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Student's 'Jesus' shirt sparks feud with school

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posted on May, 4 2012 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by IronArm

Christianity is slowly being outlawed in Canada, and this is just one example. For a country who's national anthem contains the phrase "God, Keep out Land", this seems rather vengeful against the faith of Christians, while laws/rules are being passed municipaly, provincialy, and nationaly to permit greater rights to immigrants and the religious ideologies they bring with.
(visit the link for the full news article)

And what if the student wore a shirt that said: Satan Rules?

Religion does not need to be a part of public school.

And? You think that should be illegal too?

Stuff that. It's nothing to do with religion at the schools side, if the student is wearing it.

This is really pathetic in the extreme. You're using the argument that Schools should be separate from this, and sure. but his decision is not the schools.


gah... and yet here it is being sold as OK. I swear people are that stupid they will sit in the pan until it boils and kills you. stupidity of environment is no longer a frogs domain.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by sparrowstail
I bet they wouldn't get upset over a " Life is wasted with X-Box" shirt.

I'd love to see the same abhorrent posters on here use that one.

You can almost smell the hate. And I don't even like the bollocks religion. I just know when something stinks.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by milkyway12

As I said, I don't care what the context is. I don't care about the he said, she said. I responded to a specific post, which was yours.

And you're right, that would be weird. But it happens. All the time. I live in a heavily populated metropolitan area and it's nigh impossible for me to get from one subway stop to another without being accosted by one denomination or another. Stopping me to "spread the good word", or shoving pamphlets in my face. Every. Single. Day. Or Jehovah's Witness people making a house call once a damn month. Enough already.

I haven't persecuted you in the slightest. I in fact made it clear I don't care what you believe. I haven't taken your bible, I haven't barricaded your church, I'm not standing over you making sure you don't bow your head or clasp your hands with the threat of punishment if you do.

You keep heavily editing your previous posts, so I'll speak to a few of those edits.

Atheism isn't a religion, and I assuredly do not "hope" god doesn't exist. Simple equation: no evidence = no belief.

Do not confuse a population segment total count with a percentage. Those without belief are growing faster both here and in Europe.

I never said a single damn thing about a xtian not "deserv(ing) to live" or believe what they want. I said the opposite.

I don't care what Hitler believed. He was a piece of trash.

I never said a single thing about repealing the freedom. I said it should actually be the reality, which it is not.

As for it going to court, the incidents I brought up in my post didn't. Link

And now I'm going to sleep. Please, do have a wonderful morning.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:10 AM
its a public school,the kid should be able to wear what he wants within reason. wonder if they'd kick me out for wearing my shirt that says 'jesus is coming.....look busy'!!!
i remember in grade 10 and i had pretty long hair.i got called into the office and told it was my duty to hold up the reputation of the school so i should get a hair cut.
well i did
didn't bug me after that!

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:17 AM
Screw god, screw Jesus, and screw all religions especially Islam!!! I put food on my table, I work 12 hours a day to put a roof over my head and pay the bills.
Life wasted without Jesus????? No life wasted when revolved around Jesus, and any other god, prophet, or whatever they go by...
Sorry if I offend anyone but Jesus freaks annoy the crap out of me!

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:25 AM
I bet if it was a pro Islam shirt they wouldnt have touched him with a 10ft pole!

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by firegoggles

Excuse me but 14 pages of people discussing t-shirts isn't that interesting. I read the OP and replied to it.

Am I obligated to read every single post before posting myself?

But gee, thanks for pointing that out, Forum Police. It won't happen again.
edit on 5/4/12 by ideasarebulletproof because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by milkyway12
reply to post by Annee

What do you plan on doing about Jesus? You got a whole lot of people to kill or put into prison. Jesus is everywhere because his followers are everywhere. I am not sure if you live in America or not , however , if the whole 'freedom' thing isn't working out for you .. we got plenty of planes and borders for you to travel across.

However , if you live in a country that is not in America. That is your business and best of luck. If he doesn't exist , the believers in Jesus lose nothing , however , if he does exist ... then you lose everything.
edit on 4-5-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

A secular country.
Founded by men who absolutely hated Christianity.

In your words - you don't like America? Leave.

We are not a Christian nation, you are misinformed.

Also, if you think Jesus ever mentioned America, or said he hates other countries, you should probably read a bible. Because he doesn't. Ever. And he never will. And he doesn't pick favorite countries, either.

Lastly, if you actually knew anything about Jesus at all, you'd know he doesn't agree with most of America's practices, political or otherwise.

