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Ron Paul Ad Destroys the Entire Establishment

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posted on May, 7 2012 @ 01:48 PM
He destroyed himself by not reading his own newsletters ...

If he can't keep track of that small operation, he'd be way over his head running a nation. "I didn't know" does not cut it.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by AllIsOne
He destroyed himself by not reading his own newsletters ...

If he can't keep track of that small operation, he'd be way over his head running a nation. "I didn't know" does not cut it.

Oh, here we go.

So, how about anything from THIS century?

Nothing? Ok, stick with the one thing that RP made a mistake on (trusting someone to handle the newsletters while he was busy, you know, being a Representative of Congress or something.)
edit on 7-5-2012 by fourthmeal because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by AboveBoard
reply to post by vkey08

I really appreciate your comment and you are dead-on. Ron Paul's response to a boy with autism who asked what he would do for special needs kids was "liberty is our most precious resource." He said that to reframe the child's comment that "children are our most precious resource." For parents of special needs and medically fragile kids, Ron Paul's answer is nothing short of a nightmare. How exactly, are we to pursue the magic of "liberty" and "prosperity" when we are dealing with issues like an incontinent teenager who is non-verbal and self-injurious? When you can't safely have them in the car with another child without a trained adult in between them due to their 'behaviors'? How do you get groceries? How do you PAY for groceries when the school is no longer obligated to take your child by law, and you now have them at home with you full-time until you die? Family caregivers have a much higher risk for serious, stress related illnesses - how do we pay for our own declining health and care for ourselves while managing 100% of our child's needs? What are the the real-life consequences of unrestrained program-gutting? Efficiency in government is a good thing, abandonment of the people for the sake of 'liberty' is not a good thing. And special needs kids can come into any family - especially with autism now at 1 in 88 kids. RP envisions a "transition" period where some of these programs would stay in place, and then what? Not trying to start an argument with folks here, as I respect everyone's right to their own political opinions. Just asking some questions that keep me up at night...
Here is the link to the answer RP gives:

Yeah, coming from a family who has an Autistic member in it:

First let's get gov't and pharma out of bed with each other, so forced vaccinations that cause Autism (I watched it happen) will drop the rate. Second, he's saying that charitable organizations will exist to help Autistic (or other needy.) Third, if government and pharma/medical got out of bed with each other, you'd have a more competitive system which would lower costs, and get the care back in the hands of those that can actually CARE.

It is pretty simple, really. A lot of people mistake liberty and freedom for a lack of compassion.

He just wants the Federal Government to stop running every damn thing. They run everything into the ground via bureaucracy.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by nunya13
reply to post by alienreality
The gentleman I got into an argument with was an Obama supporter disgusted that I would vote for RP. He denied that Obama has ever solely taken away anyone's rights.

Listen, Obama is Black (apparently) therefore he MUST be good and stand for change. Don't judge him by what he's done, judge him by the colour of his skin. If you can't understand that logic then there's seriously something wrong with your brain.
edit on 8-5-2012 by OliverNorthsCat because: changed 'rather' to 'judge him'

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP
Lol, what does he need ads for?
He don't need people voting for him, he got thugs to take over delegate rooms. Who will then go on to the national convention to take that over too.

Ron Paul the Tyrant with a brownshirt jackboot army of thugs is the answer if nobody will vote for him. hahaha

Ron Paul supporters are in for the fail of their lives.

You would do well to revisit the Constitution and words of the Founding Fathers. Here's some to get you started.

"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." -- Thomas Jefferson

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by fourthmeal

Yeah, coming from a family who has an Autistic member in it:

First let's get gov't and pharma out of bed with each other, so forced vaccinations that cause Autism (I watched it happen) will drop the rate. Second, he's saying that charitable organizations will exist to help Autistic (or other needy.) Third, if government and pharma/medical got out of bed with each other, you'd have a more competitive system which would lower costs, and get the care back in the hands of those that can actually CARE.

It is pretty simple, really. A lot of people mistake liberty and freedom for a lack of compassion.

He just wants the Federal Government to stop running every damn thing. They run everything into the ground via bureaucracy.

