posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:55 PM
I just had to add the rest of that piece, its just so brilliant, at least I think so, I hope you do to:
“Bill, are you saying that the early church substituted historic Jesus for the Child?”
No. Churchdom has limited the Christ to the historic Jesus, and all of that has been done for a divine purpose the church seems to know little or
nothing about. Everything that has happened is by God's grace. The historic Christ-in-linear-time came, as all luminaries, to confirm our own
subjective Self-discovery. The historic Christ is the first begotten of the Father in world time, and the original believers had that straight. The
discovery of the Child within is confirmed by the Bible and its accounts of the historic Christ and his role on earth. The Child I Am and You are
“comes” to us as the second coming, as Messiah re-discovered within, for whom the Bible and Jesus are the first or external confirmation.
“Are you saying that the Child is the Christ also?”
Yes! Yes! Exactly that. “Close than breathing.” Exactly as the historic Christ said, He would never leave us nor forsake us. He has been here as
the Child of us from the beginning. Our very Child-Selfhood—which seems to go away from us and returns to us, rediscovered.
“William, tell me if this is what I've hear you saying these past few days: the Child within is the same historic Christ?”
Yes. History, like all other things, is subjective. To rediscover the Child is to find what Jesus found, lived and confirmed before he began his
ministry. When the historic Christ said he would be back again, he meant that each one who understood what he was saying would find the Child within
and recognize THAT Self HIMSELF as the Messiah written in the heart, the “second coming,” in actual fact.
“Are you also saying that when I was a child on earth, I was that Christ-Child?”
Yes, spiritually. And I'm saying that everyone can prove the truth of this for himself by finding that all the acute feelings of the Original Nature
which were present in us as children are capable of returning to us again.
“You know theology isn't going to agree with that, William?”
Perhaps neither theology nor the subjective groups, but all who feel the Child within themselves will agree, because they will KNOW it is the Truth,
having proven it for themselves. And when the theologians begin to perceive that this is indeed what is meant by the New Covenant “written in the
heart,” they will slowly, grudgingly give way, even those powerful conservatives so intent on going back to Biblical literalism. Not without
argument. Not without doubt. Not without questioning those who have found the Child of themselves, and not without persecuting them mightily. Not
everyone will be taken up in this Light. Jesus foresaw it accurately: Two are in the bed and one is taken; two are in the field and...five are in the
household, two against three and three against two; father against son. Those without consciousness of the Child will not know which of the senses to
believe, nor who in the world is telling the truth. Those who have found the Child within won't care what the theologians or philosophers think. We
leap through Spirit's door and leave the flaming house behind."
( Excerpt from page 211 of "The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Metaphysics" by William Samuel)