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Neo-Nazis elected in the new Greek parliament

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posted on May, 13 2012 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by Macdon

I would like some responsible posting in ATS thank you! They are not NeoNazis, they are a Greek right wing party that supports Greece for the Greeks.

The insignia and salutes they use are Greek. The swastika itself was used in ancient Greece. Hitler used many Graeco-Roman insignia just like *all* of Europe uses Graeco-Roman ideas, concepts and developments.

I support Greece for the Greeks, France for the French, England for the English and all the rest of the European nations.

This party has family values and supports the Greek people. The other parties in Greece have globalist NWO values and support the impoverishment and enslavement of Greece.

Flooding Greece and other European nations with non-European immigrants is genocide pure and simple.

I hope Golden Dawn put an end to all this and manage to punish the international communists that have virtually destroyed Greece and other European nations.

Perhaps they can exile them to the 3rd world countries the illegal immigrants came from? I’m sure they would be quite welcome and happy there.

Well, everyone is entitled to their opnion. I hate both nazis and communists, and these fruitcakes seem to come under the former category.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by Lasr1oftheJedi

...That said, as I stated with those who claimed to only be following orders while running death camps don't get a free pass. They saw what was going on. They operated those camps ruthless efficiency, and no care for the human lives they were taking by the masses every day.
If I was a grunt in Paris, I probably wouldn't have a true clue of the real nazi agenda. But if I was a camp guard, I have no ground to stand on.
A final note, we're no longer in the 30s. We know what the nazi party is all about, so I find it mind blowing anyone could support such a group, in any way, shape, or form, in the "Age of Information".

As I recall, the camp guards were not ordinary German soldiers (grunts), but part of the SS (Death's Head unit).

It's really alarming how many Holocaust deniers there are on ATS. And even a few Nazi wannabes, admirers of Hitler.

I managed to read this much of the thread without responding -- there is so much to respond to. Some of the responses are incredible.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by AuranVector

As I recall, the camp guards were not ordinary German soldiers (grunts), but part of the SS (Death's Head unit).

It's really alarming how many Holocaust deniers there are on ATS. And even a few Nazi wannabes, admirers of Hitler.

I managed to read this much of the thread without responding -- there is so much to respond to. Some of the responses are incredible.

I agree and I don't understand it either.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by MysteriousHusky
Way back in January of this year, Chicago Public Radio's "This American Life" featured an episode ( called "Continental Breakup" discussing the financial situation in countries in the Euro Zone like Greece and Portugal. The following was taken from their transcript regarding Greece and tells the tale of a statistician who was accused of crimes against the state for coming up with a more accurate deficit figure:....

In other words, the Greek government is corrupt to the core.

Are we any better? Maybe we're better at covering things up.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by OwenGP185

Greeks are not a separate species that were magically created in Greece, every human on this Earth started in the same place so your idea of purity is turning a blind eye to a large part of human history before Greece even had a name. Like it a not all those "pure" Greeks will have ancestors from other regions and you do to.

Excellent point. I vaguely remember that Greece was part of the Ottoman Empire for well over 300 years.

The Turks dominated. Someone told me there were so many Greek women raped by Turkish soldiers during that period, that the Greeks had a standing joke about how one could tell if the baby's father was a Greek or a Turk.
edit on 13-5-2012 by AuranVector because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-5-2012 by AuranVector because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

Originally posted by CodyOutlaw
Again, I'm asking, has anyone here actually found a manifesto for the Golden Dawn?
And how closely does it resemble the 25 point program?
edit on 7-5-2012 by CodyOutlaw because: (no reason given)

I actually have books by the Golden dawn, I will have to find them though.

Please do not confuse this Greek political party with the British magical group -- The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The original GD order splintered into different groups even before WWI. There have been some groups that have "borrowed" the name.

There is one GD organization in upstate New York that actually received the blessings of Israel Regardie ( a Jew and student of Aleister Crowley).