Hello fourthmeal,

Thank you for your response. It would be good to take massive self-interested corporations like big pharma out of political influence - giving them too much power is definitely a bad thing. I also heard the medical part - there is a lot of craziness in that system that could definitely be restructured for the good of all.

I'm sorry to hear about your son - vaccinations, in my observations, are the "trigger" for a lot of autistic kids. It didn't act as the trigger for mine that I can see, but I totally hear your story and have heard it from other families regarding vaccines - one day a normal kid, then vaccine with a reaction, then autism symptoms kick in full force. I think we are poisoning ourselves through a multitude of means, and some kids just don't have the ability to filter it out when they are so young and vulnerable, including the stuff that's in the zillion vaccinations they have to have now. Or it could be the immune system's reaction to the multitude of vaccines. Regardless, it's horrible.

But anyway - I would feel much better if the 'charities' were in place and functional first, making services through Medicaid redundant. I guess what I'm worried about in regards to program gutting, is that without a structure in place to pick up the pieces, too many people will fall into the oblivion of extreme poverty or mental illness, or whatever the issue is, including my son. There really are good government funded programs out there giving jobs to people who are highly trained to help special needs kids. I don't see the extremely wealthy suddenly donating more than they do now, as they already could and they don't. And non-profits are often their own inefficient bureaucracies. I don't see liberty and freedom as equalling a lack of compassion - I see a lack of compassion as equalling a lack of compassion. lol! But really, its the assumption that "something will pick up the slack" that feels wrong to me, or certainly too risky to bet my child's life on. I need more of a plan than that. And without the help my child receives from Medicaid, I'll be honest, our family would be completely torn apart, as would our lives. I don't like it, in fact I hate it, but that's the truth. It goes way beyond us 'pulling ourselves up by our own bootstraps,' ya know? Liberty and freedom are mostly about the ability to make choices, in my understanding. I can't make choices if I can't survive - which is the life my son would be facing, and our family with him. He literally cannot survive without 24/7/365 care.

Our government could certainly stand to be weeded and pruned, made more efficient, healthier, with far more power to the people than the corporations and Super PACS. I just don't think it needs to be plowed under, with nothing to plant in place of what was helping to feed so many extremely vulnerable people. That's just how I see it. I appreciate you see it differently and I'm not trying to change your opinion so much as explain mine.

My absolute best wishes to you and your family, especially your son with autism.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 07:20 PM


posted on May, 8 2012 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by hololeap
How is someone who is supposed to be for freedom of the people be against abortion? I know many of you are groaning but this is big issue. I'm supposed to believe that Ron Paul will not hurt the constitution because he promises not to, but Obama promised the same thing and lied. However Ron Paul directly states that he is Pro-Life, which, being based on RELIGIOUS beliefs, is both a blow to the separation of church and state and the liberties of women. I can't ignore this contradiction.

RP is a Christian and is personally against abortion for his own moral reasons, but doesn't think that the the government should be involved either way since it's a matter of personal belief. He has made that point many times, and he's right.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 09:51 PM
While I do like Ron Paul and I really do wish he wins the election. His religious beliefs leave me a little weary of his ability to rationalize and think realistically.

Ron Paul's Expressions of Faith: In his statement of faith, Ron Paul writes, "My faith is a deeply private issue to me, and I don’t speak on it in great detail during my speeches because I want to avoid any appearance of exploiting it for political gain. Let me be very clear here: I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and I endeavor every day to follow Him in all I do and in every position I advocate."


A person who is willing to believe in superstition is unable to perform such a high ranking and powerful position in the worlds most powerful country. The world needs a US president who is realistic, down to earth and rational.
Believing that somebody walked on water, turned water into wine and many other completely ridiculous scenarios leads me to the question : If he believes these things, what else is he willing to believe? Is he going to be a president who gets pushed around by his subordinates when they feed him absurd stories, believing everything they tell him to be the right thing to do and fact?. The president should think of everything presented to him objectively or with skepticism until proven correct and then make a well thought about decision based on the evidence.
If I were to be hiring a staff member for an important role and they told me that they believe in pink unicorns, and that wearing a pink ballet dress to work every day makes the unicorns happy.. I simply wouldn't hire them based on possible psychological issues which could have a direct impact on the standard of work accomplished by this individual.
All it takes is for Ron Paul to believe that some sort of omnipotent being will aid him in a war which he can't realistically win. Then what do we have? Possibly a large loss of life which could have been prevented had he not gone to war based on his belief that his deity will help him.

