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Fukushima on Steroids: "Japan is in the Process of Contaminating the Entire Pacific Ocean"

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posted on May, 2 2012 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by dolive2
reply to post by RealSpoke

I was recently diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and the first thing the doc asks you is "were you ever exposed to any radiation as a child", I answer "not that I know of". How many of us have been exposed without us knowing? Since being diagnosed, having surgery, and going through the radioactive iodine treatment, I have joined a forum; yes, they have a thyroid cancer forum, in which there are thousands of members. Each day, another 5 - 12 new members join. These members are from every place on the planet; from Hawaii, India, New Zealand, England, and all across the United States. The members range in age from the early 20's to the 70's. Seems as though more of the members are under 40 years of age (I'm 56). I tell everyone, I believe there is something to this.......why are there so many people getting thyroid cancer these days??

Yea, think about the Morons detonating nuclear bombs all over the place some 400 I think and the plutonium being blown into teenie tinny bits all over the world, you have been exposed alright.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

You actually believe that humans have thousands of buildings that each one alone is capable of causing global extinction of the species if they catch fire?

Its not a belief... Welcome to the real world. Yes we were told it is "safe". That this could never happen. Don't you wish now you took the blue pill?

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

You said radiation causes "hundreds of types", and now have "PROVEN" there are "hundreds of types", which is like saying radiation can cause nearly every type of cancer and that makes you sound like a delirious zealot crazy person. The Algebraic Expression of your statement:
'There are hundreds of types of cancers and plutonium causes hundreds of types of cancers' = 'there are dozens of types of cancers and plutonium causes dozens of types of cancers' = 'plutonium causes all cancer'.

[/twist the words game]

The fact is nobody knows how many "types" of human cancer plutonium causes because only a handful of people in documented settings have been exposed over history and the results of caused health problems were inconclusive:

You saying it "causes hundreds of types of cancer" is a statement pulled right out of thin air dripping with over-exaggeration typical of environmentalist propaganda like when Al Gore claims global warming is causing all the big modern earth quakes and then shows photos of a select few big quakes that killed tens of thousands in recent years (which poor building practices is why so many died in his examples but he doesn't bother mentioning that). Then he blames global warming for so many people dying in New Orleans when is was poorly built levees and the people didn't evacuate like they were told and then the government screwed it up the rest of the way. But he'll have me feel guilty because its my fault they died in Nawlin's a place I've never even been.

Awesome resource you've brought us:

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Adult
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Childhood
Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Adult
Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Childhood
Adrenocortical Carcinoma
Adrenocortical Carcinoma, Childhood
Hepatocellular (Liver) Cancer, Adult (Primary)
Hepatocellular (Liver) Cancer, Childhood (Primary)
Leukemia, Acute Lymphoblastic, Adult
Leukemia, Acute Lymphoblastic, Childhood
Leukemia, Acute Myeloid, Adult
Leukemia, Acute Myeloid, Childhood
Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Adult Acute
Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Childhood Acute
Lymphoma, Hodgkin's, Adult
Lymphoma, Hodgkin's, Childhood
Lymphoma, Hodgkin's During Pregnancy
Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin's, Adult
Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin's, Childhood

Here's my favorite part:

Pregnancy and Breast Cancer
Pregnancy and Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Pregnancy and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

This isn't a list of different types of cancer its a list of different methodologies of cancer treatments.

So if you just so happen to be pregnant when you get Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma it mysteriously mutates into a different kind of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma? And if your a child then Soft Tissue Sarcoma is different a different the type you would get if you were an adult?

There might be a tad of truth in that last part, but not how most might envision it. Saying "there are hundreds of types of" is the laymans simpleton way of saying it. Half the doctors out there are even too ignorant or stupid to get it.

But I will say there are a lot more "types" than that list. In fact at least 800. There are about 200 cell lines of lung cancer. You can divide them into groups of small cell or the ridiculous titled "non-small cell", or in 'more complexity' of 4 groups, but the truth is there are more like 200 different species of lung cancer alone. Some of these cells lines can likely be associated with other organs, and when the doctors overdose your mom with radation dose again and again and again breaking the tumor up too quickly probably any of those 200 lung cancer cell lines that scatter into the bloodstream will figure how to set up shop all throughout the body.