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by AuranVector
Excellent point. I vaguely remember that Greece was part of the Ottoman Empire for well over 300 years.

The Turks dominated. Someone told me there were so many Greek women raped by Turkish soldiers during that period, that the Greeks has a standing joke about how one could if the baby's father was a Greek or a Turk.

Thankfully the Muslim oppressors were booted out though

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666
Neo Nazis in Greek? Is there any country which does not have Neo Nazis, I mean except for Tibet.

Lucky Tibet has Chinese Communists.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by Tallone

The problem is not Capitalism. The problem is corruption.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by Macdon
I would like some responsible posting in ATS thank you! They are not NeoNazis, they are a Greek right wing party that supports Greece for the Greeks.

The insignia and salutes they use are Greek. The swastika itself was used in ancient Greece. Hitler used many Graeco-Roman insignia just like *all* of Europe uses Graeco-Roman ideas, concepts and developments.

I support Greece for the Greeks, France for the French, England for the English and all the rest of the European nations.

This party has family values and supports the Greek people. The other parties in Greece have globalist NWO values and support the impoverishment and enslavement of Greece.

Flooding Greece and other European nations with non-European immigrants is genocide pure and simple.

I hope Golden Dawn put an end to all this and manage to punish the international communists that have virtually destroyed Greece and other European nations.

Perhaps they can exile them to the 3rd world countries the illegal immigrants came from? I’m sure they would be quite welcome and happy there.

Well ..perhaps if, as a people, you had also believed as strongly in Africa for the Africans, MiddleEast for Middle Easterns, etc and not have accepted NATO and megacorp infiltration and decimation of those societies and cultures in your name as calmly as you have until now..maybe you'd not be having the immigration troubles you're having!

Maybe you'd not have laughed at those ' louts and anti-war/anti-corp hippies' who've been trying to say NO and STOP THEM for the past 40 your people and others in Europe sipped lattes and chose to ignore the political and social decisions being made for you and the widening gaps between your reality, and the real world suffering so you could maintain it, that they were creating.

Maybe now, you know EXACTLY how those nations felt when European invasion, military, corporate, cultural and missionary, decimated their cultures, peoples, beliefs and histories....maybe now you have some real knowledge and understanding of what it means to fear as they feared to hate as they doesnt it!

In life you reap what you sow....and you can't go about being permissive of your government bombing and raping the social, political and environmental ecosystems and cultures of other places and expect you will not to reap the consequences of those actions.

This is the problem of people abdicating authority and power blindly...of letting corrupt governments ( regardless of their political makeup) and corporations run the world....those least likely to have had conscious input into the decisions that led to those abusive actions and events..are the first to face the consequences of them.

As they say tho..ignorance is no excuse..and in natural law that is even more true....but dont think for a second these mongrels who have set Greece up, set Argentina up, set Iceland and almost all of us up for this fall, arent fully aware exactly this was going to happen.

They want you/us all hyper nationalistic..they want you in fear starving and hating those who are as much victims as you are....
They want you willing to do ANYTHING to save yourself..they NEED you this way...for THEIR surivial. YOUR children are being thrown into the fire so THEIRS will never face it.

It is written " those who seek to save their lives..will loose their lives"....I'd be heeding those words right about now. Find another way.

If you're going to ignore those wise words of experinece though, and you're going to get and be pissed..then do start with pointing the finger at your own self first! Then and only then aim your sights directly at THEM...the ones who made these decisions in your name. Leave the immigrant bashing and nationalism and crap for the history books and show us all how evolved you are as a culture, be wise and brave enough to point the finger where it really does belong...those who manipulated your implied consent. Point your finger at the evil beast..dont become the evil beast.

Or not...ignore me..ignore history....I'm just a nutter right....and history will merely repeat itself and I'll see you if we survive this...when we're 90 and here writing about this all over again.