Again, I do hope he wins but I do hope he leaves his religion at the door if he takes office.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Miyuki
A person who is willing to believe in superstition is unable to perform such a high ranking and powerful position in the worlds most powerful country. The world needs a US president who is realistic, down to earth and rational.
Believing that somebody walked on water, turned water into wine and many other completely ridiculous scenarios leads me to the question : If he believes these things, what else is he willing to believe? Is he going to be a president who gets pushed around by his subordinates when they feed him absurd stories, believing everything they tell him to be the right thing to do and fact?. The president should think of everything presented to him objectively or with skepticism until proven correct and then make a well thought about decision based on the evidence.
If I were to be hiring a staff member for an important role and they told me that they believe in pink unicorns, and that wearing a pink ballet dress to work every day makes the unicorns happy.. I simply wouldn't hire them based on possible psychological issues which could have a direct impact on the standard of work accomplished by this individual.
All it takes is for Ron Paul to believe that some sort of omnipotent being will aid him in a war which he can't realistically win. Then what do we have? Possibly a large loss of life which could have been prevented had he not gone to war based on his belief that his deity will help him.

Again, I do hope he wins but I do hope he leaves his religion at the door if he takes office.

I have mixed feelings on the issue of religion. While I, personally, don't subscribe to any form of religion, the reality is that the majority of Americans do. The Constitution protects their right to practice their faith freely and without restraint just as it protects my right not to. From what I've seen, Ron Paul seems to be able to keep his personal faith pretty well separated from his political life. In contrast, Rick Santorum wasn't so good in that arena. Men of faith have been presiding over this country since I've been alive, and as long as they keep it in check I see no problem with a man of any faith being POTUS.

"My opinion is that there would never have been an infidel, if there had never been a priest. The artificial structures they have built on the purest of all moral systems, for the purpose of deriving from it pence and power, revolts those who think for themselves, and who read in that system only what is really there." -- Thomas Jefferson

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:44 PM
AWESOME VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!

RON PAUL 2012........

fyi.... for all those who follow projet camolot and Bill Wood, the navy seal whistleblower.. he jus came out with a video this past week about how Obama signed the patriot and NDAA act so that in the next couple of month's they can start aressting the Rich Evil people who have us in this situation of corruption.... using the guidlines off the NDAA so that since they are so rich they cant post bail or buy their way out of it.... I was so happy 2 hear that!!!! AT 1st..... then i thought to myself, do we really need to give up ALL of OUR LIberties and Freedoms to arrest the few????? We need a president who is willing to risk his or her life to stand up and do whats righ, to be honest to us that the president really doesnt run the USA.... that its a Cartel of rich power hunger few...

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Ben81
How can we NOT agree with this man

Sorry but people not voting for him
dont diserve to be named --> American Patriots
and supporters of Justice and Freedom

Currently the government is ruining the entire country
They signed so many new laws against the constitution since 9/11
that you wonder weither they are retarded or was it all planned
Romney, Santorum, Newt .. they dont know who to put anymore

The corrupted elite that governs the USA doesnt want a competent President
that will be a real leader and will know when to say NO to anyone
a real president with leadership that cares for its country
more then any other countries first

They want a muppet in place not a respected man
if Ron Paul is President i think he will expose them
and cure the growing cancer that is deep inside the USA

Check this Open eyes Ron Paul Ad :

With the Delegates .. they have underestimated RP
their own voting system is returning against them
the hacking machines and missing votes will go

They didnt see that coming that with all they did against Ron Paul
that he finally have a chance to be elected supreme commander of the USA
now they dont even speak about him anymore on TV
they are running full train ahead against a millions tuns brick wall called Ron Paul

The day Obama know he have no more chance against Ron Paul in the 2012 Election
that will be the day Obama give green light to Israel for Iran

Presidents in a war have the power to overcomes the election for national security reasons

It will be a miracle if nothings happens till the election and Ron Paul is elected
Israel know their plans are a big FAIL if RP is elected
edit on 5/4/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

Thank you so much for posting that. Here I am supposed to go to the caucus as a delegate, and we are so financially wiped out by the constant thefts from our bank accounts, our employers not paying, the mortgage fraud....I was trying to figure out if it was even feasible. We have to get there and rent a hotel for the duration. I was really feeling tired from the starvation and struggle, this was really uplifting. I shall continue to strive to get there!
Thanks for the post!

