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Fukushima on Steroids: "Japan is in the Process of Contaminating the Entire Pacific Ocean"

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posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
reply to post by intrptr

Your satements are based on what data? What source, report, peer-reviewed paper or better yet what historical reference do you have that suggests that the Fukushima facility alone is capable of causing global devastation that threatens our species?

And what official authority, agency, etc ever claimed there's no dangers in nuclear energy? You're acting like I thought all this time nothing bad could happen. I guess thats not as bad as trying to twist my words making it look as if I'm suggesting theres no problems to ever be expected from this crisis.

Global devastation? By Fukushima? I never said that. And there is no proof that will satisfy you. I see that now. I could mine data all day long for you, I have been. But you would just dismiss it like you just did to me and others as well. Look me up in 24000 years and well have a good laugh about what miserable stewards we have been of the planet Earth.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
reply to post by intrptr

Do link your source stating that potassium iodide is "poison"....

Can be poisonous...

The drug works by filling the thyroid gland with potassium iodide, which leaves no room for the radioactive iodine, which can cause cancer. It does not protect against other effects of radiation exposure.
But even if radiation were to reach the U.S., potassium iodide should only be taken in the event of actual exposure or the threat of immediate exposure, not as a preventive measure, Wartofsky said.

Thyroid Protection due to Nuclear Accidents and Emergencies
In 1982, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved potassium iodide to protect thyroid glands from radioactive iodine involving accidents or fission emergencies. In an accidental event or attack on a nuclear power plant, or in nuclear bomb fallout, volatile fission product radionuclides may be released. Of these products, 131I is one of the most common and is particularly dangerous to the thyroid gland because it may lead to thyroid cancer. By saturating the body with a source of stable iodide prior to exposure, inhaled or ingested 131I tends to be excreted, which prevents radioiodine uptake by the thyroid. The protective effect of KI lasts approximately 24 hours. For optimal prophylaxis, KI must be dosed daily until a risk of significant exposure to radioiodine by either inhalation or ingestion no longer exists. About two weeks in the case of I(131).

Potassium iodide cannot protect against any other causes of radiation poisoning, nor can it provide any degree of protection against dirty bombs that produce radionuclides other than radionuclides of iodine. See fission products and the external links for more details concerning radionuclides.

There are many more. Do your own research dude.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by intrptr

Didn't I say to send it to Japan if you're really that concerned about their situation? Are they not in an EMERGENCY, which is when people normally take the stuff? Is the gist all herein not that its such a bad situation that even people in North America are screwed over what happened on the island I said to ship it to?

This is exactly the doomongering I've been talking about. Bad situation... we have to inform everyone... we must flag every thread on ATS everyday about it so noone can think about anything else... people should be scared sheetless... we have to do something about it... OH but wait any desperate thing they might do to protect themselves they shouldn't, and any discussion about real world solutions should be ignored bacause no matter what everything has some downside therefore we should do nothing and instead spend our time keeping everyone focused on how bad we assume it all to be.

THAT is the definition of Terrormongering as far as I'm concerned.
edit on 2-5-2012 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Like you said, you're no expert...

But you keep telling everyone IN CAPS there is no problem...


posted on May, 2 2012 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by intrptr

Read yur own citations, DUDE.

They say nothing of PI being a "poison", not even in the slightest.

More in tune with reality would be warning people if they eat too much table salt in one day it can be poisonous.

Too much water will kill a plant.

Another spin would be to say that antioxidants are POISON because if you have extremely high levels of intake they can actually cause certain cancers according to at least one study. Normally they fight carcinogens and free radicals is the flip side. NOTE: vitamins (A, D, etc) are antioxidants.

EDIT: I know I'm not an expert on nuclear etc, just like I know I'm not a liar or a fool. I strive to not be a hypocrite in any regard in my life. So I ask you who is more likely to harm people: Me, who tells people not to panic by showing what we know from history while trying to find actual short term and long term solutions, OR the doomonger crowd who screams for a year and counting now that the world is doomed and not to even take PI if you're that scared?
edit on 2-5-2012 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by dolive2
reply to post by RealSpoke

I was recently diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and the first thing the doc asks you is "were you ever exposed to any radiation as a child", I answer "not that I know of". How many of us have been exposed without us knowing? Since being diagnosed, having surgery, and going through the radioactive iodine treatment, I have joined a forum; yes, they have a thyroid cancer forum, in which there are thousands of members. Each day, another 5 - 12 new members join. These members are from every place on the planet; from Hawaii, India, New Zealand, England, and all across the United States. The members range in age from the early 20's to the 70's. Seems as though more of the members are under 40 years of age (I'm 56). I tell everyone, I believe there is something to this.......why are there so many people getting thyroid cancer these days??

