posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by antar
This needs way more discussion. And look at the timing we are all describing...
I'm in western North Carolina
Was it you, someone, is in Montana...
There was a stomach thing going around here, but I never get those, other than that my area is pretty healthy right now. Since my girl is a student
teacher I know about all the outbreaks, and exactly how many kids are missing on different days. People are having slightly worse allergies than their
average year, but not by a huge amount.
I got sick after walking in the rain which is why I was thinking radiation.
Chemtrails/pollution/toxins/radiation would come down concentrated in the rain...
I don't know if any of you guys looked at the french wind carried particulate charts for Fukushima...
We were getting radiation starting around March 26th of 2011 or so If I remember right.
It was Xenon and Cesium131 and a few others that they had charts on.
Would be worse for differing areas depending on wind currents, that could create hot spots.
Just some thoughts...
edit on 5/2/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)