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Chemtrail Spraying Caught in Action!!

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posted on May, 4 2012 @ 07:51 AM
Sigh ... I'm still waiting for someone to actually produce some sort of picture, some sort of evidence of this going on. Suppositions and patent trolling doesnt do the trick.

Please note that postng a picture of a trail and calling it a chemtrail does not work. Sitting there on the ground, you have no way of differentiating. Show me some evidence that what you are seeing is different than what has been seen and acknowledged as a contrail for many, many years.
edit on 4-5-2012 by flyswatter because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 09:27 AM
I couldn't care less whether it's chemtrails or contrails.

All I know is that there are no blue skies anymore like I remember them, it's all full of lines and turning into a washed out white-grey almost every day.

Even if it's "only" jet-fuel, it's poisenous as hell and when I start to think how many kilotons of this # is being pumped into the air I breathe, I think we should restrict airplane travel in vast parts. There is no need nowadays anymore to travel vast distances for every tiny task.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 09:35 AM
Let me get this straight with this supposed chemtrails. People like you actually believe that pilots around the globe are somehow in a conspiracy with each other to go up in the air and this kind of stuff? Really? There isn't a global conspiracy of pilots around the world as there would be thousands of them spraying chemicals in the air. By now one of them would have come forward and even hundreds as they would have been killing their own families. Bottom line it isn't happening, there isn't a global conspiracy within air pilots as there aren't that many of them to begin with to spray the entire globe.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by jpzaino

I went to have a look at this website that you linked. (In the post I am replying to).

It is nonsense.

This is the "headline":...and hyperlink:

Chemtrails Produced by Aviation Fuel Laced With Trimethylaluminum

SO, the main "point" (I snickered when I wrote "point") is about this "trimethylaluminum" being "laced" into Jet A1 (layman's term, "jet fuel").

Go the Wiki article on (I write as 'TMA'). Take your time.......

If you will note, this IS the substance by NASA in rockets that were launched last month (or was it in March)that went OUT of our atmosphere......out of the air part of our atmosphere, into space....the ionosphere.

Here, read about the NASA ATREX mission.

In the NASA article they (unfortunately) use a common term, "jet stream". I say 'unfortunately', because most people associate that term with the stratospheric-level jet stream....winds, made of air, that occur from the tropopause, and, 23,000 to 52,000 feet typically (depending on latitude).

(You should read all about it, and grasp the knowledge for future edification).

And, NO!! TMA is not added to Jet A1 aviation fuel!!

Here, these are the specs on Jet A1:

Aviation turbine fuels (jet fuels) are manufactured predominantly from straight run kerosines which normally require further treatment to meet the specification requirements.

There are VERY stringent tests and limits on what can be added to aviation fuels....not only for the most obvious reason (safety, number one), but because of the way the fuel will perform, and how it will affect the engine components, the fuel pumps, the filters, ALL of the fuel system and power-plant functions on an airplane.

Here, from Wiki, ALL of the additives in jet fuel:

I don't see TMA listed there.

Finally, a little bit aviation ground school:

IF this substance (TMA) which as a component includes atoms of a metal (aluminum) where included in the fuel??

Firstly, it would alter the weight and density substantially....and EVERY airline or corporate pilot would notice!!

Secondly, well....again, this is a metal we are talking about.....and, besides likely clogging the fuel filters, once it got to the engines, where the combustion temps are in the range of, or exceed, about 2,000°? What happens to aluminum at that temp? The atoms of aluminum would NOT just "come out in the exhaust".....they would, from the heat, they would tend to deposit on, and coat, the turbine blades. This would lead to engine failure.

Have you heard what happens when a jet accidentally flies through a volcanic cloud? In that case, engine failure happens quickly because even thin amounts of the volcanic particles, when ingested by the engines, go through th combustion and melt, and then coat the turbine blades.

(A secondary effect is in the compressor turbine section, where they have an erosive quality).

Why Can't Planes Fly Through Volcanic Ash?

OK....? Get it?

Yes what he said. While I dont work with Jet engines I am a huge car guy and work with internal combustion engines and my first though was exactly that. "How could something like that survive in the fuel". If it made it through the fuel filters, having something metallic in fuel is nuts. As soon as it hit the heat of the combustion chamber on a piston engine it would coat the piston, coat the cylinder walls, coat the valves, it would be a nightmare to deal with and those engines that use to run for years and years would be good for maybe a single take off and might sputter all the way to the crash site. Engines are a very finicky thing and they do not like it when you adjust fuel mixtures. You can add a few things to fuel but they mostly need to be petroleum based and combustible to survive. They have to be able to be compressed and burned.

I have not been on this site long but this has to be the silliest topic I have run across.. People are really afraid of moisture? This is hilarious.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by IpsissimusMagus
reply to post by flyswatter

What subject are you talking about?

