Now that people know what they are looking at, here is the Sun in extreme UV.
Bands of behavior, pairs of sub-poles in clusters between the tropics and the poles.
The lack of visible hydrogen makes the concept of hydrogen from an original source making stars and galaxies and burning in atomic reaction falls
short in explanation for reasons of age and size and shear quantity of energy.
Am I a heretic by nature? Is it such a bad thing to question? Blame the internet. All those blogs, all those forums full of crazy ideas, all those
wonderful crazy people.
The following are questions which were fundamentally unanswered or the official answer seemed to really fit.
Where does ‘patterned and ordered’ become ‘random and chaotic’?
Is it where the human mind can no longer see a pattern, or when a pattern recognition program can no longer find the encryption key?
What about next year's improved version of the program, or the one to be written in ten years time, for the then-latest super computer?
Has the model answered any of the following questions to the reader’s satisfaction?
What is positive charge – relative to negative charge or a neutral charge?
What are their nature(s)?
Seriously: What is a true ‘Monopole’, are they all just relative?
Do they run down? How do they recharge?
What are charge particles made of?
Questions of, why strong atomic forces didn’t comply with all the physical constraints of inverse square law, what are the true natures of the atom?
electricity? heat? gravity?
Why does the Periodic table appear to be a predictable harmonic pattern?
Where does the force come from in a permanent magnet, why doesn’t it run down?
What about the conflict of entropy versus conservation of energy?, or The Big Bang theory?
Why does the moon always show the same face towards us when its orbit isn’t perfectly round?
Why do we have two tides a day instead of one per 24hrs?
I know it’s been a long series of new ideas so covering the most important first.
There is a holy trinity,
1 The observations and experimental results.
2 The model to explain these and all other results (must fit) some times requiring revolution over refinement.
3 The mathematical proofs of the model.
None of these can exist by itself. Without a robust visual model, the math can create un-provable self-perpetuating monsters and visa versa.
Mass relates directly to volume and energy density relative to surrounding space. Energy density relates to pattern and structure within a volume.
Protons, neutrons, electrons etc, are energy particles but not necessarily part of working atoms. The difference between atoms and energy particles
being that atoms can occupy an area of space but a particle must keep moving.
Atomic numbers are more for our convenience. Positive and negative are a ‘relative thing’ and are often mistaken for ‘north and south,’ which
is a product of direction of rotation and not necessarily of charge. Opposite direction rotations pull toward each other, not positive or negative
particles. Space between matter is constantly being stretched, (causing red shift). Atoms spin and vibrate and require an energy source. Extra pattern
represents increased energy density and we then loop…
Big black holes release the compression, i.e. don’t get in line with the jets. Not like the movies that have a tornado, fooling people into asking
where it all went, and coming up with `some strange ideas of worm holes in space. Visual images are important to understanding for most people.
The sun and most of the planets are lined up on the same north to south, i.e. spinning the same way but the sun is in generate mode relative to the
planets and we are cogging off the sun. The solar system is rotating within a cluster that is rotating in a spiral arm that is rotating as one of many
around a big black hole.
If stars make atoms as part of the compression cycle then position within the galaxy, in part relates to our position in the cycle. Every star system
closer to the black hole is likely to be ahead of us in age and possibly evolution. A humbling concept.
The magnetosphere, light and lightening, how do they work again? We’re not in a frictionless environment, are we? We are clearly not. We are driven
like a magnetic motor, or like an idle generator that is in synchronization on a power network. Energy is required to keep the spin going and comes in
the form of particles and waves and vibrations and distortions in the electromagnetic flux of space (or if you must, the Aether).
Don’t let the picture above fool you, the distances are immense, measured as light/time, (minutes and seconds), the distances don’t sound much,
but in earth or even sun diameters the number is huge. On a solar system scale, the forces are big (huge) but not necessarily dense
edit on
10/5/12 by mzungu because: (no reason given)