posted on May, 1 2012 @ 11:25 PM
I was sick with this virus for 3 weeks. Exact symptoms....terrible sinus infection, horrible sore throat, ringing ears, and the "weird" feelings. I
was producing lots of flourescent mucous...
It really sucked. The third week was all other symptoms gone but a horrible, harsh throat, probably from coughing so much.
After 2 weeks, I went to the doctor, but he refused to give me anything, saying that "irresponisble anitbiotic prescriptions are causing superviruses"
and that an antibiotic wouldnt help i just had to ride it out. So maybe thats why your antibitotics arent working, maybe they are placebos
I just got over this sickness, its been about 2 weeks since it was gone. It wasnt the sickest I have ever been, but it was the longest.
EDIT: instead of ANTI biotics, my throat felt better after eating PRO biotic yogurt. Your mileage may vary. Also, Im in western NY, it has been
prevalent around here for a couple months.
edit on 1-5-2012 by aching_knuckles because: (no reason given)