He may be more knowledgeable than you.

But he certainly is not more than knowledgeable than me on the subject of chemtrails.

How would you know if he is or isn't more knowledgeable than me?

From 2 posts in this thread?

One thing is for sure. You are obviously NOT knowledgeable about this subject at all.

LOL, I just noticed this is your very first post.

How do you know PB so well?

Welcome back Weedwhacker

edit on 5/3/2012 by IpsissimusMagus because: (no reason given)

How funny is this? So your more Knowledgeable about someone on a fictitious subject? Why does that make me want to roll on the floor laughing.

Go down to your local public airport with a gas can and buy some jet fuel. You do know you can buy it right? Fill up a gas can and then pay someone at a independent lab to analyze it. You will not find anything in it that shouldn't be there. Do you really think that every airline across the board is willing to risk HUGE lawsuits by adding something to the fuel of their planes that WILL bring them crashing to the ground? But I guess since your the "expert" on chemtrails you know more than anyone else about planes, engines and jet fuel.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by missvicky

When you live at the beach in California, where is the western airport from which they perform the east/west spraying?






Take a look at this Aviation Chart

I put Mendocino roughly in the can scroll around, zoom in and out, just like using Google Maps.

This is the High Altitude Enroute Chart 3, USA.

Look at the routes heading westward from the coast. Look out over the ocean......see all of those black triangle things, with five-letter silly names? Those are 'waypoints'. They are ALL possible navigational fixes for flights to use in their flight plans, dependent on destination (opposite direction too, when arriving to the USA).

OK? Can you attempt to learn, and then understand? They so-called "chamtrails" that you claimed Monday last were nothing but normal, ordinary contrails.

And, no.....they did not settle down into the Valley in a white haze....and no there were not more than a typical Monday's amount of air traffic.

You see, this is the part that gets me! Because every day there are just about the same number of flights....not all flights operate seven days a week, but the vast majority do. However, on those days when conditions are not prone to contrail formation, you just don't notice them!

Surely, by now, you know about ?

You can visit that site and see for yourself, any day or night, the airplanes in the sky....even on perfectly clear days, when you otherwise would not notice the airplanes visually, from the ground.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 12:00 PM
I saw that as well, I live around the same area and pointed it out to my wife.
She had kind of shrugged it off, but I couldn't help but think about it for the remainder of the day.
I believe I saw this at a later point than your video, as there was no plane present. Very strange indeed.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 12:07 PM
The funny thing that most people are missing here while trying to explain strange patterns in these contrails is the military. Do you think that Air Gard pilots, Navy Pilots, Air Force Pilots just sit at a desk during the day? I assure you that most of the time they are out flying. They do training maneuvers all over the place, they do all kinds of tandem flying and running mach drills and they will make some pretty crazy looking contrails sometimes and a lot of times they do this over populated areas because they are not performing dangerous maneuvers. They are just training runs, follow set flight plans, or doing who knows what. They have to practice, they have to stay sharp and they live near you. Bottom line though is that not all of these figure 8's or trails heading or coming from odd directions are commercial. The military doesn't usually fly the same rout's that your average 747 is on.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 12:09 PM
Please pull over to use your phone for anything next time. I assume you have one hand on the wheel and both eyes on the road still, but please.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by jpzaino
I just noticed it takes about 10secs before you can actually see the plane spraying his Deadly chemtrail mixture of Aluminum and Boron
Here is a link to what is actually in these things.. Thanks -produced-by-aviation-fuel-laced-with-trimethylaluminum/
edit on 3-5-2012 by jpzaino because: (no reason given)

Absolutely AMAZING!!!!!!

Did you go to a class to learn how to identify airborne chemicals from 25 to 35 thousand feet?
I am truly amazed. Does the Boron look different from the aluminum at that distance?

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by network dude

further - how does your alledged jet fuel " laced " with TMA produce a boron / aliuminium aledged chemtrail ???

PS - while contemplating this - please do not neglect to address my earlier question of how you mix TMA with jet fuel in the first place
edit on 4-5-2012 by ignorant_ape because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by network dude

further - how does your alledged jet fuel " laced " with TMA produce a boron / aliuminium aledged chemtrail ???


The details of the operation are just hypothesis.
That doesn't detract from the veracity of the claims that the trails in the sky aren't normal. I think the chemtrails are cloud seeds to create clouds to block the sun in an attempt to combat global warming.

People using the argument, "oh that would require too many pilots and one of them would say something"
Not when we have drone planes. We found out about the drones in just the past few years....and the government tech is at least 20 years ahead of us. You do the math.

people saying they are normal have their heads in the sand, and are probably the people who sit at their computers all day never going outside. When you've spent as much time as me outside, multiple hours on many consecutive days, you'll KNOW something's going on.

