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In our times, then, it is not any longer a secret that the enemies within and outside the Church want to destroy belief in the divinity of Christ. Once the liturgy is humanized, Christ the center and Object of it becomes the humanist, par excellence, the liberator, the revolutionary, the Marxist ushering in the millennium; he ceases to be the Divine Redeemer. We must be alerted to these shadows of the Antichrist who plan, by convincing us to abandon our sacred forms, at length to seduce us into denying the Christian faith altogether.
The Church is attacked by these children of Satan in and outside her fold, because she is a living form, "the sacrament- the sign and instrument- of communion with God and of unity among all men"; because she is the visible body of religion. Hence these shrewd masters of sedition know that when her sacred forms go, religion will go also.
Once again we find that Cardinal Newman foresaw another serious attack upon the Christian Faith. This time he warned Christians against innovators who would relax Christian forms and usher into the Church liturgical frenzy. Such devotees of change question every Christian form of prayer, every posture of devotion, every devotion itself and the very personal or traditional symbols of the faith.
Their lust for innovation is used as a battering ram against the stability of long-established, time-tested sacred rites, which have been witnesses and types of precious Gospel truths for Christian communities. Hurriedly, even violently, they replace divine forms with new diluted Masses, new prayers, new sacraments, new churches, new terminologies - all of which confuse the faithful.
Because your fight has not been with flesh and blood, but with Principalities and The Rulers and The Powers of this dark world and with wicked spirits which are under Heaven.
Ephesians 6:12
Liturgical détente has led to the loss of the sense of the sacred. To realize this tragic event we must reflect on what the sense of the sacred really comprises. The sacred is a mystery. It heralds the presence here and now of the world above, the world of the divine, and it fills man with incomparable reverence.
The sacred reveals that the religious sphere is set apart, wonderfully superior and distinct from the rest of man's existence. But this apartness, far from precluding contact between the religious and natural spheres of man's existence, is actually a precondition for their fruitful intercommunion.
Sacredness is one of those ultimate data perceived in and by itself, unexplainable, indivisible, mysterious. Sacredness is a reality which does not exist solely outside man as a knower, but it invades and involves the whole man as a free person.
The sacred seizes each man in his ontological, intellectual, psychological and historical developments. [Alice von Hildebrand, Introduction to a Philosophy of Religion, Chicago, Franciscan Herald Press, 1970, Chap. IV, pp. 32-39]
Much of the new liturgy has been drained of the numinous and the sacred. The new forms are without splendor, flattened, undifferentiated. Why was kneeling replaced by standing? Jesus himself fell on his knees and on his face as he prayed to his heavenly Father.
Satan too knows the meaning of worship and man's need for it. He tried to get Jesus to fall down and worship him. Why has the liturgical year and the Mass been so unfortunately mutilated against the wishes of the faithful? In fact, the faithful are now confused about the Mass, the feasts of the saints, the holy seasons.
Why was the Gloria, that prayer of total concentration on God's Majesty and Goodness, restricted practically to Sundays alone, and only to those Sundays outside of Lent? Moreover, is the faith really renewed and vivified by obscuring our sense of community with the Christians of apostolic and ancient times?
The new liturgy no longer draws us into the true experience of reliving the Life of Christ. We are deprived of this experience through the elimination of the hierarchy of feasts and the at random changing of the dates of famous feasts. [Dietrich von Hildebrand, The Devastated Vineyard, Franciscan Herald Press, Chicago, 1973, pp. 70ff]
Glory to God in the highest, and peace to His people on earth. Lord God heavenly King, almighty God and Father, we worship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us; you are seated at the right hand of the Father; receive our prayer. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Originally posted by Zeer0
Originally posted by Lasr1oftheJedi
No seat beat no air bag in a ford ranger late 90s model that hit a telephone pole at 120 miles an hour. Rolled it thrice which crushed the cabin of the truck down to the dashboard on the driver's side (where I was). The engine block was thrust under the vehicle, which is by design. If not, it would've impaled me clean. But that I do attribute to engineering. I won't claim to be a physicist, but I know that if I could show you the pics of that wreck (moved a few times since then, and I know, conveniently enough, have lost those pics, as well as things far more important to me, in such moves.), you might even think "hm, maybe that was some divine intervention."
Why didnt you mention this in your first post? Im sorry but i am very doubtful of Human integrity and if you dont have any pictures to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this happened im going to remain skeptical.
I understand that things like this can be hard to believe, as it has been throughout the ages of man. But I would dare say that sometimes (not always, just sometimes) the logical explanation is God did it.
I think the better assumption should be that you simply don't know. Many attribute things that are unknown to us to the divine and shut their minds off to any logical explanations.
Another example. My grandmother in the late 1980s is diagnosed with cancer. The doctor gives her a month to live, if she is lucky.
As a family, we pray, every day, for her. Now sure, she still sees a doctor, and receives treatment. Faith is important, but God put people with the sharps to be doctors on the planet for a reason. At the end of the month, there was not one cell of cancer in her. Not one. Her doctor said he had never see anything like it. "Just short of a miracle" was his exact words.
I would attribute this to a 'Miracle' of Medicine. Its not like Jesus stood over her and cured her. The best thing explanation is that you don't know.
Originally posted by Lasr1oftheJedi
As for my grandmother, anyone alive durning the 80s knows cancer medicine was hardly worth a squat at the time. And nothing, even according to her attending physician, was going to pull her through. Maybe, at best, buy her time. He spent alot of time in school to garner such knowledge, so I have to believe the doctor wasn't just blowing smoke. Is it possible, sure. But as fanatical as it sounds, I do believe Jesus said, "Hey, that one down there has a few more days in her. Let me show them my power so that they might believe."
I know, nuts, right? But science and medicine didn't have the answer, so why is it so much a strech to believe something higher took care of it where man could not?
There's more to this live than what we see and what we can touch. This much I know is true
Originally posted by Atisha
Without God we have nothing. That is the bottom line. God is my savior and my guidance. He has been there when none other was. He helped me struggle through. I do owe my life to God.
God Bless,
Gen. Andrew F. Strasser
Originally posted by Zeer0
Originally posted by Lasr1oftheJedi
As for my grandmother, anyone alive durning the 80s knows cancer medicine was hardly worth a squat at the time. And nothing, even according to her attending physician, was going to pull her through. Maybe, at best, buy her time. He spent alot of time in school to garner such knowledge, so I have to believe the doctor wasn't just blowing smoke. Is it possible, sure. But as fanatical as it sounds, I do believe Jesus said, "Hey, that one down there has a few more days in her. Let me show them my power so that they might believe."
While that is true there is a probability that anything can happen even though the odds are not in your favor.
I know, nuts, right? But science and medicine didn't have the answer, so why is it so much a strech to believe something higher took care of it where man could not?
To me its a stretch because of the lack of evidence to would prove there is DIRECT Divine Intervention. And this is what it all comes to is that there is not one shred of credible evidence to support that these stories had Divine Intervention, that Miracles happen and that God exists (not trying to put you down but its a fact)
There's more to this live than what we see and what we can touch. This much I know is true
And this belief is based on what?