But hey, as long as you say "Jesus!" and someone else doesn't, you're right because of magic. So all power to ya. Who needs science, logic, critical thinking, or empirical data anyways?
edit on 4-5-2012 by thegagefather because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-5-2012 by thegagefather because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:47 AM
Perhaps i can shed some light on this, seeing as how this happened in the province in which i live, and i'll tell you about some of the rules that were in our schools as well.

Yes you can wear band tshirts
Yes you can wear shirts that express yourself.

You cannot wear clothes that advertise or have anything to do with alcohol - drugs - sex, you know, the usual stuff you can't wear in school.

Religion is not to be in school at all for the most part. Because of the multicultural people in our schools here (most of our schools are 1/4 to 1/2 multicultural) Therefor it is HIGHLY rude to go around spouting your religion when you have jews,muslims, buddhists. etc. Its just against the rules. The rules are there for a reason.

We had a christian group in our school that were not allowed to have any sort of meetings on GOVERNMENT property, that is just the rules. Not hard to undestand. Eventually the group popped up anyways and really, people didn't care as long as they weren't trying to assimilate people.

Its just rude for people who might not be christian, a muslim won't want to see that so why cause an issue? Just don't wear the shirt. A belief is something you have inside of yourself, you don't need to wear something outside to prove that to anyone.
edit on 4/5/12 by AzureSky because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by AzureSky

It's federally outlawed in ALL private schools to advertise your creed blatantly.
Isn't it funny how Christians are upset just because they're not allowed to tell everyone else what they believe?

And if a Muslim wore a shirt saying "Allah is the only way" the same people, for the most part, would be the ones flipping out.

Man... Some people should grow a brain. And that goes for people of all creeds. Your way isn't the only proper way to live. It's not. It's nice that you think it is, but you're wrong. Period.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

I am confused by your statement in reply to mine. I believe that the school was wrong for suspending the student for wearing the shirt to school...

If I were to go to France and ask them to stop wearing a shirt with their national flag on it, I would supposed they would tell me to mind my own business an then continue to wear the shirt....

If someone said something that I find offensive, I would either ignore it, or let them know that I find it offensive. Then they could either ignore me and continue saying it, they could stop and apologize or they could argue with me on why I should or should not be offended. Any of these responses would be appropriate, for they have just as much right to express themselves as I have.

Freedom of speech is NOT freedom FROM speech.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 06:11 AM
Hey, lol this is my home province

I went and have kids in school here.

It is common here in N.S. for schools to ban any out right suggestive T's. As well no yoga pants short shorts ect.

Kids are supposed to be going to school for one reason (social life is an accepted side thing) to prepare for life and learn technical information. Side interests like religion, cars, music ect is for home time with friends and family or clubs.

There are enough pressures on kids @ school without being preached to by every differing religion or lack there of.

At one time or another we all think (or have thunk) that "we have the answers", it doesnt mean we actually do or .

On a side note way back when ,I did door to door and do the whole witness with hindsight I see how annoying it is to have someone come to you or your home and insinuate that your life is wrong and meaningless or worse down right evil....and that they have the answers and are "better".

Seems to me the requirement to "witness" is always missunderstood. And taken to mean actively going out and converting people through word manipulation and mind games.-

When I take it to mean a spiritual person should stand out for the right things they do and live...and others should be able to "witness" this differance and want that spiritual life as well.

Am am more impressed with the fellow feeding and supporting his community through action...than the guy knocking at my front door on sunday @ 9am to read a passage to me.....

My ovservation unfortunately is that most if not all churches (in my country at least) are filled with wounded people seeking answers . This is like a hospital full of sick people trying to cure one another. Intentions are good but the outcome is rarely a healthy person.....

Thanks for the read!!


posted on May, 4 2012 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by BomSquad
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

I am confused by your statement in reply to mine. I believe that the school was wrong for suspending the student for wearing the shirt to school...

If I were to go to France and ask them to stop wearing a shirt with their national flag on it, I would supposed they would tell me to mind my own business an then continue to wear the shirt....

If someone said something that I find offensive, I would either ignore it, or let them know that I find it offensive. Then they could either ignore me and continue saying it, they could stop and apologize or they could argue with me on why I should or should not be offended. Any of these responses would be appropriate, for they have just as much right to express themselves as I have.

Freedom of speech is NOT freedom FROM speech.

Honestly, you have to be a zombie at this point to not realize school is a secular institution in America. Sucks that you don't agree with the rules, but they're rules.

Should doing drugs be illegal? No, it's a personal choice. Cool, now if I go smoke a joint in front of a cop I wonder what will happen.

Also, you telling a Frenchman in France to not wear his flag is nothing like this. At all.

