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Has God ever really answered your prayers ?

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posted on May, 9 2012 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by wtbengineer
reply to post by Zeer0

Well, first off, I think Buttercookie is a woman but I'm not sure, but the nature of these kind of experiences makes it impossible to prove to another person. I think that has been expressed throughout this thread. If you have the experience you know it is real, that is all I can say.

Yes, I am a woman. A black one, and not a religious one.

I catch so much flack for my non-religious beliefs by being a black woman in the south, so ATS is truly a secomd home for me

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 02:40 AM
My prayers are answered all of the time. I direct my prayers to God, i assume he is the one answering them.

Some may say the Universe answers prayers. All i know is all i have to do is ask. We may not be thrilled with the outcome, but the force out there does help out.

If i'm really troubled, i just say i can no longer take this burden all by myself. I hand my troubles to God and tell him "you take care of them, its too much for me" and a burden is shared and lifted.
I'm not overly religious at all, i worship God from my heart. Maybe he likes my philosophy?

The Force, The Source or God helps!!!

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe

If i'm really troubled, i just say i can no longer take this burden all by myself. I hand my troubles to God and tell him "you take care of them, its too much for me" and a burden is shared and lifted.

The Force, The Source or God helps!!!

It's this type of attitude that has allowed the Earth to become a stinking chemical bath. If the trouble of cleaning things up becomes too much, which is a common attitude (I am usually the only guy cleaning up litter at the park), and we just sit around hoping and waiting that some god will clean it up, we won't live to be old - we'll die of cancer first.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by jeantherapy

Originally posted by dgtempe

If i'm really troubled, i just say i can no longer take this burden all by myself. I hand my troubles to God and tell him "you take care of them, its too much for me" and a burden is shared and lifted.

The Force, The Source or God helps!!!

It's this type of attitude that has allowed the Earth to become a stinking chemical bath. If the trouble of cleaning things up becomes too much, which is a common attitude (I am usually the only guy cleaning up litter at the park), and we just sit around hoping and waiting that some god will clean it up, we won't live to be old - we'll die of cancer first.

TextIf i'm really troubled, i just say i can no longer take this burden all by myself. I hand my troubles to God and tell him "you take care of them, its too much for me" and a burden is shared and lifted.

I felt the same way a about 5 days ago,but now,i see that the *&^%*(T loves to be known...loves,loves to help,and loves to be known.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

Originally posted by LastProphet527
reply to post by Nightwalk

I asked god to help me eliminate negative thoughts. It worked, its been 3 days ,not one negative thought.

Good, I will work on that as well.

It will help.
Now i understand who this

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by KaelemJames

Originally posted by LastProphet527

Originally posted by KaelemJames
reply to post by LastProphet527

The flaw of never being flesh? The Father, The Son & Holy Spirit. He died in flesh.

God or his son?

The way i see it, here we go, so bare with me.

1) The Bible has always said there is one God:

"Hear O’ Israel the Lord our God, the Lord is one." (Deut 6:4)
Jesus even confirms this in all that he says and teaches (Mk 12:29-30).

2) However, the Bible says:

The Father is God. (Matthew 6:8, 7:21, Galatians 1:1)
Jesus is God from the beginning (John 1: 1-18)
The Holy Spirit is God (John 15:26, Mark 3:29, 1 Corinthians 6:19).

3) There are occasions when God refers to himself in plural terms (Genesis 1:26, 3:22, 11:7, Isaiah 6:8)

We cannot conclude from this that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are independent Gods, because the Bible says there is ONE God.

Additionally, if we conclude that they are three independent Gods then we have broken the first of the 10 commandments in the Bible -

"You shall have no other gods besides me." (Deut 5:7).

So, it stands to reason that they cannot be independent.

How do we know this? Jesus explains it in John 14 - 17

To summarize Jesus says "I and the Father are one" (John 10:38, 17:11,21)

"I am in the Father and the Father is in me" (John 14:11) .

This means Jesus and the Father must be the same God but distinct. Now let’s consider what Jesus says about the Holy Spirit:

"I will send the Spirit of truth" for he lives with and will be in you" I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you". (John 14:17-18, 20)

Now we have to solve this riddle:

How can the Father and Son be within each other at once? How can the Son and the Holy Spirit be in me at once? The answer is: Only if they are one and the same yet distinct persons.

This is why God died in flesh for us.

Best regards.

edit on 09/02/2012 by KaelemJames because: grammar

So..when jesus was about to die.. and he asked 'Why did you forsaken me'
Who was he talking to..himself>?..OR..........?
Not understanding the 'one in one' we are the same matrix of this equation'

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by wasaka

Originally posted by LastProphet527

Has God ever answered just answered 1prayer in your entire life,
in which you can actually say it was the good lord that answered it?

One year ago I moved to a small town of 500 people with no job.
I went there trusting I would get a job, and I did.

At no time did I get on my knees and pray, “Please give me a job.”
Prayer is not merely to ask for something and believe it will come to you.
No, prayer is faith. It means doing our part. I trusted that I would find work,
no words were spoken to heaven because I knew full well that my actions
were my prayer.

Think of the man who plants a seed. First he finds good soil and cultivates
it then plants the seed and he waters in continuously. In this way, he finds
joy by watching Nature unfold. He does his work, God does His.

Here is the principle one should understand: BELIEF IS NOT FAITH.
When a person gets on their knees and prays, and even believes that
God has heard them, is this prayer? Yes, but this type of praying can
only do one thing: change you

You may BELIEVE it will change the world, but it does not.