You saying it "causes hundreds of types" IS like saying is causes every type of cancer because plutonium isn't a threat to every part of your body so to reach your "hundreds of" mark it'd effectively have to cause something resembling 'every type' of cancer cell line that affects those parts of the human body, plus considering many cell lines are shared across different organs. This is impossible because different organs have different subclasses of cancer that are driven by either testosterone or estrogen, and without the right hormonal level conditions those types of cancers aren't likely to occur.

But still "hundreds of different types of cancer" isn't the shock and awe language I would use, not even in trying to push my irrational doom and gloom fearmongering agendas, which in your case is all of this. As it was obvious you didn't know what you were talking about I could have responded to your little snippet about cancer better. From what we actually know collectively as a species, there's no way any one single thing alone is going to cause or cure nearly every type or form or grouping or species or cell line of cancer.

There's simply too much complexity involved, and not even remotely enough data on Pu or anything else having that capability.

It's like pointing out that CO2 is rising and declaring as a fact that this fact alone means the earth is going to fry. Another example could be someone pointing out that the Mayan Long Count 'calendar' "ends" in 2012, and then stating as a fact that means they were warning us the world was going to end in 2012 without also mentioning that the calendar is based on a cyclical principle similar to how our calenders "end" every year in December, AND forgetting to mention that theres not one single piece of historical evidence even hinting that the Mayans suggested the world would also "end" with it.

Of course theres no solutions offered by the 2012 crowd either, but at least they don't generally try to make everyone feel ashamed and guilty for ever driving in an automobile or using electricity to take a hot shower and preserve food. Oh, and I've yet to see the 2012 crowd imply extreme policies that will ultimately implode the finances of myself, my countrymen and my species.

FURTHERMORE, I personally dont know of any 2012-based cases of people commiting suicide (Deepwater Horizon) or gunning down their entire family (Global Warming) because of the over the top claims the 2012 movement has put out.
edit on 2-5-2012 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by intrptr

Your satements are based on what data? What source, report, peer-reviewed paper or better yet what historical reference do you have that suggests that the Fukushima facility alone is capable of causing global devastation that threatens our species?

And what official authority, agency, etc ever claimed there's no dangers in nuclear energy? You're acting like I thought all this time nothing bad could happen. I guess thats not as bad as trying to twist my words making it look as if I'm suggesting theres no problems to ever be expected from this crisis.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

And in light of those already apprently 'superhuman' pacific islanders, how about the 300'ish nukes (including hydrogen bombs) that the US lit off in the pacific (including in the atmosphere and in SPACE), and the I think it was well over 400 nukes they lit off in Nevada.

Now this isn't to say some people might not have died sooner from all of that, but I've yet to see any data to suggest that Fukushima ALONE surpasses every human based release of nuclear materials over the past 60 years, combined, enough to warrant such mass hysteria based threads such as this.

Thanks for mentioning this. I often wonder about this myself. My ex used to ask me to watch this video online of a history of all the nuclear explosions detonated around the world. I didn't want to watch it at the time -- it was too disheartening! But now I would like to find that video to show just how much radiation has been leaked into the environment since the 1940s.

As much as I enjoy ATS for its entertaining and provocative articles, I find very little actual credible scientific evidence and research presented on this site. You are rare in that you supply actual evidence for the longer posts you create.

Anyway, I am with you on this one. I have found virtually no real hard scientific evidence about the patterns and extent of Fukishima radiation dispersal over the North American continent. I believe that this lack of readily accessible scientific information fuels fear-based, end-of-the-world scenarios as we know it. If some reputable public agency would only supply up-to-date real scientific radiation readings and data, we would perhaps be less inclined to respond to these almost hysterically fear-based death scenarios. (Of course, the data could go the other way -- in which case our fears would be justified.)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:36 PM
This reminds me of back in 79 My friend had just left Memphis, and three mile island happened, He wrote a song about "Og his mama was a Nuclear power plant Guard Dog" the song was never published, I forget how the he rest of it went.
Then I read the book "The day we amost lost Detroit", My friend was going to write one "Fukushima the Day we lost the World" but even if it got published I don't know if anyone would be around to read it.

With those who are in control we are truly doomed.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by intrptr

"Iodide" tablets are only helpful in the case of Radioactive Iodine which is short lived and except for any fresh releases has mostly decayed already. It would be poison to take it now.

I suggest you find the book "Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live WIthout it." The author. Dr. David Brownstein, presents much clinical evidence that iodine reverses breast cancer and other degenerative diseases. He also points out that we used to have iodine added to our bread products,but no longer. Thus, the population is extremely deficient in iodine.