People saying it's not normal have their heads in the sand, or are just shills.

don't be ignorant.

yes, there's a lot of stupid websites about chemtrails. But this is just a tactic used to distract people from the truth. "Someone wrote something stupid on the internet, therefore everything about said topic is bunk." It's a great tactic and works very well.

Just go outside and look.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

This is pretty much one of the roots of ignorance from which the "chemtrail" nonsense and myth sprout:

I think the chemtrails are cloud seeds to create clouds to block the sun in an attempt to combat global warming.

There are no such things as "cloud seeds".

If you refer to the known activity and method called cloud "seeding"? That is entirely different. It is not "planting a seed, to grow a cloud", as you would plant a seed to grow a tree.

"Seeding" clouds involves introducing condensation nucleii particulates, into already existing clouds, in efforts to induce precipitation. And, those pre-existing clouds must be the type you want to get precip from. That means, usually, cumulus.

Now, as to "blocking the Sun"?? That is ludicrous.

Contrails form from man's activity, namely --- modern jet airline travel.--- do NOT cover enough of the Earth's surface, at any given time, to be able to "block" the Sun! And, contrails don't even form with the passage of every jet!

Contrails could rightly be referred to as "man-made clouds", but they are merely a type of cirrus cloud.....and Nature makes MANY more cirrus clouds than Man does. Cirrus clouds are naturally-forming, and certainly aren't doing any more "sun blocking" on average, on a global scale, than any time in the rest of history.

Do, please, try to use some science and logic, and check the facts.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

That's Hilarious, drone aircraft. So the United States is using its less than 400 unmanned vehicles for chemtrails across the continental United States? Give me a break.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by TheTardis
The funny thing that most people are missing here while trying to explain strange patterns in these contrails is the military. Do you think that Air Gard pilots, Navy Pilots, Air Force Pilots just sit at a desk during the day? I assure you that most of the time they are out flying. They do training maneuvers all over the place, they do all kinds of tandem flying and running mach drills and they will make some pretty crazy looking contrails sometimes and a lot of times they do this over populated areas because they are not performing dangerous maneuvers. They are just training runs, follow set flight plans, or doing who knows what. They have to practice, they have to stay sharp and they live near you. Bottom line though is that not all of these figure 8's or trails heading or coming from odd directions are commercial. The military doesn't usually fly the same rout's that your average 747 is on.

I don't know about any spraying, chemtrails or whatever. The pattern is what I found odd though, I live 2 miles from an airport, and most of the "holding" patterns I've witnessed have the planes flying circles around the airfield, not figure 8's. I could be wrong, I really don't spend much time staring at the sky lol.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

Drones? well........I doubt it.
But where I live, there are some persistent contrails, but almost never completely covering the sky. When conditions are right, you get a few, but where I am, must not be part of the big plan to cover with clouds. The tropics seem to have the same issue. And apparently in Australia too. Can you explain that? Or is it remotely possible that areas with higher traffic at 25 to 35 thousand feet and have favorable conditions for persistent contrails are just going to see more contrails due to more air traffic?

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by JeffreyCH

....and most of the "holding" patterns I've witnessed have the planes flying circles around the airfield, not figure 8's...

The "figure 8" as described in the OP is a bit of a stretch,, we do not fly a full figure 8. However, there can be any number of reasons for the contrails, as shown in the OP's photos.

It was definitely a reversal of course, that is obvious. This can occur because of an in-flight emergency, whether mechanical or a medical issue with a passenger. It could be an Air Traffic Control "delay vector" (happens more often than you may least, when you fly for a living......upwards of 600 to 700, maximum 1,000 hours per year).

Here's a likely non-emergency case.....Air Traffic Control (ATC) issues a course change, via a radar vector heading assignment. Then, the controller finds that he (or she) has to further "move" the airplane to another region of airspace, and issues further clearances, with more turns.....sometimes, they will say "Fly direct to (XYZ), holding instructions to follow", just so they can turn their attention to other airplanes, when they are swamped and busy. The controller can change their minds, or the situation changes (when they get a call from other controllers, in other sectors, on the land line) allowing them to rescind the last clearance, and then turn you back on course, or to some other navigation fix in your flight plan.

It is hard to explain in's just the way it "happens" in real life, and real-time. Air Traffic Control in the United States is not very efficient......not by a long shot!!

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by jpzaino

Enjoyed your OP and the figure eights and really enjoyed the 2nd OP and the video explaining how the aluminum becomes a chemtrail. For someone who knows nothing about chemistry, it was so easy to understand and explained just everything - why there is a gap, why the stuff turns white - essentially how and why it's done and why it looks the way it does and why that's what they use. Makes perfect sense.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by luxordelphi

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.....:

and the video explaining how the aluminum becomes a chemtrail.

Shame that none of it is true.


The information in this post

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by ProudBird

I'm not following, PB,...are experimental fuel additives being cleared through you and wikipedia now? Explain yourself.

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