America is not a Christian nation, it's a melting pot.

And it was certainly not mentioned in the bible, nor founded upon Christian beliefs.

What your saying is "I should be allowed to wear whatever I want,
Because no matter where I'm wearing it, it's my business"

Okay, and it's everyone else's who sees it too, because you don't
Own the physical world, and neither do Christians.

And if they did, Jesus would tell them to give it to the less fortunate.

So no, you don't have the right to do whatever you want, or say whatever you want.

And free speech is subject to rules, too. It doesn't mean you can say whatever the hell you want, whenever you want to. That's a common misconception. It means you won't be physically harmed by the government for words alone.

And even that's not entirely true.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by IronArm

Another reason for schools to enforce those darn dress codes regulations.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by LuckyLucian

Atheism is a religion.

Just as Buddhism is.

Both are ideologies without a god.

Atheism is the official religion of the people's republic of china.

Sorry, there are no special requirements to become a religion. All you need to do is have philosophical beliefs and get a bunch of people to back your movement.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by IronArm

Ok, sorry, it's "God keep our land, glorious and free" and that isn't specifically the christian god.


A student wearing a religious logo t-shirt is in no way suggesting the school endorses it, so I really have a problem with them trying to stop him.

Then again.......

I live in New Brunswick, right beside Nova Scotia. Way back in, gasp, middle school (was called junior high then, grades 7,8,9) I was sent home to change clothes twice.

Once because I proudly wore a moosehead beer t-shirt to school.
The other time was during the "ripped jeans are radical" phase when people, like me, had taken their old destroyed jeans and placed patches on the inside, so the jeans were torn up, but nothing was exposed because patches over the holes were on the inside.

And now that I think of it, this reminds me of a story, I think from Ontario, about how schools were partnering up with soda companies, and one school in particular was trying to do a class photo for some coca-cola competition and one of the students wore a pepsi shirt. He actually got suspended for that.

Here's an idea. Instead of giving the guy a hard time who isn't doing anything wrong, maybe address the gang and bully situation? That crap is a huge problem in Nova Scotia. Maybe address the 14 year old girls dressed like hookers?

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by thegagefather
reply to post by LuckyLucian

Atheism is a religion.
Atheism is the official religion of the people's republic of china.
Sorry, there are no special requirements to become a religion. All you need to do is have philosophical beliefs and get a bunch of people to back your movement.

You miss the simple point that atheism does not function on faith and works on a lack of evidence to the contrary. And the China remark is simply you'll be throwing in a tie between that and Jews eating Chinese food on Christmas Day.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by Starchild23

but he wasnt spreading love and worship, he was preaching his beliefs to others.

that shirt is preaching loudly.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 07:17 AM
Something tells me that if the kid was wearing in Islam shirt, the school would have applauded him for his courage and all the ATS memebers chiding this kid would have joined them.

Originally posted by Dionisius
reply to post by Starchild23

but he wasnt spreading love and worship, he was preaching his beliefs to others.

that shirt is preaching loudly.

I'm sure you and the school would feel the same about a shirt worn by a girl that said, "my body, my choice".

I'm not religious at all either. Don't believe in organized religion. Yet, I can still see the creeping bigotry against Christians build. Many of you are slowly being Nazi'ized against them.
edit on 4-5-2012 by PvtHudson because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by thegagefather
reply to post by LuckyLucian

Atheism is a religion.
Atheism is the official religion of the people's republic of china.
Sorry, there are no special requirements to become a religion. All you need to do is have philosophical beliefs and get a bunch of people to back your movement.

You miss the simple point that atheism does not function on faith and works on a lack of evidence to the contrary. And the China remark is simply you'll be throwing in a tie between that and Jews eating Chinese food on Christmas Day.

It doesn't matter.

Mysticism is not a requirement of religion. It could be part of your interpretation of religion, but on a global scale, that isn't how religion works.

Again, I'll point out the Chinese - they have hundred of philosophical religions, many of which have no gods, and some amongst them who have no creation stories, floods, mythes or mysticism at all.

And yes, they are religions whether you agree or not.

Nihilism is a religion. Atheism is a religion.

If you can't prove it, but you believe it... You don't need much

Belief is what makes religion, and that's the ONLY thing that makes religion

Furthermore, targeting the Chinese is not gratuitous whatsoever.

Quite the opposite.

Saying its gratuitous implies that is a rare occurance - that in taking one small group out of context.

I'm not. Chinese philosophical religions are widespread and commonly known to those not enclosed to their own confined bubble of ethnic awareness.
edit on 4-5-2012 by thegagefather because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-5-2012 by thegagefather because: (no reason given)

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