Oh and before anyone sprouts off anything about this being a matter of 'karma'...its one deserves this crap...its simple cause/effect..mastry of which is only one of the many weapons of mass destruction in their arsenal you have to clue up to fast if you want to overcome it.

edit on 13-5-2012 by Rosha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by psyop911
reply to post by Rosha

the globalists are playing the folk like a fiddle.

That's my take on it too. But I wear my tin foil hat a lot. Why would anyone force mass immigrations on any country? Especially when the immigrants are not only racially different, but of a competing "religio" political system?

The reason is destabilization of a nation -- it's to create the distraction of chaos. We are being set up, not only for civil wars, but WWIII. War is a great cover for "culling the herd."

TPTB do not care which brand of totalitarianism is used to control the slave populations. It could be Communism, Fascism, or Radical Islam.

I am convinced that those who control the planet are evil. They don't care what happens to us at all.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 09:57 AM

That's my take on it too. But I wear my tin foil hat a lot. Why would anyone force mass immigrations on any country? Especially when the immigrants are not only racially different, but of a competing "religio" political system?

The bulk of the foreigners are in Greece are from Albania and other neighbouring countries, hardly 'racially' different

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 04:06 PM
Perhaps you haven't been informed yet, but Greece is officially going into new elections and if all polls read correctly then Syriza is the next government to power. That means are no go policy on the austerity measures that equals to what we have all been told by everyone over and over that Greece will exit the eurozone and thus the division of the euro is inevitable as Spain, Portugal and Italy perhaps Ireland will also follow. I guess that would leave France and Germany to act as big brother to former eastern block nations who jumped through burning hoops to enter the eurozone. Good Luck to the rest of the eurozone nations.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Originally posted by AuranVector

As I recall, the camp guards were not ordinary German soldiers (grunts), but part of the SS (Death's Head unit).

It's really alarming how many Holocaust deniers there are on ATS. And even a few Nazi wannabes, admirers of Hitler.

I managed to read this much of the thread without responding -- there is so much to respond to. Some of the responses are incredible.

I agree and I don't understand it either.

So which was it again? Zyclon b through showerheads? Truck exhaust into the rooms? Or were they just thrown in ovens? There is zero proof sorry. The 6 million number is also bullcrap. If you look back before and after WW1, the 6 million number was thrown around also.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 05:15 PM
They're likely to get more seats in a run off election. This party has said not willing to work with EU on the austerity plan.

Greece's demise is imminent, as soon as they default on their first repayment. Hyper inflation will follow within six - eight months (if not sooner).

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by OliverNorthsCat

The bulk of the foreigners are in Greece are from Albania and other neighbouring countries, hardly 'racially' different

My remark was based on the posts of Greeks in Greece on this thread.

Things have only gotten worse for Greece since 2007 when Italy & Spain were both able to stem the tide of illegal immigrants to their countries by bilateral deals with African countries (Libya, Senegal, Mauritania).

From “The Economist”:

“Greece’s borders have become the gateway of choice for the vast majority of people hoping to enter the European Union illegally, and the country is finding it difficult to cope. Of the 106,200 people detected trying to cross illegally into the European Union in 2009, almost three-quarters were stopped in Greece.”

“Early data for 2010 suggest that, although absolute numbers are falling, Greece’s burden has risen further, to about 80% of the EU total, up from 50% three years ago. Compounding the problem is a rule that says undocumented immigrants found anywhere in the EU must be returned to their country of entry—usually Greece.”

“Detention centres for irregular immigrants in Greece are small and understaffed, and there are too few of them. Cash-strapped authorities encourage detainees to move on to Athens before their claims have been processed. And on top of the flow of tens of thousands arriving every year is a stock of an estimated 300,000 illegal immigrants already in the country.”


“Greece opened its first purpose-built detention centre for illegal migrants on Sunday in Athens, a week before a national election where illegal immigration has emerged as a key issue.”

“About 130,000 immigrants cross the country’s porous sea and land borders every year, the vast majority via Turkey, and the authorities are forced to release those who are arrested because of a lack of permanent housing.”