I dont exactly specialize in thyroid cancer, but if the cancer cell line you have is caused by radioactive iodine then why would they treat it with radioactive iodine?

I'll bet the same doctor who asked you that doesn't even know the specific cell line you have nor did he provide you with a list of antioxidant foods you might try and work into your diet to boost your odds of survival while lessening the effects of their treatments.

I've learned first hand cancer industry professionals are sociopaths, That was the rumor I had heard a lot about, and when my mom was going thru their hell treatments I couldn't believe how cold and uncaring all but one of them was. It finally occured to me that perhaps the only people who would get into an industry (where half the patients will die) would be sociopaths who don't actually care about others. The problem is cold uncaring pragmatic sociopaths as your care providers who assume you'll probably die from their Big Pharm treatments isn't very good care at all.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by intrptr

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
reply to post by MrSandman

Ah! Finally somebody asked the magic question:
The answer is Generation IV nuclear power plants, and its sister pyrometalurgical recycling methodology.

You say don't "scream" unless you have facts from sources. Then you cite the link above as a solution to the problem.

I'm not proposing we wait for a'theoretical' time machine to be built. We're talking about a very plausible technology that scientists from 9 nations are all backing. Before the A-Bomb nuclear tech's were totally theoretical. But when they decided they could probably do it they built up the legendary Manhattan Project and I think it was about 2 years and they produced the worlds first atomic bomb.

Go figure. They didn't even have computers then that could match the capabilities of $1 calculators (which even have solar cells built into them)! Now in the next century you're telling me they cant make this happen much sooner than the current estimate that is shrouded in total public ignorance and a half hearted effort?

What to do about the current stockpile of waste, spent fuel, nuclear reactors (and weapons) all over the planet?

That's the question you should be answering. I've yet to ever hear about anything that might solve that problems. Just burying ins't an actual solution any more than growing fields of crops are going to solve 'global warming'.

Even Obama the Environmentalist In Chief halted the long term Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository. Surely we can trust in his plans??

In May 2009, Secretary Steven Chu stated:

"Yucca Mountain as a repository is off the table. What we're going to be doing is saying, let's step back. We realize that we know a lot more today than we did 25 or 30 years ago. The NRC is saying that the dry cask storage at current sites would be safe for many decades, so that gives us time to figure out what we should do for a long-term strategy. We will be assembling a blue-ribbon panel to look at the issue. We're looking at reactors that have a high-energy neutron spectrum that can actually allow you to burn down the long-lived actinide waste. These are fast-neutron reactors. There's others: a resurgence of hybrid solutions of fusion fission where the fusion would impart not only energy, but again creates high-energy neutrons that can burn down the long-lived actinides.

edit on 2-5-2012 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Another spin...

You said it. I give. Thanks though. (sorry about your mom)



posted on May, 2 2012 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by mirageofdeceit

meaning that it wasn't "just" a hydrogen explosion.

I sincerely hope, for your sake, that you are not suggesting that the reactor went Super Prompt Critical, are you?

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by TheMindWar

What this means is, there will be nowhere in the ocean that is free from radioactive material

There never WAS, dude...

The Earth's crust from the surface to 25 km (15 mi) down is calculated to contain 10^17 kg (2×10^17 lb) of uranium while the oceans may contain 10^13 kg (2×10^13 lb).

Hint: That's 200,000,000,000,000 kilograms of Uranium in our oceans... since the formation of the planet.... dude.

Go fearmonger somewhere else.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by ErtaiNaGia

What about the toxic plutonium and radioactive iodine? There are many forms of radiation leaking there. I guess your puppet masters didn't teach you that part eh? Anyone who can argue in favor of this disaster is mentally deranged. Fear mongering? LOL!!! More like an attempted silence tactic by a puppet on a string.

It's sad to see so many yes men, sheoplized robots. People who think that they are educated about radiation and the reality of Fukushima. Basically some know nothings speaking out of their behinds while pretending to understand this horrible situation. Useful tools who won't remove their heads from that dark hole until they have tumors on their testicles. I bet you believe that the fish in the gulf are safe to eat right?

