posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:06 PM
You know, Mormons have some interesting beliefs concerning the ancient civilizations of North America. Their Book of Mormon tells a story of an
ancient israelite family that leaves Jerusalem around 600 bc and eventually comes to america and founds several large civilizations which eventually
die out and/or merge with other existing populations.
They were basically pre-christian christians and kept record of their religion, prophecies, wars, etc. The last historian of the main civilization was
Mormon, and he was charged with abridging the thousand year history of these people from leaving Jerusalem until they were destroyed by wickedness
1000 years later. He compiled most of the book by engraving it on gold/gold like metal sheets. Before dying, he gave the book to his son who finished
it and buried in a stone box in the hill Cumorah in the now state of New York, where it was eventually found by Joseph Smith and translated.
Early church history tells of an event where Joseph and his scribe were transported (in a vision) to a room full of records on metal plates. It was a
religious experience and they did not know where they room was actually located. Interestingly enough, Mormons place Missouri as a special spot (they
have a Temple in Independence).It is believed by many that Missouri was once the location of the ancient garden of Eden.
There are also many folk doctrines within the culture of mormonism where mysterious american indians have appeared to them and given them a glimpse of
hidden things, treasures, records, and special spiritual locations.
Anyway, this story sounds very similar to many I've heard before.