A few drops of Lugols iodine each day will keep you healthy. Go to Earth Clinic as well to find lots of personal reports about the health benefits of iodine.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by TheMindWar

how reliable is the original source?

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:08 PM
So a handful of conspiracy theorists on ATS are the only few who can see the seriousness of this situation and it's potential dangers. While the rest of the educated world who understand the reality of the situation are all staying quiet because they don't care about the future of themselves and their families.More typical uneducated fear mongering nonsense from the paranoid members.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Thaxter

Extremely deficient in Iodine? TONS of stuff has iodine in it. Almost all the table salt people buy, for example. I had Graves Hyperthyroidism for years, and I had to be extremely careful about what I ate or I would have a "Thyroid Storm" due to excess iodine in my system. Seafood, nuts, anything with seaweed, any kind of spice mix. It seemed I could never get away from the iodine.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Thaxter

I found the link I was looking for. This is a graphic presentation of nuclear explosions from 1945 to 1998, which total 2,053 in number.

Global Nuclear Detonations 1945 to 1998

The number of American detonations in the Southwest alone is horrifying! It's incredible that we allowed this to happen in the decades after the war. One wonders how many nuclear tests are being done now in secrecy, given the public outcry that began to occur in 1970s about nuclear tests.

How does this relate to Fukushima? I don't know. Estimates creating equivalents to nuclear bombs for Fukushima ranged from 20 to 2,000 bombs, with 168 bombs apparently being an "accepted" estimate in August 2011.

Here's another site with Fukushima related news that is updated:

I found some good news on this blog. Apparently Vital Choice Wild Seafood & Organics tested all of its seafood for radiation contamination and none was found. That was reported on May 2, 2012, so it may be all right to consume wild Pacific seafood at this time.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:51 PM
Why is nothing being done to fix the problem, and why are we not being told? transparency is harder to get than a loan these days

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Malynn

You might want to check out this article, which explains iodine deficiency in laymen's terms.

If iodine/iodide are so crucial in the body, why hasn't there been more research studies published? Dr. Brownstein believes that because iodine cannot be patented there is no incentive for the drug companies to perform the research. Iodized salt and the iodine supplements usually found in health food stores contain the iodide form of iodine. Dr. Brownstein has had little success treating patients with only iodide. The supplement Iodoral contains both the iodide (reduced) and iodine (oxidized) forms of iodine because the body needs both forms. The US RDA for iodine is 150 mcg. Iodoral contains 100 times (12.5 mgs) the RDA's requirement of iodine/iodide. It seems the conventional medical establishment again has grossly underestimated the amount of a nutrient needed for good health. According to Dr. G. E. Abraham, "Of all the elements known so far to be essential for health, iodine is the most misunderstood and the most feared. Yet, it is by far the safest of all the trace elements known to be essential for human health.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by CallYourBluff
So a handful of conspiracy theorists on ATS are the only few who can see the seriousness of this situation and it's potential dangers. While the rest of the educated world who understand the reality of the situation are all staying quiet because they don't care about the future of themselves and their families.More typical uneducated fear mongering nonsense from the paranoid members.

the "rest of the world" is NOT staying quiet...they just don't get on MSM. example:..i'm still seeing ads by BP to "come on down to the gulf states and eat their delicious seafood...while at the same time the states have put in restrictions on eating seafood form the gulf, and fishermen are showing deformed fish coming out of the gulf.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

So instead of going into the ocean were eventually it will all end up deep down in the ocean floor sediments, you'd rather it coat the entire eurasian continent across the entire surface where everybody lives and most everything they eat grows?

It shouldn't take a genious to figure out that there is more volume to dilute it down into smitherenes underneath the suface of the pacific ocean (worlds largest and deepest ocean) as opposed to across the surface of eurasia (worlds most populated mega-continent).

I'm not even going to begin to get into any form of sassy debate or contest for who knows more. Pick any of 100 other topics and that's a fun approach. On this one?

No.. I wouldn't RATHER see half of Eurasia die first. I'd RATHER have seen these stupid fools put generators into far more protected areas in case such a thing were to happen. 1:Million sounds acceptable for odds until you consider that ONE ...KILLS...Millions. Then it's not so hot anymore huh?

Now, you paint a nice picture of raw, pure and exposed MOX rods in open ocean water being somehow benign over the long term or better. Well... No way in our wildest imaginations in this better.

Uranium wouldn't worry me half as much, Uranium is a naturally occurring element, however much we've found nasty ways to use it. It's a big deal for West-Pac fishing stocks, but they'd get over it in a few generations.