Get this through your brainwashed head. Fukushima is polluting The Pacific Ocean. The powers that be care more about profit than they do about life on this planet. Economics come before everything. Both Governments are happy to play the game. Can't lose a dollar, oh no. God forbid they lose a buck in the name of humanity.

= Stuck on stupid. ~$heopleNation

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 06:24 PM
The absurd thread titles on ATS are getting out of hand.

Where in all the information that you present is there anything that even remotely supports that "Japan is in the process of contaminating the entire pacific ocean", or worse that all mammals will soon be dead or deformed?

The radioactivity in the ocean around the Fukushima reactor has been measured and it is at very low levels, let alone the entire rest of the pacific ocean.

Just claiming you think something might be true doesn't make it any more true. It's called fearmongering.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by SheopleNation
Basically some know nothings speaking out of their behinds while pretending to understand this horrible situation.

it is fear based because the alternative to them is too frightening to even contemplate. its the childhood fantasy that if I close my eyes (or look the other way) it will go away.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

14,000 in U.S. already dead from Fukushima

Did you even read the study?


Let me paint you a picture then (Because the answer to my question is obviously, NO.)

The article you linked was called:

Study: Fukushima Radiation Has Already Killed 14,000 Americans

it linked to a peer reviewed paper entitled:


Emphasis, mine.

Did you notice the part at the end?

The part that said "Is there a Correlation?"

Yes, the entire publication is basically asking the question, and it never bothers to ANSWER the quesiton, because they admit that they have NO DATA, and only speculation.

Let me read you a portion from the conclusion:

Few aggregate data on health status are available until several years after a
death or specific diagnosis. Immediately after Fukushima, the only nationwide
health status data available in the United States were weekly deaths by age
reported by 122 U.S. cities (about 25% to 35% of all U.S. deaths), as reported
by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the 14 weeks after the
Fukushima fallout arrived in the United States, total deaths reported were
4.46 percent above the same period in 2010

-Page 11

*Total Deaths... including Gunshot wounds, Car Accidents, Suicide, Stabbing, Drowning, Old Age, Asphyxiation and Hypoxia, Pharmaceutical Complications, etcetera...

ALL OF THESE were attributed to Fukushima.

The next time you want to pull numbers out of an [snip], pull them out of your own.

Save us all the trouble.
edit on 2-5-2012 by ErtaiNaGia because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by SheopleNation

What about the toxic plutonium and radioactive iodine?

What about them?

There are many forms of radiation leaking there.

So? Are you expecting the neutrino's to mutate? And heat up the planet?

I guess your puppet masters didn't teach you that part eh?

I have no master, Read the Signature, Punk...

Anyone who can argue in favor of this disaster is mentally deranged.

Are you insinuating that I am in favor of nuclear reactors being destroyed?


Is that what you are saying?

Do you want to find a Quote, where I even imply this?

Because, I mean... wow... you are just totally transparent, aren't you?

It's sad to see so many yes men, sheoplized robots. People who think that they are educated about radiation and the reality of Fukushima. Basically some know nothings speaking out of their behinds while pretending to understand this horrible situation. Useful tools who won't remove their heads from that dark hole until they have tumors on their testicles.

You shouldn't talk about yourself like that.

I bet you believe that the fish in the gulf are safe to eat right?

The Gulf of China?

Are we still talking about Fukushima? or are you using a Red Herring to insinuate that since I am not following along with the Radiation Hysteria, I must have been responsible for the BP oil Spill?

Is this where you are going?

Get this through your brainwashed head.

Don't be so [snip] naive.... you HAVE no useful information.

Fukushima is polluting The Pacific Ocean.

Technically, yes.... but then again, I never argued against that point... and if you believe that I did, you are ignorant.

The powers that be care more about profit than they do about life on this planet.

Yes, this is also true.

Economics come before everything.

To the Powers that Be, yes, this is true.

Both Governments are happy to play the game.

What Game?

Can't lose a dollar, oh no. God forbid they lose a buck in the name of humanity.

Did you have an actual argument, or was this merely emotional manipulation designed to mask the fact that you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about?

= Stuck on stupid.

No offence... but you are not my type.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by SheopleNation
What about the toxic plutonium and radioactive iodine? There are many forms of radiation leaking there. I guess your puppet masters didn't teach you that part eh? Anyone who can argue in favor of this disaster is mentally deranged. Fear mongering? LOL!!! More like an attempted silence tactic by a puppet on a string.

