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Exposed: Military Internment/Resettlement Operations Manual: (here is the proof!)

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posted on May, 3 2012 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by anon72

Oh for Heaven's sake. This is absurd. This is like saying because there is a manual on how to handle aliens when they land means the aliens are landing.

Grow up.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by 1825114

Are you kidding me? Did you read the PDF file...the inmate labor camps are set up for just that...

"1–5. Civilian inmate labor programs
a. Civilian inmate labor programs benefit both the Army and corrections systems by—
(1) Providing a source of labor at no direct labor cost to Army installations to accomplish tasks that would not be
possible otherwise due to the manning and funding constraints under which the Army operates.
(2) Providing meaningful work for inmates and, in some cases, additional space to alleviate overcrowding in nearby
corrections facilities.
(3) Making cost–effective use of buildings and land not otherwise being used."

Way to add to the hysteria...why don't you read the PDF file you posted before posting misleading snippets...corrections and the military have been trying to get work out of the inmates for a long time..just as you see inmates working on highways cleaning up the military is looking to farm out their labor...

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals

Originally posted by Screwed
reply to post by stirling

A bit of friendly advice
Keep your head down and your mouth shut.

That's good advice if you value your life more than freedom. The problem is that too many have been silent for far too long and allowed the government to fall into the hands of the corporate/banking mobsters.

I won't sit down and shut up nor will I rot away in any interment camp.
My forefathers sacrificed too much and my grandchildren deserve better than what these people have in mind.

For me slavery is not an option.

I strongly agree with you! I don't get truther people who talk the talk but are too afraid to walk the walk! Soldiers who went off to fight Hitler were willing to risk their lives to fight for the freedoms of themselves, their families and their nations! If we are lacking that spirit today we WILL fall! Now is NOT the time to back down and surrender! We can't be stupid, but we can't be cowards either.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by FeatherofMaat

Did you bother to read the other story.... About the troops in the streets in Minn?

Just keep you head in the sand and we shall put you down in the 80% group...

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 09:45 PM
How could I possibly read this any other way than a blue print for the incarceration of people that stepped over a line, a line built on laws that systematically strip us of our constitutional and human rights. TSA is a good example. It's not just writing on the wall, it's flashing Neon warning signs.

The only freedoms most of my fellow citizens care about is the freedom to be comfortable, no matter their station in life.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 09:46 PM
If they ever try rounding folks up who don't go with the Governments agenda,I believe they will indeed bring foreign UN troops over here. If they do it then I'll be meeting them in the streets as I hope many others will. Just thinking of some Foreign Armies over here taking our guns,putting people in camps and whatever gets me extremely,extremely angry.

And it is a very real and possible situation in this day and age.

The sheeple won't care,They'll still say everything's fine and dandy
edit on 3-5-2012 by Foley03a4 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Screwed
reply to post by stirling

It isn't FOR most of us.
DO you literally think that they are going to lock up the better part of 400 million people??

It is for the people who are going to resist the NWO plans.
Th people who have made it very clear through site like ATS that they are going to be a problem that needs to be dealt with.

A bit of friendly advice
Keep your head down and your mouth shut.

Its because of keeping hour heads down and our mouth shut for so long we've in this mess in first place... I'd rather go down in a blaze of glory than be a slave in a state of cowardry..
edit on 3-5-2012 by _R4t_ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 10:24 PM
How are they going to police the US and the world at the same time?

This could easily be just a tool to keep everyone quiet. If it didn't fail of obvious reasons, then they'd have the much bigger task of trying to do this.

It just reeks of CIA psy-op filth. Let them just release the "plans" to everyone? That's stupid.

If we weren't prepared for battle yet, now they just ensured that people have even more reason to get prepared. Way to make it more difficult.

Nah, I think the point is just to scare people, because that's exactly what this did. Any serious plans are kept private. Next dirty trick...

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 10:28 PM
OK folks...first of all, 90% of that FM was probably cherry-picked for sensationalism. I recognize the procedures about the 5 S's and is the policy every soldier is taught if you have to detain anyone. Geneva Convention and Rules of Engagement all that happy stuff absolutely apply.

Take a moment and think about what this probably is. Posse Comitatus exists for a reason. All active duty members are bound by it. Martial law is now and ever should be a last resort to an emergency situation. There are undoubtedly contingency plans on the books for everything from how to handle a UFO landing on the National Mall to Cthulhu rising from R'lyeh. Doesn't mean it's going to happen. Better to be trained for something you will never use than have a situation come up where you need to use a plan that doesn't exist and all hell breaks loose.

As to the potential for something like this to be misused? There are always idiots who, when given power, become corrupt. There was a famous psychological experiment where two groups of volunteers were given roles of guards and prisoners for a bit while doctors studying behavior took notes. Some of the "guards" got power mad and figured they could do whatever they wanted. Some people just behave poorly when given that opportunity. It happens. But for every one case of something like that happening, there are many many many more cases where it does not. Nothing is perfect. People are people.

All in all I'm not worried about this. Context is everything.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 10:29 PM
Very interesting thread. That is a hot topic and it should be continuous. After reading a few comments i noticed the reference to the fore fathers. Although i get the whole freedom from tyranny asspect. The forefathers of this country also owned slaves and after practically exterminating the native americans placed them on internment camps called reservations. Enslaving them in poverty . just as mentioned in the video this has happened before. I agree something is going to change our situation and the future looks gloomy. How can the cover be blown off this?? Msm isnt going to cover that one. Ignorance is bliss.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 10:47 PM
I find it laughable that those who say, "fly low under the radar" are members of ATS.

Isn't that an oxymoron?