“Greece has had problems with illegal immigration as it shares a border with Turkey. Greek authorities believe that 90% of illegal immigrants in the EU enter through Greece, many fleeing because of unrest and poverty in the Middle East and Africa.”


“The collapse of the Central and Eastern European regimes in 1989 transformed immigration to Greece into a massive, uncontrollable phenomenon. As a result, although Greece was at that time still one of the less-developed EU states, in the 1990s it received the highest percentage of immigrants in relation to its labor force.”

“In the 1990 to 2001 period of mass immigration to Greece, immigrants arrived in two waves. The first was that of the early 1990s, in which Albanians dominated. The second arrived after 1995, and involved much greater participation of immigrants from other Balkan states, the former Soviet Union, Pakistan, and India. The majority of Albanians arrived in the first wave; however, the collapse of enormous "pyramid schemes" in Albania's banking sector in 1996 also spurred significant migration.”

Source is an old June 2004 article – things have gotten a lot worse in the last eight years:

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by mayabong
So which was it again? Zyclon b through showerheads? Truck exhaust into the rooms? Or were they just thrown in ovens? There is zero proof sorry. The 6 million number is also bullcrap. If you look back before and after WW1, the 6 million number was thrown around also.

Zyklon B through the slots in the roof of the gas chambers, and also the exhaust on the death trucks (small scale) and engines (large scale). The evidence is all there, it's extensive and it's utterly, utterly damning. So go away. I'm done arguing with you.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Originally posted by mayabong
So which was it again? Zyclon b through showerheads? Truck exhaust into the rooms? Or were they just thrown in ovens? There is zero proof sorry. The 6 million number is also bullcrap. If you look back before and after WW1, the 6 million number was thrown around also.

Zyklon B through the slots in the roof of the gas chambers, and also the exhaust on the death trucks (small scale) and engines (large scale). The evidence is all there, it's extensive and it's utterly, utterly damning. So go away. I'm done arguing with you.

No evidence, just people making up lies. Do you believe the Nazi's made soap and lampshades from jews too like was claimed from many people that were rescued?

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by mayabong
No evidence, just people making up lies. Do you believe the Nazi's made soap and lampshades from jews too like was claimed from many people that were rescued?

Oh. You again. My skin creeps when you appear. Yuck.
Ah, the lampshade thing. You are of course referring to Ilse Koch? Who was a monster. And you admire her therefore! Oh and she didn't make lampshades out of human skin, but she did collect human skin, notably tattooed skin. So there you are.
As for the soap from human corpses thing, that was a rumour.
So, you just deliberately picked out two things that you knew were either untrue or not quite correct. Congratulations! Unfortunately you're still wrong about the rest of, well, everything. So you still lose. Sorry!
(Actually I'm not sorry at all.)

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Originally posted by mayabong
No evidence, just people making up lies. Do you believe the Nazi's made soap and lampshades from jews too like was claimed from many people that were rescued?

Oh. You again. My skin creeps when you appear. Yuck.
Ah, the lampshade thing. You are of course referring to Ilse Koch? Who was a monster. And you admire her therefore! Oh and she didn't make lampshades out of human skin, but she did collect human skin, notably tattooed skin. So there you are.
As for the soap from human corpses thing, that was a rumour.
So, you just deliberately picked out two things that you knew were either untrue or not quite correct. Congratulations! Unfortunately you're still wrong about the rest of, well, everything. So you still lose. Sorry!
(Actually I'm not sorry at all.)

The Zyclon B was used to delouse clothes. There were delousing chambers at these camps, they still have blue stains on the walls (which is what zyclon b does to walls). But in the homicidal gas chambers that were supposedly killing people 24/7 have no stains on the walls whatsoever. Its simple things like this that make people go hmmm. Only the camps that the soviets liberated supposedly had gas chambers... all the other ones magically didn't. lol

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