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein

Unfortunately, that's why we will probably have Obama in office for another term.
He's not a puppet, the Government wants a malleable glop of clay.

But, on the other hand, it's quite possible RP is another Obama. You know, promise and big talk, but
no walk.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 01:14 AM
I agree with your patriotic views and hopes for our country but, I don't think that Ron Paul is the man to lead us. Ron Paul reminds me of Ralph Nader, good man, smart, loves his country But, not enough people will vote for him. The thing is, Ron Paul scares the hell out of people, he's too old, he'll cut the military, no Welfare, kill Medicare, (whatever) and don't forget about that legalizing drugs thing. The U.S. is split about 48%-48% (Dems vs Repubs) and based on Paul's previous showings there is not any way Paul will pull enough votes to come close to defeating Obama. Once again, good man, noble, patriot, smart, but, he just can't get the votes. At this point in time our ONLY hope at defeating Obama is Mitt Romney, like it or not. Our number one priority is to remove Obama from the White House.

Rand Paul '16

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:43 AM
good for him. i hope it works. it needs to.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by draco49

The issue that I am concerned about is not whether he has a belief or not. Of course, he and everybody on this planet has the right to believe in anything they want to. It is the individuals ability to rationalize which is reflected by such beliefs and that is my main concern with Ron Paul. As you mentioned though: If he can keep it out of the office and switch mind sets between rational and irrational when at work and at home respectively, then I have no real problems with him. His policies seem solid and ideal for what the world needs right now.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 01:35 PM
One of the best vids yet that I have seen.

Also Doug Wead is making an announcement on FB @ 9pm est Doug Wead FB

edit on 9-5-2012 by canDarian because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-5-2012 by canDarian because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-5-2012 by canDarian because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by fourthmeal

Originally posted by AllIsOne
He destroyed himself by not reading his own newsletters ...

If he can't keep track of that small operation, he'd be way over his head running a nation. "I didn't know" does not cut it.

Oh, here we go.

So, how about anything from THIS century?

Nothing? Ok, stick with the one thing that RP made a mistake on (trusting someone to handle the newsletters while he was busy, you know, being a Representative of Congress or something.)
edit on 7-5-2012 by fourthmeal because: (no reason given)

It seems you have a rather short attention span. He was practicing medicine when it happened.
But I guess you have your mind made up and RP is your man ... Good luck.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by jtma508

Originally posted by TinfoilTP
Ron Paul supporters are in for the fail of their lives.

The joke is on you. If either Obama or Romney get elected we are ALL in for the fail of our lives.

You think it's getting bad now? You ain't seen nuthin' yet.

I have been telling eveyone that today will be known as "the good ole days" next year when austerity hits American style. I forsee next spring the hammer will come down with Obama in office since the republicans already see the writing on the wall, meaning that they know it will be impossible to turn our economy around and they clearly don't want to be incharge after the Bush recession of 08 so the public can blame the democrats.

Expect republicans to block and force the budget cuts to prove a political point while tax the poor will become their mantra!

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Miyuki
reply to post by draco49

The issue that I am concerned about is not whether he has a belief or not. Of course, he and everybody on this planet has the right to believe in anything they want to. It is the individuals ability to rationalize which is reflected by such beliefs and that is my main concern with Ron Paul. As you mentioned though: If he can keep it out of the office and switch mind sets between rational and irrational when at work and at home respectively, then I have no real problems with him. His policies seem solid and ideal for what the world needs right now.

Romney believes that God, in his physical form, came down from planet Kolob and had sex with Mary to create Jesus! Now, that's a belief you can not believe in if you even pretend to be a Christian!

Secondly, Reagan, rarely went to church but many think he was a big bible thumper.......

If you want a "faith based" leader join the Catholic Church! This is a problem with Americans who think that an unofficial religious litmus test gets good leaders ... wrong again...

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