Just the past several days is my return to browsing the site for over a year. As soon as I heard of the ordeal last year and took a peek at it I already knew that this site was once again transformed into an everyday doomonger propaganda machine. I knew that if I tried to catch up on news it'd be hard to find any that didn't have something to do with Foockushima. I also knew that majority of the threads and comments would be all out we're DOOMED.

A year goes by and yet here we are able to have this debate. A year goes by and 2 of the top threads on the front page yesterday were fukushima. It's not good enough that the people of Japan have some rough roads ahead, no, we're all supposedly going into the darkness with them. Thing is if it were that bad, half the Japanese population would already be stage 2 cancer patients.

But if the doomongers do get their way maybe we will follow them into the darkness: by not having enough electricity to light the cities after we shut down coal, oil, gas and nuclear power production as 2 years ago we were fools for not putting an end to oil extraction. I think this year we're overdue for some freak coal disaster to happen so then we can all bemoan using coal to warm our homes, keep our families alive in hospitals, and keep our food cold so it doesn't spoil.

Dear doomongers: Stop being hypocrites! Your being online posting doomongering threads even after a year proves you're using the same electricity everyone else is being labeled as selfish sheople morons for using. Lead the charge, lead by example and when we can no longer hear you that means we know you're finally practicing what you preach.

Before the crisis last year Japan supposedly already had the highest suicide rate in the world. Then it happened and they lost over 10,000 people and vast damages and home relocations. The nation was already in some pretty serious economic setbacks. Now they're shutting down all of their nuke plants which is going to drive up costs of living and production. Imagine if this site was something they too all read everyday. You people would be responsible for a major influx of suicides. That blood would be on your hands, and there probably even is some. Grow up.
edit on 2-5-2012 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia
reply to post by SheopleNation

What about them?

You only mentioned uranium. So you tell me?

So? Are you expecting the neutrino's to mutate? And heat up the planet?

Sounds like a better question you should ask yourself.

I have no master, Read the Signature, Punk.

No worries Jr, I am not the one who has homework to finish tonight, so stay focused. I know it's difficult.

Are you insinuating that I am in favor of nuclear reactors being destroyed?

Comprehension has it's limits I see.


Is that what you are saying?

Yep, it without a doubt does.

Do you want to find a Quote, where I even imply this?

Because, I mean... wow... you are just totally transparent, aren't you?

Wow as well. Now you're off to big words!

You shouldn't talk about yourself like that.

I know you are but what am I? Or is it more like everything that I say bounces off of you and hits me back?

The Gulf of China?

No, The Gulf of Mexico. You're not to quick eh?

Are we still talking about Fukushima? or are you using a Red Herring to insinuate that since I am not following along with the Radiation Hysteria, I must have been responsible for the BP oil Spill?

You sure assume alot. Bet that works out great for yuh in real life?

Is this where you are going?

I didn't realize we were riding together.

Don't be so [snip] naive.... you HAVE no useful information.

Don't get angry now.

Technically, yes....

Technically nothing, but otherwise it is.

but then again, I never argued against that point... and if you believe that I did, you are ignorant.

More reckless assumptions. You did that to yourself son.

Yes, this is also true.

There yuh go. You see, there is hope.

To the Powers that Be, yes, this is true.

As well as the Corporations they controll. You're learning.

What Game?

It's called mutual cooperation through an agenda of cover up. Profit driven. Think real hard, remember the powers that be that you just confirmed?

Did you have an actual argument, or was this merely emotional manipulation designed to mask the fact that you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about?

Yes, Fukushima is polluting the Pacific. Yep, Stuck on dum dum alright.

No offence... but you are not my type.

Better get that homework finished Jr.

edit on 2-5-2012 by SheopleNation because: TypO

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Calm down my friend. Take a deep breath and calm down. You just gave a new meaning to the phrase unhinged, which you just became. I don't even know what it is that you're babbling about. Something about when posters bring attention to this disaster that it increases the suicide rate in Japan? I think you bumped your head bro.

With that being said, I don't really believe that I can say anything to you that would wake you up from your paranoia, but I will tell you that paranoia will destroy yuh. Just don't go imploding on me now. ~$heopleNation

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by SheopleNation

You only mentioned uranium. So you tell me?

It's all well and good to but in on other people's conversations as though they were yours to begin with, but if you really WANT to play this little game, then by all means, let's dance.