How can you do both at once? Post here at ATS and pretend you're under the radar?

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Vonotar

All in all I'm not worried about this. Context is everything.

Yes it is. Put this blue print in context with all the laws now on the books and the laws working their way through a useless and bought congress.

Have you noticed the momentous growth in corruption at the top? The invasions of TSA? Janet Napolitano asking Walmart shoppers to snitch? The police brutality? The lack of accountability of any one in a position of authority? The silencing of dissent? If you have noticed even one of these things, then you should be able to see the dangers listed in the O.P

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:02 PM

sigh.....I am in awe of all of the ITGs in this thread.

Is it really that difficult to understand the idea of choosing your battles and not just coming out with guns a blazin'??????

Are there really that many bad asses who would choose the most inopportune time to "stand for freedom" and "defend our liberties"????

Can you not wrap your heads around the idea that these camps were most likely built with the ITG in mind.
ITGs just like you.

Does this mean that you should never fight?
Does this mean that you should live life as a slave?
Does this mean that you are a coward just because you refuse to spout off all of your ITG slogans on the God Damned internet???

Some of you people need a reality check but alas, I am just a coward who wants to live life under the thumb of an opressive dictatorship and am too scared to die for my freedoms.

You guys have me pegged.
I feel so silly now.
I really am ashamed of myself for being such a coward.
Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:07 PM
There is a video 1982 documentary of Larry Grathwohl 'No Place To Hide'. He was undercover in the Bill Ayers Weatherman group. Even then the group had plans to eliminate 25 million people who they couldn't reeducate. Grathwohl sat in a meeting with 25 well educated people who didn't bat an eye at killing 25 million people. Since the president is a good friend of Bill Ayers the plan may be a lot further along than it was back then. Having your own running the government would make it a lot easier to accomplish. Our government is too big and out of control. How many people did Hitler manage to kill and noone raised a hand? I don't know why the people of the US think this could never happen here. Be prepared for anything. Sadly, I can't think of anyone who would come to our rescue.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:08 PM
Poor, misled, confused sheoplized robots. They won't ever learn until it's much to late. Most of these condescending idiots don't even realize that these are the last days of them being allowed to blow their mindless drivel out into a public forum. These foolish, weak minded mortals will be the first to persih in a brutal environment that their liberalized existence has never even comprehended. They are the weak.

I am not saying this because I think that I am some bad ass or something. I do know this though, I have plenty of freeze dried food, water and I am skilled in outdoor survival and in the use of firearms. People like myself, and those with even more experience will be the deciders of our own fate instead of sitting with a cup in hand stretched out to the very masters of puppets who would have already fled long before the crisis reached such a desperate point. It's this simple really, The people you depended on will be long gone. Do you understand that? I doubt it because you're too stupid and politically brainwashed.

My god there are so many people who are gonna suffer when this all happens. I just feel sorry for the kids and others who will die slowly because of their arrogant parents who raised them to believe in the Government instead of themselves.

I will say this. I am not sure exactly what it is that's coming, but alot of us know that something without a doubt is. If and when it does, I wish everyone and their loved ones the best of luck. ~$heopleNation
edit on 3-5-2012 by SheopleNation because: TypO

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by anon72

To this I post my most lyrical reply, Are ye this he who posted here?
No, I kid, um my employer has taught us not to "make waves", he, um seriously, should there ever NOT be a plan already in place to protect us from our programmed RLY REALITY?

edit on 3-5-2012 by Divine Strake because: Hah I kid.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Screwed
reply to post by stirling

It isn't FOR most of us.
DO you literally think that they are going to lock up the better part of 400 million people??

It is for the people who are going to resist the NWO plans.
Th people who have made it very clear through site like ATS that they are going to be a problem that needs to be dealt with.

A bit of friendly advice
Keep your head down and your mouth shut.

F that! Let them try to take me. Big Sis said she was watching journalists like me. Come get some bitch.

I will NOT be a slave, nor will I allow my children or grandchildren to be slaves. Anyone who thinks they can "re-educate" us has another think coming.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by OldCorp

Originally posted by Screwed
reply to post by stirling

It isn't FOR most of us.
DO you literally think that they are going to lock up the better part of 400 million people??

It is for the people who are going to resist the NWO plans.
Th people who have made it very clear through site like ATS that they are going to be a problem that needs to be dealt with.

A bit of friendly advice
Keep your head down and your mouth shut.

F that! Let them try to take me. Big Sis said she was watching journalists like me. Come get some bitch.

I will NOT be a slave, nor will I allow my children or grandchildren to be slaves. Anyone who thinks they can "re-educate" us has another think coming.


I give up.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:42 PM
This will go into effect right around the same time the Mark of the Beast goes live. People can roll their eyes all they want to but those biometric chips that were invented to store all your info like driver's license, credit card #, bank account #, phone #, home address, criminal record, a GPS thrown into it, and your retina pattern for ocular scans were not invented for fun. Someone has a plan to tag us all like cattle so they can keep track of us. The fact that the world will soon be shifting to a totally electronic cashless system is one of the tale-tell signs this is coming. Obama is already talking about pushing for this stuff to come out late 2013-2014 and Spain has already shifted to a cashless system.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:42 PM
I don't believe Screwed is suggesting we just give in, he is suggesting that strategy is used when it becomes appropriate to do so. By all means make noise now if you can but when the time comes that we know is coming, don't fail...and please don't let your pride cause you to do so.

"All warfare is based on deception.
Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable;
when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we
are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away;
when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder,
and crush him.
If he is secure at all points, be prepared for him.
If he is in superior strength, evade him."
-Sun Tzu
edit on 4-5-2012 by The_Phantom because: (no reason given)

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