their NC first cousins can marry....they believe in incest and inbreeding.....and yet they are against 2 adults who love each other and are not related... me that way of thinking is really creepy.

I have lived here since I was 4 yrs old...not my original birth state. I don't know of any one who has married their first cousin or believe in incest... Maybe they do in other areas of the state, but not here.
This bible belt area is hard to live in some times. people are very religious and church going. I am the only person on my block who doesn't go to church.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:41 PM
I am from NC. Looking at the way people voted... in 100 counties, only 7 voted against the ammendment. That means 93 voted for the ammendment against same sex marriage.

Being a conservative libertarian and a Christian, I feel that same sex marriage should be a right of individuals. I don't agree with the life style, but a person's lifestyle is none of my business and I don't want someone else forcing their beliefs and lifestyle on me... as such, do unto others as you would have them do unto you... Where have I heard that before?

Anyway, the state has voted. Like it or not, Christianity and Biblical beliefs are not on the decline as rapidly as some here at ATS would like to believe. As Bill Cooper said... "It's not what you believe, it's what they believe."

A vast majority here in NC still believe in the Biblical restrictions on homosexuality. I further suspect that many have never really interacted much with gays and lesbians.

I have to say that until the last few years, gays were more of a subject of gossip and curiousity. Until I actually started dealing with gays and lesbians did I realize that they are people too. That should have been obvious, but many here at ATS that are enlightened are equally as iggnorant of North Carolinians, as illustrated by their comments.

Fact of matter is... I found we are all the same... it's just that some boys like boys and some girls like girls. I happen to be a boy that likes girls. However, we all have the same wants and fears and joys and heartaches and we just live day to day... some more openly than others.

That is the real shame.

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