*I* was responding to a post by TheMindWar (Which is not you, by the way), in which they said...


What this means is, there will be nowhere in the ocean that is free from radioactive material

To which I responded that there is already nuclear material in the oceans, and in great quantities.

You, of course responded with something that APPEARS to be insightful inquisition, if you conveniently don't include the CONTEXT of the discussion, and which we can now see is basically a puerile attempt to get attention for yourself.

Grow Up, your interjections had nothing to do with the discussion at hand.

Sounds like a better question you should ask yourself.

And that reply doesn't even mean anything.... Jeez... are you even trying?

No worries Jr, I am not the one who has homework to finish tonight, so stay focused. I know it's difficult.

Wait... Who exactly do you think I am?

reply to post by ErtaiNaGia

What about the toxic plutonium and radioactive iodine? There are many forms of radiation leaking there. I guess your puppet masters didn't teach you that part eh? Anyone who can argue in favor of this disaster is mentally deranged.

Are you insinuating that I am in favor of nuclear reactors being destroyed?

Comprehension has it's limits I see.

No doubt that your shining example of ignorance has proven that beyond the shadow of all doubt.

So, once again, Are you insinuating that I am in FAVOR of nuclear reactors being destroyed?


Is that what you are saying?

Yep, it without a doubt does.

Would you like to go back and find what I said, that convinced you that your position is in any way relevant?

Come now.... share with the class.

I dare you.

Do you want to find a Quote, where I even imply this?

Because, I mean... wow... you are just totally transparent, aren't you?

Wow as well. Now you're off to big words!


You shouldn't talk about yourself like that.

I know you are but what am I? Or is it more like everything that I say bounces off of you and hits me back?

Were you going to provide an argument at some point?

Or were you just going to continue to bark?

The Gulf of China?

No, The Gulf of Mexico. You're not to quick eh?

Would you like to explain to the class why, in a discussion about Fukushima, Japan.... you brought the Gulf of Mexico into discussion?

Or were you just going to forget to mention that particular red herring?

Are we still talking about Fukushima? or are you using a Red Herring to insinuate that since I am not following along with the Radiation Hysteria, I must have been responsible for the BP oil Spill?

You sure assume alot. Bet that works out great for yuh in real life?

You don't like answering peoples questions when they clearly destroy your entire argumenative position.

You don't like to lose arguments, this is clear, but you are not any good at understanding the topics and knowledge that are inherent in these topics of discussion.

So, instead of actually arguing the point, countering an opponents position with facts, or evidence, or observational data, you merely appeal to all sorts of emotional buzzwords, emotional situations, and subtle forms of slander to attempt to APPEAR that you kow what you are talking about, or that you are somehow WINNING an argument that TECHNICALLY< you are not even participating in, other that screaming out:


So, when you actually want to have a REAL discussion regarding science, and knowledge, and facts, come on back, and I will utterly TROUNCE you in a stand up, fair fight....

But as far as this discussion is going....

I am a Physics professor trying to explain complex equations to my Dog.

*Bark* *Bark* *Bark*

Fukushima is polluting The Pacific Ocean.

but then again, I never argued against that point... and if you believe that I did, you are ignorant.

More reckless assumptions. You did that to yourself son.

Are you EVER going to back up one of your useless assertions?

Or just continue to throw them out without regard for truth?

Where did I state that there was no pollution?

You're learning.

Being snippy, eh?

two can play at that game!

edit on 2-5-2012 by ErtaiNaGia because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by SheopleNation

Did you have an actual argument, or was this merely emotional manipulation designed to mask the fact that you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about?

Yes, Fukushima is polluting the Pacific. Yep, Stuck on dum dum alright.

And would you like to point out the place where this was eve in dispute?

You are arguing against strawmen, and badly at that.

Try to stick to the discussion at hand, and the actual arguments that are said.

You keep claiming that I am wrong, and yet the only arguments that you state you are "Winning" are ones that were never even under discussion.

This is poor form, and you are being exposed as a troll, whose only recourse to intelligent debate, is logical fallacies.

Do try to keep up with the civilized, Language speaking world.... for your own good, you know?

I just feel sorry for you right now.

Better get that homework finished Jr.

I'm pretty sure that the you can't assign homework to your teacher, Sheeplenation.

And I'm about to take you to school.
edit on 2-5-2012 by ErtaiNaGia because: (no reason given)

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