Sometimes we need to change our heart. How long does that take?
Sometime a long damn time. Why? Because people are attached
to their own views and resist righteousness (i.e, being in a right
relationship with others). This is the hard part because it means
DOING something we don’t want to do, like asking for forgiveness
or simply saying I'm sorry.

Consider what James, Jesus brother, had to say.
He said, “Faith without deeds is dead.”

What this means is faith requires action. If you pray and do nothing
then your "prayer" is faithless and will produce nothing.

Unless and until your prayer produces action, there is no faith.
Again, faith is not belief. You see, belief may feel like trust
but without action, without real faith, it only self deception.

Nature's God will reward faith, but belief is not faith.

Destiny and prayers are two diffrent things.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by LastProphet527

Destiny and prayers are two diffrent things.

Prayer can change a person's destiny.
Without prayer there is only pride and
that will determines our course and
our selfish will will determine our fake.

Destiny is not fate. One is the product of faith
the other is consequence of beliefism.

Both are within our power to manifest but one is
is heaven and the other is hell (to the extent we
are granted the liberty to choose--not everyone
has this liberty). Some people had that ability to
choose withdrawn by the choices of other people,
--such was their fate.

Nevertheless, which ever we choose is where we
are (right now, in this present moment) but not who
we are. Who we are (our eternal being) is not a
"something" (not material), therefore it is not in
our power to change. We can remain in hell or
we can return to heaven. But by default, due to
our freewill, we will remain in hell subject to
the fate of our beliefs (fears) and the beliefs
of those who can limit or deny our liberty.

What can not be withdrawn, removed or denied
is our right to return home should we choose, of
our own accord, to turn our ship around and make
the courageous journey through the wall of fire
into that safe port of still waters. With our ego
at the helm, there are only more storms ahead.

edit on 11-5-2012 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by LastProphet527

So..when jesus was about to die.. and he asked 'Why did you forsaken me'
Who was he talking to..himself>?..OR..........?
Not understanding the 'one in one' we are the same matrix of this equation'

I'm sorry, but how did you come by this information? Are you aware of somebody that was making a recording of the death of Jesus, which evinces your claim that he spoke specific words? This single unprovable statement casts doubt on everything else you write.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by wasaka

Fate is predetermination and prayers answered is the changing of the course of predetermination that was otherwise predetermined in a set course of events from the Big Bang to the recreation of the Primeval Atom at the end of the life cycle of the Universe which will begin another Big Bang cycle.

How does it feel knowing you will live your life over and over again?

edit on 11-5-2012 by LilDudeissocool because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus
Sounds like co-dependence.

Very unheathy concepts

What do you mean?

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by LastProphet527

I agree.

There were many gods....gods meaning today what we call 'extraterrestrials'.

That's why it seems that Jesus and Lord God talked to themselves all the time, or had split was actually interaction with the other gods.

The title 'lord' just referred to the one who had charge of the command.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 07:37 PM
The 'Bible' is a bunch of scrolls that was written down by humans about an event (probable ET intervention) that happened many years before.

It was labelled as the word of a single god by other humans.

People believe it because of the old 'Chinese Whispers' game. People talk about stuff then tell other people and it keeps going until the facts are lost and the fairy tale is written down. After that, people inform/tell/instruct their children to believe in this rubbish that has been handed down to them as fact.

It is just a distorted story that has been changed numerous times over many years.

The idea of a god that is always seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling and, even, tasting has been ingrained into you for behavioral reasons (i.e. I'm in charge and whenever you're awake I'll know whether you are good or bad)

Please, please understand that religion is just a tool that originally was invented to do good but was then taken over as a tool to control.............

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by humphreysjim

Originally posted by troubleshooter
reply to post by humphreysjim

You remind me of a maiden childless aunt who is an expert on children...
...or celibate priest who is an expert on marriage.

Your analogy is flawed. Children exist, and therefore one can become an expert in them.

Following your analogy, you would be an expert in the behaviour of leprechauns.

Ha ha ha ... and you call my analogy flawed

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by KaelemJames
Maybe 'God' was an alien who came to prehistoric man and and they worshiped him and from that religion was created. If you think about it though respectfully; if someone was going to worship you would you object?

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 10:51 PM
This is going to sound silly to people who do not believe that God answers prayers. People are going to think it is probalbly even sillier when I tell them what God answered my prayers about.

Here goes. My cat came back home. My family and I would let our cat outside because I didn't like to keep him cooped up all the time. In the past he always came back home. But one night about 32 days ago, Echo didn't come home. We looked everywhere, we put up posters with a reward. No luck, no one called. We lost hope he would ever come home.

Of course I prayed, that he would come back or at least that someone who took him in would take good care of him. After such a long time I lost hope that we would every see him again. Then he showed up,

I thank God for answered prayer.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by celticsea
This is going to sound silly to people who do not believe that God answers prayers. People are going to think it is probalbly even sillier when I tell them what God answered my prayers about.

Here goes. My cat came back home. My family and I would let our cat outside because I didn't like to keep him cooped up all the time. In the past he always came back home. But one night about 32 days ago, Echo didn't come home. We looked everywhere, we put up posters with a reward. No luck, no one called. We lost hope he would ever come home.

Of course I prayed, that he would come back or at least that someone who took him in would take good care of him. After such a long time I lost hope that we would every see him again. Then he showed up,

I thank God for answered prayer.

You don't want to give the credit to the cat for surviving the mean streets without your care, for not forgetting about you and for working to return to you?

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by jeantherapy

Yes, I give our cat credit for wanting to come back home. I am glad he loves us as much as we love him. But I am thankful also. This was a thread about has God answered any of your prayers and He did. I wanted to pubilcally thank him.

If you don't beleve in prayer that is fine. I do.

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