Instead, we don't have a naturally occurring element. We have MOX. Perhaps the most toxic and deadly substance ever deliberately created by the hands of man, BAR NONE when the Half-Life is considered. It's insanely dangerous and I'd rather eat an arsenic cupcake than even think about rods made of that sitting ANYWHERE in an open environment. In the Ocean?

Oh Good God..... Every fish that goes by that area is contaminated. They swim to other places. Life migrates. Some silly little creature may even EAT some of this crap in small amounts and help spread it through the food chain and beyond the Sea entirely! (There is NO If...only when and how much, to be honest) Anything from Seagulls then going to die on land and be eaten by land critters..with a stomach full of Mox traced a variety of other vectors.

I'm not one to say we're ALL dead, because we aren't. There are too many Billions of people and unless Fuku blows again, it's not putting out THAT much. In a few generations though, I'll challenge any scientist to find people in the Northern Hemisphere especially that do NOT carry some level of trace material that goes back to that plant on the Japanese Coast. We're not all dead...but we WILL all be touched and far more than I can consider without getting depressed ARE dead already, they just have a few years before that becomes official. The rest of us? Well...I'm damn glad Humans can physcially adapt or perhaps this nightmare WOULD be the end of us over the next few decades.

^^^ THAT, however, is why I'm not going to split hairs on a baboon for just HOW that place is in the process of killing so many. Land? Water? Who really cares.....With the absolute nightmares they had for Fuel in at least one Reactor building that blew all over the coast there, it's all a moot point now but for timelines and estimates for how many years.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:25 PM
If the people are going to be smart then they need a whole bunch of orgonite, a man-made stone that is capable of neutralizing radioactive waters, and throw it all into the ocean and wait.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Thaxter
reply to post by intrptr

"Iodide" tablets are only helpful in the case of Radioactive Iodine which is short lived and except for any fresh releases has mostly decayed already. It would be poison to take it now.

I suggest you find the book "Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live WIthout it." The author. Dr. David Brownstein, presents much clinical evidence that iodine reverses breast cancer and other degenerative diseases. He also points out that we used to have iodine added to our bread products,but no longer. Thus, the population is extremely deficient in iodine.

A few drops of Lugols iodine each day will keep you healthy. Go to Earth Clinic as well to find lots of personal reports about the health benefits of iodine.

Sorry you misunderstood. I was directing my comment specifically at Potassium Iodide tablets that Blissfully Ignorant was suggesting people take. I totally agree with what you say about iodine in the diet. Thanks for sharing that to help clarify.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by CoolStoryMan
Why is nothing being done to fix the problem, and why are we not being told? transparency is harder to get than a loan these days

Because once Pandoras Box is opened, there ain't no putting the evil back. Or cleaning it up from the environment.
There are measures to be taken to protect yourself, but its really, really hard to separate individual atoms and even smaller things like Isotopes and Nuclides from the dirt at your feet, the water you drink and the food you eat.

They are smaller than anything and are readily absorbed by living cells as food. You see? How do you clean a cell of the radioactive contaminants within it?

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
reply to post by MrSandman

Ah! Finally somebody asked the magic question:
The answer is Generation IV nuclear power plants, and its sister pyrometalurgical recycling methodology.

You say don't "scream" unless you have facts from sources. Then you cite the link above as a solution to the problem. From your link:

Generation IV reactors (Gen IV) are a set of theoretical nuclear reactor designs currently being researched. Most of these designs are generally not expected to be available for commercial construction before 2030.

So theoretically these don't even exist yet. Besides which:

One disadvantage of any new reactor technology is that safety risks may be greater initially as reactor operators have little experience with the new design. Nuclear engineer David Lochbaum has explained that almost all serious nuclear accidents have occurred with what was at the time the most recent technology. He argues that "the problem with new reactors and accidents is twofold: scenarios arise that are impossible to plan for in simulations; and humans make mistakes". As one director of a U.S. research laboratory put it, "fabrication, construction, operation, and maintenance of new reactors will face a steep learning curve: advanced technologies will have a heightened risk of accidents and mistakes. The technology may be proven, but people are not".

So the answer is... wait at least 20 years and maybe by then somebody will make better reactors? How does that help anybody now? What to do about the current stockpile of waste, spent fuel, nuclear reactors (and weapons) all over the planet?

Wait, don't answer that

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by intrptr

Do link your source stating that potassium iodide is "poison"....

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